computer algorithm IEEE PAPERS AND PROJECTS-2020
An algorithm is a well-defined procedure that allows a computer to solve a problem. A particular problem can typically be solved by more than one algorithm. Optimization is the process of finding the most efficient algorithm for a given task.
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Background aims: Early neoplastic lesions in Barretts esophagus (BE) are often subtle, focally distributed, and poorly visible endoscopically. This results in a high miss rate by non- expert endoscopists. Computeraided detection (CAD) algorithms have the potential to With great interest, we read the article written by Black et al. . The study showed that deep learning (DL) computervision algorithm can be used to detect the stone composition from digital image, which could provide real-time feedback for laser settings. The high potential of Brain computer interfaces (BCIs) provide the measurement of the activities of central nervous systems, and they convert the activities into artificial outputs. Currently, one of the most interesting researches in BCIs is to develop methods for decoding peoples intent from
An Intrusion Detection System in Computer Networks using the Firefly Algorithm and the Fast Learning Network
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Due to extensive use of communication networks and the ease of communicating via wireless networks, these types of networks are increasingly considered. Usability in any environment without the need for monitoring and environmental engineering of theseObjective An artificial intelligence (AI)-based algorithm typically requires a considerable amount of training data; however, few training images are available for dementia with Lewy bodies and frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Therefore, this study aims to present the
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Hutchins in put forward that with the development of network information technology, Internet has played a more and more important role in peoples life (Hutchins et al.). It not only changes peoples way of life, but also changes peoples way of thinking. In The study was conducted to understand how the computer adaptive testing (CAT) would greatly enhance the testing experience of students taking the admission test. It provides the idea of integrating iterative algorithm to computer adaptive testing to have a tailoring method
CORDIC Algorithm : Its Advancement and Applications for Communication
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2 Department of Electronics and Communication TIT, Bhopal, India. Date of publication (dd/mm/yyyy): 15/07/2020 Abstract CORDIC (Coordinate rotation digital computer ) algorithm is used to perform in hyperbolic and trigonometric functions
Square Spiral Search (SSS) Algorithm for Cooperative Robots: Mars Exploration
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The purpose of this project is to develop and implement an optimal search algorithm into multiple rovers, aka Swarmies. Swarmies are compact rovers, designed by NASA; these rovers are aimed to mimic Ants behavior for searching simulated Mars objects. TAMIU
Review of Salam and Irshad (SI) Algorithm in Different Fields
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Research was presented in the form of three presentations Data Quality enhancement using data mining approach , Data Quality Management using Data Mining Technique and Computer Science algorithm in space science Data Extraction by Computer Algorithm
Design of New Security System Using RB21 Algorithm
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Securing Twitter Analysed Data Using CBB22 Algorithm
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SECURING TWITTER ANALYSED DATA USING CBB22 ALGORITHM DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING AARUPADAI VEEDU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY VINAYAKA MISSIONS RESEARCH FOUNDATION CHENNAI, TAMIL NADU, INDIA EThe expansion of CSD is canonical signed-digit. Keywords Fast Fourier transform Radix-2 decimation in frequency (R2DIF) Coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC) algorithm Canonical signed digit (CSD) Radix-2r Multipath delay commutator (MDC)wave function. This ansatz is specified in terms of a gate circuit and involves 2p param- eters (see below) which have to be optimized by running a minimization algorithm on a conventional computer . Alternatively, the QAOATo find the minimum cost giving lane, the existing algorithms find the smallest possible sum of weights by ticking the shortest paths [7-12]. The proposed computerbased algorithm is based on focusing the minimized total cost with some constraint criteria of fixed values
Accuracy assessment of change detection algorithm for satellite imagery in support of interpretation of nuclear activities
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JJ Han, NK Kima Transactions of Korea journal-home.s3.ap-northeast-2 Against this backdrop, efforts are being made to improve analytical efficiency by developing algorithms that detect small-scale changes [2-4]. In general, the accuracy of change detection algorithm in computer vision is presented in the form of a confusion matrix in units of pixels
Traveling Salesman Problem Solution using Genetic Algorithm
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The purpose of Holland to develop Genetic Algorithms at that time was not to design an algorithm that could solve a problem, but rather to study the phenomenon of adaptation in nature and try to apply the mechanism of natural adaptation into computer systemsA Study on Cryptography using Genetic Algorithm , International Journal of Computer Applications, 11 A Symmetric Key Encryption Technique Using Genetic Algorithm , International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies (2014), Vol. 5 (1), pp 414-416
LBIAVMCCE: Load Balancing Improved Algorithm for VM in Cloud Computing Environment
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2017. 12 Amanpreet Kaur, Sonia Sharma, Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Computing Environment Using Firefly Algorithm , International Journal of Computer Sci ence And Technology, IJCST Vol. Iss ue April June In this paper, we describe an algorithm for constructing an analogue of the Binet formula, which is essential in deriving a functional relation to the classical Riemann zeta-function. The algorithm is implemented in the Maple computer algebra system. An example that
Algorithm for Verifying the Stability of Signal Separation for Objects with Varying Characteristics
