computer network research paper 35
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Abstract. The article presents an approach to computer network design based on one of
Decision Support Systems. Classic and well known AHP method has been used and
implemented. Simulation results for selected sets of criterion/variant values have been
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E Polyxronopoulou, A Daskalakis, P Georgiadis ,
Abstract. Purpose: To develop a telemedicine network for effective wireless interchange of
medical image data in the hospital. Material and Methods: The system comprised a Dicom
Server (Pentium IV, 3 MHz), 3 Clients (2 Pentium IV at 2.6 MHz, 1 Laptop Pentium III at
Simulation in Computer Network Design and Modeling: Use and Analysis
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H Al-Bahadili ,2012 ,
Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts for possible publication in Simulation
in Computer Network Design and Modeling: Use and Analysis. This book will publish
original material concerned with all aspects of simulation on computer network design,
Intrusion Detection Correlation in Computer Network Using Multi-Agent System
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AEE Taha, HMK Mahdi ,2011 ,
Alert and event correlation is a process in which the alerts produced by one or more
intrusion detection systems and events generated from different systems and security tools
are analyzed and correlated to provide a more succinct and high-level view of occurring or
A Multi-Objective Bisexual Reproduction Genetic Algorithm for Computer Network Design
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S Sodsee ,
Abstract This research is concerned with a genetic algorithm focusing on the Pareto based
approach for solving multiobjective optimization problems. Multi-Objective Bisexual
Reproduction Genetic Algorithm (MOBRGA) is proposed herein. MOBRGA uses a concept
Computer Network Safety–It Is Also Power Supply Safety
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B Šámal ,Biometric System for Generating of Nontransferable ,
This paper describes some specific issues, which arise while designing a suitable solution
of backup power supply. A special emphasis is placed on personal safety. It describes
certain issues connected with the monitoring of the operation of uninterruptible power
Information requirements study for a technology-based computer network threat model
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S Douba ,2010 ,
Abstract.. In this work we present a threat model based on two distinct features
compared to those prevailing in the industry, including both private and public sectors.
Firstly, the model attempts to determine the relative likelihood of a threat posed by an
Computer Network Topology Design in Limelight of
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Abstract Constantly growing demands of high productivity and security of computer systems
and computer networks call the interest of specialists in the environment of construction of
optimum topologies of computer mediums. In earliest phases of design, the study of the
Computer System Performance Observation through the Computer Network
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N Mizutani ,2003 ,
Abstract The computer system usually provides many methods to observe performance. One
of the most popular ways is to login to the machine and use commands which the system
provides to measure performance. We want to know performance of the system when we
Protecting Computer Network with Encryption Technique: A Study
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KI Lakhtaria ,Ubiquitous Computing and Multimedia Applications, 2011 ,Springer
In today’s world the networking plays a very important role in our life. Most of the activities
occur through the Internet. For the safe and secured exchange of information, we need to
have security. The encryption has very wide applications for securing data. Latest
Stabilizing congestion controller synthesis and development of a computer network testbed
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T Azuma, H Hirano ,
Abstract In this paper, we consider dynamical models of computer networks and derive a
synthesis method for stabilizing congestion controllers. Moreover we verify the efficacy of the
designed stabilizing congestion controllers using our developed network testbed. First we
The Distribution of Geographic Information Systems Data in a Computer Communications Network
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B Veenendaal ,1999 ,
geographic data. Geographic data distribution design is concerned with determining
what data gets placed at which computer network sites and involves the issues of data
partitioning, allocation and dynamic migration. Partitioning
Filling the Void in Computer Education: Establishing and Developing a ResponsiveComputer Network Engineering and Security Program
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GC Hembroff, Y Cai ,
Abstract This paper presents the restructuring and reorganization of the Computer Network
System Administration (CNSA) program at Michigan Technological University to offer a
revolutionary program designed to optimize learning and successfully prepare students
Towards Fully Automatic Defense Mechanism for a Computer Network Emulating Active Immune Response
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V Skormin, O Shiryayeva, A Tokhtabayev Computer Network , 2007 ,Springer
Modern information attacks are perpetrated by the deployment of computer worms that
propagate extremely fast leaving little or no time for human intervention. This paper presents
the concept of a fully automatic computer network security system capable of timely