matlab research papers 2015 IEEE PAPER

Robotic ControlVisualization Toolbox for MATLAB
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Abstract: Industrial robots are used in various application fields and many robot manufacturers are active on the mar et. In most cases, their software solutions are proprietary and thereby they cannot be used for third party robots. Moreover, the

MATLAB Simulation of RFID Communication Protocol for Sensor Data Acquisition
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Abstract: Data acquisition processes the sampling and conditioning the signals that measure real world physical conditions such as temperature, pressure, flow etc. and convert the signal into in appropriate format for displaying and transmission to remote end. Now a

Matlab-Based Computer-Aided-Design Algorithm for Designing Stepped-Impedance Resonator Low-Pass Filters in Microstrip Technology
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Abstract An accurate MATLAB-based CAD algorithm for quickly designing microstrip-based stepped-impedance resonator (SIR) low-pass filter is reported. The algorithm uses a circuit- theory approach to implement speedy computations, compared to the time-consuming

Security Enhancement in Image Steganography a MATLAB Approach
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Abstract: Steganography helps in communication of secured data in several carries like images, videos and audio. It undergoes many useful applications and well known for ill intentions. It was mainly proposed for the security techniques in the increase of

Using Active Learning in Motor Control and Matlab Simulation
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Abstract:People's desire to produce systems capable of learning and decision making, has led to the concept of artificial intelligence. One of the many ways that is used in the design of intelligent systems is artificial neural networks. Artificial neural networks are computational

Development of Multiple-Precision Arithmetic on MATLAB for Numerical Computations of Ill-Posed Problems
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Abstract In this talk we will introduce a new multiple-precision arithmetic environment on MATLAB which is widely used for scientific and engineering computing. It enables us to approximate real numbers and their arithmetic with an arbitrary accuracy, and to realize

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Abstract-This paper presents the study of phase control strategy of ac voltage controller using MATLAB and PROTEUS simulation software. PIC microcontroller (PIC 16F877A) is used to generate the clock pulses for the triac based ac voltage controller circuit. Key

Modeling mixed boundary problems with the complex variable boundary element method (CVBEM) using matlab and mathematica
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ABSTRACT The complex variable boundary element method or CVBEM is a numerical technique that can provide solutions to potential value problems in two or more dimensions by the use of an approximation function that is derived from the Cauchy integral equation

A MATLAB Toolbox for Optimization of Deep Borehole Heat Exchanger Storage Systems
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Abstract Due to its seasonal changes solar energy presents a suitable source to setup a storage system with borehole heat exchangers (BHE). Excess heat is fed in during summer and extracted in winter. A couple of requirements have to be met by such a system: the

a Matlab Geodetic Software for Processing Airborne LIDAR Bathymetry Data
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ABSTRACT: The ability to build three-dimensional models through technologies based on satellite navigation systems GNSS and the continuous development of new sensors, as Airborne Laser Scanning Hydrography (ALH), data acquisition methods and 3D multi-

Scaffolding MATLAB and octave software comprehension through visualization
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Abstract:Multiple view interactive environments (MVIEs) provide visual resources to support the comprehension of a specific domain dataset. For any domain, different views can be selected and configured in a real time fashion to be better adjusted to the user

Fulgur: MATLAB GUI application for working with near infrared calibration sets. Part 1: The Fulgur application
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NIR instruments in combination with multivariate data calibration models are useful tools in process monitoring. The calibration models often need to overcome matrix effects and must be re-calibrated over time to compensate for, eg, changes in process parameters or raw

Model-Based Testing Approach for MATLAB/Simulink using System Entity Structure and Experimental Frames
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EF= T, I, O, C, i, c, SU where:T is the time base,I is the set of input variables,O is the set of output variables,C is the set of control variables,i is the set of admissible input segments,c is the set of admissible control segments andSU is a set of summary

Hiearchical clustering of documents: A brief study and implementation in Matlab
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ABSTRACT The paper discusses and implements hierarchical clustering of documents. The objective is to group similar documents together using hierarchical clustering methods. The paper aims at organizing a set of documents into clusters. The paper is focused on Web

Study and Analysis of Various Image Enhancement Method using MATLAB
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Sumit Kushwaha#1, Dr. Rabindra Kumar Singh#2 #1#2 Electronics Engineering Department/Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur/India 228118 and #1

