Arduino is an open-source hardware and software company, project, and user community that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building digital devices. electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online.
In this paper, we will control the Robotic car using the Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) technology. DTMF technology is useful technique in the present days. It works on the methods
Arduino Mega Based Smart Traffic Control System
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Aim: The main aim of this paper is design smart traffic system to develop a dynamic road signal based on density. Study Design: The conventional traffic signal system is based on
An internet of things framework for real-time aquatic environment monitoring using an Arduino and sensors
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have used an ethernet shield and Arduino Uno [22]. Arduino Uno be simply connected to the internet with ethernet shield. This shield allows Arduino to transfer data from sensors
Review for Arduino based Portable Ventilator for COVID-19
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In response to anticipated shortages of ventilators caused by the COVID-19 pandemic mechanical ventilation is a life-saver in the development of modern ICUs. This paper provides an
Real-Time Graphing of Simple Harmonic Motion of Mass on Springs with an Arduino Based on an Experiment Set for Teaching and Learning Physics
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Moreover, they can be used with Arduino board and the computer easily. This helps is performed Arduino board, a microcontroller which is popular at present. An Arduino board is a non
Implementation of DTC-SVM (Sample Reference Phase Voltages) of Induction Motor Using Arduino UNO
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ARDUINO UNO is the controller used for variable speed operation of induction motor drive later Simulink model is interfaced with ARDUINO UNO where gating signals are deployed
Multiple Laser Alarm System using Arduino Uno
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and construct a simple security system using Arduino that will be used to detect intrusion or how the Arduino Uno works together with the laser and LDR, to make use of Arduino laserArduino provides enough Arduino programming is supported by wide amount of libraries. The system software was written, compiled and uploaded to arduino board using arduino s IDE
IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring using ESP8266 and Arduino
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Arduino Uno The Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller board designed by Arduino .cc and based on the Microchip AT- mega328P microprocessor. The board has digital
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is based on Arduino UNO platform, as Arduino /Raspberry Pi etc. can read the WATERMARK sensor, The WATERMARK sensor can be read by analog to digital devices such as Arduino
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This paper aims to create a framework to keep the car safe and secure through critical activity. When we run in ignorance we cannot take care of our own. If we make all vehicles with an
Arduino Technology an Effective Tool for GSM Based Prepaid Energy Metering Management System
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We cannot connect Arduino directly with relay because as Arduino has Arduino through ULN2003 IC or relay driver, ON/OFF instructions are sent over to relay driver by Arduino
The Use of Arduino Interface and Date Palm (Phoenix Dactylifera) Seeds in Making an Improvised Air Ionizer-Purifier
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The objective of this research study is to create an improvised air ionizer-purifier out of Arduino Interface and Date Palm seeds to reduce indoor pollution with the use of eco-friendly and
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system, and the prototype is designed and constructed by using Arduino UNO R relay, by using Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) and connected to the Arduino UNO
of Smart Fuzzy Logic Strategy to Manage Energy Resources of a Residential Power System Integrating Solar Energy and Storage System Using Arduino
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In the present study, by using the Arduino board as an energy management unit in the hybrid power system, tried to provide a basis for the use of renewable energy resources in real
Solar Photovoltaic and Smart Energy Meter Based Intraday Load Forecasting using Arduino ATMEGA328P
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The significant increases in energy consumption at user end create a huge power gap in demand and power supply. Thus creates stress in our existing power grid causing load
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The Arduino Uno which we have used is integrated with a Wi-Fi module called Arduino Uno Wi-Fi. The board is based on the ATmega328P with an ESP8266 Wi-Fi module consolidated
Research data supporting Smart textile lighting/display system with multifunctional fibre devices for large scale smart home and IoT applications
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Arduino axis off while(1) matlabreading = fscanf( arduino ); reading=char(matlabreading); Arduino CodeArduino Nano has a flash memory of 32KB out of which 0.5KB is used by the bootloader. Arduino be programmed with the help of Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Arduino can operate 5v Dc supply. There are three external devices are tapped with Arduino port based on the uploaded program of Arduino . in Arduino . GPs location is minkled with
Smart Digital Thermometer for Covid-19 Detection
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During the COVID-19 epidemic, taking temperatures has been a major focus. The aim of this project is to implement a prototype of a cheap and high reliability digital temperature
Agricultural Automation with Smart Irrigation System
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Arduino connect receiver terminal of GSM to the transmitter terminal of Arduino connect Ground terminals of both Arduino give 5V of DC supply from Arduino to VCC of Relay module,
Smart Waste Monitoring System using IoT
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This IoT webpage is created using embedded C in Arduino compiler as our main microcontroller is Arduino UNO. This application can be opened on any device like mobile/laptop3) Arduino board(Fig 2): We have used the Arduino Mega 2560, whichis a high performance, of the servo motors to the power supply and to the Arduino board in order to program them.
