carbon nanotube process in india-1001
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SM Ali, P Pani, S Das, N Das ,
Bhubaneswar(India),+919432246860 carriers in the second single-walled carbon nanotube
(SWNT) subband highly efficient create electron-hole pair. In electron-hole generation process
requiring the lowest excess energy, this excess energy of the second subband carriers is
Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor: Fabrication of Thin Film of SiO2-Based Micro Cantilevers Dielectric Layer between the Channel and Substrate by
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K Niranjan, S Srivastava, J Singh, M Tiwari ,
Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, Professor, Department of MSME, MANIT, Bhopal (MP), India. In this case
Laser leaching process was used o reduce the thickness of the substrate. ?mc and ?cs are the
work function differences between the metal gate and carbon nanotube materials and
Design of High Speed Dual Modulus Prescaler using Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor
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V Saravanan, V Kannan ,nature
1 Research Scholar, Sathyabama University, Tamilnadu, India 2 Principal Jeppiaar Institute of
Technology, Tamilnadu, India. A single-wall carbon nanotube (or SWCNT) consists of one cylinder
only, and the simple manufacturing process of this device makes it very
A MEMS based Carbon Nanotube–Field Effect Transistor as a Gas Sensor
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SD Gupta, S Kundu, A Mallik
Abhishek Mallik, Partner-ESL, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. II. Page 2. A MEMS based Carbon
Nanotube–Fiel d Effect Transistor as a G as Sensor 39 NO2 is a part of group of gaseous air
pollutant produced as a result of road traffic and other fossil fuel combustion process.
Pharmaceutical Applications of Carbon Nanotube-Mediated Drug Delivery Systems
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SP Kumar, D Prathibha, NLG Shankar, R Parthibarajan ,
Sciences, Vangapally Village, Yadagirigutta Mandal, Nalgonda District, Andhra Pradesh, India
Received; December It is carried out in two step process:- • Catalyst is deposited on Kumar et
al: Pharmaceutical Applications of Carbon Nanotube-Mediated Drug Delivery Systems
Electroless Deposition of Metal Hexacyanoferrate on Carbon nanotube Supported Electrode for Electrocatalytic Sensing of Ethanol
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S Chakraborty, N Pramanik
302, India 2Department of Chemistry National Institute of Technology, Arunachal Pradesh, India
is prepared by soaking poly(diallyldimethylammonium) chloride (PDA), Multiwall carbon nanotube
(CNT) modified action of CNT and RuOHCF to facilitate electron-transfer process.
Adsorption of Arsenic (III) on Multiwall Carbon Nanotube
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MSH Choudhury, SM Sagar, MB Ullah ,
amounts of graphitic materials (multi-walled carbon- nanotube) was added in the solution, thus
being able to vary the material In this study sonication was used to break the nano carbon
aggrigates 8] K. Jaeshin, MM Benjamin, Modeling a novel ion exchange process for arsenic
Molecular Switches: A Review
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A Lather, VK Lamba, H Malik ,
& Communication Engineering Haryana College of Technology management kaithal, Haryana,
India. fields of molecular nanotechnology such as molecular electronics, carbon nanotube
technology, organic materials will also benefit from a manufacturing process that offers
Free Vibration Analysis of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Laminated Composite Panels
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BR Reddy, K Ramji, B Satyanarayana
was with the Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering(A), Andhra University,
Visakhapatnam, India-530 003 (e One of the most powerful tools to speed up the modeling process,
both the composite discretization Free Vibration Analysis of Carbon Nanotube
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MH Alai, SP Poptani, GV Patil ,International Journal ,
Manoj Hari Alai Radhai Niwas, Behind bus stand, A/P- Nampur, Tal- Satana, Dist- Nasik- 423204,
Maharashtra, India Page 2. In 2007, researchers at the University of Cincinnati (UC) developed
a process to grow aligned carbon nanotube arrays of 18 mm length on a
Interaction of nucleic acids with carbon nanotubes and dendrimers
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for Condensed Matter Theory, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560
012, India In the process of complete understanding of DNA–CNT interac- tions, we also studied
Figure 4. Adsorption and translocation of ssDNA and dsDNA with carbon nanotube.