Energy Management Strategies for Modern Electric Vehicles Using MATLAB/Simulink
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Abstract The paper describes the various energy management techniques that can be implemented for a modern electric vehicle by using MATLAB/Simulink. The Renault Twizy vehicle is considered for MATLAB simulation. Regenerative braking technique is

System Entity Structure Ontology Toolbox for MATLAB/Simulink: Used for Variant Modelling
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Abstract: In computer science ontology is often understood as a formal specifi cation of a shared conceptualization in form of a model. The considered doma in of conceptualiza tion is mod eling and simulation of modular, hierarchical systems. In this context, the System

Removing Patient information from MRI and CT images using MATLAB
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Abstract Magnetic resonance images (MRIs) and X-ray computed tomography (CT) scans are essential tools in both the clinical and research environment for obtaining anatomical information from patients as well as from tissue samples. However, while the images

Research on Conversion of DICOM Multi-Frame Medical Image in to Multimedia Format usingMATLAB
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Abstract DICOM standard has been widely used, most of domestic and international medical imaging equipment such as Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance, Positron Emission Tomography etc. has supported DICOM standard. DICOM image contain image

Development of MatLab Programme to study nonlinear vibration of a cantilever beam
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Abstract The finite element model for the nonlinear transverse vibration of the beam was implemented in the program NLB This program was used to calculate the steady state response of the beam. The numerical results from the program were compared to the

TerraceM: A Matlabtool to analyze marine terraces from high-resolution topography
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To date, Light detection and ranging (LiDAR), high-resolution topographic data sets enable remote identification of submeter-scale geomorphic features bringing valuable information of the landscape and geomorphic markers of tectonic deformation such as fault-scarp offsets,

Implementation of Fast Fourier Transform and Vedic Algorithm for Image Enhancement UsingMatlab
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Abstract The basic problems in digital image processing are image signal representation and modelling, enhancement, restoration, reconstructions from projections, analysis and coding. Image enhancement includes method for contrast enhancement, edge detection,

The Development of MATLAB Functions for Effective Use and Improvement of Student Learning in a Thermodynamics Course
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Abstract One of the most time consuming and tedious aspects of problem solving in thermodynamics is looking up properties within extensive tables and using them for various computations. Many students view this aspect of thermodynamics to be an abstract

PSPICE and MATLAB/SimElectronic Based Teaching of Linear Integrated Circuit: A New Approach
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Abstract:Theoretical concepts learnt during lectures are usually toughened by Experimental work. The concept of modeling, analysis and designing various circuits and systems in linear integrated circuit are extremely challenging. To impart this knowledge

Software failure analysis of brake-by-wire automotive safety critical system using FMEA, FTA and MATLAB techniques
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Abstract: Safety critical systems are those systems whose failure could result in loss of life, significant properity damage, or damage to the environment. In cars we have common Braking System. The braking system like mechanical and hydraulic braking systems. The

Analysis of Single-Electrode EEG Rhythms Using MATLAB to Elicit Correlation with Cognitive Stress
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(EEG) analysis in MATLAB environment with the objective to investigate effectiveness of cognitive stress recognition algorithm using EEG from single-electrode BCI. 25 subjects' EEG were recorded in MATLAB with the use of Stroop color-word test as stress inducer.

A dynamic aggregate supply and aggregate demand model with Matlab
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Abstract We use the framework implicit in the model of inflation by Shone (1997) to address the analytical properties of a simple dynamic aggregate supply and aggregate demand (AS- AD) model and solve it numerically. The model undergoes a bifurcation as its steady state

Design and Development of Auto Rejection System by using MATLAB Software
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Abstract:Many industrial applications requires automated rejection system and nowadays traditional rejection systems are less considered or almost removed. So in this paper we represent automated rejection system of any object on the basis of their shape and colour

Isotropic Damage Model using RPIM Meshless Method Formulation under Tensile and Compressive Displacement Imposition on Concrete in Matlab
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Abstract In the framework of continuum damage mechanics, in this study, it is focused on the damage phenomenon on the concrete material. It is a 2D analysis of a solid beam in Matlab. The method utilized is based on Meshless method formulations in plane stress state. The

Demo Matlab tool for modeling RF PAs using the kernel methodology
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The Demo_Kernel_Ident. m delivers in the screen output the additive evolution of the error (NMSE) for each of the nonlinear functions used in the model. For instance using the settings described in the example above the output screen is, kernel g_0 training NMSE:-

