power system protection research papers 13
Power System Grounding and Protection
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C ET4116 ,Courses per theme and per period ,tudelft.org
Christopoulos, C., Electrical Power System protection, ChapmanHall 1993, ISBN 0 412
39200 3. • EnergieNed, Earthing and protection of Electrical Power Systems (dictate). • Wright,
A. and. nl Course ET4114 Power System Grounding and Protection
10.8 Power System Protection Alternatives
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JC Whitaker ,10.1 Transformers, 2005 ,te.kmutnb.ac.th
Utility companies make a good-faith attempt to deliver clean, well-regulated power to their
customers. Most disturbances on the AC line are beyond the control of the utility company.
Large load changes imposed by customers on a random basis, PF correction switching,
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SK Thakur, TP Tiwari, JS Prasad, A De, Y Kumar ,accelconf.web.cern.ch
Abstract RF system of K-500 Super-conducting Cyclotron at VECC is a complex three phase
system operating in the frequency range of 9 MHz to 27 MHz with maximum acceleration
potential of around 100KV feeding to each of three Dee cavities placed in median plane of
The Introduction of Methodology to Increase Inter-regional Transfer Limit in the Korea Power System by Applying Special Protection System with OPF
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JC Bae, ES Jung, JH Lee, SH Song
Abstract–This paper introduces the applications of special protection system (SPS) to a set
of interconnected transmission lines between the metropolitan region and the non-
metropolitan region in the Korea power system. The purpose of SPS is to increase steady-
A simulation tool for studying the effects of special protection systems and communications on power system stability
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SK Sarawgi ,2004 ,dissertations.wsu.edu
Chair: Anjan Bose Wide-area real-time measurement equipment, particularly phasor
measurement technology, and associated communication networks make the application of
advanced control techniques potentially promising. The use of wide-area measurements
System protection schemes-experiences from recent power system blackouts
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M Kockott, D Karlsson, S Lindahl ,eepublishers.co.za
System protection schemes (SPS), also called emergency control systems, remedial action
schemes or special protection systems, are designed to mitigate the consequences of
severe contingencies and to prevent, if possible, total or partial blackout of the power
Intelligent Power System Protection Data Management: How Should India Embrace Best Developed Practice?
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A Middleton, Z Schreiner, N Wetterstrand, GE Energy ,
Abstract The growing complexity of digital protective relays has given rise to many
challenges for electrical network owners and operators. Internationally, there have been a
number of well-reported problems associated with the management and control of digital
Protection of Marine Equipment Power System for Single Phase to Ground Fault
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A Behniafar, M Banejad, A Darabi ,ijiee.org
Abstract—Marine electric equipment recently has been entered to the industry and
commerce and before the shipboard power system could provide only the small loads. With
appearing this equipment, existence equipped power systems with high reliability, has
7th International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 9.-12. April 2001, Proceedings pp 173-176
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L Shang, G Herold, J Jaeger ,eev.eei.uni-erlangen.de
ABSTRACT This paper describes new criterions for high-speed transmission line protection
using wavelet technique. Based on the representation of the tavelling waves through
wavelet modulus maxima, the identification criterions for similar transients, such as switch
Introducing a Novel Method for Real Time Estimation of Power System Voltage Instability Based on Wide Area Protection
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H Asadi, M Sanaye-Pasand, M Davarpanah ,dibaketab.com
Abstract: In this paper, the behavior of dynamic loads of a power system against voltage
disturbances is investigated. Then a real electric grid, Khorasan electric grid in North-East of
Iran, is modeled by dynamic model of generators, AVRs, governors, field current limiting
Utilities of Differential Algebraic Equations (DAE) Model of SVC and TCSC for Operation, Control, Planning & Protection of Power System Environments
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B Singh ,International Journal, 2011 ,ijric.org
ABSTRACT This paper presents the development of the differential Algebraic equation
(DAE) model of various FACTS controllers such as TCSC and SVC for operation, control,
planning &protection of power systems. Also this paper presents the current status on
Effects of Protection System Hidden Failures on Bulk Power System Reliability
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APS Meliopoulos, F Yang, GJ Cokkinides ,preview.pserc.wisc.edu
Abstract–Protection system hidden failures have been recognized as a contributing factor to
power system cascading outages. However, in the current bulk power system reliability
assessment practice, protection systems are generally assumed to be perfect, and the
Study on Relay Protection Aggregate Analysis Management System for Power Plant
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Z Wang, Z Cai ,2006 ,
Abstract According to the analyses of relay protection management in power pant, in this
paper author exploit a relay protection aggregate analysis management system for power
plant which based on network environment, put forward a new management mode:
An Autonomous Optimal Protection System for Power Distribution Networks by Applying Multi-Agent System
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BW Min, KH Jung, SJ Lee, MS Choi, SH Kang
ABSTRACT In this paper, a protection system using Multi-Agent concept for power
distribution network is proposed. Every digital over currents relay (OCR) is developed as an
agent by adding its own intelligence, self-tuning and communication ability. Main
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SP VALSAN ,2007 ,powersystem.iitm.ac.in
Power system is a cluster of various types of equipments, most of which are extremely
expensive, causing a very large capital investment. The need for adequate protection to
detect and disconnect elements of the power system in the event of fault is therefore an
SUMMARY Appearance of new concepts such as on-line Dynamic Security Assessment
(DSA) and Strategic Power Infrastructure Defense (SPID) system has been conditioned by
new competitive environment in power systems. At the same time, progress in
ECE 4310: Energy Systems II Digital Techniques for Power System Protection Rama Gokaraju (Visiting Professor) Department of ElectricalComputer
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R Gokaraju ,engr.usask.ca
Digital relays are those in which the measured ac quantities are sequentially sampled and
converted into digital data form. A DSP performs mathematical operations on the digitized
data. Different type of estimation algorithms can be implemented on the DSP to obtain the
System Grounding and Ground-Fault Protection Methods for UPS-Supplied Power Systems
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PE Bill Brown, SDCPC Center ,2006 ,powerlogic.com
The use of solid grounding for UPS-supplied power systems is currently a common practice
in data centers. The use of conventional ground fault protection systems in this application
often leads to circulating currents and nuisance tripping, resulting in the desire to defeat or
Graphical method for estimating impact of distance line protection into electric power system stability
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N Shanku, G Sharko, M Qemali ,Applied , 2010 ,academicpublishingplatforms.com
Short circuits faults are unavoidable in power system. These faults should be removed fast
and affected part should be isolated quickly with a minimum of disturbance to the remaining
system. To this purpose a reliable and fast acting protection system is essential. It will
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JOOC BAE, ESOO JUNG, J LEE, SHA SONG ,labplan.ufsc.br
SUMMARY This paper introduces the applications of special protection system (SPS) to a
set of interconnected transmission lines between the metropolitan region and the non-
metropolitan region in the Korea power system. The purpose of SPS is to increase steady-
Deployment of System Protection Schemes for Enhancing Reliability of Power System
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VK Agrawal, RK Porwal, PV Kumar Rajesh ,nrldc.in
Abstract—System Protection Schemes (SPS) are widely accepted as an effective tool for
increasing the utilization of power networks by enhancing the resilience of the power system
towards rare contingencies. These schemes are considered as 2nd generation protection