control system IEEE PAPER 2017
Tuned Mass Damper and Base IsolationSystemin Seismic VibrationControlof Structures underSystemParameter Uncertainty
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ABSTRACT Tuned mass damper (TMD) and base isolation (BI) systems have long been established as effectivecontrolstrategies for improving seismic performance of structures. The studies on the performances of TMD and BIsystemin seismic vibrationcontrol
Nonlinear Digital-BasedControlof NonlinearSystem
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Abstract In this research paper, nonlinear FPGA-based feedback linearization position controller is recommended for serial links robot manipulator. Robot manipulators are multi input multi-output (MIMO), nonlinear, time variant, uncertain dynamic systems and are
Tipping thesystem : the difficult transition from chemical towards natural pestcontrolin agriculture
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Abstract: Insecticides are used intensively for agricultural pest management, despite decadeslong efforts to diminish pesticide dependency. Pest management can be characterized as a dynamicsystemwith alternative states a biocontrol-dependent state and
Wide-Area VoltageControl Systemof FACTS Devices to Prevent Voltage Collapse
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Abstract: Hydro-Québec has identified Wide-AreaControl System(WACS) as a key initiative able to significantly increase the voltage stability of its grid. In this context an innovative project for wide-area and local voltagecontrolof shunt compensators was initiated. Its main
DroopControlwith Improved Disturbance Adaption and STATCOM Implementation for PVSystemwith Two Power Conversion Stages
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Droopcontrolhas commonly been used with distributed generators for relating their terminal parameters with power generation. The generators have also been assumed to have enough capacities for supplying the required power. This is however not always true,
Attitude Determination andControl SystemDesign for Srmsat-2: A Micro Class Lunar Orbiter
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The total shift of focus and dependence from traditional attitude determination andcontrol systems to reliable on-board autonomous systems is a prime necessity for the success of small satellites missions if they are to venture beyond Earth. Attitude determination and
PXIe EmbeddedControlStation Based the Electric Breakdown Data Acquisition and RF ConditioningSystemfor C-Band Accelerating Structures Using for
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Abstract Shanghai Soft X-Ray Free Electron Laser (SXFEL) adopts C-band structure to accelerate the electron to 1.5-GeV. Due to high gradient operation, the electric breakdown and structure conditioning problems need to be perfectly resolved. For this purpose, we
Estimation method of unbalanced power grid voltage in PWM Rectifiercontrol system
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To achieve the self-sensing detection of unbalanced power grid voltage,control system under the unbalanced power grid conditions are analyzed. Then the positive and negative sequence virtual flux of power grid is separated; then an estimation algorithm of unbalanced
Development of aControl SystemBased on Experimental Data for Space Charge Lenses
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Abstract Space charge lenses use a confined electron cloud for the focusing of ion beams. The electron density gives the focusing strength whereas the density distribution influences the mapping quality of the space charge lens and is related to the confinement. The major
IntegratedControl Systemfor an X-Band-Based Laser-Compton X-Ray Source
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Abstract LLNLs compact, tunable, laser-Compton x-ray source has been built around an advanced X-band photogun and accelerator sections and two independent laser systems. In support of this source, thecontrol systemhas developed into an integrated architecture that
An Updated LLRFControl Systemfor the TLS Linac
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Abstract The amplitude and phase of the RF field at the linear accelerator (LINAC) decides the beam quality. To study and to improve the performance of the LINACsystemfor Taiwan Light Source (TLS), a new design of a low-level radio-frequency (LLRF)control systemwas
Improved Catalytic Convertor for CI Engine EmissionControl System
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Abstract-The rapidly increasing interest of people towards automobile, moving machinery and off-road appliances have put front some serious (burning) issues. However, all these applications face a common and major challenge which is to meet present and future Abstract From the commercial point of view, in tall buildings with multiple lifts or elevators, owners face problems like waste of space, more managing time and money. People travelling by lifts face problem of high waiting time. Elevator GroupControl System(EGCS)
MainControl Systemof the Linear Accelerator for the HUST THz-FEL
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Abstract A free-electron laser terahertz source (THz-FEL) with a table-top scale is constructed in Huazhong University of ScienceTechnology. The whole facility is under joint-debugging currently, and main measured parameters have already matched with
Photovoltaic LightingSystemwith IntelligentControlbased on ZigBee and Arduino