Modeling of Symmetrical Squirrel Cage Induction Machine with MatLab Simulink.
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Simulink dynamical model based on mathematical dq model of a squirrel cage induction machine, for having direct access to the rotor bars current. The simulation was performed with actual parameters data of a standard 4 kW, four poles, induction motor with cage rotor

SynGrasp: A Matlab Toolbox for Underactuated and Compliant Hands Version 2.2 User Guide
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1.1 Summary SynGrasp is a MATLAB toolbox developed for the analysis of grasping, suitable both for robotic and human hands. It includes functions for the definition of hand kinematic structure and of the contact points with a grasped object. The coupling between

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Abstract-MATLAB's straight forward programming interface makes it an ideal tool for speech analysis. In this work, experience was gained in general MATLAB programming. A basic speaker recognition algorithm has been written to sort through a rule base in MATLAB and

Study on Electric Power Steering System based on ADAMS and MATLAB
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ABSTRACT Electric Power Steering (EPS) is a full electric system, which reduces the amount of steering effort by directly applying the output from an electric motor to the steering system. This study aimed at developing EPS boost curve embody into the assist

MATLAB codes (CodaQ) for estimation of attenuation characteristics of coda waves
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Seismic waves recorded by seismographs contain information about the seismic source (eg, hypocenter parameters, earthquake source parameters and type of faulting), the path through which they travelled and near surface site characteristics. Seismologists over the

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Abstract: Magnetic Resonance Imaging has become a widely used method of high quality medical imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an advanced medical imaging technique providing rich information about the human soft tissue anatomy. Mathematical

A Brief Introduction to the Matlab package StepSignalMargiLike
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Background Locating the aberration regions in a genomic DNA sequence is important for understanding the pathogenesis of cancer and many other diseases. Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) is a technique developed for such a purpose. A typical

A Comprehensive Modeling and Simulation of Power Quality Disturbances UsingMATLAB/SIMULINK
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Abstract This book chapter presents a comprehensive set of MATLAB/Simulink models used to simulate various power quality disturbances. The models presented include distribution line fault, induction motor starting, and transformer energizing that are used to simulate

Modeling and Simulation of BLDC Motor using MATLAB/SIMULINK Environment
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Abstract: Brushless DC Motors are specifically used for variety of industrial applications like traction drive and electric vehicle application and heating ventilation system because of its higher efficiency, high torque and low volume. Positioning control is mostly needed in

Security System for Sending Information Containing Hidden Voice Data by Steganography (SIOVE) Using Matlab
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Abstract:with the modern use of technology and communication, data and information travel through many channels. During transmission they may be vulnerable to passive or active attacks, in which messages are used by criminal groups to undermine the integrity

Single Phase Multilevel Inverters with Simple Control Strategy Using MATLAB
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Abstract-This paper presents the simulation of 3, 5, 7level inverters. The realization of these three different levels is done by cascading one, two, three H-bridges in series respectively in MATLAB. The use of simple control strategy which is applied for switching the switches at

Low-Cost, Flexible Controls Lab Platform using Matlab/Simulink and Non-Uniform Sampling
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Abstract There is a movement in undergraduate labs toward smaller, more mobile, more modular equipment for the purposes of engaging students and managing higher enrollments. This paper presents a relatively low-cost, flexible, modular platform for

Research on the Maximal Bearing Capacity Calculation of a New Double Ring Reducer Based on MATLAB
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Abstract: The bearing capacity of a new double ring reducer increases with the increase of load because of the elastic deformation of the gear tooth. In order to solve the problem of its bearing capacity quantificationally, the concept of the maximal bearing capacity is put

Pre-and post-processing unstructured grids for estuary and coastal sea models with the PUGMatlab toolbox
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There are many software solutions to generate unstructured grids, but none offer satisfactory builtin functionalities to define the contour of a real domain, which can be painful to obtain. Another issue is the lack of a standard file format to save unstructured grids or model

A Study on Image Processing of Log Inner Decay Derived from Stress Wave Testing Based on MATLAB.
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Abstract This paper deals about image processing of log internal decays using MATLAB technique. Specifically, image enhancement, image edge detection and decay area extraction and calculation on the two-dimension image of log inner decays that were

