botnet 2016 IEEE PAPER
Wide-Scale Botnet Detection and Characterization.
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Abstract:Malicious botnets are networks of compromised computers that are controlled remotely to perform large-scale distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, send spam, trojan and phishing emails, distribute pirated media or conduct other usually illegitimate
Modeling Botnet Propagation Using Time Zones.
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Abstract Time zones play an important and unexplored role in malware epidemics. To understand how time and location affect malware spread dynamics, we studied botnets, or large coordinated collections of victim machines (zombies) controlled by attackers. Over a
My botnet is bigger than yours (maybe, better than yours): why size estimates remain challenging
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Abstract As if fueled by its own fire, curiosity and speculation regarding botnet sizes abounds. Among researchers, in the press, and in the classroom the questions regarding the widespread effect of botnets seem never-ending: what are they how many are there
Botnet detection based on network behavior
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Current techniques for detecting botnets examine traffic content for IRC commands, monitor DNS for strange usage, or set up honeynets to capture live bots. Our botnet detection approach is to examine flow characteristics such as bandwidth, packet timing, and burst
Botsbotnet: An overview
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Abstract Using thousands of zombie machines to launch distributed denial of service attack against enterprise and government internet resources by attackers is becoming dangerously common trend. To create this army of zombie internet hosts, attackers typically infect
Characterizing the IRC-based botnet phenomenon
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Abstract Botnets, networks of compromised machines that can be remotely controlled by an attacker, are one of the most common attack platforms nowadays. They can, for example, be used to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, steal sensitive information, or
Botnet detection and response
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Botnet Detection and Response The Network is the Infection David Dagon dagon@cc.gatech. edu Georgia Institute of Technology College of Computing OARC Workshop, 2005Botnet vs Bot Detection What's the Difference Why track both bots and botnets
Insights from the Inside: A View of Botnet Management from Infiltration.
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Abstract Recent work has leveraged botnet infiltration techniques to track the activities of bots over time, particularly with regard to spam campaigns. Building on our previous success in reverseengineering CC protocols, we have conducted a 4-month infiltration of
Botnet communication topologies
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A clear distinction between a bot agent and a common piece of malware lies within a bot's ability to communicate with a command-and-control (CC) infrastructure. CC allows a bot agent to receive new instructions and malicious capabilities, as dictated by a remote
Not-a-Bot: Improving Service Availability in the Face of Botnet Attacks.
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Abstract A large fraction of email spam, distributed denial-ofservice (DDoS) attacks, and click- fraud on web advertisements are caused by traffic sent from compromised machines that form botnets. This paper posits that by identifying human-generated traffic as such, one
The real face of koobface: The largest web 2.0 botnet explained
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Nothing encapsulates the Web 2.0 concept more than social networking sites, which provide users the ability to connect, communicate, and share with others. Social networking sites also serve as a platform for the advertising industry. They allow businesses to become
Honeynet-based botnet scan traffic analysis
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With the increasing importance of Internet in everyone's daily life, Internet security poses a serious problem. Nowadays, botnets are the major tool to launch Internetscale attacks. A botnet is a network of compromised machines that is remotely controlled by an attacker.
Challenges in Experimenting with Botnet Detection Systems.
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Abstract In this paper, we examine the challenges faced when evaluating botnet detection systems. Many of these challenges stem from difficulties in obtaining and sharing diverse sets of real network traces, as well as determining a botnet ground truth in such traces. On
Tumbling Down the Rabbit Hole: Exploring the Idiosyncrasies of Botmaster Systems in a Multi-Tier Botnet Infrastructure.
