adhoc network IEEE PAPER 2017
Performance Analysis of Wireless MobileAdhoc Networkwith Different Types of Antennas
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Abstract The mobile adnetworkhas become a new area in the communication networks and is being congested due to viability and utility of the ad hoc networks in every area. The wide use has increased the chances of interference and congestion. Use of directional antennas
SAODV: Statistical Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol for Preventing MobileAdhoc Networkagainst Flooding Attack
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Abstract Flooding attack is most challenging security threat in MobileAdhocNetworks (MANETs). This attack is responsible for reducing thenetworkperformance of various routing protocols. In this paper, we will discuss MANETs under the AODV protocol. The
AdhocProtocol to Enhance WirelessNetworkPerformance
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AbstractAdhocprotocols present challenges like reliability, routing overheads, channel capacity utilization and latency in thenetwork . Interferences and dynamic changes in networkcauses frequent paths disconnectivity due to which thenetworkthroughput
MobileAdhoc NetworkProtocols Simulation: Distance Vector vs Source Routing Comparison
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Abstract Mobile ad hocnetwork(MANET) is an autonomous system of mobile nodes connected by wireless links. Each node operates not only as an end system, but also as a router to forward packets. The infrastructureless of this networks and frequent topology
A survey paper onOptimal Solution on VehicularAdhoc Networkfor Congestion Control
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Abstract VANET (Vehicular Ad-hocNetwork ) is a developing new innovation with some extraordinary qualities that makes it unique in relation to other specially appointed system. Where Vehicles can communicate Wirelessly via V2V and V2I. The IEEE 802.11 p
Soft Computing Techniques in MobileAdhoc network : A Technical Overview
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ABSTRACT Mobile ad-hocnetworkis widely used in various communications due to its easier deployment and cost effectiveness. In recent technological advancement, Manet is used in all types of environment including pervasive computing, Internet of Things, military
Literature Survey on Jamming Attack in WirelessAdhoc Network
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Abstract-WirelessAdhoc Networkis a set of wireless nodes which dynamically self organizing into an changeable topology to form thenetworkusing any preceding infrastructure. The number of nodes present in thenetworkeither communicate directly with
Development of Efficient Protocol for Residual Energy of a Node in WirelessAdhoc Networkusing Pareto Distribution
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Abstract one of the major issue in wirelessAdhoc networkis to enhance the lifespan of wirelessAdhoc Network . These networks will be useful for self organizing, self-configuration and for detecting radio connectivity for the dynamic operation. We always require quick &
Energy Efficient Spectrum Sensing Routing Protocol (EESSRP) in Cognitive RadioAdhoc Network
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Abstract Routing plays an important role in Cognitive Radio Ad-hocNetworkand it has n number of problems. Routing has two major issues such as Energy efficiency, Spectrum load balance. Thus maintaing the spectrum load balance and energy efficiency becomes
Impact of Mobility and Terrain Size on Performance of Hybrid Routing Protocol in MobileAdhoc Network
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Abstract A Mobile Ad hocNetwork(MANET) is formed from the collection of a number of wireless mobile devices without having any fixed infrastructure. In this paper work, authors have implemented advanced protocol by combining DSR and AODV protocols to enhance
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Abstract-Security is one of the most challenging aspects in the internet andnetwork applications. Symmetric key algorithms are a typically efficient and fast cryptosystem, so it has significant applications in many realms. For a wireless ad hocnetworkwith constraint
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The wireless networking environment presents imposing challenges to the study of broadcasting and multi-casting problems. This algorithm is to reduce the power consumption of ad hocnetwork . It is very difficult to apply power reduction of packet sending; because
Co-operative Amplify and Forward Relaying Strategy for MobileAdhoc Networkfor Efficient Communication
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Abstract: For enhancing the BER performance of a wirelessnetworkby reducing the effects of fading, transmit diversity is an effective way [1]. Due to size, hardware and cost constraints, majority of the wireless devices (ie mobile handsets, etc) are limited to only one
Intrusion Detection System for WirelessADHOC Networkusing Time Series Techniques
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ABSTRACT Computer security and intrusion detection has developed into progressively more significant in recent computer sector, which is providing security of confidential data and information. At present, different progress and advances of intrusion detection is
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Abstract-To implements popular encryption algorithms such as Data encryption standard (DES) and advanced encryption standard (AES). The use of Internet andNetworkis growing rapidly. Hence there are more requirements to secure the data which is transmitted over
A Novel Attack Independent MobileAdhoc Networkagainst Collaborative Black hole & Gray Hole Attack using Distributed Attack Resilient Routing Protocol
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Abstract Development of a secure routing protocol against collaborative Black hole attack and gray hole attack is considered as a more significant part of the MobileAdhoc Network evolution to support next generation communication demand for packet transmission. The
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ABSTRACT WirelessAdhocsensor networks are about the field of networks that consists of small, large number of sensing nodes which is having the sensing, computational and transmission power but sensing nodes also suffer from many limitation such as low power
Fully SecuredAdhocWirelessNetworkby using on Demand Half Full Weighing Matrices
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Abstract An ad hoc wirelessnetworkis a collection of nodes that are dynamically and arbitrarily located in such a manner that the interconnections between nodes are capable of changing on a continual basis. Providing security support for suchnetworkis a challenging CSE PROJECTS