automatic vehicle IEEE PAPER
Automatic vehicle identification by plate recognition
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Abstract:Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) has many applications in traffic systems (highway electronic toll collection, red light violation enforcement, border and customs checkpoints, etc.). License Plate Recognition is an effective form of AVI systems. In this
Service reliability impacts of computer-aided dispatching and automatic vehicle location technology: A Tri-Met case study
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Abstract This paper presents findings on initial changes in service reliability following Tri- Met's deployment of a new bus dispatching system using automatic vehicle location and automatic passenger counter technology. Changes in on-time performance, headway
Modeling schedule deviations of buses using automatic vehicle-location data and artificial neural networks
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The establishment of the Advanced Public Transportation Systems program has encouraged bus transit operators to experiment with implementing automatic vehicle-location systems for real-time monitoring and supervision of operations. While the focus has primarily been on
Estimating spatial travel times using automatic vehicle identification data
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ABSTRACT The paper describes an algorithm that was developed for estimating reliable and accurate average roadway link travel times using Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) data. The algorithm presented is unique in two aspects. First, it is designed to handle both
Agricultural automatic vehicle guidance from horses to GPS: How we got here, and where we are going
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Abstract. Automatic guidance based on GPS is a rapidly expanding technology in the area of precision agriculture. Its adoption is fueled by a quick return on investment, ease of operation and installation, as well as the availability of lowercost system options. This
Tri-Met's experience with automatic passenger counter and automatic vehicle location systems
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Prior to the implementation of AVL and APC technology, Tri-Met, like others in the transit industry, relied on costly manual data recovery. During lean budget years in the early 1980s, the agency began using stand-alone APCs instead of ride checkers, and recovered very
GPS based automatic vehicle tracking using RFID
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Abstract:a vehicle tracking system is an electronic device installed in a vehicle to enable the owner or a third party to track the vehicle's location. The objects of the paper are: designing of a remote control vehicle having the facility of tracking location through GPS
Technical and human factor aspects of automatic vehicle control in emergency situations
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SUMMARY This paper present the relevant aspect concerning human factors and technical solution for the Automatic Vehicle Control (AVC) function. One aim of the SAVE (System for effective Assessment of the driver state and Vehicle control in Emergency situations)
Research Note Sources of Error in Estimating Truck Traffic from Automatic Vehicle Classification Data
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ABSTRACT Truck annual average daily traffic estimation errors resulting from sample classification counts are computed in this note under two scenarios. One scenario investigates an improper factoring procedure that may be used by highway agencies. The
Safety applications of automatic vehicle identification and real-time weather data on freeways
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ABSTRACT While the most common application of the Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) is electronic toll collection and travel time estimation, there is a promising traffic safety application in the context of Advanced Travel Management (ATM). This paper examines
Automatic vehicle detection in space images supported by digital map data
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ABSTRACT: Due to increasing traffic there is high demand in traffic monitoring of densely populated urban areas. In our approach we focus on the detection of vehicle queues and use a priori information of roads location and direction. In high resolution satellite imagery
Combined brake and steering actuator for automatic vehicle control
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Abstract: This report describes a combined steering and brake actuator system for use in automatic vehicle control research The system allows a standard passenger car to switch from normal manual operation to automatic operation and back in a seamless manner
Side-pre-crash sensing system for automatic vehicle height level adaptation
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Abstract:This paper deals with a system for side-pre-crash recognition for passenger cars. A radar sensor observes the side area of a vehicle detects all objects, measures their distance, radial velocity. In the case when an object trajectory is directed to the own
Benefit-cost assessment of automatic vehicle location (AVL) in highway maintenance
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ABSTRACT AVL has been used extensively in public transit, law enforcement, and EMS applications (among others), and is garnering more and more interest with the highway maintenance community. Sponsored by the Kansas DOT, The University of Kansas
Quantifying the benefits of high-occupancy vehicle facilities using automatic vehicle identification technology
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16. Abstract This report examines the benefits of high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes in three major freeway corridors in Houston, Texas: the Katy (I-10), Northwest (US 290), and North (I-45) Freeways. The analyses described in this report used eight months of travel
Improving service restoration using automatic vehicle location
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16. Abstract This study investigates important issues in transit service reliability, namely large service gaps and bus bunching. Using automatic vehicle location (AVL) data from the Route Madison bus route of the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), the primary focus is
Exploration of Automatic Vehicle Location in the Project54 System
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The prevalence of today's Global Positioning System (GPS) devices has enabled many transit and fleet authorities to provide Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) for better organization. AVL systems have the ability to track the position of individual vehicles and
Automatic vehicle accident detection and messaging system using GSM and GPS modem
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ABSTRACT: The Rapid growth of technology and infrastructure has made our lives easier. The advent of technology has also increased the traffic hazards and the road accidents take place frequently which causes huge loss of life and property because of the poor
Integration of probe vehicle and induction loop data: Estimation of travel times and automatic incident detection
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Abstract: This research investigates methodologies for fusing and further processing real- time road traffic data collected by probe vehicles and induction loop detectors in order to obtain relevant traffic information that is essential for effective deployment of Advanced
State of the art in automatic vehicle location systems