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Abstract-In this article, the design and implementation of an innovative photovoltaicsystem prototype intelligentcontrollighting based on Arduino and ZigBee described. The lighting systemis connected to a power generationsystemcomposed of isolated photovoltaic cells. Model referencecontrolis well knowncontrolalgorithm for SISOcontrolsystems. Its main advantages are simplicity, easy way for controller parameters tuning and easy way for design of adaptive model referencecontrol system[1 3]. Thecontrolalgorithm can be also easily implemented
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Abstract The Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) is a 3 GeV, 500 mA, 499.65 MHz, 3rd generation synchrotron light source at NSRRC. To achieve the requirements ofsystemflexibility, fault diagnosis, precisecontroland high noise reduction, a digital low level RF (DLLRF)control
Neural Network Based Generalized PredictiveControlfor RFT-30 CyclotronSystem
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Abstract Beamline tuning is time consuming and difficult work in acceleratorsystem . In this work, we propose a neural generalized predictivecontrol(NGPC) approach for the RFT-30 cyclotron beamline. The proposed approach performssystemidentification with the NN
Visual Feedback BalanceControlof a Robot Manipulator and Ball-BeamSystem
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Abstract In this paper, we present a vision guided robotic ball-beam balancingcontrol system , consisting of a robot manipulator (actuator), a ball-beamsystem(plant) and a machine visionsystem(feedback). The machine visionsystemfeedbacks real-time beam
Human fallcontrol systemfor disabled people using double inverted pendulum
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Self-balancing is an important role of human body which helps us to stand, to walk or swaying on feet. Without balancing, our body may fall because our leggedsystemcant hold if there is any disturbance. In this research, we are going to introduce a model for dynamic
SuboptimalControlof Singularly Perturbed Two Parameter DiscreteControl System
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Abstract A singularly perturbed discrete powersystemwith two parameters (three-time scales) is considered. An optimal controller using Pontriagins minimum principle (PMP) is designed for this stiffsystem . But the solution forcontrollaw of this type ofsystemrequires
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ABSTRACT: The traffic light is the device responsible for ensuring the right of way by ordering the flow of vehicles with the goal of avoiding accidents. While the social geography of the urban centers changes over time, it imposes new restrictions to the vehicles flow. Such
Control SystemDevelopments for the Diamond Light Source DDBA Upgrade
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Abstract Upgrading one Double Bend Achromat cell to a Double Double Bend Achromat (DDBA) cell in the Diamond Light Source storage ring [1] necessitated a broad range of changes to the overallcontrol system . These changes included developments to the
Evaluation of Digital LLRFControl SystemPerformance at STF in KEK
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Abstract The Superconducting RF Test Facility (STF) at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) was built for research and development of the International Linear Collider (ILC). Several digital low-level radio frequency (LLRF)controlsystems were
Improving theControlStrategy of a Standalone PV PumpingSystemby Fuzzy Logic Technique
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Abstract This work aims to develop an accurate model of an existing Photovoltaic Pumping System(PvPS) which is composed of an Ebara Pra-0.50 T Asynchronous Moto-Pump (AMIP) fed by Kaneka GSA-60 photovoltaic panels via a Moeller DV-51 speed drive. The
The Design and Construction of a ResonanceControl Systemfor the IOTA RF Cavity
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Abstract The IOTA ring will be an advanced storage ring used for non-linear beam dynamics experiments to assist in the construction of future accelerators. This ring is being built in conjunction with the FAST electron LINAC and the HINS RFQ proton source for injection into
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Abstract-The objectives of this paper are to design and comparatively analyze the P, PI, PID and Fuzzy Logic controller for coupled tank liquid levelsystem . Simulink model for coupled tanksystemis designed within MATLAB/Simulink. Tuning of parameters for PID controller is
AControl SystemDesign to Establish Dose-Response Relationships in Wound Healing Therapy
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Abstract Advanced biophysical wound healing therapies can apply mechanical, electrical, or light energy to re-stimulate healing processes in chronic wounds. Despite the growing evidence of the clinical efficacy of these therapies, the optimal treatment stimulation
Low Level RFControl SystemArchitecture OF IR-FEL
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Abstract Infrared free electron laser (IR-FEL) is one type of laser driven by accelerator and generated by undulator. It is built by National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (NSRL). Compared to synchrotron radiation light source, it have much higher demand of beam
A New Digital Low-level RFControl Systemfor Cyclotrons
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Abstract Stablecontrolof amplitude and phase of the radio frequency (RF)systemis critical to the operation of cyclotrons. It directly influencessystemperformance, operability, reliability and beam quality. iThemba LABS operates 13 RF systems between 8 and 81 MHz and at
Modeling and Verification of Cross-Border Temporary Speed Restriction for High Speed Railway TrainControl SystemBased on UPPAAL
