antenna for wireless lan
A novel printed version of the classic volcano smoke antenna is presented and investigated in this article.The effects of some importan parameters on the VSWRof the proposed antenna have been investigated in the design.The measured bandwidth of VSWR less than 2 is from 1.80 to 14.35 GHz,which covers all UWB (3.1 to 10.6 GHz)and 2.4 GHz WLAN (2.4 –2.4835 GHz)bands.Moreover,the antenna features near omnidirectional characteristics in the operation range and good radiation efficiency.A gain variation from 2.04 to 7.02 dBi (2 –13 GHz)is obtained.
- smart antenna in mimo
- multi-antenna transmission
- Coordinated beamforming for the multicell multi-antenna wireless system
- Coordinated beamforming for the multicell multi-antenna wireless system
- Integrated bluetooth and UWB antenna
Patch Antenna 2.4GHz research papers
A 2.4 GHz Microstrip Patch Antenna with a Single Slot for WLAN Application
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ABSTRACT A newly design technique for enhancing Bandwidth that improves the performance of a conventional microstrip patch antenna is proposed. This paper presents a novel wideband slot antenna. The design adopts contemporary techniques; A single slot
Optimization and High Gain of a Microstrip Patch Antenna Excited by Coaxial Probe for RFID Reader Applications at 2.4 GHz
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Abstract In this paper, we present the design and optimization a rectangular patch antenna excited by coaxial probe for RFID applications and which operates at the central frequency of 2.4 GHz. The design of the proposed antenna was simulated using the software Ansoft
Design and Simulation of Microstrip Patch Array Antenna for Wireless Communication at 2.4 GHz
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ABSTRACT Due to the existence of growth in development of low cost, less weight, highly reliable, minimal profile antennas for wireless devices, it poses a new challenge for the design of antenna in wireless communications. This paper presents design and simulation
Design Of Single1x1 Microstrip Rectangular Patch Antenna Array Operating At 2.4 GHzUsing ADS
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Abstract This article describes the design of single microstrip rectangular patch antenna and 1x1 microstrip rectangular patch antenna arrays operating at 2.4 GHz. Simulation result shows that 5.199 dB and 7.84 dB gain can achieved at frequency 2.4 GHz. Also simulation
High Gain Patch Antenna for 2.4 GHz using Metamaterial Superstrate
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Since Veselago has investigated various properties of metamaterials with the negative permittivity (e) and permeability (µ), numerous applications of metamaterials such as high- directive antennas and superlens have been continuously explored . Metamaterials are
The Design of the X-Circular Polarized Microstrip Patch Antenna with Slanted Rectangular Slot by Using A Single Port At Frequency 2.4 GHz
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ABSTRACT This paper presents the design and investigation of the single circular patch with slanted rectangular slot and the X-circular polarized microstrip patch antenna with slanted rectangular slot by using a single port at frequency 2.4 GHz. It's called X because the
Planar Patch Antenna for 2.4 GHZ Wireless Applications
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ABSTRACT This paper presents the theory and design of a planar patch antenna in the shape of a rectangle at 2.4 GHz. The antenna is designed with FR4 as a substrate which has a dielectric constant of 4.4. The frequency of operation is chosen to be 2.4 GHz as the
Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna For 2.4 GHz Communication Using Defected Ground Structure.
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Abstract In this paper simple RMPA is designed and its performance parameters are compared with RMPA having defected ground plane. The antenna is simulated at 2.4 GHz using CAD-FEKO simulation software. This work mainly includes modification of antenna
Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna With FSS And Slotted Patch To Enhance Bandwidth At 2.4 Ghz For WLAN Applications
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ABSTRACT Microstrip patch antennas are mostly known for their versatility in terms of possible geometries that makes them applicable for many different situations. The lightweight construction and the suitability for integration with microwave integrated circuits are two
patch antenna research papers
A microstrip patch antenna with coplanar feed line
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ABSTRACT An experimental investigation of a microstrip patch antenna with a coplanar feed line is presented. The coupling from the coplanar line to the patch is accomplished via a slot in the ground plane to which the coplanar line is connected either inductively or
On the behavior of Koch island fractal boundary microstrip patch antenna
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ABSTRACT The properties of the Koch island fractal boundary microstrip patch antenna are presented. The behavior at the fundamental mode and the existence of high-order modes that exhibit localized current density distributions is discussed. The main features are the
Improved patch antenna performance by using photonic bandgap substrates
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ABSTRACT In this letter, a patch antenna on a photonic bandgap substrate is presented. A reduction in the leel of surface-wae mode excitation has been obtained. This leads to improed efficiency, gain, and far-field radiation pattern. Furthermore, improements in the
A shorted elliptical patch antenna for GPS applications
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ABSTRACT In this paper, an L1 global positioning system (GPS) antenna with improved multipath-rejection capability is presented. The antenna is realized with a shorted annular elliptical patch (SAEP). In the following, some of the characteristic of SAEP will shortly be
Design of a circularly-polarized vertical patch antenna
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ABSTRACT A circularly-polarized vertical patch antenna is proposed and investigated. The design is achieved by simply adding two small stubs to the vertical patch. The antenna maintains the advantages of the original linearly polarized vertical patch antenna, such as
A frequency-reconfigurable circularly polarized patch antenna by integrating MEMS switches
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A microstrip antenna with integrated RF mircoelectromechanical system (MEMS) switches is proposed and demonstrated to operate at dual frequencies with circular polarization. The switches are incorporated into the diagonally-fed square patch for controlling the
A note on the impedance variation with feed position of a rectangular microstrip-patch antenna
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Abstract The variation with feed position of the input impedance of a rectangular patch antenna is investigated theoretically. Two differ-ent feed types are examined: an inset microstrip line, and a coaxial probe. The Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) technique
V-slotted triangular microstrip patch antenna
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a design of triangular microstrip antenna with V-slot and experimentally studied. Triangular patch is designed on a FR4 substrate of thickness 0.6 mm and relative permittivity of 4.4 and mounted above the ground plane at a height of 6 mm.