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Automatic Vehicle Location Systems give an agency the ability to track, record, and analyze how vehicles are performing in real time. These features lead to improvements in public service through better on-time performance and quicker response
Driver head displacement during (automatic) vehicle braking tests with varying levels of distraction
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ABSTRACT Vehicle occupant behavior in emergency driving conditions has a large effect on traffic safety. Distraction is estimated to be the cause of 15-20% of all crashes. Additionally, the posture of the occupants prior to the possibly unavoidable crash is known
The automatic vehicle monitoring to improve the urban public transport management
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ABSTRACT: In order to improve efficiency of the public transport system, the technological evolution has allowed the employment of innovative solutions for the automation of remote control systems of the bus fleet on the road network. These systems, said AVM(Automatic
State of the Practice of Automatic Vehicle Location for Winter Maintenance Operations
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ABSTRACT This paper reviews usage of automatic vehicle location (AVL) for winter maintenance applications as identified through a study conducted for the National Cooperative Highway Research Program. AVL is a vehicle-based technology that builds
Automatic Vehicle Identification using RFID-A first hand experience
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Background: Development of several wayside detection systems such as Wheel Impact Load Detector, Trackside Bogie Monitoring System and Hot Box, Hot Wheel Detector has been taken up with IIT Kanpur. In all these systems, vehicles with defects are identified
Estimation of Travel Time Distribution and Detection of Incidents Based onAutomatic Vehicle Classification
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ABSTRACT We study the problem of travel time estimation along a section of a freeway based on data derived from vehicle detectors at multiple locations. We pose the problem as one of pattern recognition. We derive algorithms that aim to recognize patterns which
Automatic vehicle location in public bus transportation system
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Abstract:-For a number of years vehicle fleet tracking systems are in use in companies operating large number of vehicles in the field. Proliferation of cheap and compact GPS receivers had the effect that Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) systems today almost
Advanced Software Architecture of An Automatic Vehicle Number Plate recognition System
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ABSTRACT The paper presents the selection and development of a flexible software architecture intended to an Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) System. The capabilities of the available on the market competitors ANPR systems were analyzed and
Exploring the impacts of transit priority measures using automatic vehiclemonitoring (AVM) data
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ABSTRACT This paper measures the operational performance of a series of transit priority initiatives using an empirical analysis of Automatic Vehicle Monitoring (AVM) data on trams in Melbourne, Australia. Very little previous research has modelled factors influencing the
Dynamics of mounted automatic cannon on track vehicle
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Abstract:The article deals with the vibrations of the main parts of the weapon system where the automatic cannons are mounted. The dynamic model has 8 DOF with three parts: hull, turret and elevation parts. The presented procedure is able to evaluate the possible
AV@ CAR: A Spanish Multichannel Multimodal Corpus for In-Vehicle Automatic Audio-Visual Speech Recognition.
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Abstract This paper describes the acquisition of the multichannel multimodal database AV@ CAR for automatic audio-visual speech recognition in cars. Automatic speech recognition (ASR) plays an important role inside vehicles to keep the driver away from distraction. It is
Automatic production of occlusion-free rectified facade textures usingvehicle-based imagery
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a fully automatic method for computing occlusion-free rectified façade textures, using an input 3D model and data acquired with a mobile mapping vehicle. The purpose of this study is to enhance available building 3D models with
Digital Map Requirements for Automatic Vehicle Location
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ABSTRACT New Jersey Transit (NJT) is currently investigating acquisition of an automated vehicle locator (AVL) system. The purpose of the AVL system is to monitor the location of buses. Knowing the location of a bus enables the agency to manage the bus fleet more
Automatic Traffic Surveillance System for Vision-Based Vehicle Recognition and Tracking.
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This paper proposes a real-time traffic surveillance system for the detection, recognition, and tracking of multiple vehicles in roadway images. Moving vehicles can be automatically separated from the image sequences by a moving object segmentation method. Since Abstract-An automatically guided vehicle, traveling without fixed guide ways, has been developed. In this paper, the construction of the vehicle, the control algorithm, and its general performance are described. The vehicle measures its own position by using measuring
A gps based automatic vehicle location system for bus transit
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Abstract–The need for a more efficient transit system has led transit agencies across the country to implement Automatic Vehicle Location systems. This enables them to observe, collect, and analyze location information about a commuter vehicle in real time and
A study on automatic indoor navigation techniques for vision-based mini-vehicle with off-line environment learning capability
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Abstract An effective vision-based approach to autonomous vehicle navigation in indoor corridors using off-line learning and 2D image analysis techniques is proposed. A computercontrolled mini-vehicle is constructed as a test bed for this study. To achieve
The Use of GPS-Based Automatic Vehicle Location Technologies for Bus Transit: State of the Practice in the USA and Lessons for Elsewhere
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SUMMARY This paper reports the results from a recent survey of bus transit operations in North America specifically looking at their experience with GPS-based Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) technologies and related systems. Additionally, the paper brings forward
Use of automatic vehicle location systems, geographic information systems, and global positioning systems to increase efficiencies and decrease cost in
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DBi Services LLC umerous government agencies and private businesses use geographic information systems (GIS) as well as automatic vehicle location (AVL) and the global positioning system (GPS) in the planning and execution of operations such as managing
Fuzzy Fractional Order Sliding Mode Control for Automatic Clutch of VehicleAMT
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Abstract The automatic clutch driving system of vehicle automated manual transmission (AMT) is a typical nonlinear system. A fast and accurate position control is difficult to achieve because of the nonlinearity of the load changes caused by the clutch diaphragm spring,
Applying graph theory to automatic vehicle tracking by remote sensing.