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Abstract Temporary speed restriction server (TSRS) is an important part of the high speed railway traincontrol system , TSRS not only needs to check the temporary speed restriction orders issued by CTC, but also needs to exchange information frequently with temporary
IoT Application in theControl Systemof the BEPCII Power Supplies
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Abstract In recent years with the development of Internet technology, the Internet of things (IoT) has begun to apply to each domain. The paper introduces the idea how to apply IoT to the acceleratorcontrol systemand take the existingcontrol systemof the BEPCII power
Test of the Feedback and FeedforwardControlLoop for Digital LLRFSystemof 1 MeV/n RFQ
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Abstract KOMAC (Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex) has a plan to develop a helium irradiationsystem . Thissystemincludes the ion source, LEBT, RFQ and MEBT systems to transport helium particles to the target. The 1 MeV/n RFQ LLRFsystemwas planned to
Dynamic Model and Finite-Time SMC and BacksteppingControlof a Mobile-ManipulatorSystem
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Abstract A mobile manipulator was designed by combining three-wheeled mobile robot equipped with the DC motor and three-links manipulator equipped with dynamixel motor. The kinematic relation and dynamic model were built via nonholonomic constraint and Euler-
GlobalSystemfor Mobile (GSM) based IgnitionControl Systemfor Vehicles
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Abstract: This work is focused on design of GlobalSystemfor Mobile (GSM) based security module and its interfacing to vehicle, which allows user to remotely disable the vehicle. The securitysystemconsists of two cell phones and a security module. Security module with an
Interactive Voice ResponseSystemfor Single Phase Motor Protection,Control Alert Using GSM Mobile with Android Application
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Abstract: Some wise scientist once said thatcontrol systemis asystemwhere we can shut down the machine whenever we want. Thats the difference between controlled and uncontrolled machine. Our project is about make thiscontrol systemefficient and dynamic.
Overview and an Approach to Develop a Four QuadrantControl Systemfor DC Motors without using Microcontroller
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Abstract: In this paper, we proposed an approach to designed a four quadrantcontrol system for a DC motor without using Microcontroller. The four quadrants of operation of DC motor are clockwise, counter clock-wise, forward brake and reverse brake. After a brief review
Qualitycontrol systemto ensure the electrical integrity of electrode patterns
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Abstract: A Time Domain Reflectometer, implemented in a single cost-effective Field Programmable Gate Array device achieving a timing measurement precision of about 100 ps, is described. The Time to Digital Converter section of the device is based on a tapped
Self Driving Vehicle withControl Systemusing Stereovision
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Abstract This paper presents a stereovision technique used in the field of self-driving vehicle. the key component of a self-driving vehicle is the ability to localize itself accurately in an unknown environment and simultaneously build the map of the environment. Majority
FACT: Functionality-centric AccessControl Systemfor IoT Programming Frameworks
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ABSTRACT Improvement in the security and availability is important for the success of the Internet of Things (IoT). Given that recent IoT devices are likely to have multiple functionalities and support third-party applications, this goal becomes challenging to
Development and implementation using Arduino and Raspberry Pi based Ignitioncontrol system
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Abstract This paper proposes an ignitionsystemfor real time detection of drivers face recognition, finger print authentication as well as alcohol intoxication and subsequently alerting them. The main aim of this proposedsystemis to reduce the number of accidents
Batch ProcessControl Systemusing SCADA
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Abstract:Controlrecipe represents the detailed instructions to operate chemical batch plants. The design of complete and accuratecontrolrecipe is a complex process and requires continuous modifications to cope with the dynamic changes in market demands
PLCControl Systemfor Vacuum and 20 Kw RF Amplifier
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Abstract Since 2015, the Sungkyunkwan University has been upgrade 10 MeV cyclotron (SKKUCY-10) prototype for producing radio isotopes. For stable and robust cyclotron operation, local controller is main issue. Especially, RF and Vacuum is main part forcontrol
IntelligentSystemDesigning For LossesControl :-
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128 Subodh Panda, Prof. NK Barpanda, PS RathaProf. RP SINGH verified with PID/FUZZY/PID FUZZY controller and tuned that the proposed FUZZY PID controller builds a good modelling characteristic for this complex non linersystemwith desired accuracy. Witch
Performance evaluations andcontrol systemdesign
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The issue has a particular relevance to the subject of performance evaluation within an organisation, whether that organisation is commercial, academic, public sector and even not forprofit. Most peoples experience of the ordeal that is an annual performance assessment,
