Transitory Analysis of Fluid Behaviour Inside Hollow Cone Sprinklers Using CFD
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ABSTRACT Hollow cone sprinklers are devices widely used in the industry to atomize liquids such like water in a gas such as air, to achieve a proper atomization process, the sprinkler efficiency must be as high as possible, otherwise it will be necessary to perform the
Mass Optimization of HAWT Blades Using Composite Material and to Study its Aerodynamics Using CFD
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ABSTRACT Wind energy is the fastest growing sector in market. The problem associated with the large scale implementation is the weight of the blades. The literature review shows that large amount of work has been done and going on, to reduce the weight of wind turbine
Overview of Combined Error and Uncertainty Estimates for CFD Problems
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NASA Ames Research Center 1British statistician George Box:All models are wrong but some are useful.UQ and error topic findings from the CFD Vision 2030 study by Slotnick et al., 2014 Errors in current CFD simulations are not well
CFD analysis of a fixed floating box-type structure under regular waves
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ABSTRACT : Numerical modelling of wave interaction with fixed floating structure has been performed based on CFD simulations using OpenFOAM which solves free surface Newtonian flows using Navier-Stokes equations coupled with a volume of fluid (VOF)
CFD modeling of condensing steam ejectors: Comparison with an experimental test-case
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ABSTRACT In the present paper, a numerical model for the simulation of wet-steam flows has been developed and implemented within a commercial CFD code (ANSYS Fluent) via user defined functions. The scheme is based on a single-fluid approach and solves the
CFD Analysis of Effect of Reynolds Number on Local Heat Transfer Distribution for Jet Impingement on Smooth Plate by Incompressible Chevron Jet
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ABSTRACT In this paper, numerical simulation was performed to analyse the heat transfer performance of an incompressible hot jet by a chevron nozzle on a flat surface. Influence is studied at the nozzle to plate distance (z/d) 8 for three Reynolds numbers of 28,000, 35,000 This book focuses on Computational Fluid Dynamics ( CFD ) technics and the recent developments and research works in thermomechanics applications. It is also devoted to the publication of basic and applied studies broadly relating to this area. The chapters may This book focuses on CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) techniques and the recent developments and research works in energy applications. It is also devoted to the publication of basic and applied studies broadly related to this area. The chapters present
Optimization of bluff bodies for aerodynamic drag and sound reduction using CFD analysis
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ABSTRACT Drag and flow-induced sound reduction on a circular cylinder fitted with splitter plate is numerically studied. The numerical simulations of the cylinder, without and with splitter plate, have been carried out at subcritical Reynolds number (Re) of 97,300 using
Study of Effect of Flow Parameters on Base Pressure in a Suddenly Expanded Duct at Supersonic Mach Number Regimes using CFD and Design of
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ABSTRACT Effectiveness of active control of micro jets has been examined by conducting experiments through an abruptly expanded axi-symmetric duct in a view to control base pressure. For this purpose, 1mm orifice diameter micro jets have been deployed at an
Computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) numerical simulation and particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurement of a packed flotation column
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ABSTRACT : Packing is a useful method to obtain a static separation environment for a high flotation recovery and selectivity. In this study, the single-phase flow field in a packed lab- scale cyclonic-static microbubble flotation column (FCSMC) was investigated by
CFD based performance analysis of a roughened solar air heater duct having NACA 0030 airfoils as artificial roughness
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ABSTRACT The heat transfer rate in a solar air heater duct has been found to be low due to the formation of laminar sublayer when air passes through the absorber plate. The use of artificial roughness on the underside of the absorber plate is an effective technique to break
CFD Simulation Analysis of Building Density on Residential Wind Environment
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ABSTRACT With the rapid urbanization and expansion of construction demands in China, the continuously increasing density of residential buildings has led to outdoor pedestrian discomfort in residential wind environment. To analyze the relationship between residential
Performance Analysis of Solar Air Heater using CFD Simulation
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ABSTRACT Solar energy has emerged as one of the alternate to conventional sources of energy. Solar air heaters are one of the important devices to utilize solar energy. But, poor heat transfer coefficient is one of the major problem in solar air heater. In this research
Performance evaluation of mixing behavior of two different TDS liquids in pressure exchanger using CFD analysis
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ABSTRACT -Desalination is the mainly separation process in which we get the output as brine and fresh sea water. For recycling the brine water different ERDs use to getting fresh water. Pressure Exchanger is a kind of fluid energy recovery device which is based on the positive
CFD Analysis of vortex breakdown on double delta wing
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ABSTRACT Most of the research and development efforts in the field of aerodynamics are devoted to the study of flow phenomena over the aircraft wings. A relatively new tool in the exploration of this flow regime is Computational Fluid Dynamics ( CFD ). The present study
CFD Modelling of Gas-Liquid Cylindrical Cyclones (GLCC), Geometrical Analysis
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ABSTRACT The GLCC is a widely used alternative for gas-liquid conventional separation. Beside its maturity, the effect of some geometrical parameters over its performance are not fully understood. The main objective of this study is to use CFD modelling in order to
CFD Analysis for computing Drag force on various types of blades for Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
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ABSTRACT The energy crisis is the concern that the worlds demands on the limited natural resources, which are essential for power generation, are running down as the demands are on a raise. Wind as a source of energy is luring due to the fact that furl is free in this case
Aerodynamic Design of a single stage Axial Flow Compressor using CFD approach
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ABSTRACT The performance of axial flow compressor has major impact on overall performance of gas turbine engine. The paper deals with numerical analysis of a single stage, subsonic axial flow compressor using commercial CFD code of AxSTREAM. The
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ABSTRACT In this report we have obtained the drag and lift forces using CFD which can also be determined through experiments using wind tunnel testing. In experimental setup, the design model has to be placed in the test section. This process is quite laborious
CFD Assessment of the Use of Exergy Analysis for Losses Identification in Turbomachines Flows
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ABSTRACT The paper presents a new exergy-based analysis method for turbomachines internal flow. This method applies to periodic flow inside a turbomachine. After a presentation of the system studied and of the concept of exergy, a balance equation
Three Dimensional CFD Simulations of A Wind Turbine Blade Section; Validation
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ABSTRACT The purpose of present study is to approve use of ANSYS software as a tool for wind turbine simulations. Based on workbench platform designmodeler, mechanical mesh and fluent components, the study attempts to reproduce experimental measurements
Preliminary transonic CFD analyses of a PrandtlPlane transport aircraft
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ABSTRACT In the framework of the PARSIFAL research project, funded by the European Community in the Horizon 2020 program, the PrandtlPlane (PrP) configuration has been proposed as an innovative alternative to the current commercial aircraft of conventional
Three-dimensional solid mechanics- CFD modeling of a PEM fuel cell stack.