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This paper also presents the computer modeling results for the proposed algorithm . Keywords signals, mixture, separation, algorithm characteristics, determination, variation, parameter, stability, boundary, calculation, complexity, learning The algorithm has applications in number theory, computer algebra and cryptography. In this paper, we provide an implementation of the LLL algorithm . Both its soundness and its polynomial running-time have been verified using Isabelle/HOL
Motor Activity Brain Signals Recognition by using Blind Source Separation Algorithm
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M. Alimardani and M. Almasi, Investigating the application of particle swarm optimization algorithm in the neural network to increase the accuracy of breast cancer prediction, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, vol. 6 no. pp. 65 7
POA Apriori Algorithm and its Applications in Datamining
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8 ISSN: 2319-1058 S,Sphulari, PUBhulchadra, Dr.SDKhamitkar S.N.Lokhande ,Understanding rule behavior through apriori algorithm over social network data Globle journal of computer science and technology software data engineering,2012
SCIENTIFIC REVIEWS Artificial Intelligence Application withMachine-learning Algorithm Identified a Powerful Broad-Spectrum Antibiotic
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In 201 researchers in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) used a pioneering machine-learning approach (machine-learning algorithm ) to identify The idea of using predictive computer models for †in silico? screening is not new, but until now, these models were
Reverse-Twister Swarm Search Algorithm Design: NASA Swarmathon Competition
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The development of search algorithms is essential to optimize space exploration. The use of swarms search robots can optimize exploration techniques. Ourteam (DustySWARM NASA Robotics) developed a reverse-twister code search algorithm that can be used to control aNo. DOI:10.5121/ijcseit.2015.5102. Amit Ku Sain (2013), Dynamical Modified RR CPU Scheduling Algorithm , International Journal of Computer Trend and Technology, Volume Issue PP. 90-9 ISSN:2231-2803
Performances of proposed normalization algorithm for iris recognition
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noise detection [23]. The Hough transform is a standard computer vision algorithm that can be used to determine the parameters of simple geometric objects, such as lines and circles presented in an image. However, it suffers
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Article / Book Information Title DEVELOPMENT OF ONLINE COGNITIVE AND ALGORITHM TESTS AS ASSESSMENT TOOLS ININTRODUCTORY COMPUTER SCIENCE COURSES Authors Aimee Theresa2.1. Parsing algorithm In computer science and linguistics, parsing, or, more formally, syntactic analysis, is the process of analyzing text, made of token sequences (for example, words), to determine the grammatical structure of what is given (more or less) formal gram
Diagnosis of Lung Disorder Using Immune Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy logic to Handle Incertitude
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Classification of lung tissue is a significant and challenging task in any computer aided diagnosis system The type-2 Gaussian membership functions (T2MFs) and their footprint of uncertainty (FOU) are tuned by immune, genetic algorithm which is the combination of immune Object Detection using Deep Learning Algorithm CNN S. Sumahasan Udaya Ku Addanki Navya Irlapati Amulya Jonnala4 2Assistant Professor, 4Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GVPCEW, Visakhapatnam, India On Software Engineering, vol. 1 no. pp. 141-15 1988. Thakur, Varsha and Kumar, Sanjay, Load Balancing Algorithm : An Analytical Study (October 1 2014). The IUP Journal of Computer Sciences, Vol. VIII, No. April 201 pp
Workflow balancing in a speed frame assembly shop floor operations through genetic algorithm
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A computer program has been coded on IBM / PC compatible system in the C++ language for studying the performance of real data from the shop floor. Keywords: workflow, workload, balancing, scheduling, assembly, genetic algorithm
Comparison and Performance Evaluation of Boundary Fill and Flood Fill Algorithm
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Abstract: In computer graphics, there are many polygon filling algorithms available like as inside and outside test, scan line method, boundary fill, flood fill, edge fill and fence fill algorithm . In this paper we focus on the flood
Implementation of Document Management System using Levenshtein Distance Algorithm
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The document archiving in PT SIU is still manually so it takes a long time in the process of storing and searching an archive document. Document Management System is a process or activity that starts from the making, receiving, collecting, organizing, controlling, maintaining
Real Time Hand Gesture Recognition Using Different Algorithm Based On American Sign Language
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III. ALGORITHMS Gaussian Blur Algorithm : Gaussian blur is the algorithm in which it is the result of blurring an image by a Gaussian function. It is also used as a pre-processing stage in computer vision algorithms in order to enhance image structure at different scales
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INITIAL SOLUTION Figure 2. Systematic Flow Schema of Hillier Procedure. Computer Program The program is written by using the algorithm given in Figure 1. Borland C++ environment on an IBM compatible personal computer is used for this development
An efficient algorithm for non-rigid object registration
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deformable surfaces. Citation: Makovetskii A, Voronin S, Kober V, Voronin A. An efficient algorithm for non-rigid object registration. Computer Optics 2020; 44(1): 67-73. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-586. Acknowledgments Fig. 4 Sigmoid function Page 5. SN Computer Science (2020) 1:170 Page 5 of 8 170 SN Computer Science Propose Algorithm Input o Alpha is the learning rate. o ß1 and ß2 are hyper parameters having default values ß1 = 0.9 and ß2 = 0.999. o epoch = max no of iterations
Design and implementation a prototype system for fusion image by using SWT-PCA algorithm with FPGA technique.
