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Crystalline silicon solar cells
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Contents 1. History 2. Physics of silicon solar cell 3. Characteristics and equivalent circuit 4. Materials 5. Solar cell structures, loss mechanisms 6. High efficiency cells 7. Importance of efficiency 8. Future developments Page 3 Properties of silicon as a solar cell material

Solar cell efficiency tables (version 36)
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Consolidated tables showing an extensive listing of the highest independently confirmed efficiencies for solar cells and modules are presented. Guidelines for inclusion of results into these tables are outlined and new entries since January 2010 are reviewed. Copyright

A quasi-steady-state open-circuit voltage method for solar cell characterization
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We present a method to determine solar cell properties during processing after junction formation. The method involves simultaneous measurement of the open-circuit voltage of solar cells and the corresponding incident light intensity. A monotonically-varying

Characterization of vacuum-evaporated tin sulfide film for solar cell materials
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Tin sulfide (SnS) films were prepared by vacuum evaporation. As-grown SnS films showed p- type conduction with a resistivity of 13~ 20 1~ cm, a carrier density of 6.3 1014~ 1.2 1015 cm- and a Hall mobility of 400~ 500 cm2/Vs. The absorption coefficients of the films were

Organic solar cell architectures
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The conversion of solar light into electric power requires the generation of both negative and positive charges as well as a driving force that can push these charges through an external electric circuit. When connected to the external electric circuit any electrical device, such as

Solar cell efficiency tables (version 23)
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Consolidated tables showing an extensive listing of the highest independently confirmed efficiencies for solar cells and modules are presented. Guidelines for inclusion of results into these tables are outlined and new entries since July 2003 are reviewed. Copyright 2004 The development of a new efficient and stable semiconductor-liquid junction solar cell is reported. The n-CuInSe 2/I 2-I−-Cu+-HI/C cell utilizes relatively inexpensive, non-toxic components and requires less stringent sealing which makes this cell a more feasible It is my great pleasure to present our book P3HT Revisited from Molecular Scale to Solar (3-hexylthiophene), P3HT, which was first synthesized in the early 1990s and has become

Environmental life-cycle assessment of multicrystalline silicon solar cell modules
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In this report the environmental aspects of solar cell modules based on multicrystalline silicon are investigated by means of the Environmental Life Cycle Assessment method. Three technology cases are distinguished, namely present-day module production

Simulation of a solar cell considering single-diode equivalent circuit model
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This paper focuses on single-diode photovoltaic cell models. Comprehensive simulation studies are carried out in order to adequately assess temperature dependence, solar radiation change, diode ideality factor and series resistance influence. A comparison

The irresistible charm of a simple current flow pattern 25% with a solar cell featuring a full-area back contact
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Screen-printed Al-BSF silicon solar cells have dominated the PV market for decades. Their long-term success is based on a low-complexity cell architecture and a robust production sequence. The full-area rear contact allows a simple and effective one-dimensional current

Weak light performance and spectral response of different solar cell types
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A large number of possible PV-powered products should be able to operate under indoor lighting conditions. In order to make good product designs of indoor operated PV-devices (ipv), a more extended dataset of PV characteristics than just standard test condition (STC)

Materials for enhanced dye-sensitized solar cell performance: Electrochemical application
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This paper reports on an aperçu of materials that enhance the performance of dye- sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). The review indicates progress in DSSCs and a large improvement in the materials used in DSSCs in particular. DSSCs were assembled using

Effect of shadow and dust on the performance of silicon solar cell
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ABSTRACT IV characteristics of large area solar cells operated under simulated solar irradiation for the purpose of testing their quality and determining their optimal operational points for maximum electrical output is obtained. The paper included a solar -simulator (a

Environmentally benign silicon solar cell manufacturing
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The manufacturing of silicon devices-from polysilicon production, crystal growth, ingot slicing, wafer cleaning, device processing, to encapsulation-requires many steps that are energy intensive and use large amounts of water and toxic chemicals. In the past two years

Accelerated publication 16.4% total-area conversion efficiency thin-film polycrystalline MgF2/ZnO/CdS/Cu(In,Ga)Se2/Mo solar cell
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This communication reports an MgF2/ZnO/CdS/Cu (In, Ga) Se2/Mo/glass polycrystattine solar cell with a conjirmed total-area conversion eflciency of 16.4%. The thin-film Cu (In, Ga) Se, absorber was fabricated by computer-controlled physical vapor deposition (P VD) from

Methods for measuring solar cell efficiency independent of reference cell or light source
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The accurate measurement of the photovoltaic conversion efficiency under standard test conditions is essential for meaningful comparisons of the device performance of different types of solar cells. A methodology is presented for calibrating reference cells and

An Optimized Grid Design for-Concentrator Solar Cell
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Two different collecting grid designs for a solar concentrator cell are considered: a simple linear grid pattern and an inverted square pattern. The grid dimensions of each pattern are optimized for maximum power output from the cell . The calculations show that the inverted

Effect of silicon porosity on solar cell efficiency
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Porous silicon (PS) layers were fabricated on n-type crystalline silicon (c-Si) wafers of (100) and (111) orientations using photoelectrochemical etching (PECE) process at etching time of 20 min, current density of 60 mA/cm and fixed electrolyte solution HF: C2H5OH (1: 4)

Photovoltaic performance of dye-sensitized ZnO solar cell based on Eosin-Y photosensitizer
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The paper reports on the fabrication and characterization of dye sensitized solar cells using ZnO due to its stability against photo-corrosion and photochemical properties similar to TiO2. Thin films of nanocrystalline ZnO and Al-doped ZnO (AZO) were deposited on transparent CSE PROJECTS