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ABSTRACT PEM fuel cell stack assembly process, including clamping pressure, material properties of each component, design (component thickness and cell active area), and number of cells in the stack are important factors influencing the performance and durability
CFD and Statistical Approach for Optimization of Operating Parameters in a Tangential Cyclone Heat Exchanger
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ABSTRACT Present work optimizes the operational parameters such as solid particle diameter, inlet air velocity and inlet air temperature on heat transfer rate by Taguchi method. Operational parameters play an important role in the performance of cyclone heat
Annular Condensation CFD Models for the Water-Steam in the Heat Pipe Systems
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ABSTRACT This paper describes a CFD based strategy for the modelling of two-phase flows condensation in LHP systems with heat and mass transfer using ANSYS FLUENT 13. Multiphase Volume of Fluid (VOF) model is used to track the interface and standard k-
Diesel engine CFD simulations: investigation of time step on the combustion phenomena
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ABSTRACT Increasing thermal efficiency of internal combustion engines in addition to stringent emission regulations cause researchers to study different phenomena during combustion of fuels inside the cylinder. These research efforts can help to understand fundamental
Performance analysis of overlapped solar air heater using CFD
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ABSTRACT In general air conditioning was used to controlling the room temperature which is very expensive. In this project the temperature of the collector to be maintained by vacuum pressure and exhaust air movement has been created by solar heater. The air movements
Comparison of Heat Transfer Performance of Plain Tube and Rifled Tube by Experimentation and CFD Analysis
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ABSTRACT Modification of surface geometry of heat transfer surface is one of the effective methods of heat transfer augmentation. Advantages of rifled tube over plain tube are main objective of the present study for consideration of replacement in fire tube boiler. Flue gas
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ABSTRACT Solar air heaters provides the efficient use of solar energy, which uses the absorber plate to absorb the incoming solar radiations, converting it to thermal energy at its surface, and transferring the thermal energy to the fluid flowing through the collector. It has
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ABSTRACT Columns alone are required to support the canopy roofs and they are most external exposed parts of the low-rise buildings, wind action is directly exerted on both upper and lower sides of the surfaces. These types of roofs are more vulnerable to wind
CFD Analysis of Solar Water Heater with Helix Inserts
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ABSTRACT : Heat exchangers are used as a piece of different methods reaching out from change, utilize and recovery of warm essentialness in various present day, business and nearby applications. Some ordinary delineation join steam age and development in charge
Challenges in developing a SWENSE two-phase CFD solver for complex wave conditions
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Simulating wave-structure interaction with CFD tools is often computational resource demanding: large computational domains are used to prevent waves from being reflected at the boundary and fine meshes are always needed to avoid excessive numerical attenuation
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Natural convection in an enclosure is a classical problem in heat transfer field. In this study, natural convection induced by the heat source in the enclosure is studied with two analysis methods, ie Computational Fluid Dynamics ( CFD ) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The
CFD prediction of airfoil drag in viscous flow using the entropy generation method
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ABSTRACT : A new aerodynamic force of drag prediction approach was developed to compute the airfoil drag via entropy generation rate in the flow field. According to the momentum balance, entropy generation and its relationship to drag was derived for viscous flow. Model
Numerical Analysis of a Refrigeration System Using Different Nano Fluids by CFD Simulation
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ABSTRACT In todays world, refrigeration systems play an important role to satisfy the human desires and a continual analysis is being dispensed by several researchers so as to enhance the performance of those systems. In cooling and heating applications
CFD study of regular waves on a jacket structure
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ABSTRACT The jacket type platforms are one of the most common kind of offshore structures used worldwide. These structures are installed in the open oceans. When the waves in open ocean interact the jacket structure, it leads to a highly intricate free surface around the
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ABSTRACT Computational analysis of a low speed centrifugal compressor is the point of interest of this project. In the thesis, focus is made on the probing of superior turbulence model for simulating three dimensional flows in centrifugal compressor. The strong
Experimental and CFD Analysis of Regenerative Pump
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Proceedings of the 24th National and 2nd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2017), December 27-30, 2017, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad, India Experimental and CFD Analysis of Regenerative Pump Government College of Engineering Karad
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1. ABSTRACT An innovative computational approach for the simulation of noise generated by axial and centrifugal fans is presented, integrating mesh generation, CFD simulation and acoustic analysis. The simulation chain includes methods for the efficient and accurate CSE PROJECTS