object oriented development research papers 21

Applying fuzzy logic techniques in object-oriented software development
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F Marcelloni, M Aksit ,Object-Oriented Technologys, 1998 ,Springer
 costs. References 1. Booch, G.: Object-Oriented Design with Applications. The
Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. 1991 . 2. Coleman, D. et al.:
Object-Oriented Development, The Fusion Method. Prentice Hall 1994 . 3 

 Bridging the gap between service-oriented and object-oriented approach in information systems development
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 BORM is fundamentally an object-oriented development methodology, but dif- fers from
other such methodologies.  BORM, similarly to other object-oriented development
methodologies is based on the spiral model for the development life cycle. 

 Object-Oriented Development Using The Shlaer-Mellor Method
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RC Montrose ,Project Technology, Inc., Irving, Texas, 1995 ,ooatool.com
ABSTRACT The Shlaer-Mellor Method for Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA) and Recursive
Design (RD) is one of the most popular and widely used methods for Object-Oriented
development. More than 2000 projects have used it since Sally Shlaer and Stephen J. 

 EROOS: An Entity-Relationship based Object-Oriented Development Method
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S Van Baelen, J Lewi, E Steegmans ,DECUS BELUX 1992 , 1992 ,cs.kuleuven.be
By its layered approach, the EROOS method aims at increasing modularity, extendibility,
reusability and maintainability of software systems. The incorporation of these different
aspects leads to a development method that hopes to achieve the right balance between 

 Object Oriented Matrix Structure for the Development of Computing Tools in Electric Power Systems
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MN Agostini, JMF Ferreira, IC Decker ,Proceedings of the VIII , 2002 ,labplan.ufsc.br
 of this research. References: [1] J. ZHU, DL LUBKEMAN, Object-Oriented Development
of Software Systems for Power System Simulations, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems,
vol. 12, no. 2, May 1997, pp. 1002-1007. [2] A. MANZONI 

 Object oriented approach to development of MES applications
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L LANDRYOVA, P OSADNIK ,XXXIII. Seminar ASR ‘2008 Instruments and , 2008 ,fs.vsb.cz
 The concept of a component-based or object- oriented development is being introduced into
these lessons now.  To improve the application development process, the concept of a
component-based object-oriented development was introduced into our practice. 

 Using safety contracts in the development of safety critical object-oriented systems
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RD Hawkins ,2006 ,cs.york.ac.uk
 The second section firstly discusses the basic concepts of the OO paradigm. Approaches to object
oriented development are explored as well as notations used in designing OO systems. This
will include methodologies used for developing real-time systems. 

 Integrating Model Checking into Object-oriented Software Development Processes
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F Xie, V Levin, JC Browne ,2000 ,userweb.cs.utexas.edu
 2 Page 3. The development process that integrates object-oriented development and model
checking, shown in Figure 2 has the following steps: Requirement Specification Work Product
Step Feedback Input Output Object-oriented Analysis Simulation Validation By 

 Directions in Object-Oriented Systems Development Research
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J VAN HIIXEGERSBERG, K KUMAR, RJ WELKE ,Methodology ,is2.lse.ac.uk
Page 1. 3. CCTA,(1989). Compactmanual.versionl.l. CCTA.Norwich. 4. Checkland,
P., (1981). Systems Thinking. Systems Practice. Wiley. 5. Checkland, P.S. Howell
(1990). Information Management and Organisational Processes 

 Abstraction Stratification in an Object-Oriented Development Method like EROOS
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S Van Baelen, J Lewi, E Steegmans ,Workshop on Object-Oriented , 1992 ,cs.kuleuven.be
An important key for mastering software complexity is the recognition that change is an
intrinsic property of software systems. Therefore two important principles have been
incorporated in the EROOS development process: reflection of the real world into the 

 The Acceptance of Object-Oriented Development Methodologies in Australian Organizations and the Place of UML in Information Systems Programs
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RA Hodgett ,Information Science, 2003 ,proceedings.informingscience.org
Abstract It is claimed that the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is emerging as the
accepted standard graphical language for specifying, constructing, visualizing and
documenting the object oriented information systems development process. As such it has 

 The Music Notation Toolkit: A Study in Object-Oriented Development
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A Eales ,Proceedings of the NACCQ 2000, 2000
ABSTRACT The Music Notation Toolkit (MNT) is an objectoriented C++ library for music
notation that simplifies the development of music software in a Microsoft Windows
environment. Semantic relationships between different music symbols are accurately 

 The Impact of Object Oriented Development Methods on Software Quality
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G Biricik, A Buharali, O Kalipsiz ,Impact OF Software Process ON , 2003 ,cs.bilkent.edu.tr
Abstract This paper briefly presents software quality factors and metrics as well as the most
popular five object oriented software analysis and design methods (Booch, Coad &
Yourdon, Wirfs-Brock, Jacobson, and Rumbaugh). After describing every method 

 Real-time control systems: a one document object oriented development process
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G Chiozzi, J Filgueira, F Pasian ,Proc. Int. Conf. Accelerator , 1999 ,accelconf.web.cern.ch
Abstract The Object Oriented community is converging towards a unified development
process driven by Use Cases [1], where the Unified Modelling Language (UML)[3] has
become the standard analysis and design language. Control systems for scientific 

 A Case Study in Object-Oriented Development: External Merge Sort
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LM Wilkens ,The Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual , 1997 ,ccscjournal.willmitchell.info
This paper reports on the experience of mentoring a class of upper-level undergraduate
Computer Science majors through a project that was chosen to emphasize both the
strengths of the object-oriented paradigm and the difficulties inherent in the software 

 Teaching the Complete Object-oriented Development Cycle, Including OOA and OOD, with UML and the UP
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RB Jackson, JW Satzinger ,2003 ,isedj.org
Abstract: Many information system programs currently teach a combination of structured
techniques and object-oriented techniques for system development. Very few programs
teach complete OOA and OOD concepts based on UML and tie it in with OOP. 

 Shlaer-Mellor Object-Oriented Development: A Manager’s Practical Guide
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MM Lee ,1996 ,ooatool.com
An intellectual understanding of downhill skiing techniques, no matter how thorough, is not
sufficient to ensure the success of a new skier as they peer down the side of a mountain for
the first time. Theory is not enough. The new skier must experience the phenomena of 

Automating the Object-Oriented Software Development Process: Workshop Report
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 products (artifacts). There is a need for new modeling formalisms, which enable the
quantification of the required quality attributes and support the automation of the
object-oriented development process (AOOSD). The ECOOP