cell phone IEEE PAPER 2017
Cell PhoneUse Diminishes Self-Awareness of the Adverse Effects ofCell PhoneUse on Driving
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ABSTRACT Multitasking may diminish the self-awareness of performance that is often essential for self-regulation and self-knowledge. Participants in an experiment drove on a simulator while talking or not talking on acell phone . The errors they made while driving
Prevalence of SmartPhoneUsers at Risk for DevelopingCell PhoneVision Syndrome among College Students
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Abstract The universe dependence on electronics has confirmed that in several approaches create a problem in the eyes. There is a shortage of literature survey to find out the high exposure to young college students in developing thecell phonevision syndrome. This
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ABSTRACTCell phonetraces have been successfully used to study human mobility during natural disasters such as earthquakes and flooding [1, 2, 3]. Climate change, understood as the change in weather patterns for a long period of time, also has the potential of causing
Chatting in the face of the eyewitness: The impact of extraneouscell - phoneconversation on memory for a perpetrator
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Cell - phoneconversation is ubiquitous within public spaces. The current study investigates whether ignoredcell - phoneconversation impairs eyewitness memory for a perpetrator. Participants viewed a video of a staged crime in the presence of 1 side of a comprehensible
Effect of electromagnetic radiation ofcell phonetower on foraging behaviour of Asiatic honey bee, Apis cerana F.(Hymenoptera: Apidae)
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Abstract The effect of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) ofcell phonetower on foraging behaviour of honey bee, Apis cerana F. was studied at Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat from December to May during 2012-13 and 2013-14 at an interval of 15 days. To quantify
Effects ofCell PhoneDependency on Peer Attachment and Life Satisfaction among Korean Youth
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Abstract Physiological and psychological changes during puberty impact greatly on subjective happiness, as do pressures from parents, teachers, and peer attachment.Cell phonedependency compounds these pressures. In this study, 2,264 fifth grade elementary
Relationship between Dependency onCell - Phoneand the Inside Senses (Approval-Motivation, Feeling Loneliness, Self-Screening and Respecting Social
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Abstract The purpose of current study was to investigate the relationship between the approval-motivation, feeling loneliness, self-screening and respecting on social norms), and its effects on overuse of cellular- phonein Persian speaking students in Iran. A total number Cell PhoneProcedures
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Company issuedcellphones should be answered promptly during work hours. If unable to answer immediately, all messages should be returned in a timely manner. Exempt employees who carry company issuedcellphones and on-call employees are required to
Family Medicine Trainers Experience withCell PhoneUse in Primary Care in Nigeria
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Background Mobile phones are common communication tools which have found relevance in healthcare delivery and training in developed countries. Their relevance in healthcare systems of developing countries like Nigeria remains speculative. Postgraduate medical
Cell PhoneUse, a Confrontational Tool between Parents and the Youths in Eastern Kenya: Implications for Academics
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ABSTRACT While aCell phoneseems to be a confrontational tools between parents and the youths, it possesses potential opportunities in the social and academic aspects. Using case study approach, this work investigatedCell PhoneUse by 187 sampled youths in
Capturing Urban Mobility withCell PhoneData with an Application of Flyover Opening in Dhaka
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Abstract In this project, I explore the usage ofcell phonedata for urban transportation planning in developing countries. I lay out a methodology to extract urban trip patterns of people fromcell phonedata at the spatially and temporarily fine scale. The method is
Identity processing styles andcell phoneaddiction: The mediating role of religious coping
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Abstract Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of religious coping in the relationship between identity processing styles andcell phone addiction. MaterialsMethods: This descriptive and correlational study encompassed all
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Abstract-Electromagnetic radiations emitted bycell phoneandcell phonetowers are non ionizing in nature. Increase in population worldwide has increased the risk factors involved in the extensive exposure to these radiations. The present work is focused on the
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A customer is an individual who purchase or has the capacity to purchase goods and services offered for sale by marketing institutions in order to satisfy personal or household needs, wants or desires. According to a statement made by Mahatma Gandhi, customer
Cell PhoneApplication to Measure Box Counting Dimension
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Abstract. There are two kinds of algorithms: those that are betterwith respect to accuracy and those that are faster. In the past, fractal analysis by means of box-counting-including both, binary and greyscale analysis-has been focused on the former. In our work, however,
Cell PhoneControlled Device
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Abstract: This paper represents a novel method which enables users to control their home appliances and systems from remote using acell phone -based interface. To access the control unit, the user should send an authentication code (DTMF) along with the
Smart use ofCell Phonefor Vehicle Monitoring and Theft Control Using GPS and GSM
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ABSTRACT This paper deals with the issues of vehicle monitoring and theft control. This system not only tracks the vehicle but also reduces the risk involved in losing the vehicle. In the proposed system AT89S52 microcontroller is used for interfacing the various hardware
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Summary: Using acell phonewhile driving has been shown to have a negative impact on driver performance. To determine why younger drivers persist in usingcellphones while driving, underlying causal factors which contribute to selfreported usage were investigated.
Cell PhoneSexting And Its Influence On Adolescence Sexual Behaviour In Nairobi County, Kenya
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ABSTRACT:- Cellphones have emerged as one of the most vital communication gargets worldwide. Nearly every family in the general population possess at least onecell phone . In Kenya,cell phoneuse by high school students within the school premises, remains
Cell PhoneAddiction: A Review of the Available Data
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Abstract: The use ofcellphones is nowadays a necessity for many individuals, and this technology has a privileged position not only in the communication field, but, due to various applications, in the economic, educational and cultural life. However, addiction as adark
Effect ofCell PhoneRadiations on Orofacial Structures: A Systematic Review
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AbsTRACT Introduction: The widespread use ofcell phonein recent years has raised many questions whether their use is safe to operator who is exposed to Electromagnetic Waves (EMV). Aim: To find out the effect ofcell phoneemitted radiations on the orofacial structures.
Usages Pattern ofCell Phonein Classroom: A Case Study of Mathematical and Physical Science Faculty Students of Jahangirnagar University
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Abstract Now-a-days mobilephoneis very important communicational device. This cableless device reduces the hazards of the landphone . In spite of its various advantages it has some disadvantages also. Misusing of mobilephoneincreases the disadvantages of
Solar BasedCell PhoneSignal Strength Amplifier on GSM 900 Frequency Band
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Abstract The aim of thecell phonesignal strength amplifier is to increase the range of the preexisting signal which is powered by a solar power supply. The operation of thecell phonesignal amplifier is to take preexistingcell phonesignal which is found everywhere but
Literature review on observational studies oncell phoneuse while driving
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Page 1. Ingenieur- und V erkehrspsychologie Literature review on observational studies oncell phoneuse while driving Anja Katharina HuemerMark Vollrath Page 2. Ingenieur- und V
erkehrspsychologiehttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsr.2006.02.003 Glasbrenner, D. (2005). Driver The Impact Of The Brand In Achieving Competitive Advantage:-An Analytic Study On Zain IraqS MobileCell - PhoneCompany In Al-Diwaniyah Governorate In Iraq
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Abstract: This research aims to find out the role of the Brand in the process of achieving the competitive advantage from strategic perspective through identifying the important role that the marketing activity has in the work of companies. This research seeks to achieve its CSE PROJECTS