cloud computing 2017 IEEE PAPER
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Abstract-Distributed computing is a developing innovation which gives compelling administrations to the customers. It licenses customers to scale here and there their assets utilization relying on their necessities Because of this, under arrangement and over
Survey on Cloud Computing and Data Masking Techniques
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing is a technology, which provides low cost, scalable computation capacity and services to enterprises on demand for expansion. Although, cloud computing is facilitating the Information technology industry, the research and development
Survey on Three Components of Mobile Cloud Computing: Offloading, Distribution and Privacy
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Abstract Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) brings rich computational resource to mobile users, network operators, and cloud computing providers. It can be represented in many ways, and the ultimate goal of MCC is to enable execution of rich mobile application with
Ethics and Trust. A Literature Review on Cloud Computing Services
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Even though security issues when using cloud computing services have been looked at from a technical perspective, research has failed to explain why consumers use cloud services extensively despite their distrust. Observations have been made that users are in a dilemma
Security Issues for Cloud Computing [3]
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Abstract Cloud computing is a new computing model which is widely emerging technology in the recent years is adopted by most of the IT companies and other organizations. Cloud computing enables individuals and organizations to gain access to huge computing
Proactive Power and Thermal Aware Optimizations for Energy-Efficient Cloud Computing
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Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy
Cryptography in Cloud Computing: A Basic Approach to Ensure Security in Cloud
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Abstract: Cloud computing is an Internet-based computing model which provides several resources through Cloud Service Providers (CSP) to Cloud Users (CU) on demand basis without buying the underlying infrastructure and follows pay-per-use basis. It supports
Multi Objective Optimization of Cloud Computing Services for Consumers
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Abstract:This paper presents a novel multi objective model for optimizing the purchase decision of a cloud computing services customer. The providers are typically offering consumers cloud computing varying information systems services. The cloud services
Investment in Flexible Resources with Demand Correlation: an application to cloud computing
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Abstract This paper considers firms' incentives to invest in local and flexible resources when demand is uncertain and correlated. I find that market power of the monopolist providing flexible resources leads to underinvestment in the flexible resource and overinvestment in Abstract Data mining has become indispensable in the wake of ever-growing data in enterprises. The IT departments of organizations have their data mining services. However, the size of data is increased exponentially in such a way that the existing mining algorithms
A Business Driven Scalable Cloud Computing Service Platform (PaaSXpert)
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Abstract A cloud computing is significant with several advantages such as, collaboration, high performance, cost efficiency, high availability, resource utilization and disaster recovery in today's latest technologies. A new era of cloud computing is PaaS (Platform as a Service),
EA Based Approach for Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing
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Abstract:In Cloud Environment, the process of execution requires Resource Management due to the high process to the resource ratio. Resource Scheduling is a complicated task in cloud computing environment because there are many alternative computers with varying
A Study on Use of Big Data in Cloud Computing Environment
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Abstract: This paper aims to provide definition, characteristics, and classification of big data along with environment for carrying net analytics in clouds for Big Data application. The relationship between the big data, cloud computing, big data storage systems, and Hadoop
Security Capabilities Of Fine Grained Two Factor Access Control In Web Based Cloud Computing Services
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Abstract For Web Based Cloud Computing Services We Introduced Fine Grained Two Factor Access Control. The Basic Concept Behind The Fine Grained Two Factor Access Control Is Getting The Permission from Two Parties In This Case We Consider Two Parties
Deploying cctbx. xfel in Cloud Computing and High Performance Computing Environments
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The amount of data being generated by protein X--ray crystallography beamlines at photon light sources is growing dramatically, with data sets at the newest X--ray free electron laser (XFEL) facilities currently requiring tens to over a hundred terabytes (TB) for a single serial Requirements Engineering (RE) is the process of discovering, documenting, and managing the requirements for a computer-based system. The goal is to produce a set of specifications, as the first stage in the system development process, to form the basis for
Enhancing Load Balancing in Cloud Computing by Ant Colony Optimization Method
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Abstract:-Cloud computing is an evolving technology which provides users pay as you go services on demand. Nowadays there is a tremendous increase in the use of the cloud by the clients due to its attractive features which results in a rapid growth of load on servers.
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CloudSim Framework for Federation of identity management in Cloud Computing
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Abstract:-Cloud computing is built on several components for managing and making provision of abundant resources to business, on demand. Identity management is the essential element in cloud computing, and it is an inevitable standard security module that
Impact of advanced parallel or cloud computing technologies for image guided diagnosis and therapy
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Medical imaging technology has revolutionized health care for a long time. The past decade has witnessed considerable advancements in imaging techniques, developing from structural to functional or from static to dynamic, which enabled both individual-and
A review of homomorphic encryption of data in cloud computing
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Abstract-The term encryption refers to converting the original data into human unreadable form (encoding). The conversion of the encoded data into original form is known as decryption. By encrypting the data only the authorized person can decode the original data.
Evaluation of Scheduling Mechanisms in Cloud Computing
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Abstract: Cloud computing is the basic popular expression in today's Information Technology. Cloud computing stages are quickly developing as the favored alternative for facilitating applications in numerous business settings. A vital component of the cloud that
A Secured Access Control Technique for Cloud Computing Environment Using Attribute Based Hierarchical Structure and Token Granting System.
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Abstract Cloud computing has drastically condensed the computational and storage costs of outsourced data. The existing access control techniques offer users access provisions centered on the common user attributes like Roles, which reduces the fine-grained access
Establishing Cloud Computing Security in trust-based Cloud Service Provider
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ABSTRACT In cloud service environments, the quality of service levels is important to customers. Client's use cloud services to store, backup, recover and process data. If customer loss their data because of many reason, the customer's business may get affected.
Key challenges during legacy software system migration to cloud computing platforms an empirical study
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Moving existing legacy systems to cloud platforms is a difficult and high cost process that may involve technical and non-technical resources and challenges. There is evidence that the lack of understanding and preparedness of cloud computing migration underpin many migration failures
Glimpse of Cloud Computing
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Abstract: In this paper, the concept of cloud computing has been studied. The service provider must ensure that the infrastructure and applications are protected and must take actions to reinforce user's application and use strong passwords and authentication
Peer-to-Peer Cloud Computing
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Cloud computing is perhaps the most disruptive technological development to have come along in information technology in some time. In little over a decade, cloud technology has revolutionized the path from idea to product launch, especially for Internet startups. In the pre-
Cloud Computing.