Matlab/Simulink Modeling to study the effect of partially shaded condition on Photovoltaic array's Maximum Power Point
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Abstract-Solar energy is an important source of renewable energy due to the easy access to the source. One drawback in this system is achieving the maximum efficiency of the system. The photovoltaic (PV) cell is the fundamental unit in the power conversion of the solar

Simulation of Energy Recycling Technique for an Electric Scooter Using MATLAB/SIMULINK Environment
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Abstract Nowadays Electric Vehicles are widely used for the urban transportation because of their sustainability, High torque, low volume, zero emission and energy saving. Electric scooter can go certain limit of distance based on the battery capacity it consists. This

Accumulation of Aspect-Oriented Features to MATLAB: Issues and Problems
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Abstract: Aspect-oriented programming permits software developers to supplement programs by means of information out of the scope of the base language while not hinder the code readability and also its portability. MATLAB is a well known modeling/

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ABSTRACT: FCT/UNESP has been developing CARTOMORPH to be a public domain software which can be operated by users needing to extract and/or detect features from digital images. In this work, two methods were applied for the extraction and/or detection

A 2D-DCT Image Processing in Matlab and Voice Informatics Based Remote Home Monitoring and Security System
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Abstract This paper proposes, designs and constructs an image recognitionvoice technology based security system by highlighting the advantages of image processing technology and voice synthesis technology which are presence in the electronic market.

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This paper present a MATLAB based project where images taken by the camera are processed for colours and the position of a specific-coloured object is extracted out of the image. Based on the position of the specific coloured object in the image, different data

Investigation on Dynamic Responses of a Heavy vehicle with Tire Blow-out Based onMatlab/Simulink
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Abstract: A 7-DOF vehicle model is proposed based on Matlab/Simulink. The longitudinal and lateral tire forces are computed by Dugoff tire model. The proposed model provides a relatively comprehensive mathematical characterization for tire blow-out course and can Stochastic digital signal processing involved in wireless communication such as mathematical modelling, detection theory, estimation theory and modulation techniques are discussed in this book. Concepts such as coherent time, coherent frequency, Doppler

MATLAB-Based 3-D MoM and FDTD Codes for the RCS Analysis of Realistic Objects
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Electrical engineering education and training necessities electromagnetic (EM) MODSIM approaches [1]–[3]. Modeling and simulation has long been discussed in this magazine both as feature articles and as tutorials in this column. Multipurpose two-dimensional (2-D)

Designing of Lag compensator using Matlab
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Abstract The gain crossover frequency and closed-loop bandwidth for the lagcompensated system will be lower than for the uncompensated plant (after the steady-state error specification has been satisfied), so the compensated system will respond more slowly in

MATLAB Simulation Based Various Path Loss Prediction Model
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Abstract-A In this article we aim to adopt a propagation model for Rourkela in which we examine the applicability ofin GSM frequency band. We accomplish the investigation in variation in path loss between the measured and predicted

Morphological Image Processing GUI using MATLAB
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Programming for Computations-A Gentle Introduction to Numerical MATLAB/Octave Coding
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Computing, in the sense of doing mathematical calculations, is a skill that mankind has developed over thousands of years. Programming, on the other hand, is in its infancy, with a history that spans a few decades only. Both topics are vastly comprehensive and usually

A 3D Analysis of the Node to Node and Node to Surface Contact Phenomenon using Penalty Function and Lagrange Multipliers Constraints in Matlab
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Abstract Since this study is done in the frame work of the contact mechanic task, its theoretical part is explained briefly first. It contains some information regarding the relevant different contact methods and constraint techniques. Then, it is going to present some

Simulation and Analysis for Activities in Image Recognition Using MATLAB
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Abstract This paper considers a fact that solutions to problems in the field of digital image processing require lots of experimental work involving software simulation and testing with

Simulation and Analysis of conventional based Power System State Estimation usingMATLAB
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Abstract:As the power system grows larger and more complex, real time monitoring and control becomes vital in order to achieve a reliable operation of the power system. Especially, with world wide restructuring of the power industry, power system state

Digital Filter Design using MATLAB
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Design a digital FIR low pass filter with the following specifications: p= 0.2 p, s= 0.3 p, Rp= 0.25 dB and As= 50dB. Try various window functions for this pupose. Determine the impulse response and provide a plot of the frequency response of the designed filter.