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2 The estimation of driving behavior models relies on the access to detailed traffic information such as 3 vehicle trajectories. Recent developments in vision-based technologies have allowed an increased 4 collection of vehicle trajectories around the
Improving Interbus Transfer with Automatic Vehicle Location
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One of the most consistent public frustrations with bus systems is their perceived, and frequently actual, lack of schedule reliability. Patrons nervously dget with their watches as they peer down the street in hopes of catching a glimpse of the bus. Those who have been
Enhancing post-crash vehicle safety through an automatic collision notification system
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ABSTRACT In August of 2000, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) completed an Automated Collision Notification (ACN) Field Operational Test (FOT) in Erie County, New York that combined crash sensing, position location, and wireless
Analysis of vehicle vibration sources for automatic differentiation between gas and diesel piston engines
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ABSTRACT Vibration signatures sensed from distant vehicles using laser vibrometry systems provide valuable information that may be used to help identify key vehicle features such as engine type, engine speed, and number of cylinders. While developing algorithms
Inductive Automatic Charging–The Way to Safe, Efficient and User-Friendly Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
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Abstract The EVIAC (Electric Vehicle Inductive Automatic Charging) research project, supported by the European Union, has been aimed to fix the optimising friendliness of inductive charging systems with automatic connection (ie without driver intervention apart
Automatic GPS-based vehicle tracking and localization information system
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Abstract: The convergence of GPS technologies, wireless communications, and Internet is seen as the key to the GPS consumer market. The proposed vehicle tracking and localization system allows: remote and mobile control and vehicle monitoring (position
Relative position sensing and automatic control for observation in the midwater by an underwater vehicle
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ABSTRACT A vision-based automatic tracking and observation system installed on an ROV has successfully tracked midwater ocean animals (such as jellyfish) in Monterey Bay, California. This system uses stereo vision to localize the tracking vehicle with respect to
Effects of the vehicle model on shifting transients of passenger cars withautomatic transmission
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This paper presents a vehicle model for analyzing the transient shifting characterisitics of a passenger car with automatic transmission. Then the presented vehicle model was linked with the dynamic model of an automatic transmission. In order to identify the parameters of
Simple automatic path learning for autonomous vehicle navigation by ultrasonic sensing and computer vision techniques
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ABSTRACT A simple automatic path learning method for an intelligent autonomous vision- based vehicle system by person following and along-path object image matching is proposed. The vehicle can follow a person through a path in an indoor environment and
wire vehicle prototype: automatic driving maneuver implementation for real time MBS model validation
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In the development process of a complex product, such as those in the automotive industry, multibody (MBS) models are now widely employed [1]. Cost reduction and shorter development time are some of the most relevant contributions of multibody techniques.
Exporting automatic vehicle SNM monitoring technology
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ABSTRACT Controlling the transportation of nuclear materials is still one of the most effective nuclear proliferation barriers. The recent increase of global nuclear material proliferation has expanded the application of vehicle monitor technology to prevent the
Recommendations and Implementation of Automatic Vehicle Identification for Incident Detection and Advanced Traveler Information Systems
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Implementation of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) carries high promise of more efficient use of existing transportation networks through the application of advanced information processing and communication technologies to manage transportation
Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Reporting With Black Box
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Abstract: As per the World Health Organization (WHO), more than a million individuals on the planet pass on every year on account of vehicle mishaps. Regardless of mindfulness cause, this issue is as yet expanding because of rider's poor practices, for example, drunk
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Intelligent transportation technologies (ITT's) are being promoted as a means of reducing congestion delay, improving transportation safety, and also as a means of making vehicle travel" more energy efficient and environmentally benign (USDOT, 1990)." In theory,
ControlCIT-A Control Design and Implementation Toolbox for Automatic Vehicle Guidance
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The essential objective of an Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV) is to transport goods and/or people. To this end it has to autonomously, ie without a driver, follow a desired but not necessarily a priori determined trajectory. To a certain extend, the same holds for 'ordinary
Developing an automatic guided vehicle for small to medium sized enterprises
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Abstract When choosing material handling equipment, small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) with highly flexible product mixes seldom consider automatic guided vehicles (AGVs) as a potential solution. When evaluating AGV systems these organizations are
Carbon Monoxide Impacts of Automatic Vehicle Identification Applied to Electronic Vehicle Tolling
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Abstract: Intelligent transportation technologies (ITT's) are being promoted as a means of reducing congestion delay, improving transportation safety, and also as a means of making vehicle travel" more energy efficient and environmentally benign (USDOT, 1990)." In
Automatic Vehicle Speed Reduction System Using Rf Technology
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ABSTRACT For vehicle safety and safety for passengers in vehicle is an important parameter. Most of the vehicles get accident because no proper safety measures are taken especially at curves and hair pin bends humps and any obstacles in front of the vehicle.