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In some circles it has become so familiar that people simply refer to it as The Cloud. In fact, the term has recently begun to appear in commercials. But a large percentage of the business population, including SIORs, do not understand cloud computing and its benefits.
Performance Annotations for Cloud Computing
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Abstract Web services and applications are complex systems. Layers of abstraction and virtualization allow flexible and scalable deployment. But they also introduce complications if one wants predictable performance and easy trouble-shooting. We propose to support the
Blockchain-Based Database to Ensure Data Integrity in Cloud Computing Environments.
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Abstract Data is nowadays an invaluable resource, indeed it guides all business decisions in most of the computer-aided human activities. Threats to data integrity are thus of paramount relevance, as tampering with data may maliciously affect crucial business
A Study of Energy Saving Techniques in Green Cloud Computing
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Abstract Cloud computing focus on the data computing efficiency where as green cloud computing is a new thinking which is based on cloud computing architecture and focuses on the energy efficiency of device and computing. Green Cloud Computing is an approach The series Studies in Big Data(SBD) publishes new developments and advances in the various areas of Big Data-quickly and with a high quality. The intent is to cover the theory, research, development, and applications of Big Data, as embedded in the fields of
Hybrid of Ant Colony Optimization and Gravitational Emulation Based Load Balancing Strategy in Cloud Computing
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Abstract-The distributed architecture of cloud computing set up the resources distributively for delivering the services to cloud consumers. In this paper, a novel hybrid ACO and gravitation emulation based strategy considering load balancing has been implemented for Abstract The cloud computing is a key computing approach adopted by many organizations in order to share resources. It provides Everything As-A-Service (XaaS). Software-As-A- Service is an important resource on the cloud computing environment. Without installing any This first edition of Strategic Engineering for Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics focuses on addressing numerous and complex, inter-related issues which are inherently linked to systems engineering, cloud computing and big data analytics. Individuals have
Veiled in Clouds Assessing the Prevalence of Cloud Computing in the Email Landscape
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Abstract:The ongoing adoption of cloud-based email services mainly run by few operators transforms the largely decentralized email infrastructure into a more centralized one. Yet, little empirical knowledge on this transition and its implications exists. To address
Cloud Computing Using AES
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing is printed as associate application and services that run on distributed webwork victimization virtualized and it's accessed through net protocols and networking. Cloud computing resources and virtual and limitless and information's of the
An Overview of Cloud Computing: Platforms, Security Issues and Applications
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Abstract: Cloud computing is the internet depend technology which is providing the services to user, small and large organization on demand. Cloud computing stored the user data and maintain in the data canter of cloud provider like Amazon, Oracle, Google, Microsoft etc.
Improving Quality of Service (QoS) With Profit Maximization in Cloud Computing
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Abstract: Web Based computing which is build regarding in light of enthusiasm working is called as Cloud computing. It is used to allocate shared resources and information to the framework customer as per his demand. The cloud monetary angles study is a basic bit of
Securing Cloud using Fog Computing with Hadoop Framework
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Abstract The need to store data is increasing day by day may be as a record or as a memory. The conventional way of storing was with the hard disks of computers or in the smartphones. With the increase in number of profiles of individuals there was a parallel increase in the
An ANN based Classification Scheme for QoS Negotiation to Achieve Overall Social Benefit in Cloud Computing
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Abstract As there is a rise in the usage of cloud services in the marketplace, so also the issues related to the cloud usage like pricing, SLA monitoring, QoS negotiation and QoS assurance are assuming importance. This work deals with trying to come up with a solution
Secure Big Data Access Control Policies for Cloud Computing Environment
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Abstract:As the term indicates the Big data it means we are work for the something big or can say something large in the Amount, Data the high volume is known as the big data. Now a Day for storing the data file in the Computer Science Engineering we are used the Hard
A Review of Cloud Computing Simulation Platforms and Related Environments
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Abstract: Recent years have seen an increasing trend towards the development of Discrete Event Simulation (DES) platforms to support cloud computing related decision making and research. The complexity of cloud environments is increasing with scale and heterogeneity
A Modern Approach in Cloud Computing Storage by Using Compression and Crypto Mechanism
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Abstract In order to communicate the compressed secure multimedia data over the internet by using the mechanism of compression and crypto algorithm is a modern and innovative idea in cloud computing. The cloud computing is an inevitable field of data communication
An Smarter Multi Queue Job Scheduling Policy for Cloud Computing
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Abstract Cloud computing is an extension paradigm of grid and distributed computing. Cloud providers mainly focus on managing computing power, energy consumption, storage and services that are assigned to external users via internet. Managing users requirements have
A Feasibility study of PCR Control Using Cloud Computing
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Abstract. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a molecular biologic technology capable of diagnosing and analyzing diseases by replicating or amplifying specific regions of DNA. The PCR device we had previously developed and researched controlled the device using wired
Smart-Vehicle Implementation using Internet-of-Things and Cloud Computing Extension
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ABSTRACT The vehicle of the future will be safer for passengers and other road users too. This will offer pay-as-you-go services and thus will lead to a better driving experience. Beyond the basic concept of connected vehicle being provided with only internet access, we
A Method for User Data Protection Based on Game Theory in Cloud Computing
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Abstract. To protect the security of user data and a safe, controlled service acquisition as the goal, we propose a game service acquisition method which combines trust evaluation with decision management application, designing user-centric data protection restraint
Rapid and Extensible Range QP Privacy Protection for Cloud Computing
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Abstract: In cloud computing privacy is the important factor as clouds may not be fully trusted. This paper has a specific connection with the question of privacy-preserving range query processing on clouds. Prior schemes are weak in privacy protection as they cannot achieve Abstract:As increasingly more applications are deployed in vehicles, how to provide the demanded computational capability becomes crucial. This paper proposes the hybrid vehicular cloud (HVC) framework for cloud computing on the road to increase the
Access Control Based Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing Environment.
