Big Data Mining
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Page 1. BigDataMining 1 1062DM03 MI4 (M2244) (2995) Wed, 9, 10 (16:10-18:00) (B206) (Association Analysis) Min-Yuh Day Assistant Professor http://mail. 2018-03-21 Tamkang University Tamkang University Page 2. (Week) (Date) (Subject/Topics)
Privacy Issues in Big Data Mining Infrastructure, Platforms, and Applications
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We are pleased to announce the publication of the special issue focusing on privacy issues in big data mining infrastructure, platforms, and applications. The integration of extensive parallel computation power, scalable platforms, and advanced communications has
A Big Data Analysis and Mining Approach for IoT Big Data
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ABSTRACT These days, large amounts of data are produced by various ways such as stock data market basket transactions, IoT sensors, etc. Such data can be accumulated and analyzed to provide helpful information in our lives. With the rapid development of IoT
3D big data modeling and visualization of underground faults through information fusion of 2D underground faults mapping and seismic data mining
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This paper aims to fuse three dimensional information to known two dimensional mappings of underground faults by mining their depth extent information from earthquake hypocenters associated to particular underground faults. Self developed spatio-temporal clustering
Introduction to the Minitrack on Text Mining in Big Data Analytics
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ABSTRACT This mini-track recognizes the reality that global collaboration systems, social media, and information systems of all types, generate enormous amounts of unstructured textual data including: system logs, email archives, websites, blog posts, meeting
Big Web Data Mining for Predicting Usage Behaviour Using Fusion Map Reduce Model
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ABSTRACT Unique of the greatest common problems that appearance pattern discovery, analysis and recommendation technique is dealing with the huge volumes of information in the form of data on the Web, and consequently the scalability of information classification
L1 Norm SVD based Ranking Scheme: A Novel Method in Big Data Mining
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ABSTRACT . Scientometrics deals with analyzing and quantifying works in science, technology, and innovation. It is a study that focuses on quality rather than quantity. The journals are evaluated against several different metrics such as the impact of the journals, scientific
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ABSTRACT This review paper summarizes the state-of-the-art research on big data analytics. Due to massive amount of data exchanged everyday and the increased need for better databased decision, businesses nowadays are looking for ways to efficiently CSE PROJECTS