Potential of unmanned aerial vehicle based photogrammetric point clouds forautomatic single tree detection
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The measurement of geometric tree attributes is a major part of forest inventories. In practice respective attributes are mostly measured by terrestrial surveys, less often by laser scanning. These methods are relatively time consuming or costly. The presented study
Pilot Test of Automatic Vehicle Location on Snow Plows
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In their efforts to preserve mobility for motorists, many transportation agencies spend a significant amount of resources on winter maintenance operations. These operations are critical for protecting traveler safety and ensuring efficient flow of people and goods in and
Automatic Vehicle Recognition System
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Abstract In modern society, due to the high crime rates and high number of traffic accidents the feeling of insecurity and threat is increasing. The need for the establishment of defence and prevention mechanisms has encouraged studies to develop an automatic recognition
Pilot Test of Automatic Vehicle Location on Snow Plows
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To preserve mobility for motorists, many transportation agencies spend a significant amount of resources on winter maintenance operations. These operations are critical for protecting traveler safety and ensuring efficient flow of people and goods in and through the state. As
Accurate and automatic surveying of beacon positions for a laser guidedvehicle
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Autonomous guided vehicles are important in factory automation. One way, and the way that has been used traditionally, to guide the vehicle is by wires in the ground. This works, but is very inexible. To change the path of the vehicle you have to rewire the wires. Another
Automatic control project course: A positioning and control application for an unmanned aerial vehicle
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ABSTRACT: In the Conceive Design Implement-Operate (CDIO) project course in automatic control, an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is constructed, utilising an existing radio controlled model aircraft. By adding an inertial sensor that measures
Shifting Rule Modification Strategy of Automatic Transmission Based on Driver-vehicle-road Environment
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Abstract: Accidental or frequent shift often occurs when the shifting rule is built based on traditional two parameters (ie, velocity and throttle), because the speed of engine varies slower than change of throttle opening. Currently, modifying shift point velocity value or
A Control Strategy on Starting up of Vehicle with Automatic Manual Transmissions (AMT)
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Abstract: This study puts forward a control strategy for the dry clutch engagement process, considered as a finite time optimal control problem. The main idea of this strategy is to obtain a linear quadratic state feedback controller by solving the optimal control problem. The
Adaptive automatic ground truth generation for testing of vehicle detectors
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Abstract. Field testing of vehicle presence detectors using non-aggregated data and metrics requires the generation of an accurate ground-truth record for each individual vehicle present at a test site. Performance results for individual detectors are assessed by
Towards robust automatic detection of vulnerable road users: monocular pedestrian tracking from a moving vehicle
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Abstract In this paper we present steps towards the automatic detection of vulnerable road users in video. Such a system can eg be used as an automatic blind spot camera for trucks. The aim of the system is to automatically warn the driver when the algorithm detects
The development of a path planning strategy for obstacle avoidance and crash impact minimisation for an automatic guided vehicle
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The first important issue with respect to obstacle avoidance is the detection of obstacles. A literature survey is carried out to review the methods and sensor technologies for obstacle detection, which is published as a separate report (Koopman 2002). Concluding from this
Stochastic Design Approach for the Guidance and Control System of an AutomaticLanding Vehicle
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Abstract In this paper, a stochastic approach based on a Monte Carlo simulation method for the design of a guidance and control (GC) system of an automatic landing ight experiment (ALFLEX) vehicle is presented. The aim of this study is to design a GC
Adaptive robust design of unmanned combat air vehicle automatic control system
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Abstract The objective of this paper is to test the feasibility of an adaptive automatic control technique, for UCAVs. In this respect, the unfalsified adaptive switching supervisory control method is reviewed and specific aspects for implementation in UCAV control are provided.
Development of an automatic guided vehicle with an obstacle avoidance system
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Heartfelt thanks also extends to the USP Central Pool for offering me Graduate Assistantship and SPAS Research Committee for funding this research. I owe gratitude to all the academic staff and technicians of the Department of Engineering for their encouragement and
Automatic Indian Vehicle License Plate Recognition
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ABSTRACT: Automatic Vehicle License Plate Recognition has many applications in traffic systems (highway electronic toll collection, redlight violation enforcement, border and customs checkpoints, etc. Inthis project, a smart and simple algorithm is presented for
Automatic Skew Detection and Localisation of Vehicle License Plate Using Hough Transform
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Abstract:Automatic Skew Detection and Localization of Vehicle License Plate Using Hough Transform are used to identify a vehicle by its number plate. The proposed algorithm consists of three major parts: Extraction of plate region, segmentation of characters and
Computational Algorithm for Automatic Recognition of Vehicle Registration Plates
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Abstract: This paper aims to describe a computational algorithm for automatic recognition of vehicle registration plate from recorded video. There is extensive research and literature on different ways to implement automatic recognition of vehicle registration plate. Popular
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Flight Control over a Circular Path by Means of Manual Takeoff and Automatic Landing
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ABSTRACT: The present paper advices a platform used for research of standard unmanned aircraft flight scenarios. Autopilot control method was used to model an unmanned aircraft flight in the line of sight. Ideas of manual takeoff and automatic landing were tested.