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Abstract In this paper, we propose a new dynamic resource allocation scheme-Access Control-based Resource Allocation (ACRA) for cloud users in order to address some deficiencies of the current resources allocation mechanisms in some free cloud computing
Cloud Based Ubiquitous Computing for Smart Classroom using Smart Phone
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Abstract: The idea behind this project is reducing the cost and improving the quality of service in this technology aided learning. Here, we will replace laptop's or any other portable device with Raspberry Pi. The web interface of raspberry pi will be used to access files
Using Steganography for Secure Data Storage in Cloud Computing
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Abstract-Cloud computing is one of the popular method of accessing shared and dynamically configurable resources via the computer network on demand. The secure data storage on cloud environments is the primary requirement of such applications, where data
Improving Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing using Elliptic Curve
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Abstract: Cloud computing is one of the latest technology trend of the IT trade for business area. Cloud computing security converged into a demanding topic in the sector of information technology and computer science research programs. The cloud computing is a
Security Issues in Cloud Computing
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In the last few years, cloud computing has grown from being a promising business concept to one of the fastest growing segments of the IT industry. It offers an on demand and scalable access to a shared pool of resources hosted in a data centre at providers' site. It reduces the
Perceived security and privacy of cloud computing applications used in educational ecosystem
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When employed in educational settings, cloud computing applications enable users to create, store, organize, and share divergent artefacts with their peers. As an outcome, they have a large number of users worldwide which makes them vulnerable to a variety of
Data Integrity Checking Protocol with Data Dynamics in Cloud Computing
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Abstract We introduce a model for provable data possession (PDP) which allows a client that has stored data at an un-trusted server to verify that the server possesses the original data without retrieving it. In a previous work, Ateniese et al. proposed a remote data integrity
A Review on Big Data and Cloud Computing Security
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Abstract: Cloud services are popular all over the world to store and analyze Big Data. Now-a- days the research is full of work linked with the security breaches to these services, resulting in the exposure of huge amounts of private data. Security is increasingly critical for various
Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing: A Comparative Study
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ABSTRACT: Cloud computing has become popular due to its attractive features. In the cloud computing environment, load balancing is one of the important issues, with great increase in the users and their requirements for different services on the cloud computing platform,
Application of Improved Fish Swarm Algorithm in Cloud Computing Resource Scheduling
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Abstract. An improved fish-swarm algorithm is proposed for resource scheduling in cloud computing. The improvement process is divided into the following aspects, The experimental results show that the improved fish-swarm algorithm is more suitable for resource
Security Model for Preserving Privacy over Encrypted Cloud Computing
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Abstract In our today's life, it is obvious that cloud computing is one of the new and most important innovations in the field of information technology which constitutes the ground for speeding up the development in great size storage of data as well as the processing and
Multiple Request Resource Allocation by using Time-Shared Policy in Cloud Computing
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Abstract Cloud computing is the enactment of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to accumulate, manage and process data rather than a local server or a personal computer. Cloud computing is known as a popular and important term in the IT
Enhanced e-Learning System for e-Courses Based on Cloud Computing.
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Abstract: The Egyptian higher education sector was being subjected to a number of changes due to the policies made by the government. To enhance the role of the private sector, the authorities have embarked on an ambitious and comprehensive financial plan of reform that
A Study on Services Provided by Various Service Providers of Cloud Computing
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Abstract In an outstanding regression to the 1970s, many companies are finding that buying in computer services makes more business intelligence than do-ityourself. This new trend is called cloud computing. Cloud computing offersdifferent types of services commonly referred
Assessing the Determinants of Cloud Computing Services for Utilizing Health Information Systems: A Case Study
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Abstract:Health information systems refer to the utilization of IT-related systems to capture, store, manage, or transmit information related to the health of individuals or the activities within the health sector. Utilizing cloud services in the healthcare sector is a flexible solution
Accountability in Cloud Computing by Means of Chain of Trust.
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Abstract Cloud computing offers various services in form of infrastructure, platform, and software to meet the consumer requirements. It is radically changing how information technology services are created, delivered, accessed, and managed. However, this swift has
An Analysis of Metaheuristic to SLA Establishment in Cloud Computing.
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Abstract. Nowadays the access to a cloud computing environment is provided on-demand offering transparent services to customers. Although the cloud allows an abstraction of the behavior of the service providers in the infrastructure (involving logical and physical
Cloud Computing: Security IssuesSolution
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Abstract It is the technology for providing the computing services such as servers, storage, database, networking etc over the internet on pay per use pattern. It is more popular in today's era as it helps in cost reduction associated with computing. Although it is one of the
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ABSTRACT: Many task scheduling algorithms have been designed by various researchers which address the problem of task scheduling effectively and efficiently. With the passage of time and continuous research, almost every factor which increases the performance of the
Revocable ABE with Bounded Ciphertext in Cloud Computing.