Face Recognition Using Principal Component Analysis in MATLAB
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Research of Power Online Security Auxiliary Decision System Based on Matlab Simulation
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Abstract: In this paper, To solve the parsing problems due to the difference among COMTRADE standards, unreadable code in remote transmission and incompleteness of data in the power system, this paper presents an algorithm that can correctly parse the file

Ant Colony Optimization using Routing Information Algorithm in Matlab
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Abstract: One of the most important phases of ACO algorithms is the construction phase during which an ant builds a partial solution and develops a state transition strategy. There have been a number of studies on the state transition strategy. However, most of the

Advance Resistor Value Calculator with MATLAB
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Abstract: This paper about the information on creating a MATLAB application with resistor value calculation program. In this application Graphical User Interface (GUI) for ease to use. It notes the use of color code technique to manually calculate value of resistors. This

Wireless Visual-Servoing Using Primary Color Space in MATLAB
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Abstract:In this paper, Wireless Visual Servoing using MATLAB is implemented. MATLAB is used as Digital Image Processing tool for Objects and their Position Detection on the basis of Primary Color Space and then used as Primary Controller to navigate the robot about

Performance Analysis of FHSS Transceiver Model in MATLAB
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Abstract-FHSS is part of spread spectrum technology. FHSS uses Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) frequency band for communication which is license free. FHSS Transceiver model provide secure communication over the path of communication. Its robustness

Programming for Computations-A Gentle Introduction to Numerical Simulations withMATLAB/Octave
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Computing, in the sense of doing mathematical calculations, is a skill that mankind has developed over thousands of years. Programming, on the other hand, is in its infancy, with a history that spans a few decades only. Both topics are vastly comprehensive and usually

Software Development and Construction of Log Periodic Dipole Antenna Using MATLAB
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Abstract: Technological advantages in solar activities particularly in solar radio burst (type I, II, III, IV, V) in radio region have created a demand of designing and constructing of Log Periodic Dipole Antenna (LPDA) to monitor. LPDA also plays an important role in modern

Simplified Mathematical Modeling of Temperature Rise in Turning Operation Using MATLAB
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Abstract The problem of temperature rise at work piece and chip can be overcome to an extent by using already developed analytical models. But it is believed that these models comprise a very complicated equation and could not be evaluated easily in a very short (in

Analysis and Optimization of Fuel Delivery Advance Angle of Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel UsingMATLAB
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Analysis of SDR GNSS Using MATLAB
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Abstract:This paper explains a software defined radio global navigation satellite system (SDR GNSS) using MATLAB In the first instance, the existing performance of the system was analyzed. Secondly, by varying some vital parameters like antenna diameter, noise

Image EncryptionDecryption with Symmetric Key Cryptography using MATLAB
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Abstract Any communication in the language that you and I speak that is the human language, takes the form of plain text or clear text. That is, a message in plain text can be understood by anybody knowing the language as long as the message is not codified in

Review on GPU in MATLAB as MATCUDA
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Abstract: Nowadays GPU is very frequent word in the market for tremendous computing within a short span of time. GPU means Graphics Processing Unit; it is a coprocessor of CPU. The establishment of co-processor (GPU) is nearer to the Processor (CPU). This

Research and Application of Fingerprint Recognition Based on MATLAB
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Abstract: With the development of biometric technology, fingerprint recognition technology continues to be widely used in practice due to its uniqueness and reliability, It trends to replace other traditional methods. By using Matlab as a simulation platform and making

Optimization Design of Wind Turbine Blade based on MATLAB
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Abstract The author to Willson wind turbine blade optimization design mathematical model, draw the corresponding program block diagram, and use MATLAB high-level programming language to write the wind turbine blade aerodynamic design program. Application of the

Acquisition of E5 Galileo Signals in Matlab
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Abstract The deployment of Galileo constellation leads to the need of efficient algorithms for acquisition and tracking of Galileo signals. These signals are different from GPS signals and this difference should be taken into consideration in the program code. This paper deals

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Abstract: This paper describe Computer control with voice command using soft computing tool Matlab. The system enlightens upon the invention as well as technological advancement in the field of voice controlled computer using Matlab. In this paper the