Upgrade of BTSControl Systemfor the Taiwan Light Source
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Abstract The Taiwan Light Source (TLS) is a third generation of synchrotron light source, and it has been operated since 1993. The TLScontrol systemis a proprietary design. It was performed minor upgrade several times to avoid obsolete of somesystemcomponents and
Automatic CommunicationControlConfigurationSystemthrough Lay OutingSystemBus
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Abstract: This paper introduces a newsystemof accelerating the pace of progress in intelligent robotics by the means of competition of high scientific standard and to maintain high standard of lay outing from the point of view of industry. The basic need of this project is
Application of Fuzzy Automata Decision-MakingSystemin TargetControl
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Abstract In order to perform better in targetcontrol , this paper proposed a decisionmaking systemmethod based on fuzzy automata. The decision-makingsystemfirst preprocessed the signal and then performed a two-level decision on the target to achieve optimalcontrol .
Control Systemfor the 1 MW Neutral Beam Injector
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Abstract This paper presents general description of hardware and software of the neutral beam injectorcontrol system . Thesystemis developed forcontrolof the neutral beam injector which operates with 15-25 keV deuterium and hydrogen beams of 2 s maximum
Structure and hardware of LIA-20control system
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Abstract Thecontrol systemof a linear induction accelerator LIA-20 for radiography is presented in this paper. The accelerator is designed to provide a series of three consecutive electron pulses with energy up to 20 MeV, current 2 kA and lateral size less than 1 mm. To
The EPICS BasedControl Systemat the FREIA Laboratory
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Abstract FREIA (Facility for REsearch and Instrumentation for Accelerator development) Laboratory at Uppsala University, Sweden, is a new facility, inaugurated 2013. Initially FREIA is testing and developing superconducting accelerating cavities and high power RF
Home Automationcontrol systemusing SMS
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Abstract In the world of automation we want our daily life to be controlled remotely. The aim of the project is controlling of home appliances remotely when the user is away from the place. This is SMS basedsystemand user uses wireless technology (GSM). Thesystem
TrafficControl Systemusing Zigbee Module
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Abstract: Traffic jams in the world today is one of the biggest concerns. Traffics jams might even lead to death of people in case of serious situations. Not only ambulance but the other emergency vehicles like Fire Brigade trucks and Police cars tend to get stuck in jams. These
A Distributed Time TriggeredControlfor a FeedbackControl System
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Abstract-The paper presents a distributed time triggeredcontrolusing time triggered CAN (TTCAN) for a closed-loopcontrol system . The balance of computing load is the rule to separate thecontrol systeminto functional parts for controllers. The controllers are operated
Design of Robotic Arm based on Hand GestureControl Systemusing Wireless Sensor Networks
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Abstract-In many industries wireless operations are necessary especially in dangerous or hazards areas. In some of the industries it is necessary to handle few jobs with very high temperature which is not possible by human hand in such cases wireless operations are
Automatic Railway GateControl SystemUsing RFID with High AlertingSystem
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Abstract The main objective of this paper is to avoid the railway accidents happening at the level crossings. In India railway is the major mode of the transportations and it is the cheapest way for travelling. So there are more numbers of rail users. And it is not easy to
Pneumatic Based Automatic Railway GateControl System
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Abstract: There are many railway crossings which are unmanned due to lack of manpower and unavailability of electricity needed to fulfill the demands. Hence, many accidents occur at such crossings, since there is no one to take care of the functioning of the railway gate
Design of the GirderControl Systemfor HEPS-TF
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Abstract To make the alignment become easier, the HEPS-TF (High Energy Photon Source Test Facility) magnet girder, which is different from the conventional one, is designed to achieve the goal of adjusting the girders position and orientation online. Thecontrol system
Design of ARM Based Data Acquisition andControl Systemfor Engine Assembly Monitoring
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Abstract For any engine to work properly with minimum maintenance, its assembly quality plays important role. This is accomplished by introducing industrial automation techniques in complex assembly operations of engines. ARM based data acquisitionsystempresented
MYRRHAControl SystemDevelopment
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Abstract The approach to the MYRRHAControl System(CS) development will be described in this paper. The effort, time and resources needed to develop thecontrolsystems are often underestimated by a factor of magnitude. This brings unnecessary setbacks to the projects.