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Abstract Revocable Attribute-Based Encryption (R-ABE) has received much concern recently due to its characteristic of capability on encrypting the Data, according to some attributes, whereas users can decrypt the ciphertexts if they own the credential of those
Moving From Vehicular Cloud Computing to Vehicular Fog Computing: Issues and Challenges
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(MANETs) in which the mobile nodes are moving vehicles. The vehicles consist of on-board units and a group of sensors to gather data and to communicate with the other vehicles and the roadside units (RSUs). VANETs have received increased attention in recent years due to
Survey on Mobile Cloud Computing [MCC], its SecurityFuture Research Challenges
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Abstract-Cloud Computing is a fast-growing area in the recent past times and Mixture of Mobile Computing and Cloud Computing termed as Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). MCC is the incorporation of cloud computing into the mobile environment. This paper enlightens
Implementing a Fault Tolerance Enabled Load Balancing Algorithm in the Cloud Computing Environment
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Abstract-The development of cloud computing supported virtualization technologies brings enormous opportunities to host virtual resource at low price without owning any infrastructure. Virtualization technologies help users to adopt setup and be charged on pay-
Organizing Multipath Routing in Cloud Computing Environments
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Abstract:One of the objectives of organizing cloud systems is to ensure effective access to remote resources by optimizing traffic engineering (TE) procedures. This paper considers the traffic engineering problem in a cloud environment by using a multipath routing
A Survey of Content Based Image Retrieval in Cloud Computing
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Abstract: The images are used as a prime factor of communication on an effective scale. Hence the need of efficient and effective tools for retrieval of query images from database is increased significantly. CBIR is a technique for retrieving images on the basis of
Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Through Virtual Machine Placement
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Abstract-Due to flexibility and timely availability of desired resources, cloud computing is getting more and more popular day by day. By providing the specified virtual machine as per requirement, requests are entertained. There will be violation of service level agreement if
Data Security Approach in Cloud computing using SHA
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Abstract The main idea behind this paper is to provide integrity to the cloud storage area. In order to provide security in cloud computing we use SHA algorithm. In this method some important security services including key generation, encryption and decryption are provided
Information Security in Cloud Computing: A systematic Literature Review and Analysis
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Abstract: Cloud computing is an evolutionary outgrowth of prior computing approaches which build upon existing and new technologies. Cloud computing is a model for on demand network access to a shared pool of resources such as servers, storage, applications
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Abstract-Cloud computing is the field in the IT world, which comprises of all kind of services provided over the internet. But, for its flawless performance and smooth services delivery to the users it needs to be effectively managed, that can be by the mode of Scheduling. There
Efficient Resource Scheduling in Cloud Computing
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Abstract: Cloud Computing offers elastic, scalable, resource sharing services by using resource management. Resource monitoring and prediction are the keys to achieve resource utilization with high-performance management in cloud computing. Resource
An enhanced approach to QoS-aware resource provisioning and job scheduling in cloud computing
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Cloud computing is an emerging technology provided over the internet in which resource provisioning (RP) and job scheduling (JS) are two of them ost important issues. The goal of RS and JS is to accomplish better QoS with highest possible use of assets in one cloud Abstract Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is a distributed computing model which outspreads the idea of utility computing of the Cloud Computing to the Smart Mobile Devices (SMDs). Outsourcing intensive applications of the SMDs to the remote servers is the key idea of
Cloud Computing for Agriculture
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Abstract: With advancement in technology things are becoming simpler and easier for us. More importance is given to automatic systems than manual system. Through this project we have tried to show how to Design Raspberry pi IOT based Google cloud computing [1]
An Efficient Two-Factor Access Control For Web-Based Cloud Computing Services Using Jar File
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing is an emerging computing paradigm in which resources of the computing infrastructure are provided as services over the internet. This computing paradigm also conveys many new challenges for data security and access control. The
Assessment on Security Issues and Classification in Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT: In the cloud environment, security and privacy becomes a major concern to be addressed and it should be reliable and truthful. Likewise cloud computing is one among them where the data is outsourced to some third party cloud providers for providing service
Message Queuing Model for a Healthcare Hybrid Cloud Computing Platform
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Information technology and management systems dedicated to healthcare services require a high level of quality, safety, cost effectiveness and access. Medical data should be available to internal organizations and authorized third parties, at any time, at low cost, at
Handling DDOS attacks in Cloud Computing based on SDM System
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ABSTRACT Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) attacks in cloud computing environments are growing due to the essential characteristics of cloud computing. With recent advances in Software Defined Networking (SDN), SDN-based cloud brings us new chances to defeat
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Abstract: Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is a combination of three main parts; they are mobile device, cloud computing and mobile internet. With the help of MCC, a mobile user gets a rich application delivered over the Internet. Increase use of mobile user's day by day
Load Balancing In Cloud Computing Using Task Scheduling
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ABSTRACT In recent times and has got lots of attention from media as well as analysts because of the inter-connected and virtualized computers that are provisioned Cloud computing is an idea that allows user to access applications that actually at a remote
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing offers information technology (IT) infrastructure, platform, and various applications via the Internet with minimum start-up cost, network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources, and pay-per-use services. Although the potential
The Integration of Cloud Computing Technology in Academic Library Operations towards Effective Library Services
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ABSTRACT The integration or adoption of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in academic libraries have today changes the way libraries services are carried out, not only increased and broadened the impact of information resources at their doorsteps, but
A Novelty for Allocation of Energy Minimization in Cloud Computing Environment using Multiagent Resource Allocation without Virtual Systems
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Abstract: We present a cloud resource obtaining approachwhich not only operates the selection of an appropriate cloud vendor but also implements dynamic pricing. Three possible mechanisms are suggested for cloud resource acquirement: Cloud-Dominant
Databases in Cloud Computing: A Literature Review
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Abstract:Information Technology industry has been using the traditional relational databases for about 40 years. However, in the most recent years, there was a substantial conversion in the IT industry in terms of commercial applications. Stand-alone applications
A Secured Shared Access in Cloud Computing using Identity Group Key Based Encryption
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Abstract: Cloud computing is changing into gradually popular. An immense variety of information honest measure contract out to the cloud by data homeowners stimulated to access the large-scale computing properties and economic savings. To guard information
Improved Round Robin Scheduling in Cloud Computing
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Abstract The fundamental and imperative part of operating system is multiprogramming. It is a strategy for executing various procedures all the while in the memory. RR CPU is ideal algorithm in timeshared frameworks. The implementation of the CPU relies on the mode we
Secured Federated Data Management in Distributed Mobile Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT With the development of wireless access technologies such as 3G/4G, mobile devices and sensors are used as information collection nodes for cloud which offers immense benefit for mobile users. Federating two or more cloud service providers and
Cloud Computing: Evolution and Challenges
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Abstract: Cloud computing is a most the present progressing technology which enables the organizations or individuals to share various services in a seamless and cost-effective manner over the network on public/private networks using WAN, LAN or VPN. Virtualization,
Comparative Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing
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Abstract:Cloud computing as a model based on wide computer networks such as the Internet which is the new model for supply, utilization, delivery of IT services and other shared resources by using the Internet to provide computing. Recently, from starting point of
A Survey on Guaranteed Quality Service in Cloud Computing
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Abstract: As Cloud computing ends up being more conspicuous, cognizance the monetary parts of Cloud computing ends up being essentially basic. To open up the advantage, an organization provider should grasp both organization charges and business expenses, and
A Survey on Modern Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing
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Abstract:Cloud computing is a new and innovative perspective for large scale parallel and distributed computing. The dependence of user or load on the cloud is growing enormously with the enlargement of new applications. Load balancing is a significant area of cloud
A Review on Identity Based Encryption in Cloud Computing
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Abstract: Public key infrastructure (PKI) is a substitute choice to open key encryption whereas the Identity-Based Encryption IBE is open key and testament administration. The primary impediment of IBE amid denial is the overhead calculation at private key generator
Patient Privacy Control for Health Care in Cloud Computing System
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Abstract-Distributed Healthcare cloud computing system provides proper treatment to the patient for medical consultation by sharing personal health information among healthcare providers. It is having the challenge of keeping both the data confidentiality and patient's
Enhanced Hybrid Approach for Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT In Cloud Computing, the biggest challenge is how to handle and service the millions of requests that are arriving very frequently from end users efficiently and correctly. Load balancing is one of the tactics to overcome this challenge. It is the mechanism of
Research on a Improve of Bat Algorithm in the Cloud Computing Resources
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Abstract: Problem of cloud computing resource optimization has always been the research hotspot, as problems of how to satisfy execution speed, average response time and system utilization rate in resource allocation to the greatest extent. The paper first established
Trust Managemement Parameters in Cloud Computing Environments
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Abstract:In cloud computing environments, successful trust management can compensate the countermeasures that have been adopted for mitigating the security and privacy risks that the cloud comes across. This paper identifies the parameters that a trust model should
K-Anonymous Privacy Preserving Technique for Participatory Sensing With Multimedia Data Over Cloud Computing
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Abstract: Nowadays distinctions of sensing facilities equipped with mobile wireless devices. Likewise, different service provider named participatory sensing system made available which gives outstanding life experience to users. Nevertheless, there are many challenges
Techniques to Detect DoS and DDoS Attacks and an Introduction of a Mobile Agent System to Enhance it in Cloud Computing.