A short report on MATLAB implementation of subset simulation
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It's been more than a decade since the introduction of the subset simulation (SS) method [1]. The simplicity of the method still fascinates me! There has been hundreds of papers that are based on the SS method. Two of my papers [2, 3] utilize the concepts of the SS method for

MATLAB/Simulink Based Transmission Line Automation Using Sample and Hold System
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Abstract:This study presents MATLAB/Simulink model of Sample and Hold Circuit system for the automation of transmission utility to suppress the outage of grids. The traditional fault diagnosis methods like SCADA systems, digital fault recorders, travelling wave fault

A Matlab Tool for Tumor Localization in Parathyroid Sestamibi Scintigraphy
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Abstract:Submarine method for localization of parathyroid tumors (PT) has proved to be effective in case of typical pitfalls of conventional scintigraphic methods (combined subtraction and double phase methods). It uses images obtained by standard dynamic

Design of Morse-code Decoder with Filtering and Fault Correction Function Based onMATLAB
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Abstract By using MATLAB, a kind of software decoder is designed which has filter and fault correction function and is used in aviation radio communication. Through Morse code text, using dits and dashes to uniquely represent characters such as alphabets, numbers and

Comparative Analysis of Scheduling Techniques in Downlink LTE Using MATLAB--Based LTE MAC--LAB Simulator
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LTE technology by assigning the shared resources among users in the most efficient manner. This research compares the performance of three types of scheduling algorithms namely: Round Robin, best Channel Quality Indicator (CQI) and Proportional Fair (PF)

Survey the Effect of Sodium Channel Voltage to Prevent the Production of Action Potential in order to Create a Local Anesthetic and its Simulation by MATLAB
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Neurons usually transmit information through two mechanisms of electrical and chemical signals. usually information within a neurons is transmitted by electrical signal that is propagated by the action potential. This is the resting membrane potential before the

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ABSTRACT In this paper, discussion and demonstrate how SVC (Static VAR compensator) is used to improve reactive power and voltage profile. The modern system is complex. There are many static and dynamic devices included in the system. To increase the loading of

MATLAB Toolbox for Mathematical Modelling of Drying Kinetics of Tomato
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Abstract: The present study aimed to evaluate the drying quality of underripe, ripe and overripe tomato using various known semi-theoretical models. To estimate and select the appropriate drying curve equation semi-theoretical and/or empirical models ie

Heart Rate Monitoring and PQRST Detection Based on Graphical User Interface with Matlab
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Abstract:An electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) is an electrical recording of the heart and is used in the investigation of heart disease. This electrical activity of the heart translates into line tracings on paper. The spikes and dips in the line tracings are called series of waves.

BP Neural Network Model Selection of Software Reliability Based on MATLAB
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Manual for wave generation and analysis: software in Matlab
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This Manual is for the included wave generation and analysis software and graphical user interface. The package is made for Matlab and is meant for educational purposes. The code is free to use under the GNU Public License (GPL). It is still in development and should be

Model-based systems engineering with matlab/simulink in the railway sector
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Abstract Model-based systems engineering is widely used in the automotive and avionics domain but less in the railway domain. This paper shows that Matlab/Simulink can be used to develop safety-critical cyber-physical systems for railway applications. To this end, an

Application of Linguistic Assignment Problem with MATLAB Programming
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Abstract: This article focused on subject allocation for faculties. The available information of faculty knowledge/hand in subject is defined in linguistic parameter ie extremely high, very high, high, moderate etc. which vague in nature; we proposed ranking technique for

Matlab/Simulink Modeling of Parallel Resonant DC Link Soft-Switching Four-leg SVPWM Inverter
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Abstract: This paper suggests the use of the traditional parallel resonant dc link (PRDCL) circuit to give soft switching to the Four-leg Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) inverter. The proposed circuit provides a short period of zero voltage across the inverter

Matlab Simulink Modeling of Hybrid Cascaded Five Level Inverter
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Abstract: Multi Level Inverters (MLI) are drawing more importance in medium power and medium voltage ac drive applications. In the design of multi level inverters, different topologies have been evolved. In order to minimize the required elements and to reduce

Three Zone Protection By Using Distance Relays in SIMULINK/MATLAB
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Abstract-This project describes modeling of distance relay and zone protection scheme using Matlab/Simulink package. SimPowerSystem toolbox was used for detailed modeling of distance relay, transmission line and fault simulation. In the modeling, single line to

