cloud computing security 2018

Research on Cloud Computing Security Risk Assessment Based on Information Entropy and Markov Chain.
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The measurement and assessment of risk is an important basis for the research of cloud computing security risk, it can provide important data for risk management decisions. However, due to the uncertainties of risk occurrences and losses, actual risk have multiple

Information Resources Sharing Security in Cloud Computing [J]
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1College of Information and Communications, National University of Defense Technology, Xian, Shaanxi, 71010 China Abstract: With the wide application of cloud computing, cloud computing security issues are now becoming more and more popular

A study of data storage security issues in cloud computing
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1745 Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC 2010). M. AlZain, E. Pardede, B. Soh, and J. Thom, Cloud computing security : From single to multi-clouds, in System Science (HICSS) 45th Hawaii International Conference on, 201 pp. 5490 5499

Security Enhancement for Data Objects in Cloud Computing
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All rights reserved by 18 Security Enhancement for Data Objects in Cloud Computing 2012 Secure overlay cloud storage with access control and assured deletion . [20] D. Zissis and D. Lekkas. 2012 Addressing cloud computing security issues .

Cloud computing security : A Review
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Cloud computing is the long dreamed vision of computing as a utility, where data owners can remotely store their data in the cloud to enjoy on-demand high-quality applications and services from a shared pool of configurable computing resources. The main advantage of

Cloud Computing : Security Issues and Security Standards
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ABSTRACT A Cloud contains a huge pool of assets, which could be reallocated to various purposes inside brief time allotments, and enables the cloud proprietor to profit altogether from economies of scale and in addition from factual multiplexing. Cloud benefits today are

Cloud Computing Security and Biometrics
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With the increased usage of cloud computing, there is a need to address the security issues also. No. of techniques have been proposed and is there in use. Still there are few problems related to authentication in cloud environment. This paper throws a light on such problems

Cloud computing security challenges and solutions
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Cloud computing is useful to companies and organizations as it eliminates the requirement for them to plan ahead for provisioning, and allows them to start with small resources and increase gradually as the service demand rises. There are challenges in adopting cloud

Cloud computing security issues and methods to resolve
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Data, an information generator is a sensitive element for an organization. It becomes more sensitive for those organizations which are involved in financial transactions. A large no of organizations are still in ambivalence whether to cloudify or not to cloudify because of

Cloud computing security privacy and forensics: Issues and challenges ahead
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As the applications of cloud computing are increasing day by day, it is mandatory that both service providers and users make sure that safety, security and privacy covers and mechanisms should be as per the requirements. Cloud computing has become one of the

Cloud outsourcing computing security protocol of matrix multiplication computation based on similarity transformation
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Page 1. 90 Int. J. Wireless and Mobile Computing, Vol. 1 No. 2018 Copyright 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Cloud outsourcing computing security protocol of matrix multiplication computation based on similarity transformation Shanshan Kong

Literature review of security issues in saas for public cloud computing: a meta-analysis
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Keywords: Cloud Computing ; Security Issues in Cloud Computing; Authentication; Encryption; Saas; Security Framework in Cloud Computing; EPSB. 1. Introduction Fig. 1: Cloud Computing Layers. 2. Literature review 2.1. Security issues in public cloud computing

A review of the Security challenges in the cloud computing
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Hungary Keywords: cloud computing , security , information and communication service JEL Codes: M1 O3 O33 the survey showed that digital transforming is the main factor driving the enterprises to engage in cloud computing . 3. security challenges in cloud computing

A Survey on Various Security Issues and Challenges to Secure Cloud Computing
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Index Terms Cloud Computing , Security Issues, Homomorphic encryption, Counter measure. I. INTRODUCTION Cloud is defined as the computing based network on internet. Cloud Computing is an emerging technology in todays world

Security and Compliance Management in Cloud Computing
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47 Security and Compliance Management in Cloud Computing And comparing different SECaaS vendors for different aspects of security and compliance. KEYWORDS:- Cloud Computing , Security , Compliance, Security-as-a-Service (SECaaS). I. INTRODUCTION

A Review: Mobile Cloud Computing: Its Challenges and Security
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V. Mobile Cloud Computing Security The one of the key issues that most cloud providers are given consideration is securing mobile cloud computing is users privacy and integrity of data or applications Fig3:Mobile Cloud Computing Security

A fully security included cloud computing architecture
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Keywords: Cloud Computing , Security Infrastructure, Cloud Computing Architectures, Enforcing Security Among Cloud Computing Systems. 1. Introduction Cloud computing is basically service model deployed over internet to provided services to the end users

Cloud computing: study of security issues and research challenges
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The exploration in the technological and security concerns of cloud computing has led to the concluding realization on the overall aspects of cloud computing . 2. CLOUD COMPUTING ARCHITECTURE 2.1 SERVICE MODELS 3. SECURITY ISSUES IN CLOUD COMPUTING

Review of Security Methods in Cloud Computing
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In 2016 Nidal Hassan Hussein et. al. wrote a paper. In this paper a comprehensive survey of existing literature for cloud computing security challenges and solutions is presented. At the end of this paper the authors propose a model for cloud computing security

Cloud Computing : Security Issues
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Cloud computing is an architecture which provides computing service through the internet on demand and pays per use access to a pool of shared resources namely networks, storage, servers, services and applications, without physically acquiring them. So it saves CSE PROJECTS