adhoc network research papers 2012
Development of Energy Efficient and Reliable Congestion Control Protocol for Multicasting in Mobile Adhoc Networks compare with AODV Based on Receivers
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ABSTRACT Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) allow portable mobile devices to establish communication path without having any central infrastructure. Since there is no central infrastructure and the mobile devices are moving randomly, they may give rise to various
Enhanced Novel Security Scheme for Wireless Adhoc Networks: ENSS
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ABSTRACT In recent years, a lot of research is focused on wireless adhoc network, which is focused on field of performance, security, and energy. This paper addressed the difficulties and challenges facing the adhoc networks in security. Transmission of extremely sensitive
An Energy Efficient Routing in Mobile Adhoc Networks using Aggregate Interface Queue Length and Node Remaining Energy
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The rapid deployment of independent mobile users is needed for next generations of Wireless network systems. These network scenarios can be conceived as applications of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. A MANET is an autonomous collection of mobile users that
Semantic Probabilistic Modelling of novel routing Protocol with Implication of Cumulative Routing Attack in Mobile adhoc network
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ABSTRACT The proposed system presents a novel approach for modelling along with mitigating various types of routing attacks in mobile adhoc network considering AODV protocol. Majority of the previous research work are either explored differently for security
Approach of Association Rules Mining for Service Discovery in Mobile Adhoc Network
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ABSTRACT The Service Discovery in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) is a difficult task because of the changing nature of such networks. Different services are available in MANET considering time and location. Many varying traditional solutions to service discovery of
Analysis of Byzantine Attacks in Adhoc Networks and Their Mitigation
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Abstract Ad hoc networking somewhat differs from more traditional approaches, the security aspects that are valid in the networks of the past are not fully applicable in the networks. Ad hoc networks suffer from all weather attacks which may come from any node in the
Efficient Data Sharing and its Application in Mobile Adhoc Networks
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ABSTRACT With the tremendous growth and development in the field of wireless and mobile networks, mobile users now have increasing interests to have access to applications and data through their mobile handheld devices regardless of location, time, and computation
A Method for Improving Data Delivery Efficiency in Vehicular Adhoc Networks
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Abstract As vehicular networks become popular and many vehicles want to access data through a roadside unit. In this paper, there was a vehicle to roadside communication and we propose scheduling schemes for efficient delivery of data packets in vehicular adhoc
Investigation of Adhoc Topology AODV for Wireless Sensor Networks for Varying Terrain Areas for Different Speed (node speed)
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Networks are the latest trends in the market due to the demand for communication and networking among these wireless network devices have been increased for different applications . The routing protocols are used in the Wireless
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ABSTRACT In recent years, the static shortest path (SP) problem has been well addressed using intelligent optimization techniques, eg, artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms (GAs), particle swarm optimization, etc. However, with the advancement in wireless
Intrusion Detection Technique in Mobile Adhoc Network Based on Quantitative Approach
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we study the types of attacks in intrusion detection system in Mobile Ad Hoc network (MANET). Mobile Adhoc Networks are a relatively new and rapidly evolving area of interests. One such field concerns mobile adhoc networks (MANETs) in
ACO based Clustering Protocol for Resource Constrained Mobile Adhoc Networks
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ABSTRACT Mobile Ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are increasingly popular with recent advancements in computer and communications technologies. A mobility-based clustering (MBC) protocol for wireless ad hoc network with mobile nodes works well in an energy
Improving TCP Performance in Multi Hop Mobile Adhoc Network
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Abstract TCP is a window-based flow and congestion control protocol that uses a sliding window mechanism to manage its data transmission. The purpose of this scheme is to guarantee that the sender adjusts its transmission rate to meet both sender and receiver
New Proposed Classic Cluster Layer Architecture for Mobile Adhoc Network (cclam)
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ABSTRACT Organization, scalability and routing have been identified as key problems hindering viability and commercial success of mobile ad hoc networks. Clustering of mobile nodes among separate domains has been proposed as an efficient approach to address
Energy Optimal Path Algorithm for routing in Static Adhoc Network using Greedy Approach (EOGR)
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ABSTRACT Wireless adhoc networks are excellent area for researchers with an algorithm background. In this paper we have given an algorithmic approach to the problem of routing with minimum energy consumption by the ad hoc network. we have proposed an energy
Modelling Efficient Process Oriented Architecture for Secure Mobile Commerce Using Hybrid Routing Protocol in Mobile Adhoc Network
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ABSTRACT The proposed research work presents a novel approach of process oriented architecture for secure mobile commerce framework using uniquely designed hybrid mobile adhoc routing protocols using reactive and proactive type in real time test-bed. The
Behavioral Study of Issues And Challenges In Mobile Adhoc Network
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ABSTRACT Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is an autonomous system of mobile nodes connected by wireless links without central infrastructure. Each node operates not only as an end system, but also as a router to forward the packets. The nodes are free to move about
A Modified Maxweight (MM) Scheduling Algorithm for Urgency Weight Calculation in Congestion Control of Mobile Adhoc Grid Layer
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ABSTRACT A number of congestion control techniques are proposed to control congestion in the network for scheduling the jobs based on priority, without the considering the nature of the application. A modified Maxweight (MM) scheduling algorithm for urgency weight
Simulation based Analysis of AODV, BABEL and PUMA Protocols for Adhoc Network
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ABSTRACT There are many routing protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, the popular ones being DSDV, AODV, PUMA and Babel. Although a lot of research work is done on individual protocols but not enough research is done on comparing these protocols under
An Efficient SKM Framework for Data Authentication and its Application to the Adhoc Networks
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ABSTRACT The Internet and various other forms of electronic communication is such an essential thing to move up with this periodic global world and indulging security is another gradient to climb defeating those black hats. One essential aspect for secure
Security in ADHOC Sensor Networks
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ABSTRACT An adhoc network is a group of wireless mobile computers (or nodes), in which individual nodes cooperate by forwarding packets for each other to allow nodes to communicate beyond direct wireless transmission range. Prior research in ad hoc
Optimal Energy Management in Wireless Adhoc Network using Artificial Bee Colony Based Routing Protocol
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ABSTRACT Routing in the adhoc network is major critical issue which desires the performance of wireless networks. Providing optimal routing in wireless network is more complicated than wired networks due to many pitfalls like limited power, less bandwidth. Therefore, the
Dynamic Source quick Route Rebuilding Algorithm for Random-access OFDMA AdhocNetwork
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ABSTRACT This paper focusses on maintaining message continuity in a mobile Adhoc network. The dynamic source quick route rebuilding algorithm (DSQRRA) provides continuity in packet routing to reach the next possible neighboring node in order to avoid
- Low Cost Mobile Adhoc Network Test Bed
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- adhoc network research papers 2012 section 5
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