Human Face Recognition Based on PCA Method using MATLAB
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Abstract-Face recognition is very hotbold topic from a number of years because of its application. Principle Component Analysis is a statistical method used for reducing the number of variables in feature extraction and face recognition. It is one of the most

A Bibliography of Publications about the Matlab On-Line Matrix Laboratory
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Description Methods readMat () and writeMat () for reading and writing MAT files. For user with MATLAB v6 or newer installed (either locally or on a remote host), the package also provides methods for controlling MATLAB (trademark) via R and sending and retrieving

Research on the Use of Matlab in the Modeling of 3-phase Power Systems
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Abstract-This paper describes the modeling and simulation library for power systems si1mulation under SIMULINK environment. The different features of MATLAB Toolboxes used in the analysis of power systems are described. Software introduces SIMULINK

Modified Matlab Simulation for a Solar Chimney Passive Ventilation System for the City of Tehran
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Abstract Air pollution is the cause of numerous deaths every year and cities where the airflow is restricted by mountain ranges are especially threatened. Tehran is such a city, transcending the air quality standards many days a year. Solar chimneys are

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Abstract:This paper describes a simple photovoltaic model (single diode) and its characteristics at different temperatures and irradiance conditions. Photovoltaic cells data sheet, which are supplied by manufactures, includes only PV data at reference conditions.

Power quality improvement with a shunt active power filters using MATLAB/Simulink
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Abstract: Along with the increasing demand on improving power quality ie generally defined as any change in power (voltage, current, or frequency) that interferes with the normal operation of electrical equipment, the most popular technique that has been used is Active

User Manual for Matlab GUI Plume Stretching and Folding
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This manual describes a graphical user interface (GUI), developed in Matlab R2013b, that allows users to develop, test, and record pumping schemes of the kind described by Mays and Neupauer (2012). The model assumes a flat, homogeneous aquifer of infinite extent

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Abstract Four ANN models to estimate Bubble point pressure (Pb), Oil Formation Volume Factor (Bob), Bubble point solution Gas Oil Ratio (Rsob) and Stock Tank Vent GOR (RST) in the absence of Pressure, Volume and Temperature (PVT) analysis, were proposed as a

Modeling and Simulation of Wind Farm with STATCOM in MATLAB/SIMULINK Environment
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ABSTRACT. A pressing demand for more electric power coupled with depleting natural resources has led to an increased need for energy production from renewable energy source such as wind. Wind energy is one of the extra ordinary sources of renewable

Load Flow Problem Parallel Programming on the GPU with MATLAB
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In order to fulfill everybody's electricity needs, a complex electricity network exists. A lot of generators and cables are needed for generation and tranportation of the electrical current. If there is a problem, say a power cut, then it is important that the network is functioning as

A MATLAB Graphical User Interface for Intelligent Characterization of Oil Palm Fruitlets
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Abstract User-friendliness and ease-of-usage are two of the important qualities of a good measurement and characterization system. This work attempts to bring these qualities into the characterization of oil palm fruitlets for easier grading. Measurement of microwave

Matlab GUI for Elementary Flows as an Educational Tool
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Abstract Elementary flows in fluid mechanics are used to describe more complex flow patterns in an incompressible condition assumption. These flows arise from the conservation of mass and eventually leads to Laplace's linear differential equation applied to the fluid's

Five Parameter Model of Photovoltaic Panel Implemented in Matlab/Simulink
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Abstract. The implementation of mathematical model of photovoltaic cell into specialized software Matlab-Simulink is presented. The equivalent model used for photovoltaic cell was the simple diode, with five parameters, taking into account both shunt and series

A Novel Model of Fingerprint Authentication System using Matlab
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Abstract: Touch based sensing techniques generating lot of errors in biometric identification. The solution for this problem is touch less fingerprint technology. They don t have any contact between receiver to the sensor and finger. While they can solve problems caused

An Introduction to Control Theory Applications with Matlab
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During the academic year of 2015, a series of seminars were presented on the Mathematics Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, titled An introduction to Matlab with Control Theory Applications. These seminars were conducted by PhD student L. Moysis

The implementation of an ideal photovoltaic module in Matlab/Simulink using Simpowersystems Toolbox
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Abstract:This paper deals with creating a mathematical model of ideal photovoltaic module. The performance of the model is demonstrated with output characteristics which also show the effect of changes in temperature and solar radiation on the output