Design and Simulation of Automatic Suspension Control Systemof the Four-Wheel Vehicle
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Abstract One of parts from a vehicle to decrease vibration into a vehicle is suspension system. In general there are two parts like springs and dampers. Every vibration is caused the vehicle go through a road condition will be absorbed by the suspension system, so the
Automatic Toll Gate Management and Vehicle Access Intelligent Control System Based on ARM7 Microcontroller
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Abstract There are millions of drivers passing through Toll Gate Stations every day. The conventional or the traditional way of collecting the toll from the vehicle owners or the drivers is to stop the car by the Toll Gate Stations and then pay the amount to the toll collector
Development of a reconfigurable Automatic Guided Vehicle platform with omnidirectional sensing capabilities
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Abstract-Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGV) are being used more frequently in a manufacturing environment. Developing a platform that could be easily reconfigured is perhaps a more desirable option for a user with low capacity outputs. This research
Online Noise and Lombard Effect Compensation for In-Vehicle AutomaticSpeech Recognition
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Abstract Presence of background noise in speech impacts the performance of automatic speech recognition (ASR). Adverse noisy environments are also known to induce so-called Lombard effect (LE), where speakers adjust their speech production in order to preserve
Type-2 Fuzzy Control of an Automatic Guided Vehicle for Wall-Following
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Fuzzy logic inference system (FIS) has been widely applied to the controller design for automatic guided vehicles (AGV) because FIS allows easier controller design under uncertainty and nonlinearity
Automatic Parking of an Articulated Vehicle Using ANFIS
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Abstract: Parking is recognized as the most difficult task among the driving tasks. Through this topic Articulated vehicle parking problem is more difficult than passenger car, because under the aspect of control theory, the vehicle and environmental nonlonomic constraint,
Multilayer Perceptron network for automatic Driving vehicle
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Abstract: This study aims to determine a special model of MLP Neural Network in controlling the movement of a moving object (eg an Automobile) Controlling the movement of an automobile means moving it in a specified path with the ability of controlling two following
The ActMAP to FeedMAP Framework Automatic Detection and incremental updating for Advanced In-Vehicle Applications
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ABSTRACT. Up to date digital maps are a demanding requirement especially in the context of ADAS applications. This paper presents first results and applications from the FeedMAP project and how they can be used for increasing driving safety by integrating map
Automatic Passenger Counting in the High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes
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Abstract The gathering of usage statistics in the High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane is mandated by the Federal Highway Administration. These statistics are crucial for construction planning. Currently, the gathering of data is performed manually. This is
Automatic Microgravity Flight System and Flight Testing Using a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
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Abstract This paper presents the attempt to apply UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) technology to microgravity experi ments. The 6 degree of freedom simulation model of an electricmotordriven testbed UAV of which span and weight are 2.4 m and 2.5 kg
A System for the Automatic and Real Time Recognition of VLP's (VehicleLicense Plates).
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ABSTRACT: In this work, we describe a system able to recognize the VLP (Vehicle License Plate) of a car from an image of it. The system is still under development and has many practical applications. As examples of applications we can mention: parking accounting
Automatic Vehicle Speed Control with Wireless In-Vehicle Road Sign Delivery System Using ARM 7
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Abstract:Nowadays people are driving very fast; accidents are occurring frequently, we lost our valuable life by making small mistake while driving (school zone, hills area, and highways). So to avoid such kind of accidents and to control their vehicle speed in such
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Abstract: With the advancement in computation, the era of automatic systems is rapidly taking over. Image processing is an essential tool being widely used in effective solutions concerning such systems. In our paper entitled Automatic Vehicle Registration System for
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SUMMARY In an effort to improve the location data associated with highway accident reports, the Kansas Highway Patrol implemented an Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) system pilot project in 12 counties of northeast Kansas. To maximize the cost effectiveness
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Abstract:-Nowadays violent driving is the main cause for accidents. Most of which are the result of crossing the speed limit. Our highways are provided with speed limit signs. But often drivers don't follow these signs and chances of accident increases. It is not possible to
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Abstract: Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) plays an important role in Intelligent Transport System. Number plate extraction is the major key step before the plate recognition. This paper presents a method for extraction and recognition of the vehicle number plate
Automatic Vehicle Design Using Knowledge-Based Engineering
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Parametrics and Knowledge-Based Engineering There is much confusion about the differences between parametric methods and Knowledge-Based Engineering (KBE), but it is important to understand the difference between these two kinds of system. In general parametric
RFID-Based Automatic Vehicle Parking System Using Microcontroller
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Abstract:This project is an innovative electronic parking payment system that provides the ultimate solution for drivers, municipalities and private parking lot owners. This enables the drivers to be charged for the exact period of time parked, while simplifying the monitoring
Parking Vacancy Monitoring System with Automatic Vehicle Parking
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ABSTRACT: The aim of this project is to design and build a prototype of a parking vacancy monitoring and automated parking system which will automatically park and get back the vehicle without the driver and also display the parking vacancy. The driver will park his
Automatic Vehicle Interior Ventilation using ARM
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Abstract: In order to mitigate overheated interior of a vehicle parked in the hot summer sun and thereby to make the entering into the vehicle more comfortable, microcontroller managed module for automatic ventilation of vehicle interior is made. The module is
Automatic Vehicle Location Systems
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Automatic Vehicle Location Systems are practically based on a combination of GPS, GIS and Telecommunications technologies. They provide vehicle location equipment as well as monitoring of the data transferred by AVL equipment through the telecommunications
Automatic vehicle control using CAN protocol
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Abstract The main design and aspects of Controller Area Network (CAN) based accident avoidance system is to avoid the accidents by using CAN protocol. This project defines a design of effective accident avoidance system that detects an automotive vehicle condition
Automatic Vehicle Location Software Model and Geographic Information System