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GPB Singh, C Baburao, V Pispati, H Pathipati, N Muthy ,
Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. and the tumor they are attached to.32 ? Using nanotubes as a
cellular scale needle to deliver quantum dots and proteins into cancer cells.- Improve the healing
process for broken bones by providing a carbon nanotube scaffold for new
Open Access Scientific Reports
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AK Singh, N Singh ,2012 ,
Agrasen Institute of Technology, Rohini, Delhi, India 2Gaya College, Magadh University, Gaya,
India images of a given tectonic area are combined in a process called data response of
biomolecules, such as Norepinephrine, while empty multi- wall carbon nanotube film shows
Structural and electrical characterization of bamboo-shaped C–N nanotubes–poly ethylene oxide (PEO) composite films
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RM Yadav, PS Dobal ,Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2012 ,Springer
&) 4 PS Dobal Department of Physics, VSSD College, Kanpur 208002, India e-mail In CNTs, this
band is activated from the first-order scattering process of sp2 They reported the dc electrical and
microwave properties of polymer- multiwalled carbon nanotube-composites and
Gallium Nitride Nanotube and its Application as Transistors
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B Chandrasekara ,International Journal of , 2012
When compared with Carbon nanotubes, Gallium Nitride nanotubes have discrete eigen states
and electron External energy is due to any external voltage applied to the nanotube. Transmission
process through the nanotube is processed by the density of energy levels in the
Bonding of cholesterol oxides to functionalised multiwalled carbon nanotubes for in-vitro biosensor application.
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A Malarvizhi, A Pandurangan ,Biomed Res, 2012 ,
breakage the side walls of the tubes were also affected by the functionalization process. the authors,
A. Malarvizhi is thankful to Univer- sity Grand Commission, India, New Delhi A simple and
Complete Purification of Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Materials Adv Mater 1999; 11
Impact of CNT’s Diameter Variation on the Performance of CNFET Dual-X CCII
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A Imran, M Azam ,International Journal of Computer , 2012
Mohd Azam Dept of Electrical Engg Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh-202002,India J, Wong HSP,
A circuit compatabile spice model for enhancement mode carbon nanotube field effect of the
International Conference on simulation of semiconductor process and devices, 2006
Jai-Sung Lee Whung-Whoe Kim Sang-Eon Park Jong-San Chang Soo-Jin Park
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WW Kim ,Trans Tech Publ
After the reviewing process, 36 papers were accepted for publication in this special In the second
day, invited lectures from India, Russia, Poland were actively proceed based on nanocomposite
coating, nanocomposite photocatalyst, photodynamic therapy, carbon nanotube etc
Large Scale Synthesis of Carbon Nanofibres on Sodium Chloride Support
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R Rajarao, BR Bhat ,2012 ,
yield metal nanoparticles on pyrolysis, thereby eliminating the lengthy process of calcination
and Research and Development Organization (DRDO), the government of India for financial TF
Baumann, Stiff and electrically conductive composites of carbon nanotube aerogels and
Morphology and electrical conductivity of self-doping polyanilines synthesized via self-assembly process
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SR Kargirwar, SR Thakare, MD Choudhary ,
unzipping CNTs, continuous polymer and carbon nanofibers by electrospinning. Introduction
Copyright © 2011 VBRI press. of the polymer chain in the polymerization process. The micelles
act as the template in the self-assembly of PANI to form nanotube structures.
Modelling Scenario in Nanotechnology Today
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HM Pandya ,J. Environ. Nanotechnol, 2012 ,
M. Pandya Department of Physics, Chikkanna Government Arts College Tiruppur, Tamilnadu,
India 641 602 Process 80:1257, doi: 10.1007/s00339-004-3157-1. [21] Star, A., E. Tu, J
Label-free detection of DNA hybridization using carbon nanotube network field- effect transistors
Nanomaterials in Dermatology: applicationsperspectives
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Carbon nanotube conductivity can therefore be used to make a highly sensitive biomarker sensor
Studies have shown carbon nanotubes to be cytotoxic and to induce granulomas in other
nanoparticles, as well as solvents and reagents used during the manufacturing process.