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Abstract:Security in cloud computing is the ultimate question that every potential user studies before adopting it. Among the important points that the provider must ensure is that the Cloud will be available anytime the consumer tries to access it. Generally, the Cloud is
Impact of Virtualization on Calculating Cost Factors of Cloud Computing
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Abstract In this era of research the cloud computing models are used to build our own cloud for an organization and seems that creating the own cloud is very costly to build as well as to maintain. Through this research work the cost factor is reduced by virtualization of the server
A Survey Based on Mobile Cloud Computing in Health Care Application and Big Data Logistic
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Abstract: Mobile Cloud Computing which combines the mobile computing and cloud computing for better storage capacity and processing. With recent development in technology, mobile cloud computing and big data analytics play an important role in the Abstract This paper proposes a security technique called Encrypted Data Flow Mechanism (EDFM) based on the concept of Fog computing. EDFM primarily is proposed to secure cloud data storage from unauthorized/illegal access. The EDFM prototype was developed
Cloud Computing in Libraries
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ABSTRACT Latest technological development has brought a dramatic change in every field, and library science is not exception to it. Information technology impacted positively on library and information system and services they provide for users. The libraries have been
A Trace-Driven Evaluation of Cloud Computing Schedulers for IaaS
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Abstract:Prior work in the Cloud domain has mainly focused on evaluating systems using synthetic workloads. Nonetheless, synthetic workloads are not always an accurate depiction of the real-world as they have been generated based on assumptions and statistical
FOG COMPUTING-Shifting from Cloud to Fog
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Abstract: To support the computational demand of real-time latency-sensitive applications of largely geo-distributed IoT devices/sensors, a new computing paradigm named Fog computing has been introduced. Generally, Fog computing resides closer to the IoT
Cloudy with a Chance of Usage Towards a Model of Cloud Computing Adoption in German SME
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Abstract. While Cloud Computing has become an important topic in research and practice in recent years and widely adopted by consumers and companies around the globe, especially German small and mediumsized enterprises (SME) are reluctant with the respect to using
Survey on Computational Offloading In Mobile Cloud Computing Environment
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Abstract: In the modern technology mobile devices (Smartphone) are become imperative tool for communication. Compared to desktop devices, mobile devices (Smartphone) are mostly used for sharing data over the network. But when we transfer these data they
Online Resource Scheduling using Ant colony algorithm for Cloud Computing
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Abstract: Load balancing is a technique that distributes the excess dynamic local workload evenly across all the nodes. It is used for achieving a better service provisioning and resource utilization ratio, hence improving the overall performance of the system. Incoming
A New Hybrid Encryption Algorithm with Diffie-Hellman Assumption in Cloud Computing
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Abstract: In the cloud, for achieving access management and keeping information confidential, the information the information house owners might adopt attribute-based encoding to encode the keep data. Users with restricted computing power are but a lot of
Survey on Public Key Cryptography Scheme for Securing Data in Cloud Computing
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Abstract Numerous advancements in the Information Technology (IT) require the proper security policy for the data storage and transfer among the cloud. With the increase in size of the data, the time required to handle the huge-size data is more. An assurance of security in
Secure Data Sharing Using Cipher-text Policy Attribute-Based Encryption in Cloud Computing
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Abstract:Cloud computing is one of the emerging innovative trend of IT technology. This trend has got remarkable advancement in computing world. Although cloud is boon to computing world but its adoption in IT sector is lack behind due to many issues. In this paper
Supporting Consumer Decisions in Cloud Computing using Trust Model
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Abstract In recent years cloud computing has gained much attention in research. Compared to its predecessor computing paradigms, cloud computing is much complex in its infrastructure and the nature of services it provides to its customers. Customers are reluctant
A Survey on Secure Data Sharing with Forward Security in Cloud Computing
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Abstract: Data Sharing has never been less demanding to the advances of distributed computing, and an exact examination on the common information gives a variety of advantages to both the general public and people. Information offering to an extensive
Cloud Computing Models and Security Challenges
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Abstract: Cloud computing allows individuals and businesses to use software and hardware that are managed by third parties at remote locations. Cloud computing provides a platform with an enhanced and efficient way to store data in the cloud server with different range of
Explore the Impact of Cloud Computing on ERP Systems used in Small and Medium Enterprises
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Abstract: As wide-ranging of IT services transfer to online services in the cloud, progressively many IT managers are thinking whether to move their enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems there also. Small to Medium Enterprises of India are one of the most hostile
The Effects of Autoscaling in Cloud Computing on Product Launch
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Abstract Web-based firms often rely on computational resources to serve their customers, though rarely is the number of customers they will serve known at the time of product launch. Today, many of these computations are run using cloud computing. A recent innovation in
Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Attack Detection in Software Defined Networking with Cloud Computing
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Abstract: Cloud computing has almost swept the IT industry replacing the enterprises' traditional computing. With the recent developments in cloud computing has also grown the threats to the security of cloud services and data. Amongst the many security issues, DDoS
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Abstract In recent years cloud computing has gained much attention in research. Compared to its predecessor computing paradigms, cloud computing is much complex in its infrastructure and the nature of services it provides to its customers. Customers are reluctant
Combined IoT and Cloud Computing Solution for Railway Accident Avoidance
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Abstract-Cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) are two different technologies that are both unidentical to each other but are already part of our life. Their acceptance and use are expected to be more and more pervasive, which makes them an important components of
An Algorithmic Approach to Cloud Computing using Graph Theoretical Modelling
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Abstract The notion of cloud computing has been widely examined by various researchers over the last few years. It has provoked major impact on global IT ecosystem. Users have attained numerous benefits because of the evolution of clouds. It indented us to define cloud-
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Abstract-In our paper, we increase the security on attribute based solution concepts and provide additional security for HASBE. This scheme is suggested for access governor in cloud computing. To achieve springy, accessible and fine-grain access control HASBE
Cloud Computing Services in Academic Libraries
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ABSTRACT In this Digital era, new IT technologies are emerging day by day. So to provide timely updated digital information services and to promote Research and Developments, the Library should improve itself by adopting new technologies. Cloud computing is one of the