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Abstract Due to the huge advancement in technology and especially in the world of wireless communications, vehicles tracking systems are more and more used these days for deferent purposes, but mainly related to tracking vehicles. The objective of this work is to design a
Development of Adaptive Signal Control (ASC) Based on Automatic VehicleLocation (AVL) System and Its Applications
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1.1 Background With the uninterrupted trend in the growth of world populationand ever increasing needs in traveling the burdens on existing traffic systems are becoming increasingly heavy. More vehicles are swarming into the streets, highways and
Microcontroller ATmega32 Based Automatic Vehicle Control
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Abstract:This paper proposes novel control architecture for automatic vehicle driving in a dynamic and uncertain traffic environment. In the present scenario accidents are increasing rapidly. We need to make such a system which can continuously detect obstacle around
Automatic Vehicle Classification Using Learning-based Computer Vision and Fuzzy Logic
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Abstract In this paper, a vision-based system for traffic monitoring is presented. In a frame by frame processing, each vehicle is detected and extracted from video acquisition. With OpenCV library [4] pattern recognition functions, the vehicles axles are recognized. Then
Automatic Vehicle Number-plate Detection
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a novel hybrid method for extracting license plates and recognizing characters from the digital camera image using morphological operations. The main problem in extracting text from the images is caused by several reasons including
Automatic vehicle identifier (AUTOVID)
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Abstract:AUTOVID is a parking access control system that recognizes the license plate from cars and opens the gate if the car is registered to parking area. The purpose of this project is to build an application that recognizes license plates from cars at a gate. The
Automatic Vehicle Location in New Hampshire Law Enforcement
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The success of the Project54 system has led to the expansion of its functionality. Of particular interest is the addition of an automatic electronic tracking system for police cruisers. Such a technology could aid in the deployment of officers to calls, by
An Evaluation of Automatic Vehicle License Plate Recognition Algorithms and Techniques
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ABSTRACT Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) system is a demanding field of research because of the implication with an extensive series of marketable appositeness. It discovers and distinguishes the characters straightforwardly from the vehicle's License
A Dynamic Visualization Environment For The Design And Evaluation OfAutomatic Vehicle Control Systems
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Abstract: This document presents Dynamic Visualization, a project associated with the California PATH Program. The objective of the project is to develop a software which can animate automated highways, visualize the dynamics of automatic vehicles, and help the
An Offline Framework for Reliability Diagnosis by Automatic Vehicle Location Data
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Abstract Time reliability problems are unavoidable because of the stochastic environment where bus services are operated. The characterization of reliability and the comprehension of its possible sources may help keep buses on schedule and/or maintaining planned
Estimation Of Travel Time Distribution And Detection Of Incidents Based OnAutomatic Vehicle Classificatin
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Abstract: We study the problem of travel time estimation along a section of a freeway based on data derived from vehicle detectors at multiple locations. We pose the problem as one of pattern recognition. We derive algorithms that aim to recognize patterns which persist
Using Automatic Vehicle Location Data to Measure the Impact of Traffic Congestion on Bus Routes
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Letting buses operate in mixed traffic is the least costly way to accommodate transit, but that exposes transit to traffic congestion which causes delay and service unreliability. Understanding the real cost that traffic congestion imposes on both passengers and
Evaluation of transit signal priority effectiveness using automatic vehiclelocation data
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Transit Signal Priority (TSP) is an operational strategy that can speed the movement of in- service transit vehicles (typically bus, light rail, or streetcar) through traffic signals. It is a tool being used extensively in other parts of the world to make transit service more reliable,
Intelligent Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection System Using Wireless Communication
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Abstract: Traffic accidents are one of the leading causes of fatalities. An important indicator of survival rates after an accident is the time between the accident and when emergency medical personnel are dispatched to the accident location. By eliminating the time
The Mobile Data Communications for Bus and Rail Automatic Vehicle Location Demonstration Project
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Executive Summary The Mobile Data Communications Demonstration Project provides a functional test and demonstration of a multi-agency, GPS-based, automatic vehicle location (AVL) system. This multi-agency system includes vehicles and data for:(1) Sound Transit
Automatic Vehicle ldentification
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During nine months, I have participated in a graduation project with EDS (Electronic Data Systems). I have been placed at the Opel Belgium Plant 2 of General Motors in Antwerp, which is one of the customers of EDS. In this period I have investigated the A VI (Automatic
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One of the most actively developing spheres of applying modern information technologies is transport. Divisions of different services, departments and organizations are actively introducing and employing the system of Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL). Currently we
Estimating bus passenger loading in London using Automated Fare Collection system and Automatic Vehicle Location system
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-Expected value of Oyster transaction time is assumed to be equal to the value recorded in the Oyster database plus 30 seconds.-Match Oyster transaction times with iBus arrival/departure times to infer boarding bus trip number for each Oyster transaction.-
The Wireless Sensor Network Based Automatic Vehicle Movement
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Abstract This paper analyzes the role of the human driver vehicle system. Lateral and longitudinal control tasks such as pathfollowing, obstacle avoidance, and headway control are examples of steering and braking activities performed by the human driver. Physical
Automatic Bangladeshi Vehicle Number Plate Recognition System using Neural Network
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Abstract: Now-a-days the necessity of traffic control is increasing day by day, because the number of vehicles in traffic system is increasing. To overcome this problem, computer based automatic traffic control systems are being developed. One of these systems is
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Abstract-AVITC is an Automatic Vehicle Identification and Toll Collection used for collecting toll tax automatically. This paper focuses on an Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) system using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. In this system we do identification of
Estimation of Queue Length for Freeway Facilities Based on the Combination of Point Traffic Detector Data and Automatic Vehicle Identification Data
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ABSTRACT Queue length is a critical performance measure in assessing and managing transportation network performance. Methods have been developed in previous studies to estimate queue length based on point detector data. This study explores the methods to