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Abstract In this study, we advance the understanding of botmaster-owned systems in an advanced botnet, Waledac, through the analysis of file-system and network trace data from the upper-tiers in its architecture. The functionality and existence of these systems has to-
Architecture for applying data mining and visualization on network flow forbotnet traffic detection
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Abstract:Botnet is one of the most recent tools used in cyber-crime including Distributed Denial of Service attacks, phishing, spamming, and spying on remote computers. These days, governments, business, and individuals are facing catastrophic damages caused by
Botnet detection through fine flow classification
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Abstract The prevalence of botnets, which is defined as a group of infected machines, have become the predominant factor among all the internet malicious attacks such as DDoS, Spam, and Click fraud. The number of botnets is steadily increasing, and the characteristic
The zeroaccess botnet: Mining and fraud for massive financial gain
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Since our last paper on ZeroAccess, The ZeroAccess Rootkit [1], its authors have made significant changes. In this paper we will examine those changes and take a closer look at the ZeroAccess botnet itself, exploring its size, functionality and purpose. We will explain
Botnet tracking: Tools, techniques, and lessons learned
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Summary The threat posed by botnets has become increasingly high profile in the past several years, most recently at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Swizerland, where Dr. Vint Cerf (Google) noted that botnets are the biggest threat to Internet stability and security
Resilient botnet command and control with tor
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Page 1. 10/14/10 1 Resilient Botnet Command and Control with Tor Dennis Brown July 2010 Page 2.Anonymity works for good and evil Page 4. Overview Focus on botnet command and control Case studies using Zeus and IRC bots Techniques to use Tor to anonymize servers
A review on botnet and detection technique
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Abstract--Among the diverse forms of malware, Botnet is the most widespread and serious threat which occurs commonly in today's cyber-attacks. A botnet is a group of compromised computers which are remotely controlled by hackers to launch various network attacks,
Analysis of the kraken botnet
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Purpose This document provides a concise analysis of the Kraken botnet. In addition to detailing the technical specifics of the Kraken bot malware and its communication with the Command and Control (CnC), this report includes a brief set of instructions for confirming
Optimal attack strategies in a dynamic botnet defense model
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Abstract: Since the number of compromised computers, or botnet, continues to grow, the cyber security problem has become increasingly important and challenging to both academic researchers and industry practitioners. A respect to combat botnet propagation
A Multi-Layered Approach to Botnet Detection.
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Abstract–The goal of this research was to design a multi-layered architecture for the detection of a wide range of existing and new botnets. By not relying on a single technique but rather building in the ability to support multiple techniques, the goal is to be able to
Botnet detection based on correlation of malicious behaviors
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Abstract Botnet has become the most serious security threats on the current Internet infrastructure. Botnet is a group of compromised computers (Bots) which are remotely controlled by its originator (BotMaster) under a common Command and Control (CC)
Signature-based botnet detection and prevention
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Abstract The Internet is used extensively for important services such as banking, business, medicine, education, research, stock trades, weather forecasting etc. Most of these services must be processed in a timely manner. However these services are delayed, degraded
Mining concept-drifting data stream to detect peer to peer botnet traffic
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ABSTRACT We propose a novel stream data classification technique to detect Peer to Peer botnet. Botnet traffic can be considered as stream data having two important properties: infinite length and drifting concept. Thus, stream data classification technique is more
Storm wormbotnet analysis
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This month, we caught a new Worm/Trojan sample on ours labs. This worm uses email and various phishing Web sites to spread and infect computers. When the worm breaks into the system, it installs a kernel driver to protect itself. With the help of the driver, it then injects
The botnet business
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This article discusses zombie networks or botnets: how they are created, who uses them to make money on them and how this is done. Readers who are already familiar with the
Detecting botnet membership with dnsbl counterintelligence
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Internet malice has evolved from pranks conceived and executed by amateur hackers to a global business involving significant monetary gains for the perpetrators [20]. Examples include:(1) unsolicited commercial email (spam), which threatens to render email
The Botnet Problem
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You sit down at your computer in the morning, still squinting from sleep. Your computer seems a little slower than usual, but you don't think much of it. After checking the news, you try to sign into eBay to check on your auctions. Oddly enough, your password doesn't
Botnet detection and mitigation
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Abstract This study evaluates botnet behavior and lays the foundation for the development of a tool to generate simulated botnet traffic used to investigate the properties of botnets in large-scale networks. Botnets create widespread security and data safety issues and are
BotNet Detection: Enhancing Analysis by Using Data Mining Techniques
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Recent years revealed that computers are not used only for scientific and business oriented purposes. Individuals of diverse ages, lifestyles, educations and psychologies are living more and more in a virtual reality. This virtual reality affects person's daily activities and
Deep Analysis of Intending Peer-to-Peer Botnet.
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Abstract:Botnet has recently been identified as one of the most important security threats of the Internet. So we should study the new technology which may be used by botmaster in the near future. In this paper we predict the new feature of the next generation botnet and
HTTP botnet detection using frequent patternset mining
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Abstract Among the diverse forms of malware, Botnet is the most widespread and serious threat which occurs commonly in today's cyberattacks. A botnet is a group of compromised computers which are remotely controlled by hackers to launch various network attacks,
Juice: A Longitudinal Study of an SEO Botnet.