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Abstract-For distributed computing the access control framework is presented which is called as fine grained twovariable validation framework (2FA). In particular, one needs both secret key and lightweight security device to execute the access control system. To access the
Techniques for Securing the Data in Cloud Computing
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Abstract-Cloud computing is visualized as the nextgeneration technology. It is an Internet based technology where quality services are provided to users including data and software, on remote servers. Cloud computing is also called Data outsourcing as a third party provides
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Abstract. Trying to respond to the ever-changing needs of its users, cloud computing technology comes with a series of advantages that allow process optimisation and cost reduction; however the trust of cloud users is held back by challenges such as information
Advantages and Solutions in Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing is an emerging area of computer technology that benefits from the processing power and the computing resources of many connected, geographically distanced computers connected via Internet. Cloud computing eliminates the need of having
Improving the QoS of Mobile Cloud Computing Applications in Smart Environments
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Abstract Mobile-edge cloud computing is a new computing paradigm which provides cloud computing facilities to the mobile users in the close proximities of the edge of pervasive radio access networks. This paper proposes a novel approach to enhance the QoS of
Dynamic task scheduling in cloud computing based on Na ve Bayesian classifier
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Abstract:the issue of task scheduling in a cloud environment is one of the most important issues that must be considered by the cloud platform providers in data centers. The use of the right solution to solve this problem enables cloud platform providers to have the most
A Comprehensive Survey on E-Learning System in Cloud Computing Environment
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Abstract: Internet broadband connectivity content has created a global phenomenon in which information and communication technology (ICT) is being used to transfer education. Cloud computing is becoming an attractive technology due to its dynamic scalability and
Enhancing Forensic Service in Distributed Cloud Computing
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Abstract:-The Internet is growing explosively, as is the number of crime The Internet is growing explosively, as is the number of crimes committed against or using computers. As a response to the growth of computer crime, the field of computer forensics has emerged.
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Abstract-Cloud storage systems are widely deployed in the world, and many people use them to download and upload their personal stuff like videos, text document, images, etc. Now a day many private firms, company's, governments, military move their database on
Impact of Security Issues in Cloud Computing Towards Businesses.
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Abstract:Cloud computing structures allow businesses to save expenses by subcontracting computer related activities on-demand. However, customers of cloud computing facilities presently have no sources for authenticating privacy and reliability of their confidential data.
Achieving Mobile Cloud Computing through Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
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Abstract A Mobile Cloud Computing environment with remote computing and vertical handover capabilities will be considered. A fuzzy logic model will be suggested for both the offloading and handover functions using energy, delay and computation complexity as
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ABSTRACT Manufacturing sector organizations have seen an improvement in their competitiveness due to the digital economy. However, there must be a steady migration from an organization with a restricted use of Information Technology, to one in which Information
Coordination of Cooperative Cloud Computing Platforms
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Executive Summary Cloud computing has infiltrated multiple aspects of technology solutions for industry as well as everyday life. It provides many benefits: fault tolerance to hardware failure, automatic update and backup, scalability, flexibility, accessibility, facilitation of
Cloud Computing: A review of the Concepts and Deployment Models
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Cloud Computing by explaining its evolution, history, and definition of cloud computing. Cloud computing is not a brand-new technology, but today it is one of the most emerging technology due to its powerful and important force of change the manner data and services
Cloud Computing Issues and Countermeasures
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Technology administrations offered to clients over the web on a leased base. Such administrations empower the associations to scale-up or downsize their in-house establishments. By and large, cloud administrations are given by an outside supplier who
Customizing Model of Mobile Service Computing on Cloud of Things
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Abstract-: The quick advancement of Internet of Things (IoT) applications, the quantity of gadgets and portable applications has expanded quickly. It is said that the quantity of gadgets has as of now surpassed the quantity of individuals on the Earth since 2011. What's
Cloud Computing for Chittagong Metropolitan Health information Technology
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Abstract: Chittagong Metropolitan area is the second largest city in Bangladesh. There are a lot of people who have needed health information in time but not yet appropriate online health information site at present. So, we were designed a health information technology for
Cloud Computing and Power Systems Applications an overview
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target of this research work is to discuss and analyze the impact of Cloud computing in Power System applications. Cloud process gives another worldview to simple access to bigger scale computing resources over the Internet, along these lines
Privacy Preserving and Fine-Grained Data Access Control in Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT To real-time data security for petabytes of data is important for cloud computing. A recent survey on cloud security states that the security of users' data has the highest priority as well as concern. Therefore, this paper has developed a framework known as
Cloud Computing in Education
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JK Shakirov, NK Savchenko, AE Madenova 2017 The article deals with" Cloud computing (Cloud computing) as an alternative to the classical model of education, benefits The use of a lachnyh computing in education. Describes in detail the most important of them are: economic benefits, flexible scalability, you are a
A Survey on ACO and Cryptography Techniques for Cloud Computing Security and Privacy
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Abstract:Cloud computing is a technology evolution of adoption of virtualization, service oriented architecture and utility computing over the internet including applications, platform and services. Cloud security and privacy is a biggest concern about cloud computing,
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Abstract:Cloud computing provides dynamic resource service on the internet. Important challenge in cloud computing is, to improve resources Utilization. To recognize this goal, several load balancing techniques are available and have been proposed. But, most of them
Computing at scale: From laptop to cloud and HPC
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Allowing researchers and educators to establish and manage data driven collaborations: Supporting distributed teams and virtual organizations (VO) at global scaleMaking efficient and coordinated use of CI resources from national, regional, institutional and commercial
Cloud Computing: Migrating to the Cloud, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud Platform
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Abstract Cloud computing provides great benefits and challenges for small, medium, and large organisations. Whether it is a financial, technology, or engineering sector any company may find a useful cloud component for the organisation's needs. Though with its
