analog circuit 2016 IEEE PAPER
Review of Bandgap Voltage Reference for Analog and Mixed Signal Circuit
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Abstract-This paper presents a review of the design of different bandgap reference circuits on the basis of different parameters such as Vref, supply range, power dissipation, temperature coefficient etc. The proposed circuit would be a high PSRR and low
CNTFET-based Analog Circuit Design Applications
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Abstract. The present paper introduces an overview of the most relevant analog circuit applications using Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor (CNTFET). We provide a useful update of the state-of-the-art of this technology and then we evaluate the performances for
Analog Pre-Distortion Circuit for Radio over Fiber Transmission
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Abstract:This letter presents a novel analog predistortion circuit based on two Schottky diodes that can suppress both the third-and fifth-order nonlinear distortions simultaneously. This circuit is simple, of low cost, and of low power consumption. The predistortion circuit
Analysis of Signal Integrity for High Precision Digital-to-Analog ConversionCircuit
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Abstract In order to improve the accuracy of the digital to analog conversion (DAC), the reflection and crosstalk problems of the signal transmission process were studied in this paper. The Hyperlynx software was used for the simulation study of reflection and
Computer Aided Fault Diagnosis in Analog Circuit
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Abstract-In this paper, a fault diagnosis system is presented for analog circuit testing based on the Simulation before Test approach. The circuit under test is subjected to a frequency response analysis, from which parameters are extracted such that they give unique values
A DAC Stage Analog Circuit Generator for UDSM and FD-SOI Technologies
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Abstract:The design of analog integrated circuits requires extensive manual work which is error-prone and inefficient. With advanced ultra-deep sub-micron (UDSM) technologies, the manual design effort increases further dramatically. This work presents the application of a
Low-power All-analog Circuit for Rectangular-type Analog Joint Source Channel Coding
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Abstract:A low-complexity and low-power all-analog circuit is proposed to perform efficiently Analog Joint Source Channel Coding (AJSCC). The proposed idea is to adopt Voltage Controlled Voltage Source (VCVS) to realize the rectangular-type mapping in
Wave Digital Filter based Analog Circuit Emulation on FPGA
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Abstract:Unlike well accepted FPGA emulation for digital circuits, there is no winning emulation solution for analog and mixed-signal (AMS) circuits. This paper presents an analog circuit emulation based on wave digital filters (WDFs), which covers the entire flow
Analog Circuit Based on the Shock Pulse Method and Its Application in Fault Diagnosis of Bearing
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ABSTRACT There are many factors which can effect the detection of bearing defect. Noise is a very important factor. Too much noise will lead negative effect to the detection of bearing defect, which will lead to a result that the fault can't be detected. In the study of state
ECEN 607 Advanced Analog Circuit Design Techniques, Spring 2016: Homework# 1 Section 600
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Summary: Technology NMOS-180n PMOS-180n NMOS-65n PMOS-65n Is [nA] 621.7 140.9 992.9 141.3 Vt0 [mV] 420.59-413.3 355.2-333.6 n 1.19 1.25 1.19 1.17[V (1/2)] 0.41 0.5 0.42 0.35[cm2/V* s] 1240 175 573 20[V- 1] 0.86 0.35 0.79 0.8 Sigma [a] 400.85
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ABSTRACT This paper deals with simulation of BBD circuit based analog flanger effects. The famous Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Electric Mistress flanger effect was used as a case study in this paper. The main attention of this paper is paid to the analysis and simulation
Low-Power Bootstrapped Sample and Hold Circuit for Analog-to-Digital Converters
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Abstract:In this paper, a modified low-power bootstrapped sample and hold (S/H) circuit is proposed. The effect of the proposed modified low-power bootstrapped sample and hold (S/H) circuit appears in the medium and high-frequency applications in which it reduces
Analog Integrated Circuit Design Automation
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In the last years, the proliferation of consumer electronic devices triggered a huge increase in microelectronic activities, enabling the growth of the integrated circuit (IC) market from $10 billion in 1980 to over than $340 billion in 2015. Due to the developments made in terms
A survey of non-conventional techniques for low-voltage low-power analog circuit design
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Designing integrated circuits able to work under low-voltage (LV) low-power (LP) condition is currently undergoing a very considerable boom. Reducing voltage supply and power consumption of integrated circuits is crucial factor since in general it ensures the device
Analog circuit fault diagnosis under parameter variations based on type-2 fuzzy logic systems
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Abstract. In order to handle noisy measurement data, an interval type-2 fuzzy logic system (T2FLS) is proposed. In this paper, the evolution of soft fault diagnosis for analog circuits is explored based on a type-2 fuzzy logic system (T2FLS) which can handle measurement
Analog-circuit simulation of the current-programmed active-matrix pixel electrode circuits based on Poly-Si TFT for organic light-emitting displays
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Different current-programmed active-matrix (AM) pixel electrode circuits based on poly-Si thin-film-transistors (TFTs) are described in this paper. The built-in analog-digital converter (DAC) circuit that can provide an analog constant current is also presented. Analog-circuit
Analog Circuit Sizing Using Adaptive Worst-Case Parameter Sets.