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Abstract Black hat search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns attract and monetize traffic using abusive schemes. Using a combination of Web site compromise, keyword stuffing and cloaking, a SEO botnet operator can manipulate search engine rankings for key search
Machine learning for identifying botnet network traffic
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During the last decade, a great scientific effort has been invested in the development of methods that could provide efficient and effective detection of botnets. As a result, various detection methods based on diverse technical principles and various aspects of botnet
A literature survey about recent botnet trends
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Abstract Today botnets are seen to be one of the main sources of malicious activity. Rapidly growing botnets find new methods for spreading malicious codes and launching attacks. The main goal of this document is to give a brief information about the latest botnet trends
Network characterization for botnet detection using statistical-behavioral methods
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Abstract This thesis presents a framework for characterizing network behavior on an Ethernetprotocol network. We begin with the network traffic aggregated from packet series into sessions and hypothesize that from this data we can characterize a variety of
Botnet analysis
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Abstract-This paper discusses the current societal impact, design, implementation and use of botnets, as well as motivations for botnet creation. Additionally, we provide a generalized description of basic analysis techniques for reverse engineering botnets. The tools
A UserID-centralized recoverable botnet: Structure research and defense
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Abstract. Nowadays, botnets have become common platforms for many Internet attacks. However, most of current Command and Control (CC) architectures of botnets suffer from the risk of being shut down or poisoned. Once the CC channel is disrupted, the whole
Botnet Detection using NetFlow and Clustering
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Among the various forms of malware, botnets are becoming the major threats on the Internet that use for many attacks, such as spam, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), identity theft and phishing. NetFlow protocol is a standard for monitoring Internet traffic that developed
Korea's experience of massive DDoS attacks from Botnet
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Page 1. ITU-T SG 17, April 12, 2011, Geneva Korea's experience of massive DDoS attacks from Botnet April 12, 2011 Heung Youl YOUM Ph.D.3 Page 4. ITU-T SG 17, April 12, 2011, Geneva Overview of 7.7 Botnet attacks Labeled 7.7 cyber terror by the media,
Intelligent botnet attacks in modern Information warfare
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Abstract. Botnets, networks of compromised and remotely controlled computers (bots) are widely used in many internet attacks. Botnets are the main reason of growing number of unsolicited emails (SPAM), identity and confidential data theft attacks and many other
Combating Mobile Spam through Botnet Detection using Artificial Immune Systems.
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Abstract: Malicious software (malware) infects large numbers of mobile devices. Once infected these mobile devices may be involved in many kinds of online criminal activity, including identity theft, unsolicited commercial SMS messages, scams and massive
DGA-Based Botnet Detection Using DNS Traffic
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Abstract In recent years, an increasing number of botnets use Domain Generation Algorithms (DGAs) to bypass botnet detection systems. DGAs, also referred as domain fluxing, has been used since 2004 for botnet controllers, and now become an emerging
Combating the botnet scourge
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Abstract:Recently, the increase in spam, distributed denialof-service (DDoS) attacks, and other acts of online crime are facilitated by botnets, which are networks of compromised computer systems executing bot programs. In this paper, we precisely define the terms
Botnet detection and analysis using honeynet
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Abstract:We discuss some techniques currently used by intruders to control groups of compromised machines (botnets). We show how honeynets can be used to identify, monitor and understand the behavior of botnets. We describe a real attack in detail, illustrating
Detection and Prevention Methods of Botnet-generated Spam
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Abstract Although anti-spam measures are improving, the spam volume is increasing due to the use of Botnets. Botnets facilitate an efficient generation and guaranteed delivery of large volumes of spam. Spambots, or spam-generating bots, use different transmission methods
Understanding the world's worst spamming botnet
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ABSTRACT On November 11, 2008, the primary web hosting company, McColo, for the command and control servers of Srizbi botnet was shutdown by its upstream ISPs. Subsequent reports claimed that the volume of spam dropped significantly everywhere on
A survey of botnet architecture and batnet detection techniques
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Abstract Botnet is an urgent problem that has impact on information security and reduces confidentiality, integrity and availability of certain service. Many large companies are one of the victims who are attacked by botmaster and it costs heavy economic losses. Some
Bot and botnet taxonomy
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Appeared in 2004; affects WindowsWritten in about 20,000 Lines of C++ code Capabilities include: DDoS, exploits, scanning, SOCKS proxy, password theft, packet sniffing, CD key theftUsed to build attack botnetsServer information is usually static
Predicting future botnet addresses with uncleanliness