FDTD analysis of a sized-reduced, dual-frequency patch antenna
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Many applications in communications and radar systems often require the antennas with dual-frequency capabilities. The dual-frequency op- erations include two different cases, which are antennas working in dual bands but with orthogonal polarizations and that with same
Analysis of an H-shaped patch antenna by using the FDTD method
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ABSTRACT In this paper, the characteristics of a small antenna using an H-shaped microstrip patch are studied. Significant reduction of antenna size can be realized when the H-shaped patch is used instead of the conventional rectangular microstrip patch antenna. The
The fundamentals of patch antenna design and performance
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Microstrip patch antennas (also just called patch antennas) are among the most common antenna types in use today, particularly in the popular frequency range of 1 to 6 GHz. This type of antenna had its first intense development in the 1970s, as communication systems
2.45 GHz Microstrip Patch Antenna with Defected Ground Structure for Bluetooth
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ABSTRACT In this paper, a rectangular microstrip patch antenna with DGS has been analyzed and simulated for the wireless applications. The proposed antenna has been simulated at 2.45 GHz frequency. This compact antenna fed by Quarter Transformer feeding. This type
Design of a modified W-shaped patch antenna on Al2O3 ceramic material substrate for Ku-band
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Recently, application oriented material research plays a great role in modern communication engineering development, especially in antenna technology. Low loss material substrate based antenna miniaturization is always interesting topic for
Isolation enhancement of anisotropic UC-PBG microstrip diplexer patch antenna
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ABSTRACT Anisotropic characteristics of uniplanar compact photonic bandgap (UC-PBG) structure is studied and applied for the first time into the design of microstrip diplexer patch antennas to enhance the isolation between transmitting (Tx) and receiveing (Rx) ports.
Spiral slot patch antenna and circular disk monopole antenna for 3.1-10.6 GHz ultra wideband communication
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ABSTRACT This paper introduces two antenna designs for Ultra Wideband 3.1-10.6 GHz communication. The primary antenna design is an equiangular spiral slot patch antenna with an outer radius of 2.25 cm. The incorporation of a ground plane enables
Multi-Band Microstrip Slotted Patch Antenna for Application in Microwave Communication
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ABSTRACT A single layer, single feed compact slotted patch antenna is thoroughly simulated in this paper. Resonant frequency has been reduced drastically by cutting two equal slots which are the combinations of one triangular and another rectangular slot at the upper
Rectangular slotted patch antenna for 5-6GHz applications
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MN Srifi, M Meloui, M Essaaidi International Journal of microwave and 2010 ABSTRACT A novel miniature wideband rectangular patch antenna is designed for wireless local area network (WLANs) applications and operating for 5-6 GHz ISM band, and wideband applications. The proposed antenna gives a bandwidth of 4.84 to 6.56 GHz for
24 GHz radar sensor integrates patch antenna and frontend module in single multilayer LTCC substrate
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R Kulke, C Gnner, S Holzwarth, J Kassner Proc. 15 th European 2005 ABSTRACT The authors from IMST and DuPont have developed in joint project a RADAR demonstrator operating in the 24 GHz band. The sensor is designed to be used in vehicles as driver assistance system. FMCW method is utilized to measure distances up to 30 m or
New patch antenna for ISM band at 2.45 GHz
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ABSTRACT In this paper we present a new patch antenna as a hexagonal patch operating in the Industrial Scientific Medical (ISM) frequency band at 2.45 GHz, the proposed antenna is verifying using to different numerical techniques which are Finite Element Method FEM
Design of an 8x1 square microstrip patch antenna array
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VR Anitha, SN Reddy International Journal of electronic 2009 ABSTRACT Wind profiling radars operating in Doppler beam swinging mode needs to have large antenna array in order to have a narrow beam for wind direction accuracy. To meet the above requirement, in the present work an array with 8 elements configured in an 8X1 is CSE PROJECTS