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Arduino programs be written in any programming The Arduino project provides the Arduino integrated development The Arduino IDE supports the C and C++ programmingArduino microcontroller which manipulates the data readings and a liquid crystal display which displayed the output from the sensor comprehensively on screen. The result obtained
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the connection between ArduinoUNO, accelerometer and transmitter module. ArduinoUNO is then it is compiled and uploaded on the ArduinoUNO Board for the computation purpose
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furthermore the Arduino Bluetooth(BT). This arduino BT board and cell phone are imparted utilizing Bluetooth. The electrical transfers are utilized to with machines arduino BT board
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Arduino an open source microcontroller is the main functional unit for the entire project as we use Arduino used for dumping the program to Arduino is Arduino IDE. This bot, making
Portable Pilgrim Tracker
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In this project, Arduino Integrated Development Environment or better known as Arduino IDE has been utilized as the main platform to write and upload programs to Arduino compatible
Smart Automated Sericulture Based On Image Processing Technique And Embedded System
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The Arduino IDE is used to create code for the Arduino Mega, which monitors and controls external devices and sensors. Matlab is used for image processing, which aids in recognising
e Design and Fabrication of a Novel Multistage Soft Robot
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Arduino were added in line to each cavity to create a closed loop system. e pressure sensor recorded data and sent the data back to the Arduino rates with the Arduino . Creating a soft
IoT based Streetlight Controlling System
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Arduino boards are able to read Arduinocompatible coding refers to all Arduino and Arduinocompatible microcontroller boards that can be programmed and uploaded using Arduinothe sensor, the Arduino ESP8266 was employed as a controller. In the electrical box, the Arduino circuit and all sensor A range of Arduino modules is available including Arduino Uno,
Design and Implementation Data Logger with Integrated Circuit Multiplexer for Solar Panel Park
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This article describes the data logging technique for large-scale solar panels system. The input data of the developed data logger can be increased significantly by optimizing the
Applications of Ultrasonic Sensor Early Warning System Crash Due to landslide On Train
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To use the Arduino simply connect the USB cable from the computer to arduinonya, but it can also use the adapter and battery. For arduino programming language using the C
Design and implementation of a TVC system for an amateur level rocket
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Annex A: Arduino code The following code uses the Arduino built in example as well as Joop Brokking s example in order to setup the MPU 6050 IMU ANNEX A: ARDUINO CODE
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Arduino IDE 1.8.1 software is used in this work. It is the open Arduino based code and it was uploaded to an Arduino Uno board. As per need one can change the code easily in Arduino
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compared to Arduino . the Arduino IDE. But this version of the module has only 2 gpio pins (can hack it to use upto 4). So it must be utilized alongside another microcontroller like Arduino
Smart Brain Computer Interface based Miniature Wheelchair for the Differently abled
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Arduino software is used to write the instruction code of movement and IR sensor is used to detect obstacles in front. Bluetooth Module is also added to this system to allow easy
UG, UX and WordPress development for IoT and embedded systems
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The purpose of this thesis was to develop a system to send sensor data from Arduino Nano over BLE and receive sensor data using the Python interface. Word-Press acts as a user
Development of sensor system for detection of choking of the boot of maize planter
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by 5Volt DC taken from the Arduino UNO board and Arduino UNO was powered by the signal input was fed to the Arduino UNO board and the Arduino UNO board gave the output in a
IoT-EMS: An Internet of Things Based Environment Monitoring System in Volunteer Computing Environment
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In this research, Arduino is used as the main base platform and an open-source The Arduino environment comprises of three things such as Arduino board, Arduino IDE, and Arduino
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Arduino UNO board POWER SUPPLY The Arduino UNO board can be powered via USB connection or with an external power supply. The power source is selected automatically.