Image based Automatic Vehicle Detection applicable for Toll Plaza
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Abstract:Automatic Vehicle Classification finds application in many scenarios such as video surveillance, electronic toll collection, traffic monitoring and so on. Image/video based vehicle classification is an attractive proposition due to availability of increasingly cheaper
Transit User Perceptions of Automatic Vehicle Location System Benefits
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Abstract This paper reports on an attitudinal survey on transit rider's perception of the importance transit users place on features of an Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) system. On board surveys and on-time field checks were conducted in the cities of Manitowoc and
Automatic Vehicle Detection in Aerial Videos using SVM
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Abstract:target object detection in aerial videos has become more useful along with the advancement in computer vision applications and increasing need of social security. This paper presents an automatic vehicle detection
Development of an Automatic Vehicle License Plate Detection and Recognition System for Traffic Management in Bangladesh
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Abstract–This paper describes the technique of extracting vehicle license plate and interpretation of the registration code from a captured image in real-time. The developed algorithm is divided into three stages: extraction of vehicle license plate from captured
Analysis and Evaluation of Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) for Maryland Transit Administration (MTA): Short-Term And Long-Term Strategies
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An AVL system is a computer-based vehicle tracking system capable of determining a vehicle's location in real time. It allows a dispatcher from a control center to track vehicle movement and to communicate with the vehicle's operator. The expected benefits from an
Automatic Vehicle Recognition System
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Abstract:In modern society, due to the high crime rates and high traffic accidents the feeling of insecurity and threat is increasing. The need for the establishment of defence and prevention mechanisms has encouraged studies to develop an automatic recognition
Automatic Vehicle Detection Using Various Object Detecting Algorithm and Thresholding Methods
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Abstract:-The digital image processing deals with developing a digital system to performs experiments and operations on a digital image with the use of computer algorithms. An image is nothing more than a 2D mathematical function f (x, y) where x and y are two
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Abstract:This project has an aim to control the speed of any vehicles automatically in cities and also in restricted areas such schools, parks, hospitals and in speed limited areas etc. Nowadays in a fast moving world all the peoples are not have self-control. Such peoples
Citizen ScienceBus Transit: Understanding Challenges and Opportunities forAutomatic-Vehicle Locator Systems
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ABSTRACT Commercial Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL) systems use GPS to supply real time bus location information to citizens within urban settings. These implementations have resulted in significant boosts in citizen ridership on public transportation and consequently
Automatic Vehicle Safety to Prevent Forward Collision
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The probability of road accidents by forward collision of vehicles is increasing with the increase of vehicle day to day. The bad condition of roadshighways are not as real cause as the reckless driving. The accident occurred not only in the bad fitness of the vehicle but
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Abstract Automatic vehicle location (AVL) systems present to the dispatcher of emergency response units (eg, police cars, ambulances) the estimated real time locations of units within his service area. Building on a recently deve'loped" hypercube queuing model, II this
Map-matching extended kalman filter estimation approach to automatic vehiclelocation and tracking in cellular environment
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We formulale in Ulis paper a mobile, subscriber location estimation problem whereby [he readily accessible components of die incoming receiver
Study of the Automatic Vehicle Fueling System using Robotic Arm Controlled via PLC
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Abstract Automatic vehicle fueling system is a system which utilizes a positioning robot arm that is allowed to move using its search head and extendable nozzle toward the fueling spot of the car. Distance sensor and weight sensor are used in the system to locate the actual
Automatic Vehicle Speed Reduction System in Various Zones
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Abstract:This paper describes the automatic speed control mechanism of vehicles where speed restricted areas such as schools, hospital zones etc. The drivers drive vehicles at high speed even in speed limited areas without considering the safety of the public. The traffic
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a new approach for development of an Automatic Vehicle Identification System (AVIS). The proposed system can be divided into three major modules; they are vehicle image preprocessing, license plate feature extraction and classification
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Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) is a system that automatically positions the locations of fleet of vehicles and then relays the location information to a central location, where it may
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SUMMARY With growing technological advances, it only seems reasonable to apply them to" real world situations. Currently paratransit programs are functioning sufciently, however, they could run more efciently if they were upgraded. The purpose of this paper
Design and Implementation of a Global Positioning System Based Automatic Vehicle Location System
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ABSTRACT: The need for a more efficient transit system has led transport authorities in urban centres to implement Automatic Vehicle Location Systems (AVLS). This enables transport authorities to observe, collect and analyze location information about a
Automatic Vehicle Counting and Classification
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ABSTRACT: Vehicle counting and classification can give accurate information about the vehicle density on a particular city road or highway which helps in advanced traffic monitoring and management. Various image processing techniques like frame
Automatic Vehicle Number Plate Recognition Using Zonal Features
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Abstract: Usually vehicles are generally in motion so number plate recognition from vehicles becomes very complicated problem due to acquisition of images, along with that number plate may contain other designs and some extra stickers also. In this paper, we testing our
Pneumatically operated automatic light vehicle
Urban public transportation systems
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To reduce air pollution, a number of new propulsion systems have been developed: clean diesel are extremely quiet and produce no exhaust; therefore they can be operated in tunnelsrail systems usually have all vehicles powered, while tramways sometimes operate as motor
Air-conditioning system for electric vehicles (i-MiEV)
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(3) Fan Auto position (3) Fan auto control Fan speed is controlled automatically to keep comfort temp in the cabin.The cruising range decreases when AC and Heater are operated. Page 17. 4. SummaryMitsubishi Motors have developed the Air-Conditioning system
Walking and climbing service robots for safety inspection of nuclear reactor pressure vessels
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An airpowered disk grinder mounted on a cross feed, and a pneumatically operated grab mechanism.The arm was actuated using additional pneumatic cylinders to provide a lift/lower and extended/retract functions.Figure 7 Sizewell A Air Cooling Duct Page 6.
