artificial intelligence research papers 3 year 2012

artificial intelligence research papers 3 year 2012

Professor Reynolds LE 1310 3 May 2012 Sensorimotor Experience and Artificial Intelligence
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While human consciousness develops, a child creates memories through sensorimotor experience. All memories are sensory experiences which guide our physical reflexes and emotional reactions (Rockets). Emotion is felt through physical changes in the body, either

Implications of using Artificial Intelligence Technology in Modern Warfare
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ABSTRACT The possibilities of military use of Artificial Intelligence are exciting yet frightening. Unmanned aerial vehicles such as aerial drones and robots are increasingly used. While today s military robots are mainly used to find roadside bombs and mines, watch military

APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN A GAME-LIKE TUTOR Interactive Qualifying Project Report completed in partial fulfillment of the Bachelor of
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ABSTRACT In this project, my team developed a guiding framework on the application of Artificial Intelligence in a game-like tutor, with focus on the creation of a computer opponent to stimulate interest in learning. We also managed to come up with a functional tutor

Scientometric Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Research Output: An Indian Perspective
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ABSTRACT This study analyses the artificial intelligence research output carried out during the year 1973–2011 the different parameters including authorship pattern, growth, rank with global publication, institutions contribution, most productivity journals were analysed.

The Solution of Machines Time Scheduling Problem Using Artificial Intelligence Approaches
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Problem (MTSP) is a hot point of research that is not yet matured, and needs further work. This paper presents two algorithms for the solution of the Machines Time Scheduling Problem that leads to the best starting time for each machine in each cycle. The first

Artificial Intelligence Methods in Discrete Tomography
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Tomography is an imaging procedure to examine the internal structure of objects. The crosssection images are constructed with the aid of the object s projections. It is often necessary to minimize the number of those projections to avoid the damage or destruction

Personalized Medicine and Artificial Intelligence
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We now summarize studies on personalized medicine published in six high-impact journals- Journal of the American Medical Association, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Lancet, Nature, Nature Medicine, and the New England Journal of Medicine-from 2006

CS344: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
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? 7. Establish a pointer to n from those members of M that were not already in G (ie, not already on either OPEN or CLOSED) Add these members of M to OPEN or CLOSED). Add these members of M to OPEN. For each member of M that was already on OPEN or

A Multidisciplinary Artificial Intelligence Model of an Affective Robot
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Abstract A multidisciplinary approach to a novel artificial intelligence system for an affective robot is presented in this paper. The general objective of the system is to develop a robotic system which strives to achieve a high level of emotional bond between humans and

Essentials of Game Theory: A Concise, Multidisciplinary Introduction (Synthesis Lectures onArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)
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Game theory is the mathematical study of interaction among independent, self-interested agents. The audience for game theory has grown dramatically in recent years, and now spans disciplines as diverse as political science, biology, psychology, economics,

The Manifest Destiny of Artificial Intelligence
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Artificial intelligence began with an ambitious research agenda: To endow machines with some of the traits we value most highly in ourselves-the faculty of reason, skill in solving problems, creativity, the capacity to learn from experience. Early results were promising.

Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Neural Network Simplified
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ABSTRACT The development of Neural Networks has been so rapid that they are now referred as the sixth generation of computing. While the main strength of Neural Networks is embedded in its non-linearity and data-driven aspects, its main shortcoming relates to the

Artificial intelligence and diagnostic radiology: Not quite ready to welcome our computer overlords
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E Siegel , Hal:The 9000 series is the most reliable computer ever made. No 9000 computer has ever made a mistake or distorted information. We are all, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof and incapable of error. I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all

Support Vector Machine for Learning in Artificial Intelligence Systems (SVM LAIS)
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C Kolvankar, MJ Trivedi, MB Mani, MR Ramanathan ABSTRACT SVM LAIS stands for Support Vector Machine for learning in Artificial Intelligence System. SVM is a concept in computer science for a set of related supervised learning methods that analyze data and recognize patterns, used for classification and

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
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ABSTRACT This paper covers the introduction, history and applications of Artificial Intelligence. In this paper we have dealt with exact definition of artificial intelligence, its origin and the various theories that approach to get the clear idea of principles of AI.

Innovative methods for improving portfolio management based on artificial intelligenceinstruments
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G PRELIPCEAN ABSTRACT Financial markets represent one of the most complex environments for business and there are a lot of types of external factors which impact their dynamics. The recent financial turbulence materialized by the global financial crisis 2008-2009 and the

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S Loomba, D Jindal , ABSTRACT An efficient protection of our environment depends mostly on the quality of the available information used to make an appropriate decision. The Problems arise when the quantities of available information are huge and non-consistent and their quality could not

A Role of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Security and Privacy Issues of Social Networking
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ABSTRACT The phenomenon of online social networking has evolved to include more than the teenage stereotype looking to expand his/her network of online friends. People of all ages and backgrounds have discovered that they can enrich their lives through the

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S Loomba, R Singla, P Garg , ABSTRACT Although Artificial Intelligence (AI) may not considered presently essential to business success. But in my opinion, AI applications will become essential to many companies in different domains. AI may not always be a solution for every company, but

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AZ Dalgleish, LJ Grobler , ABSTRACT This paper discusses a methodology for using artificial intelligence models to predict hourly temperatures and energy usage for use in determining a baseline. A baseline is used to measure savings achieved by implementing energy retrofits. The AI-models

Artificial Intelligence Techniques of Estimating of Torque for 8: 6 Switched Reluctance Motor
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A Parvizi , Switched reluctance motor (SRM) is one of the best candidates for industrial and household applications. Owing to its superior abilities such as high torque to inertia ratio, easy cooling, high speed capability and ease of repair, SRM has been taken into consideration by

Artificial Intelligence in Logistics Labs
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ABSTRACT. Artificial Intelligence is a very important element of computer science which opens up wide opportunities in usage for autonomous logistics labs. The Virtual Logistics Lab 2.0 (VLL 2.0) is a project developed in the University of Bremen. This Lab offers an

A Pre-neural Goal for Artificial Intelligence
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M Hersch ,Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence - Springer From its onset, the discipline of Artificial Intelligence aimed at understanding intelligence through a synthetic approach. Over time, progress has been made by considering lower and lower levels of intelligence. I argue that this trend should be completed by its next step by


artificial intelligence research papers 2012 section 2

artificial intelligence research papers 4 year 2012 CSE PROJECTS