Multi-Resource Allocation for Cloudlet-Based cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT Mobile cloud computing utilizing cloudlet is a develop technology to improve the quality of mobile services. In this paper, to improve overcome the main bottlenecks of the computation capability of cloudlet and the wireless capacity between mobile devices and
HPC Services to Characterize Genetic Mutations Through Cloud Computing Federations
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Abstract One child in every 200 births may be affected by one of the approximately 6,000 monogenic diseases discovered so far. Establishing the pathogenicity of the mutations detected with NGS (Next-Generation Sequencing) techniques, within the sequence of the
CACS: Cloud Environment Autonomic Computing System
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Abstract This work proposes the adoption of Autonomic Computing System (ACS) in Cloud environment. ACS was first introduced by IBM to create systems capable of managing automatic self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization and self-protection. These
Application of Intelligent Reinforcement Theory for Efficient Affective Computing on Cloud
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Abstract In this paper we have presented arobust machine learning technique whose aim is to efficiently analyze human emotions using affective computing technologies. The strategy is to deploy this technique in a cloud so that the load on user interface is minimized. We
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Abstract-Now a day's, there are online reservation which gives much benefit to user. A rental service is a service in which costumer arrive to request the hire of a rental unit. It is more convenient and beneficial than carrying the cost of owning and maintaining the unit. The
A Survey on Provable Multi-copy Dynamic Data Possession in Cloud Computing Systems
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Abstract-Progressively more associations are picking outsourcing information to remote cloud service providers (CSPs). Clients can lease the CSPs stockpiling framework to store and recover practically boundless measure of information by paying expenses metered in
International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing
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The International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing is indexed or listed in the following: ACM Digital Library; Bacon's Media Directory; Cabell's Directories; DBLP; Google Scholar; INSPEC; JournalTOCs; MediaFinder; ProQuest Advanced TechnologiesAerospace
Data Storage Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing
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Abstract: Data security has consistently been a major issue in information technology. In the cloud computing environment, it becomes particularly serious because the data is located in different places even in all the globe. Data security and privacy protection are the two main
Adaptive Workflow Scheduling And Combinatorial Auction Mechanism In Cloud Computing
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Abstract: In this paper, a useful resource procurement method utilizing combinatorial auctions and mechanism design, to address these problems. In apply, however, a cloud person may just require a combination of resources which a single dealer is also unable to
Cloud computing risks and recommendations for security
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Abstract Cloud computing is a compilation of existing techniques and technologies, packaged within a new infrastructure that offers improved scalability, elasticity, business agility, faster startup time, reduced management costs, and just-in-time availability of
Energy-Aware Fruitfly Optimisation Algorithm for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Environments
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Abstract: An effective task scheduling is one of the vital aspects for effectually hitching the potential of cloud computing. The most important aspect of task scheduling focuses on balancing the load of tasks among virtual machines, which is independent in nature. Energy
On Dynamic Placement of Resources in Cloud Computing-Technical Report
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ABSTRACT We address the problem of dynamic resource placement in general networking and cloud computing applications. We consider a large-scale system faced by time varying and regionally distributed demands for various resources. The system operator aims at
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Abstract Cloud computing with its unique features made its importance in all the fields of commerce education and healthcare. It has become a vital part of today's computers and communication. Its role in health care is remarkable. This paper is intended to develop a
Secure Data Sharing In Cloud Computing By Implementing Amednded Attribute Based Data Sharing Scheme
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Abstract: Cloud computing, is a booming computing paradigm, allowing users to remotely hoard their data in a server and provide services on-demand. To ensure the data security in the cloud, Data access control is an efficient approach. the data access control turn out to be
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ABSTRACT Reduplication storage space and download bandwidth to reduce duplicate copies of the data used in cloud storage, a technology to eliminate. However, the file is owned by a large number of users, even if there is only one copy of each file stored in the
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Abstract: maximum of our information is saved on nearby networks with servers that may be clustered and sharing garage. This method has had time to be evolved into solid architecture, and provide respectable redundancy while deployed proper. A newer
Data Security in Cloud Computing Using HDFS
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ABSTRACT Cloud Computing system provided at technology that interconnect between customers/users and providers. It contain levels are cloud user, cloud service provider and cloud provider. Cloud make privacy issues in data storage in multi-location and services. We
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing a promising pattern for data outsourcing and high-quality data services. However, concerns of secure information on cloud potentially cause security problems. Data encryption protects data security to some extent, but at the cost of
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Abstract An efficient Cloud Computing implementation of the Intermittent Small Baseline Subset (ISBAS) algorithm, which is an advanced Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) distributed technique that helps to generate Earth surface
A Survey on Attribute-Based Anonymous Access Control for Maximum of K-Times in Cloud Computing
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Abstract Cloud computing has emerged as the most dominant computational paradigm in recent times. A proper access control is the fundamental security requirement in any cloud environment, to avoid unauthorized access to the cloud systems. This paper proposes a
A Review on Data Storage Security and Privacy Protection Issues in Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing is term which uses combine concept of software-as-a- service,platform-as-a-service and infrastructure-as-a-service, provide convenient and on- demand services to requested end users. Cloud computing has a potential to rapidly change
Protected Anti-Collusion Dynamic Data Sharing System for Active Groups in the Cloud Computing
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Abstract Improved from cloud computing, users can accomplish an efficient and economical approach for data sharing surrounded by group members in the cloud with the characters of low safeguarding and little association cost. In the meantime, we must supply security
Running GEOS-Chem on Cloud Computing Platforms
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1. Abstract Cloud computing provides tremendous computational resources and storage to support model simulations and data processing. The price of cloud resources can be attractive, especially when one cannot ensure stable utilization of local machines [1]. The
An Efficient Protocol Framework Solution for Resource Constraint Mobile Devices Allocation in Cloud Computing Environments
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Abstract-In cloud computing, data owners host their data on cloud servers, and users (data consumers) can access the data from the cloud servers. An excellent remote data authentication method should be able to collect information for statistical analysis, such as
Enhanced Resource Scheduling Approach for Cloud Computing.
