Introduction to the Minitrack on Agile and Lean: Organizations, Products and Development
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ABSTRACT Over the past two decades, research in the area of agile and lean software development has mirrored the strong growth of the use of agile and lean methodologies. Agile and lean management practices (which we define broadly to include Scrum, XP, Lean
A new gamma-ray source unveiled by AGILE in the region of Orion
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ABSTRACT Context. Diffuse galactic γ-ray emission is produced by the interaction of cosmic rays (CRs) with the interstellar environment. The study of γ-ray emission is therefore a powerful tool that can be used to investigate the origin of CRs and the processes through
Development of Executives in Agile Organization
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Important part of the process is reflection and development of the participants own self- awareness in learning on a personal level and as leaders as well. It was revelative point when the CEO of the organization realized: As long as the leaders do not understand their
Analysis of Agile Learning into Information Systems Project Class: A Cognitive Apprenticeship Approach
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Proceedings of the Appalachian Research in Business Symposium, East Tennessee State University, March 22-23, 2018 5 Analysis of Agile Learning into Information Systems Project Class: A Cognitive Apprenticeship Approach Xiong, Jie CISSCM Department Walker College
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ABSTRACT :-Employing agile methods instead of traditional methods in software development is increasing strongly. Agile methods as a reaction to inherence problems of agile methods, promise new goals and values. Unlike traditional methods, agile methods are trying to
Agile Development for Vulnerable Populations
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ABSTRACT In this paper we draw attention to the challenges of managing software projects for vulnerable populations, ie, people potentially exposed to harm or not capable of protecting their own interests. The focus on human aspects, and particularly, the inclusion of Safety casesalso called assurance case or safety demonstrationhave for a long time been required for safety-critical systems. Safety case is an efficient method for helping the developing company to focus on the simple but important questionHow do you know that The Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe ( AGILE ) has held annual conferences focusing on Geographic Information Science for more than two decades. The themes of the conferences have varied in response to changing research trends. In this way
Student Paper: Small Team Agile Systems Engineering For Rapid Prototyp-ing of Robotic Systems
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Engineering management decisions play critical roles in the ultimate success or failure of a project. The approach taken, the team size, the deliverables and their respective due dates, and the environment are key factors which engineering managers, technical team leads
A Unified Approach to Support the Coordination of Usability Work in Agile Software Development
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ABSTRACT Usability evaluation is essential for developing usable software systems, yet its integration within agile software development remains a challenging interdisciplinary endeavour. In this paper, the authors present a study to investigate obstacles of such
An Agile Conversion Masters Degree Programme in So ware Development
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In July 2015 the New Zealand (NZ) government announced the establishment of three information and communications technology (ICT) graduate schools spread across the country. ey had determined that the universities of NZ were not preparing su cient numbers
An Exploratory Case Study for Assessing the Measurement Capability of an Agile Organization
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Summary:[This ABSTRACT is based on the authors ABSTRACT ] Software organizations struggle with determining the adequacy of their measurement practices. The authors are proposing a method that focuses on individual measures instead of the measurement process for
Virtual by Design: How a Work Environment can Support Agile Distributed So ware Development
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ABSTRACT Even though agile methods have been ourishing in the last decades, their implementation in (globally) distributed arrangements still present hard challenges. Due to this tension, practices are either modi ed or added to compensate with the additional control
Merging Prototyping with Agile Software Development Methodology
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ABSTRACT Agile software development is a vast and rising discipline in field of software engineering that has gain importance in software industry. Due to flexibility of agile development, it is adopted by various organizations to develop software projects and is also
The Impact of Agile Methodology (DSDM) on Software Project Management
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ABSTRACT Software project management leads to success and failure of software project. Software project management include planning, managing and controlling different knowledge areas such as scope, time, cost, quality, risk, human resource, stakeholders, and
Agile Engineering Education for Present and Future
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SUMMARY Agile engineering education (AEE) in this context is characterised by mass customisation through designing learning modules and learning pathways according to individual learners needs and targets and rapid inclusion of new contents to synchronise The intention of the agile safety plan is to force the manufacturer to be specific about the safety process, enabling the certification body to be proactive and to plan the work according to the applicants schedule. In addition, this may also apply for, eg, the infrastructure manager (IM)
Agile maneuvering with intelligent articulated vehicles: a look from a control perspective