On-road measurements of emissions and fuel consumption of gasoline fuel led light duty vehicles
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This port also provides information on current conditions, such as rpm, speed, air flow, temperature and estimatedThis information is used to characterize the operation conditions of the vehicle. The unit is powered by the OBD port and after being connected automatically starts.
Compressed air car
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It represented an ex- tremely important advance in terms of pneumatic engines, due to its forward thinking use of thermodynamicsGear box Gear changes are automatic, powered by an electronic system developed by MDI.Special Feature : Air Pollution Control Technologies
Automotive technology
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Die Grinder 76 Air Drill 7b Air Blow Gun 76 Air-Operated Grease GunElements 186 Remotely Mounted Air Filters and Ducts 187 Engine Air Temperature Requirements196 Supercharger Service 196 Turbochargers 196 Turbocharger Design and Operation 197 Turbocharger
Hybrid powertrain for light vehicle
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of planetary gear linked to the electric motor is blocked and the transmission is operated in engine 4c) shaft of the electric motor is unlocked and electric motor operate as a generator toFig. 7. The summarized power losses due to rolling resistance and air drag on road surfaces
Vehicle mass emissions measurement using a portable 5-gas exhaust analyzer and engine computer data
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None of the tested vehicles was equipped with either the air injection or Auburn Hills, OH, one of the closest and least busy public emission inspection stations operated in theThis will also remove the one-hour time limit, so that the system can operate for an extended
Enhancing post-crash vehicle safety through an automatic collision notification system
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Considering the vehicle years of operation, this false notification rate is considered rather small. how the system operated and the types of crashes for which an ACN response would beThe first were offered in 1996 and based notification on air bag deployment or manual
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for remote sensing and mapping
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On the other hand, they can be brought to the survey area by car or truck, and operated by many. have little use for the civil or scientific community in general: they are designed to operate in the Cooperative forest fire surveillance using a team of small unmanned airvehicles.
Evaluation of emissions from Asian 2-stroke motorcycles
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the tested motorcycles, the effects of the small fraction of unfiltered dilution air on theNYCC contains operation that represents heavily congested urban traffic, with frequent idling and a lowconsistent with the manner in which this particular type of motorcycle is operated in large
Automatic Control of Two-Way-Tunnels with Simple Longitudinal Ventilation
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We know only the values recorded by sensors such as air flow meters.In the second, it has variable speed fans, all operated at the same speed. The principal parameters for the emergency-operation example are shown in Table 1. The tunnel has two-way traffic and a vehicle
Overview of the General Atomics low speed urban maglev technology development program
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in the range of 2.5 cm, provides potential benefits, such as its ability to operate in allrequired guidance force as well as additional passive levitation force (~70 kN at nominal air gap).The litz-wire-based ladder track as it is presently configured in the DTF, when operated with a
Car cabin air quality sensors and systems
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This situation is amplified when vehi- cle occupants choose to operate the HVAC systemWhen the sensor is exposed to clean air (time = 90 minutes), the CO biomimeticThe Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory operated by the Univer- sity of California, have demonstrated
Energy efficiency manual
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Energy efficiency improvement and cost saving opportunities for the vehicleassembly industry: an energy star guide for energy and plant managers
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program operated by the US Environmental Protection Agency in coordination with the USThe industry (15 companies) operates 76 assembly plants (as of 2001) around the countryat lowest possible pressure Minimize distribution system pressure drop Cold air intake Controls
Intelligent street lighting system using gsm
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Energy related emissions are responsible for approximately 80% of air emissions (IEA 2001), andincludes: 1) an AC/DC converter, designed in a Quasi-Resonant Operation flyback topology Street Light Module can operate in Manual or Automatic Mode as configured from the
Automatic enforcement technologies and systems
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are manned; for example in those instances where the automatic system is operated from aFor mobile automatic enforcement of speed, some systems use pneumatic cables (rubber tubes) across the roadThe system is designed to operate stand-alone for 7 days a week, 24 hrs
Longitudinal control of heavy vehicles with air brake actuation delays
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As shown in Fig.3, this brake is operated by a pushrod, which is actuated by Pneumatic Actuation For longitudinal control purposes, the issue of interest is how quickly the brakes can4] WA Leasure and SF Williams Antilock systems for air-braked vehicles," SAE Trans., paper
Aldehyde and BTX emissions from a light duty vehicle fueled on gasoline and ethanol-gasoline blend, operating with a three-way catalytic converter
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Secondly, the presence of correctly operated TWC results in the oxidation of such pollutants leadingCarter and Lowi [17], examined air modeling based on ozone forming reactivates of species anddisplayed the higher SR for both transient as well as steady modes of operation. CSE PROJECTS