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Abstract The increased use of botnets as an attack tool and the awareness attackers have of blocking lists leads to the question of whether we can effectively predict future bot locations. To that end, we introduce a network quality that we term uncleanliness: an indicator of the
Breaking the loop: Leveraging botnet feedback for spam mitigation
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Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel technique to fight spam. This technique leverages the observation that existing spamming botnets leverage the feedback provided by mail servers to tweak their operations, and send spam more effectively. We show that,
Association Rule Based Data Mining Approach to HTTP Botnet Detection
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ABSTRACT Botnet is most dangerous and widespread among all threats in today's cyber world. It is basically group of compromised computers connected via internet, mostly the vulnerable hosts, are remotely accessed and controlled by botmaster to deliver various
A P2P Botnet Detection Method Used On-line Monitoring and Off-line Detection
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Abstract P2P botnet has become a significant threats in security network. In this paper, we propose a new method to detection the P2P botnet through the analysis of the P2P botnet host's life cycle, use the method of off-line detection to find the suspected botnet hosts, and
A Survey on Anomaly Detection of Botnet in Network
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Abstract: Botnets are a major threat of the current Internet. Understanding the recent procreation of botnets relying on peer-to-peer networks is critical for diminishing this threat. Today botnets are seen to be one of the main sources of malicious activity. Expeditiously
AIS Model For Botnet Detection In MANET Using Fuzzy Function
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ABSTRACT Mobile adhoc networks (MANETs) poses a large area of challenges in the field of security, this is due to the lake of infrastructure and the continuous changing in the network topology. Botnets are believed to be the most harmful danger that threatens any
COFFEE: a Concept based on OpenFlow to Filter and Erase Events of botnetactivity at high-speed nodes.
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Abstract: It is a great challenge to tackle the increasing threat of botnets to contemporary networks. The community developed a lot of approaches to detect botnets. Their fundamental idea differs and may be grouped according to the location (eg, host-based,
Botnet-powered SQL injection attacks: A deeper look within
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The deconstruction of the Mariposa botnet
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Mariposa is NOT a virus, or a worm, or a trojan or any other dated designation still inappropriately assigned to modern day malware. The malicious software used by Mariposa, and any other botnet, actively evolves to become whatever is needed by its controller and
Advanced methods for botnet intrusion detection systems
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Today, our dependence on the internet has grown manifold. So has the need to protect our vast personal information accessible via web interfaces such as online passwords, corporate secrets, online banking accounts, and social networking accounts like
Botnet mitigation and the role of ISPs: A quantitative study into the role and incentives of Internet Service Providers in combating botnet propagation and activity
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This thesis is about botnets. Botnets are networks of compromised computers, that unknown to their owners, run a malicious piece of software (called a bot). This code puts the computer under the control of a remote attacker, who then uses these
Detection of Zeus Botnet in Computers Networks and Internet
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Abstract Huge spread use of internet with wide scale spread of E-commerce processes becomes a great motivation for the attackers to move their goals from fun to finical profits. Attackers tend to use botnets which is a group of computers managed by botmaster to
Botnet Detection and Countermeasures-A Survey
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Abstract: The increase of incidents and threats against information security has turned out to be very serious problem in this digital era. Among the various threats Botnets are the emerging threats against cyber security. Botnets are collections of compromised
An implementation of Botnet detection algorithm for grid networks
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Abstract:Grid is an emerging technology that aims at utilizing resources efficiently and effectively, A botnet is a collection of infected computers and the common attacks are A Distributed denial of service attack (DDOS) is any type of attack on a networking structure
Botnet technology
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Abstract--Among all media of communications, Internet is most vulnerable to attacks owing to its public nature and virtually without centralized control. With the growing financial dealings and dependence of businesses on Internet, these attacks have even more
Mariposa botnet analysis
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Defence Intelligence first observed Mariposa in May of 2009 as an emerging botnet. In the following months, Mariposa showed a significant increase in beaconing traffic to its command and control servers. This is indicative of an increasingly high number of
Predentifier: Detecting Botnet CC Domains From Passive DNS Data
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Abstract The Domain Name System (DNS) is mainly used for benign and legitimate Internet activities. Nevertheless, it also facilitates malicious intentions. Domain names have started to play an increasingly important role in the Command and Control (CC) infrastructure of
Mobile Botnet Attacks-an Emerging Threat: Classification, Review and Open Issues.