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ABSTRACT : Articulated vehicles are the popular means of freight and public transportation. Current trends and development forecasts indicate an increase in their use in the near future, mainly for economic and environmental reasons. Modular High Capacity Vehicles or Several software methodologies gained increased interest in the 1990s. These methodologies emphasised close collaboration between the development team and the stakeholders. The term agile was applied to this collection of methodologies in 2001 when 17 software development In nature, the organisms that survive are those best able to adapt to changes in their habitat. If we apply this to the automotive industry, we can assume that those companies unable to react fast enough to changing requirements will face difficulties in future. These include
IT Governance in Scaling Agile Frameworks
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ABSTRACT . Dynamic business environments call for companies organizational agility as being able to sense the changes in competitive environments and respond accordingly. A flexible IT environment facilitates this aim but contrasts with the structuration of IT organization
Agile design of public hospitals in Iran
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ABSTRACT Background: Hospitals as a part of the organization, because of the sensitivity and importance of the treatment must have an todays dynamic agile structure to be able to adapt to environmental changes. Therefore this study was to provide a structural model of
Integrating Security in Agile Software Development
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ABSTRACT Agile is popular approach in software development. Agile software development refers to a group of software development methodologies based on iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing
Reproducible Kinetic Characterization of Small Molecule Compounds in Serum with Agile R100
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ABSTRACT Obtaining small molecule kinetic information in serum earlier in the drug discovery process gives researchers a significant edge in determining the likelihood of success of a drug. 1 Agile R100 leverages Field Effect Biosensing (FEB) technology to
Boundaries in Agile Coaching Contracts
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Contracting has been the most significant TA concept that has helped me bring to conscious awareness, the boundaries that help build and maintain healthy relationships. I work as an Agile Coach, and in this essay, I explore some ways in which I set up contracts in my
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ABSTRACT CPScapable engineers of today increasingly need to possess both technical and social skills to run CPSengineering projects successfully. Having technical skills solely is not enough since engineering projects mostly fail because of lacking knowledge
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ABSTRACT There are two IT system software development methods named Waterfall and Agile . By the Waterfall, software making starts after all system function requirement definition is completed. By the Agile software making starts when one of the system function
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ABSTRACT Selecting the right approach for software development has many factors like the project quality, costs and schedule. Traditional approaches suffice when projects are based on rigidly followed processes to ensure quality output. But such methods do not encompass
Towards Holistic an Agile Teaching Approach for Economics
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ABSTRACT The empirical approach to collecting data was fulfilled within the work. On the example of students of economics and management fields, an analysis of the obtained information showed that students possess vast theoretical knowledge and scientific research
Evaluating Drivers Impacting Buyer-Supplier Relationships in Agile Supply Chain
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ABSTRACT This study identifies the critical drivers of buyer-supplier relationships in the context of agile supply chains. It develops a conceptual framework consisted of three higher level constructs and eleven determinants of buyer-supplier relationship. Data and information
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Larsen 2010; BuurMatthews 2008; Buur et al. 2013) although, participatory innovation is subject to both planned and emergent events (BuurLarsen 2010). Therefore, existing research on participatory innovation has yet to uncover how emergent phenomena unfold
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A new design of the Agile Eye, a parallel manipulator with three rotational degrees of freedom, has been realised and validated. The original design was mechanically overconstrained, whereas the new design is not. Also, the advantages of 3D printing have
Agile Corpus Annotation in Practice: An Overview of Manual and Automatic Annotation of CVs
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Citation for published version: Alex, B, Grover, C, Shen, RKabadjov, M 2010, Agile Corpus Annotation in Practice: An Overview of Manual and Automatic Annotation of CVs. in Proceedings of the Fourth Linguistic Annotation Workshop. Association for Computational Linguistics
Agile Process Management in the Manufacturing Industry. A New Paradigm in Industrial Operations Management
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ABSTRACT This theoretical paper examines the origins of the agile business process management approach in the of the organizational theory and the differences between traditional business management approaches and agile management approaches. Theories
Gamification of Agile Project Management for Software Development Projects
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ABSTRACT : One of the key success factors for projects is a high motivation of the team members. On the other hand, especially the usage of administrative tools is often tiring and demotivating for the users. Gamification is a recent trend in user interface design, which
Onboard State Dependent LQR for Agile Quadrotors
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ABSTRACT State-of-the-art approaches in quadrotor control split the problem into multiple cascaded subproblems, exploiting the different time scales of the rotational and translational dynamics. They calculate a desired acceleration as input for a cascaded attitude controller CSE PROJECTS