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ABSTRACT The various arrangements of resources in terms of assigning hosts to virtual machine, placing tasks on virtual machine and how each virtualized resource is released to the tasks can be handled efficiently via scheduling. Considering task dependency of
Cost-Efficient Task Scheduling with Ant Colony Algorithm for Executing Large Programs In Cloud Computing
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Abstract: The aim of cloud computing is to share a large number of resources and pieces of equipment to compute and store knowledge and information for great scientific sources. Therefore, the scheduling algorithm is regarded as one of the most important challenges
In light of Cloud Computing System CDA Generation and Integration for Health for Data Exchange
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Abstract:Theoretical Successful sending of Electronic Health Record enhances tolerant security and nature of care, however it has the essential of interoperability between Health Information Exchange at various doctor's facilities. The Clinical Document Architecture
Key Architectural Models, Security Issues and Solutions on Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing is a recent advancement wherein IT infrastructure and applications are provided as services to end-users under a usage-based payment model. Many organizations, such as Google, Amazon, IBM and many others, accelerate their paces
Cloud Computing Base Electronic Health Record System Architecture for Disabled Children
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Abstract This paper discusses the importance of a patient health record system. Such a system enables the health care providers to access and process the patients' medical information on economic cost and in standardized form, by avoiding duplication of patient
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Abstract Cloud computing has created a rapid change in software paradigm and being relatively new technology but has been adopted widely by many organizations and individual for their computing needs. Definition of Cloud Computing is different from
An Stepped Forward Security System for Multimedia Content Material for Cloud Computing
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Protection System For Cloud Computing, a new approach for securing a multimedia system contents. The system supports a price potency, quick development, deployment, scalability and snap for equalization a work on a cloud infrastructure. This system will used a for
Analyzing the Difference of Cluster, Grid, UtilityCloud Computing
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Abstract: Virtualization and cloud computing is creating a fundamental change in computer architecture, software and tools development, in the way we store, distribute and consume information. In the recent era of autonomic computing it comes the importance and need of
Advanced Cipher-Text Policy using Hybrid Attribute based Encryption and Customizable Authorization in Cloud Computing
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Abstract-In most of the several centralized systems a user has authority to access data if a user has a certain set of attributes. Presently, the one method for compete such policies is to use an authorized cloud server to maintain. The user data and has access control over it.
Security and Privacy Issues in Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing technology has gained extensive popularity around the world and this is justified by the fact that many enterprise applications, data and services are migrating into cloud platforms. As more businesses are moving data and applications to the
CPU Performance in Data Migrating from Virtual Machine to Physical Machine in Cloud Computing
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Abstract: Cloud computing has a massive use of virtual machines to permit isolated workload to be used from one resource to the another and resource usages to be controlled. Migrating from one operating system to the other operating system is difficult. The virtual
One-Way Hash Algorithms in Cloud Computing Security-A Systematic
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Abstract Cloud Computing (CC) has been emerged as the next generation of computing in IT Enterprise. CC migrates data and applications to huge data centers, where the management of data is totally under control of service providers. However this feature brings
Access model based on mobile agents for the protection of cloud computing
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Abstract: This paper addresses the issue of information's security in cloud systems. Some modern solutions of protection are presented. These solutions have capabilities. Capabilities were compared, and result is shown in a corresponding table. The model,
A Survey Paper on Cloud Computing Based CDA Generation and Integration system for exchanging Health Information
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Abstract: The Healthcare Industry is one of the world's largest and quickest developing enterprises, devouring more than 10 percent of total national output (GDP) of most created countries, and majorly affects any nation's economy. Electronic Health Record helps to
Biometric Authentication using Software as a Service in Cloud Computing
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Abstract: Today many cloud users are facing the major problem of fake logging in and data theft. So it is required to authenticate the cloud user that requests access to an account for providing privacy and security. However, the techniques used for authentication so far were
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Abstract Cloud Computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous and on-demand access to shared resource pool. It represents a paradigm shift from traditional personal computing to computing as a pay-per-use utility. Cloud Computing is not without its challenges and
Multi-service Handoff Mechanism withQoS Support in Mobile Cloud Computing Environment
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ABSTRACT Mobile devices are becoming the primary platforms for many users who always roam around and access the cloud computing applications. Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is the combination of cloud computing, mobile computing and wireless networks. Here we
Fundamentals of a numerical cloud computing for applied sciences Preparing cloud computing forSimulation-as-a-Service
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Abstract This paper is supposed to be used as a contribution for theConsultation on Cloud Computing Research Innovation Challenges for WP 2018-2020 as called for by the European Commission (DG CONNECT, unitCloud and software). We propose to encourage
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing provides convenient way for data sharing for users. But sometime users may need to outsourced the shared data to cloud server though it contain valuable information. Security has always been a big concern when it comes to data sharing
Novel techniques of load balancing on Cloud Computing: A review paper
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Abstract: As Cloud Computing is play an vital role for data storage in very minimal cost and accessible for all time over the internet, load balancing for the cloud computing has turned into a very interesting and important study area. It is a kind of Internet-based computing that
A Survey on Cloud Computing
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Abstract:Cloud computing is a computing paradigm, where a large pool of systems are connected in private or public networks, to provide dynamically scalable infrastructure for application, data and file storage. The idea of cloud computing is based on a very
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Abstract Cloud computing, as an emerging trend in delivering services, provides new models of utilizing the computing infrastructure, while dynamically presenting resources and addressing many of the currently challenging problems in information-communication