Internet of Things (IoT) Enabled Air Quality Monitoring System for Conventional and UAV Application.
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existing in the air by using Arduino UNO and node MCU module The use of an Arduino processor with a Node MCU to open-source cloud facility with Arduino for air quality monitoring,
IOT Based Smart Poultry Farming
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The pins of the Arduino Nano can be used as input or output Arduino Nano can communicate with a computer or any other IoT device. Arduino IDE is used to write program for Arduino
Automatic Human Detection Using Reinforced Faster-RCNN for Electricity Conservation System
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An Arduino microcontroller is embedded to this framework which automatically turns on/off the electricity based on humans presence/absence respectively. The proposed approach is
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of an Arduino board the hardware runs and processes the project. Arduino UNO is the first ever Arduino This Arduino UNO is released along with it s software Arduino IDE version 1.0.
Door Access Control Using RFID and Voice Recognition System
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port A5 on the Arduino while SDA was connected to port A4 on the Arduino . The LCD Arduino board and once it detects the presence of a human being, it sends a signal to the Arduino
Design and Development of a Solar Powered Vehicle for Physically Challenged People with Voice Recognition
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If the voice command is START the Arduino will close the power circuit and allow the the Arduino will turn OFF the vehicle The Hardware components used are: Arduino Board
Wearable Sensor Use for Remote Health Monitoring System For Elder User.
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The Uno board is the first in a series of USB-based Arduino boards and version 1.0 of the Arduino IDE were the reference versions of Arduino which have now evolved to newer[18] The output pin is connected to pin 11 of Arduino UNO. virtual I/O pins of Arduino . More distinctive connection be manage the usage of TSOP1738 and Arduino UNO. For that,
Garbage Collector Machine with Instant Reward
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Flow of the operations will be programmed in Arduino Uno micro-controller, sensors and GSM technology. This system leads to collection and segregation of waste at one place, for
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The Arduino Ethernet Shield associates your Arduino to the web in unimportant minutes. Simply plug this module onto your Arduino As consistently with Arduino each component of the
Design and Implementation of Continuous Monitoring To Supply Potable Water With Smart Utility Water Billing System
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In the various microcontroller module classification Arduino development board is unique Here this system uses the Arduino mega 2560 as the controller of the system. The Arduino
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The robot is designed with an Arduino UNO board to ensure the complete robot working. The robot is controlled by a 4-wheel drive and remotely controlled via a gsm remote. Also, the
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for the Arduino Uno microcontroller board, 14 digital input/output are used in the Arduino where 6 to the microcontroller, which in our instance is an Arduino . Before issuing the alert, the
Smart Stepper Motor Control using MIT App Inventor for Microwave Head Imaging Platform
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In this work, the micro-step driver used as a bridge between Arduino module and stepper motor. To produce torque, it transfers power to proper step motor windings through splitting the
RFID-Based Digital Door Locking System
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The use of the Arduino UNO microcontroller in this project allows design simplicity, therefore, the project can be achieved in a shorter time than other technologies previously employed.
Home Automation using IOT Application
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to the Arduino and Genuino hardware to upload programs and communicate with them. Programs written using Arduino The console displays text output by the Arduino Software (IDE),
arduino projects IEEE PAPER 2021
Arduino is an open-source hardware and software company, project and user community that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control both physically and digitally.
