Cloud Computing-a Perspective Study
The Cloud computing emerges as a new computing paradigm which aims to provide reliable, customized and QoS guaranteed dynamic computing environments for end-users. In this paper, we study the Cloud computing paradigm from various aspects, such as definitions, distinct features, and enabling technologies. This paper brings an introductional review on the Cloud computing and provide the state-of-the-art of Cloud computing technologies.
The Cloud computing, which was coined in late of 2007, currently emerges
as a hot topic due to its abilities to offer flexible dynamic IT infrastructures, QoS
guaranteed computing environments and configurable software services. As reported in the Google trends shown in Figure 1, the Cloud computing (the blue
line), which is enabled by virtualization technology (the yellow line), has already
There are still no widely accepted definitions for the Cloud computing albeit the Cloud computing practice has attracted much attention. Several
reasons lead into this situation:
• Cloud computing involves researchers and engineers from various backgrounds, e.g., Grid computing, software engineering and database. They
work on Cloud computing from different viewpoints.
• Technologies which enable the Cloud computing are still evolving and
progressing, for example, Web 2.0 and Service Oriented Computing.
• Existing computing Clouds still lack large scale deployment and usage,
which would finally justify the concept of Cloud computing.
In this paper we attempt to contribute the concept of Cloud computing: definition, functionality, enabling technology and typical applications. The
remaining parts of this paper are organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the
concept of Cloud computing, Section 3 presents the functionalities of the Cloud
computing, Section 4 reviews the distinct features of the Cloud computing, andCloud Computing: a Perspective Study 3
Section 5 enumerates the enabling technologies for building computing Clouds.
Section 6 concludes the whole paper.
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