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Abstract The rapid development of smartphone technologies have resulted in the evolution of mobile botnets. The implications of botnets have inspired attention from the academia and the industry alike, which includes vendors, investors, hackers, and researcher community.
BCE: Extracting botnet commands from bot executables
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Abstract:Botnets are a major threat to the security of computer systems and the Internet. An increasing number of individual Internet sites have been compromised by attacks from all across the world to become part of various kinds of malicious botnets. The Internet security
Botnet Analysis and Detection System
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Abstract Computers have become very useful tools for work, study and play. Computers can also be used in a more sinister manner; criminals can use computers to extract money and information out of businesses and computer users. They can use software known as
A scalable architecture for persistent botnet tracking
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Abstract The botnet phenomenon has recently garnered attention throughout both academia and industry. Unfortunately, botnets are still a mystery. In fact, today, very little is known about even the most basic botnet properties, such as size, growth, or demographics. The
Malware and botnet analysis methodology
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Malware is responsible for massive economic damage. Being the preferred tool for digital crime, botnets are becoming increasingly sophisticated, using more and more resilient, distributed infrastructures based on peer-to-peer (P2P) protocols. On the other side,
Measuring botnet populations
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Page 1. Measuring Botnet Populations Jose Nazario, Ph.D. October 2012 Page 2. Page 3. OverviewPage 25. Paper from HotBots 2007 Page 26. Other Uses of Botnet Infection DataNotificationsVery big in the operational security community
Botnet Future Trend
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Abstract: Botnets are one of the most dangerous threats on the web. They operate like a distributed network and have two main components: the Botnet (or Zombies) and the is to steal valuable information from business (which constitutes
How to Construct a Mobile Botnet
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Botnets are one of the most serious security threats to the Internet and the personal computer (PC) world, but they have not yet caused major outbreaks in the mobile world. Nevertheless, attacks on mobile networks and devices have recently grown in number
The Botnet Threat:targeting Your Business
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Robot armies. Zombie legions. Slave hordes programmed to follow the orders of malevolent masters concealed, out of reach, hundreds or thousands of miles away. It may sound like the plot from a clichéd sci-fi or horror movie. But it actually describes a key feature of the
The Botnet Ecosystem
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With the appearance of botnets, criminal gangs have gained access to millions of infected computers, and the number of cybercrimes committed has risen sharply. Although the majority of Internet users understand that zombie networks pose a serious threat, many do
Same botnet, same guys, new code
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ABSTRACT Win32/Kelihos first appeared at the very end of 2010. There are many things that make this malware stand out. First of all, it uses a custom peer-to-peer network protocol. It also shares many similarities in terms of code and endgame with Win32/Nuwar (the
SDBOT IRC botnet continues to make waves
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SDBOT malware variants usually propagate through network shares and exploited unpatched vulnerabilities. They also exhibit a number of backdoor capabilities and some information theft routines. Some variants even have the capability to bypass secuirty
Botnet detection using adaptive neuro Fuzzy inference system
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ABSTRACT Botnets are the most serious threat against cyber-security. They provide several services of illegal activities such as denial of service attacks, malware dissemination, phishing, and click fraud without the permission of computer users. Nowadays botnets are
ASP2P: An advanced botnet based on social networks over hybrid P2P.