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Nowadays, the increase in population has led to water scarcity in most parts of the world. Large amount of water is wasted in agriculture. Water wastage here is mainly due to water logging during irrigation. So, there is a need to switch to alternative methods for irrigation
Real time vehicle tracking using arduino mega
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Automobiles are necessary for the movement of goods from one location to another. Consumers face several problems as a result of delays in the delivery of goods. This delay be due to drivers choosing incorrect or longer routes when delivering. To avoid
Design and Construction of Parcel Wrapping System using Arduino
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This paper describes about the automatic parcel wrapping system using arduino UNO. Packaging automation is the process or procedure of packaging a product without human assistance. It can range from individual equipment to simple process or complete packing
IoT based smart greenhouse automation using Arduino
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Greenhouse Automation System is the technical approach in which the farmers in the rural areas will be benefitted by automatic monitoring and control of greenhouse environment. It replaces the direct supervision of the human. In this paper the different papers have been
Accident Detection System using Arduino Uno
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In highly populated countries, people lose their lives because of accidents and poor emergency facilities every day. These lives could have been saved if medical facilities are provided at the right time. This thesis implies a system which is a solution to this drawback
Pick and place robotic arm implementation using Arduino
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A robotic arm is designed using arduino to pick and place the objects via user commands. It will pick and place an object from source to destination safely. The soft catching gripper used in the arm will not apply any extra pressure on the objects. The robot is controlled
Smart Blind Walking Stick using Arduino
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This system is based on sensors and microcontroller. The features are to detect the obstacle for collision avoidance and it detects the object in directions left, right, down and front. The system is composed of the ultrasonic sensor, IR sensor and Arduino Mega 2560. It has a low
Heartbeat and temperature monitoring system for remote patients using Arduino
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This paper describes the working of a wireless heartbeat and temperature monitoring system based on a microcontroller ATmega328 ( arduino uno). Most monitoring systems that are in use in todays world works in offline mode but our system is designed such that a
Smart home control by using raspberry pi and arduino uno
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This paper presents a flexible and an inexpensive home control and monitoring system by utilizing network based on Raspberry Pi and using Arduino Microcontroller. The interface between the Access Point and switches with IP connectivity for accessing devices and
An Automated Irrigation System Using Arduino Microcontroller
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Freshwater is needed for crop and energy production, industrial fabrication as well as human and ecosystem needs. According to AQUASTAT database (AQUASTAT), 69% of the total extracted freshwater is used by agriculture sector, whereas 19% is used by
Comparative Study on UltraSonics Door Unlocking System Using Arduino
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In our project we discuss about operations on embedded system design using 8051 microcontroller and arduino . An embedded system is a programmed controlling and operating system with a dedicated function. A small computer on a single chip containing a
Arduino based paperless queue management system
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Queue management system is designed in organizing queues at service sectors like banks and post offices, which expected to have a large number of customers daily. Conventional ways of managing queues like issuing paper tickets printed with queue number lead to
Arduino based smart irrigation system using IoT
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An automated irrigation system for efficient water management and intruder detection system has been proposed. Soil Parameters like soil moisture, pH, Humidity are measured and the Pressure sensor and the sensed values are displayed in LCD. The intruder
Arduino based Randomized Audio Source Generator for testing Spatial Orientation Ability of Visually Impaired Persons
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A source of randomized audio signal is designed using the Arduino Due, the speaker amplifiers and a computer. The unit is central to the innovative idea of testing the spatial orientation ability of the Visually Impaired (VI) persons. A new design of movement on a
Wireless Pick and Place Robotic Arm Vehicle Using Arduino
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Robotics deals with the design of robots their manufacturing and applications. In recent years the industry and daily routine works are found to be more attracted and implemented through automation of Robots. Robot gained more importance in the modern era since it
Smart Home Automation System based on Arduino
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Intelligent home environments are environments that attempt to ease the users life in different ways and make it more comfortable using the technology. This paper present the principle of realizing a home control interface based on an Arduino UNO R3 board equipped
Density Based Traffic Signal Control Using Arduino And IR Sensors
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Traffic congestion is a severe problem in most of the cities across the world and it has become a nightmare for the citizens. It is caused by delay in signal, inappropriate timing of traffic signalling etc. The delay of traffic light is hard coded and it does not depends on traffic
A survey on industrial automation based on IoT with arduino microcontroller
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Internet of Things (IoT) plays a key role in the new generation of industrial automation systems (IASs). Evolving IoT standards if effectively used address many challenges in the development of IASs. where frameworks are associated with one another through the
Open-source Arduino -compatible data loggers designed for field research.
