solar energy research papers 93

 Solar Radiation, a Friendly Renewable Energy Source
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EB Babatunde ,
139 The average amount of solar energy radiated to earth is about 1kW/m2,
depending on the latitude and regional weather pattern of a location on the Earth’s surface
(Green, 2001). 1.1 The uncertainty of fossil fuel energy sources 

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W Rossi ,
141 Abstract The focus of this paper will be on the harvesting and storage of thermal
energy as an environmentally- friendly source of renewable energy. Specifically, this paper will
discuss and evaluate the benefits of using molten salts to store solar energy in the form 

 Design and Build of a Solar Energy System for Personal Implementation
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DJ Desaulniers ,2012 ,
143  1. Introduction Energy Systems recent push in energy independence, alternate
energy systems hav prevalent. From solar to wind, these renewable energy systems are slo r
way into households across the world. However, there is one major i what could be wild 

 An Open-Loop Energy Neutral Power Manager for Solar Harvesting WSN
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A Castagnetti, A Pegatoquet, C Belleudy ,Proc. 2nd International , 2012 ,
143 Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks,Solar Energy Harvesting, Power Management. 
In this paper we propose a generic model for solar energy harvesting wireless sensor node, that
we validate on real hardware. A novel power management architecture is then proposed 

 Work in Progress: Prediction of Solar Energy for Infrastructure based Wireless Sensor Networks
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VS Rao, S Devasenapathy, RV Prasad ,2012 ,
147  ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networks are used in scenarios where many
sensors need to collect data and exchange with a central base station. These battery
powered devices are expected to have a long lifetime as frequent battery replacement is 

A5-Colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals for solar energy conversion
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D Vanmaekelbergh ,Nanostructured Systems for Solar Fuel ,
148  The basic system to convert photon energy into exciton energy and/or free
charge carriers is a semiconductor crystal. Macroscopic semiconductors have a well-defined
valence and conduction band, and an optical band gap determined by the atomic lattice. 

A6-Photoelectrochemical Approaches to Solar Energy Conversion
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B Parkinson ,Nanostructured Systems for Solar Fuel Production ,
148  Semiconducting metal oxides could potentially be stable under illumination in
an aqueous electrolyte for many years making them the most promising materials for solar
water photoelectrolysis. The problem is that no known oxide semiconductor can efficiently 

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T Barbour ,2012 ,
149  Savannah Environmental (Pty) Ltd were appointed by African Clean Energy
Developments (Pty) Ltd (ACED) as the lead consultants to manage the Basic Assessment
(BA) process for the establishment of a proposed 150 MW Photovoltaic Solar Energy 

 Modeling Grid Connection for Solar and Wind Energy
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F Chen ,
150 With the introduction of Mosfets for the lower power area and IGBT’s for the high
power applications, the control of grid side inverters became more advanced. The primary concern
in grid converter design is the efficiency, mainly driven by the high cost of solar energy 

 Use of Solar Tracking System for Extracting Solar Energy
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G Deb ,
153  Abstract—The increasing demand for energy, the continuous reduction in
existing sources of fossil fuels and the growing concern regarding environment pollution,
have pushed mankind to explore new technologies for the production of electrical energy 

 Solar Energy Laboratory: Summary of Ten Years Continuous Experiences
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D Dimitrov, V Stoilkov ,
153  Abstract. As a result of nearly 30 years of research activities in the field, and a
need for experimental work, in 2002 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and IT at Sts
Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, a Solar Energy Laboratory had been 

 Controlled power distributed photovoltaic system using solar energy forecast
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D Díaz, JA Souto, A Rodríguez, S Saavedra ,
153  Abstract. The use of renewable energy sources to supply electricity in
customer grids is a current practise in developed countries and, particularly, in the case of
distributed solar energy generation grids. Even though, the environmental benefits of the 

 Development of Solar Powered Boat for Maximum Energy Efficiency
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JC de Castro Nóbrega ,
153 The Nautilus is a solar powered pleasure boat and basically designed for
day-and weekend-trips. Key words Solar Energy, Boat Design, Boat Propulsion, Boat Engine
and Boat Model. 1. Introduction  7. Solar Energy Table VIII. ,Solar dates 

The Solar Wind Energy Flux
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G Le Chat, K Issautier ,Solar Physics, 2012 ,Springer
154 ? = W [ VSW ( V 2 SW 2 + M?G R? )]-1 (2) For the Wind/3DP 24-second averaged
data set corresponding to more than 1.9 billion measurements from December 1994 to September
2011, the most probable value of the solar energy flux at 1 AU is ˜W = 8.5 × 10 -4 

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IN MACEDONIA ,Kiril Popovski
155  ABSTRACT Macedonia has excellent geographical and climate conditions for
solar energy utilization. Despite that, the solar energy application is at minimal level. The
reasons are multiple having political, economic, educational, awareness background. 

 Uses of Alternative forms of Sustainable Energy: Case of Solar Photovoltaic System in the Rural Areas of Bangladesh
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ATA Chowdhury ,
155 alternative ways needs to be identified. The climate of Bangladesh is tropical,
which is suitable to use the resource of solar energy to produce electricity and meet a
number of energy demands. Thus, in remote and rural areas 

 Solar Energy Resources Used in Building in Chongqing, China
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D Yong, L Bai-Zhan, Y Run-Ming, L Da-Qi
158  Our country is very rich in solar resource with annual total solar radiation about
3340-8360MJ/m2, equivalent to 110-250kg standard coal/m2 (Wei, 2006). Since energy
crisis occurrence, an upsurge in application of new energy has been emerged in various 

 Solar Energy Use for Thermal Application in Poland
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D Chwieduk ,
159  Abstract The paper presents some aspects of solar radiation conditions in
Poland and solar energy availability. Data for solar radiation on surfaces with different slope
and orientation are important for elements of a building an envelope, as well as for solar 

 Prediction of Solar Radiation Intensity for Cost-Effective PV Sizing and Intelligent Energy Buildings
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E Kaplani
159 Page 2. Solar Power 4 radiation data for various latitudes. Calculations and analysis
was performed on the daily average solar radiation on top-of-atmosphere data obtained from
NASA’s online database (NASA Surface meteorology and Solar Energy, 2011). 

Role of acridine orange–sodium lauryl sulphate system in photogalvanic cell for solar energyconversion
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KR Genwa ,International Journal of Renewable Energy , 2012 ,Inderscience
160  Energy conversion efficiency was studied in liquid phase photogalvanic cell
consisting acridine orange as photosensitiser, NaLS as surfactant and DTPA as reductant.
Values of photopotential and photocurrent generated by this system were 746.0 mV and