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Abstract:Botnets, regarded as the worms with fundamental command and control (CC) channel, are becoming the typically frustrating threats to the Internet infrastructure. In order to defeat the botnets effectively, we should not only focus on known botnets, but also need
The Opt-In Botnet Generation
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As businesses and governments have moved their presence online, protesting and other public forms of disaffection against them have followed. Growing numbers of people have been motivated to take up the cyber-equivalents of protest placards, highway sit-downs
Exploiting fundamental weaknesses in botnet command and control (cc) panels
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Abstract This research is primarily focused on the use of penetration testing approach to find fundamental weaknesses and configuration flaws residing in Command and Control (CC) panels used by bot herders to manage botnets. This paper generalizes the findings that
An Enhanced Model for Network Flow Based Botnet Detection
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Abstract The botnet is a group of hijacked computers, which are employed under command and control mechanism administered by a botmaster. Botnet evolved from IRC based centralized botnet to employing common protocols such as HTTP with decentralized
Discrete-Event Simulation of Botnet Protection Mechanisms
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The common use of computers, connected to the Internet, as well as insufficient level of security, allow malefactors to execute large-scale infrastructure attacks, engaging in criminal activity a huge number of computing nodes. Attacks of such type have been traditionally
Pushdo/cutwail botnet
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The Pushdo botnet has been with us since January 2007 1. The botnet is also known as Pandex or Cutwail. While it does not grab as many headlines as its attention-seeking peers such as Storm or Conficker, according to recent reports it is the 2nd largest SPAM botnet
Perseus: A Coding Theory-based Firefox Plug-in to Counter Botnet Activity
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Abstract Most of the activity of botnets is based on the ability to listen and analyze http streams to retrieve and collect sensitive data (email address, login/password, credit card numbers). This paper present an operational solution to counter botnets' activity through
A Survey on Botnet Architectures, Detection and Defences.
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Abstract Botnets are known to be one of the most serious Internet security threats. In this survey, we review botnet architectures and their controlling mechanisms. Botnet infection behavior is explained. Then, known botnet models are outlined to study botnet design.
Conversation-based p2p botnet detection with decision fusion
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Abstract Botnets have been identified as one of the most dangerous threats through the Internet. A botnet is a collection of compromised computers called zombies or bots controlled by malicious machines called botmasters through the command and control (
Poster: Bottleneck: A Generalized, Flexible, and Extensible Framework forBotnet Defense
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In this poster we propose Bottleneck, a framework that meets all the design objectives set above. We realize an instance of this general framework using a Bayesian network which allows the system to make evidence-based predictive and diagnostic inferences for bot
IEEE ISI 2008 Invited Talk (I) Data Mining for Security Applications: Mining Concept-Drifting Data Streams to Detect Peer to Peer Botnet Traffic
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Abstract There has been much interest on using data mining for counter-terrorism and cyber security applications. For example, data mining can be used to detect unusual patterns, terrorist activities and fraudulent behavior. In addition data mining can also be sued for
Transparent Botnet Command and Control for Smartphones over SMS Shmoocon 2011
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As smartphones become increasingly ubiquitous and powerful,targets for botnet infections. Many of the top selling smartphone platforms are built on common PC operating systems. This makes the transition from developing PC based malware to smartphone
A review paper on botnet and botnet detection techniques in cloud computing
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Abstract:Recently, botnets are the most radical of all cyberattacks and becoming the key issue in cloud computing. Botnets are the network of different compromised computers and/or smartphones. These devices are infected with malicious code by botmaster and
Botnet Detection through DNS based approach
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ABSTRACT Botnets is group of compromised computers controlled remotely by attackers. Botnets create widespread security and data safety issues and areeffective tools for propagating cyber-crime. It is imperative for the IT community to develop effective means
Building an anti-botnet platform to mitigate botnet
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Abstract-In recent years, with the rapid growth of the Internet applications and services, botnet becomes one of the most severe threats on the Internet. Because the botnets can be automatically evolved as different localized versions in a short period of time, how to find
Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing under the Impact of Botnet Attack
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Abstract Cloud Computing is a model in which customers plug into the Cloud to access IT resources which are provided on demandcharged as per use to enhance performance and speed. But maintaining the performance of cloud computing has become the biggest
Botnet detection using netflow information
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ABSTRACT Botnets are one of the biggest threats of the internet today. Probably a few million computers are infected with botnet clients and used in malicious activities like sending spam or fraud e-mails and assisting in DDos attacks. Current detection methods
A Review on IRC Botnet Detection and Defence
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Nowadays botnets pose an enormous security threat to our networked society. Spam E- Mails, Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDOS) attacks or identity thefts are examples for problems caused by botnets. In their yearly published paper The IT-Security Situation in
Botnet Detection Based on Degree Distributions of Node Using Data Mining Scheme
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Abstract Botnet is most widespread and occurs commonly in today's cyber attacks and they become one of the most serious threats on the Internet. Most of the existing Botnet detection approaches concentrate only on particular Botnet command and control (CC) protocols CSE PROJECTS