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Automated electronic data loggers revolutionized environmental monitoring by enabling reliable highfrequency measurements. However, the potential to monitor the complex environmental interactions involved in global change has not been fully realized due to the
Developing STEM skills using Arduino and heart rate variability analysis
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With the introduction of wearable sensors and the Internet of Things (IoT), the use of physiological signals to continuously assess our mental and physical state is growing rapidly. This field offers an exciting opportunity for students to develop a range of science
Transformer Wireless Monitoring System Using Arduino /XBEE
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Distribution transformers are generally provided with advanced control measures that ensure their operation and safety at a high reliability because their failure usually leads to long power outage, increase maintenance cost and unreliable provision of electricity toMicrocontrollers are incorporated in car control systems, domestic appliances, office machines, mobile phones, medical implants, remote controls, and the list goes on. The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board that can be easily programmed and used to build
Developing a Smart Irrigation System Using Arduino
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Current global technology plays an important role in the field of agriculture. Automation is the technology with which a procedure or process is executed without human assistance. The main objective of this work is to determine how a person can use the automatic irrigationTrademarked names, logos, and images may appear in this book. Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, logo, or image we use the names, logos, and images only in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the trademark
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So far we are controlling many electrical devices at homes, industries, offices, institutions manually. To control all electrical devices we need a lot of MAN POWER . If manpower increases maintenance cost also rises. This doesnt cause any benefit to the industry. So to
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The rapid advancement of the internet of things (IoT), life is getting easier and simpler in all aspects. At present world, automatic systems are being favored over the manual system. Todays world automation has become an inseparable part of ordinary households and
Intelligent System for Three Phase Submersible Motor Protection Using Arduino Microcontroller
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Arduino Microcontroller based three phase Submersible Motor Protection system is control to prevent over load, dry run, fault conditions like voltage or current variation, in any phase of three phase ac supply and over temperature using current sensor module, phase control
Intelligent Fire Detection and Visual Guided Evacuation System Using Arduino and GSM
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A prototype capable of detecting fire accident in real time and providing a visual guidance system in case of emergency in parking Area is discussed in presented case. Project has two parts hardware part and software part. The central and intelligent unit of the model is
Hand Gesture Controlled Robot and Obstacle Avoidance System using Arduino for Cleaning Application
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With the advancement of technology, robots are getting more consideration of researchers to make life of mankind pleasant. This paper describes the gesture control and obstacle avoidance robot which can be controlled by our hands for cleaning applications. This robot
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Now a days home security has been a major issue because of increasing gas leakage. Gas leakage is a great anxiety with ateliers, residential areas and vehicles like CNG, buses, cars which is run by gaspower. One way to stop accidents linked with the gas leakage is to affix
Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization for tuning of PID controller in Arduino Nano for Solar MPPT system
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This paper presents the implementation particle swarm optimization (PSO) embedded in Arduino Nano for proportional-integral-derivative controller (PID) tuning as a validation for real-time hardware application on the photovoltaic maximum power point tracking (MPPT)
Architecture For Measurement of Temperature, Relative Humidity, and Display of Scrolling Message On LED Display By Using Bluetooth Interface With Arduino
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The measurements of temperature and relative humidity remotely by using the appropriate sensors are not only important in environmental or weather monitoring but also crucial for many industrial purposes. A device for weather monitoring has been developed as