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Abstract In this paper, a method for nominal design of analog integrated circuits is presented that includes process variations and operating ranges by worst-case parameter sets. These sets are calculated adaptively during the sizing process based on sensitivity analyses.
CMOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design
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This course has been designed for circuit designers who need to implement analog integrated circuits using CMOS technologies. The course will provide experienced analog circuit designers with a valuable update on the latest and upcoming developments in the
Analog maximum power point circuit applied to thermogenerators
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Abstract: The objective of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) circuits is to find automatically the MPP and therefore extract the maximum amount of power available in the energy supplier (eg TEGs, solar cells). Nowadays, the most common techniques of MPPT
Symbolic methods in industrial analog circuit design
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Abstract Industrial analog circuits are usually designed using numerical simulation tools. To obtain a deeper circuit understanding, symbolic analysis techniques can additionally be applied. Approximation methods which reduce the complexity of symbolic expressions are
Bipolar and MOS analog integrated circuit design
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The basic PLL system is comprised of three essential blocks:(1) a phase detector,(2) a loop filter, and (3) a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO]. These three blocks are interconnected to form a feedback system, as shown in Figure 12.1. With reference to the block diagram of
Analog/RF and mixed-signal circuit systematic design
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The" softmax" nonlinearity: Derivation using statistical mechanics and useful properties as a multiterminal analog circuit element
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Abstract We use mean-field theory methods from Statistical Mechanics to derive the" softmax" nonlinearity from the discontinuous winnertake-all (WTA) mapping. We give two simple ways of implementing" soft max" as a multiterminal network element. One of these
Adaptive digital compensation of analog circuit imperfections for cascaded delta-sigma analog-to-digital converters
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Abstract Cascaded delta-sigma (MASH) analog-to-digital converters offer a good compromise between high accuracy, robust stability and speed. However, they are very sensitive to analog circuit imperfections. In this thesis, a cascaded 2-0 delta-sigma ADC
Linear genome methodology for analog circuit design
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Abstract This paper describes a set of specialized GA methods for the analog circuit design, ie, the component-list chromosome, the multi-staged evolution, and the size reducing pressure. In the several experiments, these methods have shown to achieve the
Analog circuit design
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This book contains the revised and extended tutorials that 18 experts have presented at the workshop on Advances in Analog Circuit Design (AACD) held at 15-17 April 2003, in Graz, Austria. The book comprises three parts, one per topic, each with 6 tutorial contributions. The three
Overview of symbolic methods in industrial analog circuit design
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Comparative analysis of double gate FinFET configurations for analog circuitdesign
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Abstract:FinFETs are being adopted as an alternative to nanoscale classical MOSFET for digital circuits. The doublegate (DG) FinFET gives rise to a rich design space using various configurations of the gates. Existing research study the DG FinFET for digital design.
Introducing Qualitative Reasoning in fault dictionaries techniques for analog circuit analysis
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Abstract The aim of this paper is to develop a higher level layer for different analog circuit diagnosis techniques. In particular, two fault dictionary methods have been applied to an analog circuit. The first step towards a qualitative decision is to fuzzyfy the results given by
Low frequency noise considerations for CMOS analog circuit design
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Abstract: This paper gives an overview on 1/f-noise issues relevant for today's CMOS analog circuit design. The device-to-circuit relation of noise and the relevant operating conditions are reviewed. Modeling of the biasing dependence of 1/f-noise amplitude including large
Analog circuit design
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This book is part of the Analog Circuit Design series and contains contributions of the speakers of the 18th workshop on Advances in Analog Circuit Design (AACD), which was organized by Sven Mattisson of Ericsson. The workshop was held in Lund, Sweden, from
Research on k-fault diagnosis and testability in analog circuit
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Abstract:-Fault diagnosis is very important for development and maintenance of safe and reliable electronic circuits and systems. Many k-fault diagnosis methods were put forward such as branch method, node method, loop method, mesh method, cut set method. But the
On-Chip Electric Waves: An Analog Circuit Approach to Physical Uncloneable Functions.
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1 Abstract This paper proposes the use of Cellular Non-Linear Networks (CNNs) as physical uncloneable functions (PUFs). We argue that analog circuits offer higher security than existing digital PUFs and that the CNN paradigm allows us to build large, unclonable, and
Optimal analog circuit sizing via ant colony optimization technique
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Summary We propose a novel adaptation of the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Technique for the resolution of analog sizing optimization problems. The paper details the proposed algorithm and highlights its performances using some mathematical test functions. This
Analog circuit design
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This book is part of the Analog Circuit Design series and contains the revised contributions of all speakers of the 19th workshop on Advances in Analog Circuit Design (AACD), which was organized by Wolfgang Pribyl of Graz University of Technology. The workshop was
A two-dimensional analog VLSI circuit for detecting discontinuities in early vision.