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The technology of fusion image is dominance strongly over domain research for recent years, the techniques of fusion have various applications in real time used and proposed such as purpose of military and remote sensing etc., the fusion image is very efficient inTherefore, as a * Jia Wu 1 School of computer science and engineering, Central South University, Changsha 41008 China Such communica- tion relies on the movement of nodes and the effective routing-forwarding algorithmIt mainly uses computer to extract the feature information of the acquired image and converts the content in the image into a feature expression that can be processed by the computer . After the appropriate classification algorithm the image is the target object is classified by
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In case of the vehicle are detected by different still images which due to presume that camera is stable[ 3]. The computer vision algorithm is used to identify and spot a preliminary model in a chain of continuous frames in order to track the object
Autonomous Tracking by an Adaptable Scaled KCF Algorithm
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CT 195 51% 56% 33% 0% KCF 145 60% 80% 41% 73% dKCF 26 80% 88% 93% 88% IV. CONCLUSION In this paper, we have proposed dKCF algorithm allows multi-axis aircraft to have the ability to track non-specific targets through computer vision tracking
Ritchies Predictive Model of Accidents using Machine Learning Algorithm
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Learning Algorithm Settyrajeshwar Rao1 School of Computer Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, TamilNadu, India Banalata Bhunia2 School of Computer Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, TamilNadu, India
Edge Detection in Video Streaming By Canny Algorithm Using Texture Analysis
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To make thresholding completely automated, it is necessary for the computer to automatically select the threshold T. Sezgin and Sankur (2004) categorize thresholding methods into the following six groups based on the information the algorithm manipulates (Sezgin et al.
Comparative Study Of Encryption Algorithm
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NCNHIT AnnapoornaShetty ShravyaShetty K Krithika K A Review on Asymmetric Cryptography RSA and ElGamal Algorithm International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. Special Issue October
Research and Application on Spark Clustering Algorithm in Campus Big Data Analysis
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F Wang, Z Liu. Optimization method of distributed K-means algorithm based on Spark. Computer Engi- neering and Design; 40(6): 1595-1600. DOI: 10.16208/j.issn1000-7024.2019.06.017 Y Qu, W Deng, F Hu, et al
Research on Commodity Mixed Recommendation Algorithm
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0 DOI: 10.21307/ijanmc-2020-021 1 Research on Commodity Mixed Recommendation Algorithm Chang Hao School of Computer Science and Engineering Xian Technological University Xian, China E-mail: 271203550@ qq Biometrics usage is growing daily and fingerprint-based recognition system is among the most effective and popular methods of personality identification. The conventional fingerprint sensor functions on total internal reflectance (TIR), which is a method that captures theAutoGrow4 is available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. A copy can be downloaded free of charge from http://durra ntlab .com/autog row4. Keywords: Autogrow, Genetic algorithm Computeraided drug design, Virtual screening, PARP-1
Design of spark ignition engine speed control using bat algorithm
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no. pp. 27-3 2017. [21] SR Borra, G. J Reddy, and ES Reddy, An Efficient Fingerprint Identification using Neural Network and Bat Algorithm International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), vol. no. pp. 1194-121 Romana, LS Feliscuzo. Academic Analytics: Applying C4.5 Decision Tree Algorithm in Predicting Success in the Licensure Examination of Graduates. IEEE 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS), (201 p. 193-197). 17
A novel heuristic algorithm for the modeling and risk assessment of the COVID-19 pandemic phenomenon
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4 Results and Discussion In order to implement the proposed algorithm a computer program has been developed at the Computational Mechanics Laboratory, School of Pedagogical and Technological Education, Athens, Greece
Real Time Facial Expression Recognition using Convolution Neural Network Algorithm
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Neural Network Algorithm Ayan Bag Undergraduate Student, Kalyani Government Engineering College Abstract: The most expressive way human beings display emotions is through facial expressions. The task of detecting facial expression of a human being via a computer is
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HANDPRINTS USING SEQUENTIAL FORWARD SELECTION ALGORITHM Dr.J.Suresh Babu G. Sowmya K. Akanksha K. Monica reddy B. Pravallika Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science
Learning of Steganography Algorithm
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Issued pg: 44-54 April 2016. [16] Ako Muhammad Abdullah Roza Hikmat Hama Aziz, New Approaches to Encrypt and Decrypt Data in image using Cryptography and Steganography Algorithm , International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887), vol. 143-No
The best parameters selection using pso algorithm to solving for ito system by new iterative technique
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The main aim of this study is to obtain the best approximate solution for the nonlinear Ito system by applying the new iterative method, A new technique has been proposed that combines the new iterative method with the particle optimization algorithm . The most
Taylor Based Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm (TGWOA) For Energy Aware Secure Routing Protocol
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He has more than 5 years of teaching experience, having worked as head of publication at STIM Sukma Medan, Indonesia. His main research work focuses on Computer Security, Genetic Algorithm Steganography, Cryptography and Decision Support System