plant-disease-identification IEEE PAPER

plant disease identification using content based image retrieval techniques based on Android system

Plant Disease Identification using Content Based Image Retrieval Techniques Based on Android System
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Abstract: Mobile phones are widely used devices around. Android, Windows Mobile, and the iPhone, mobile phones are different brands which have changed the way we look at mobile computing. Many applications like games, social networking, and bank transactions are used on mobile today. Today, everyone is using mobile phones, including the farmers. Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has an important role

Delivering water directly to the base of a plant keeps foliage dry and prevents disease development. Leaf spots cause concern but are rarely destructive. Bacterial spot. Black spot. Mosaic virus. Powdery mildew. Rose rosette. Rust.

A symptom of plant disease is a visible effect of disease on the plant. Symptoms may include a detectable change in color, shape or function of the plant as it responds to the pathogen. Leaf wilting is a typical symptom of verticilium wilt, caused by the fungal plant pathogens

A variety of chemicals are available that have been designed to control plant diseases by inhibiting the growth of or by killing the disease-causing pathogens. Chemicals used to control bacteria (bactericides), fungi (fungicides), and nematodes (nematicides) may be applied to seeds, foliage, flowers, fruit, or soil.
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