Modeling, Control and Simulation of Renewable Source Boost Converter using MATLAB
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ABSTRACT DC-DC converters are switched power converters. They are used to convert one DC voltage to another DC voltage. It is inordinately used in industry as well as in research. The model of converter system varies from the ON state to the OFF state. The major

A comprehensive solar angles simulation and calculation using matlab
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Abstract During the experimental or theoretical work in the field of solar energy it is found that there is many parameters need to be estimated or calculated, the calculation procedure of these parameters is long and dull for students, researchers and designers. This paper

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ABSTRACT Induction motors are widely used in many industrial processes due to their rigid nature, reliability and robustness. However, induction motors have fixed speed limiting them from being used in other processes. Available speed control techniques such as variation

Distributed Gradient Descent Localization in WSNs: Summing-Up and MATLAB Code
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1.1. Introduction 1.2. Positioning measurement techniques 1.3. Classification of localization methods 1.3. 1. Anchor-based versus relative localization 1.3. 2. Multilateration versus iterative optimization localization 1.3. 3. Centralized versus distributed localization 1.3. 4.

An Introduction to Matlab
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In many professions, you need programming skills. This book introduces you to a program called Matlab, which is one of the most popular choices for quantitative analysis in fields such as engineering, statistics, economics/finance, and artificial intelligence, to name a

An Efficient and Enhanced Face Recognition System using Matlab
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Abstract: Making recognition more reliable under uncontrolled lighting conditions is one of the most important challenges for practical face recognition systems. We tackle this by combining the strengths of robust illumination normalization, local texture based face

FIR Filter Designing using MATLAB Simulink and Xilinx system Generator
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Abstract-Xilinx System generator is used to design efficient DSP algorithm on FPGA. FIR Filter is very important type of Digital Filters which is a vital element in Digital Signal Processing. FIR filter is a type of digital system that filters discrete-time signal and the main

Computer implementation of mass transport in Matlab environment for modeling Epitaxial growth process with moving boundary problem
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Abstract: Due to the possibility of producing high quality and low cost silicon substrates the Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth technology may find its application in the photovoltaic industry. However, a lateral growth process depends on many technological parameters such as

Analysis of Dynamic Circuits in MATLAB
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Abstract:The paper deals with the proposal for the analysis of dynamic linear circuits in the MATLAB environment. A very powerful tool for the analysis of the circuits is to transform the circuits directly into the complex frequency domain using the Laplace transform and then

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Abstract Modeling and simulating the converter using the modelling equations is necessary to design of power electronic converter circuit with the use of closed loop scheme. This can easily be done with the help of state equations and MATLAB/SIMULINK as a tool for

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ABSTRACT Fuel Cells are electrochemical device that convert energy from chemical reactions to produce electrical energy. Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) is the type of fuel cell which is efficient, low operational temperature, and fast start up

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Abstract To solve problems in the related to digital image modification generally require experimental work involving software modeling and testing with large sets of images. This paper is presenting an overview of the fundamental steps of digital image modification.

Moving Object Detection for the videos with Moving Background using Open-CV andMATLAB
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ABSTRACT Nowadays surveillance systems are common practice. However majority of them has passive camera ie an operator is required to observe the scene. Many researchers have worked on automation of the observation of the scene. Such analysis requires

Image Mosaicing using MATLAB
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Abstract – In Image processing Mosaicing is one of the technique which is very useful for joining of large digital images. Mosaicing is mixing along of many indiscriminately formed pictures to make one giant radiometrically balanced image so the boundaries between the initial

Models for MATLAB and XSG Simulink based Edge Detection Operations
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Abstract-Edge detection is necessary for extraction of information for further image processing operation. Many computer vision application use edge detectors as primary operators before high level image processing. Several algorithms are available for edge

Literature survey of Modeling and simulation of Grid connected TSC/TSC system usingMATLAB
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Abstract:-This paper deals with literature collection on power quality improvement using TSC/TSR system. In the draw back of TSC is that it gives stepped variation of reactive power. A TSR is added to obtain smooth reactive power in 3–bus system with TSR/TCR is

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Abstract: The complex nature of dynamic heat transfer through building parts is in need of computational analysis instead of applying simple mathematical techniques. An explicit finite difference method is applied to analyze a model wall of a building.