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A large number of computer vision algorithms for nding intensity edges, computing matron, depth, and color, and recovering the three-dimensional shape of objects have been. developed within the framework of minimizing an associated energy or cost functional.
Frequency domain analog circuit fault diagnosis based on radial basis function neural network
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Abstract In this paper, a fault diagnosis methodology is proposed based on radial basis function neural networks (RFBNN) to analyze signatures of analog circuits. To perform soft fault location, RBFNN are used to process the circuit frequency responses and to build the
An analog circuit implementation of a quadratic integrate and fire neuron
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Abstract:Silicon neurons are of importance both to implement hybrid electronic-biological system as well as to develop fundamental understanding of the neurobiological systems they emulate. We have implemented a hardware version of the quadratic integrate and fire
Research-oriented junior/senior design projects: an analog circuit design example
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Abstract:Briefly, the advantages of offering research-oriented design projects for undergraduate students of particular interest and talent are discussed. A successful research-based analog circuit design project is described as an example. The project is
Low voltage analog circuit design based on the flipped voltage follower
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Abstract: The desire for portability of electronics equipment generated a need for low power system in battery products like hearing aids, implantable cardiac pacemakers, cell phones and hand held multimedia terminals. Low voltage analog circuit design differs
Extraction of Piecewise-Linear Analog Circuit Models from Trained Neural Networks Using Hidden Neuron Clustering.
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Abstract This paper presents a new technique for automatically creating analog circuit models. The method extracts-from trained neural networks-piecewise linear models expressing the linear dependencies between circuit performances and design parameters
Analog-Circuit-Based Activities to Improve Introductory Continuous-Time Signals and Systems Courses
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Abstract The introductory continuous-time signals and systems course (CTSS) is one of the most difficult courses that students encounter in an electrical and computer engineering (ECE) curriculum, as evidenced by well-above-average drop/failure rates. This paper
Introduction to the Issue on DSP Techiques for RF/Analog Circuit Impairments.
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RECENT advances in digital processing capabilities and VLSI integration, fueled by Moore's law, have widened the gap between digital and analog circuits in terms of their performance- complexity tradeoffs. This trend is projected to become even more significant in the future.
A review of the evolution of current-mode circuits and techniques and various modern analog circuit building blocks
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Abstract: This paper presents a brief introduction and review of some prominent current mode building blocks, which have been finding prominent attention in the area of analog signal processing. Some exemplary hardware implementations of a selected number of
Analog integrated circuit for edge detection with massively parallel processing based on vertebrate outer retina
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An analog circuit for edge detection was proposed based on vertebrate outer retinas. In order to realize a wide dynamic range of light intensity, a simple logarithmic compression photocircuit based on a photoreceptor in the retina was utilized at the first stage of a unit
Universal hybrid-pi model qualifies as potential COMPACT MODEL for Analog circuit simulation
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Abstract:PSpice has definite limitations as accurate analog simulation software. This limitation arises because of the use of the conventional Hybrid-p model as small signal model of CE BJT. In 1980 Author had proposed Universal Hybrid–p Model as a more
Impulse response fault model and fault extraction for functional level analog circuit diagnosis
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In this paper, a functional fault model for analog circuit diagnosis is proposed. A faulty circuit is modeled as a fault-free module in serial or in parallel with a fault module. To extract the faults, we adopt an iterative deconvolution technique to deconvolute the impulse response
Fuzzy techniques in analog circuit design
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Abstract:-The aim of his paper is to present some applications of fuzzy techniques in the optimization-based design of analog circuits. Our approach turns into profit the advantages offered by different fuzzy techniques. Fuzzy systems or fuzzy sets are involved in every
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ABSTRACT An accurate drain current model for deepsubmicrometer MOSFETS down to chf= 0.25 pm suitable for digital as well as analog applications has been developed. The basic framework of this model is based on the recent improved physical understanding of
A Voltage Based Winner Take All Circuit for Analog Neural Networks
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Abstract: Winner-take-all (WTA) is a usually used operation in neural network to locate the most activated neuron. This paper presents a voltage based winner-take-all circuit neural networks implemented in analog VLSI. In the presented WTA circuit, a winner follower
Analog CMOS neural networks based on Gilbert multipliers with in-circuitlearning
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Abstract-This paper examines analog CMOS circuit implementations of several common neural network algorithms. All circuits described perform in-circuit learning, using Gilbert multipliers as a primary circuit component. These include 3pm and 1.2 pm designs for
Analog Insydes 2–New Features and Applications in Circuit Design
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ABSTRACT In this paper we present Analog Insydes 2, the second edition of our Mathematica toolbox for symbolic and numeric modeling and analysis of analog electronic circuits. Following an overview of the improvements and new features in version 2, we CSE PROJECTS