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ABSTRACT -The performance of Content-Based Image Retrieval ( CBIR ) system is depends on efficient feature extraction and accurate retrieval of similar images. Content based image retrieval is the task of retrieving the images from the large collection of database on the basis
A Fuzzy Logic Based Soft Computing Approach in CBIR System Using Incremental Filtering Feature Selection to Identify Patterns
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ABSTRACT Content based Image Retrieval ( CBIR ) may be a set of techniques for retrieving semantically-relevant pictures from an image database supported automatically-derived image options. Generally, in CBIR systems, the visual features are described at low-level
A Review on Different Categories of CBIR Methods
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ABSTRACT Content based image retrieval ( CBIR ) has become a main research area in multimedia applications. In the literature, there is lot of papers focusing on the content-based image retrieval in order to extract the semantic information within the query concept. The
Histopathological whole slide image analysis using context-based CBIR
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ABSTRACT Histopathological image classification (HIC) and content-based histopathological image retrieval (CBHIR) are two promising applications for histopathological whole slide image (WSI) analysis. HIC can efficiently predict the type of lesion involved in a Content-based image retrieval (CBIR), which is aimed to search images from a large size image database based on visual contents of images in an efficient and accurate way as per the users requirement, is an intensive research area these days. The major objective of this
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ABSTRACT -The performance of Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system is depends on efficient feature extraction and accurate retrieval of similar images. Content based image retrieval is the task of retrieving the images from the large collection of database on the basis
Content Based Image Retrieval System using Clustering with Combined Patterns
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ABSTRACT This paper presents content based image retrieval (CBIR) system for the multi object images and also a novel framework for combining all the three ie color, texture and shape information, and achieve higher retrieval efficiency. Color, texture and shape
Content Based Image Retrieval : A Review
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ABSTRACT -Digital Image Processing domain is constantly contributing to make digital era more concise. Specifically Image Retrieval is the trending research area now-a-days. The main problem is, with the increasing volume of digital data the complexity of searching a specific
Content Based Retinal Image Retrieval Using Lifting Wavelet Transform for Classification of Retinal Fundus Images
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ABSTRACT : The symptoms of some diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetic retinopathy affect on the retinal vessels can be helpful to control the progress of these diseases. In this paper, we present an algorithm for the classification and calculation of
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ABSTRACT : Because of the numerous application of Content based image retrieval (CBIR) system in various areas, it has always remained a topic of keen interest by the researchers. Fetching of the most similar image from the complete repository by comparing it to the input
Rotation Invariant Content Based Image Retrieval System for Medical Images
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ABSTRACT Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is the practice of computer vision to the image retrieval problem, ie the problem of searching for digital images in the large database. As the medical image database is growing day by day due to prolonging use of medical
Various Approaches of Content Based Image Retrieval Process: A Review
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ABSTRACT Content based image retrieval system is the sub branch of digital image processing. CBIR has been widely used in various applications of image processing. In this process relevant images have been retrieved from the huge datasets. CBIR has utilization in
A review on various approaches for content based image retrieval based on shape, texture and color features
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ABSTRACT It is the process of fetching hidden knowledge from a wide store of raw data. The knowledge must be new, and one must be able to use it. This paper presents a method to extract color and texture features of an image quickly for content based image retrieval
Image Quantification Learning Technique through Content based Image Retrieval
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ABSTRACT : This paper proposes a Radial basis functionality incorporation in learning the quantification of images using Content based Image Retrieval (CBIR). The approach is trying to find out the effectiveness of Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) namely Radial Basis CSE PROJECTS