Stabilization of the Equilibrium Position of a MagneticControl Systemwith Delay
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Abstract A model of magnetic suspensioncontrol systemof a gyro rotor is studied. A delay in the feedbackcontrolscheme and dissipative forces occurring due to energy losses at the interaction of the magnetic field with currents in thecontrolloops are taken into account. Two
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Preliminary communication Spontaneous combustion in coal gangue dumps leads to pollution in the environment and damages ecosystem and human health. Mine operators usually fail to take effective measures against spontaneous combustion because of the
State FeedbackControlBased NetworkedControl SystemDesign with Differential Evolution Algorithm
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Abstract This paper will propose the state feedbackcontrolbased networkedcontrol system (NCS) design with the differential evolution algorithm. For designing a networkedcontrol system , one has to overcome the problems about the random latency and the data packet
A Voice Signal-Based Manipulation Method for the Bio-Remote EnvironmentControl SystemBased on Candidate Word Discriminations
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Abstract This paper proposes a voice signal-based manipulation method for the Bio-Remote environmentcontrol system . The proposedsystemlearns relationships between multiple candidate words phonemes extracted by a large-vocabulary speaker-independent model
Design and Simulation of Traffic LightControl Systemat Two Intersections Using Max-Plus Model PredictiveControl
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Abstract: This paper considers mainly on traffic lightsystemoptimization within two nearby intersections in order to come up with the most minimum traffic queue. There is also an effort within this scope to prevent the likelihood of spill over by creating a certain limit for the lane Corrigendum toDevelopment and Application of a ZigBee-Based Building Energy Monitoring andControl System
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In the article titledDevelopment and Application of a ZigBee-Based Building Energy Monitoring andControl System[1], the authors based their article on two of their previous publications [2, 3] that are not cited. The four numbered items in the section titled5.
Development of Automatic Take Off and Smooth LandingControl Systemfor Quadrotor UAV
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Abstract This paper covers the development of automatic takeoff and smooth landingcontrol systemfor UAV Quadrotor. This paper includes development, simulation, mathematical modeling and experimental results of flight test. Developed UAV model has asystemto
Current Status of IPM LinacControl System
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Abstract This paper reports the progress of thecontrol systemfor IPM 10 MeV accelerator. As an electron linac, it consists of beam injection acceleration tube, radio frequency production and transmission, target, diagnostics andcontroland safety. In support of this
Challenges of a Stable ERL Operation Concerning the Digital RFControl Systemof the S-DALINAC
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INTRODUCTION The S-DALINAC is a superconducting electron linear accelerator with a triple recirculating scheme at the institute for nuclear physics at TU Darmstadt (see Fig. 1) [1]. It serves as a large scale research device to investigate nuclear structure physics and is operated since
Control SystemDesign and Experimental Validation of Hybrid Multicopter for Endurance Enhancement
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Abstract In this paper, We propose a hybrid multicopter that combines an gasoline propulsionsystemand an electric propulsionsystemto improve the endurance of the multicopter. The hybrid is equipped with a coaxial inverting thruster using a gasoline engine
Design of theControl Systemof Pulsed Power Supplies for WHMM Injection Bump Magnets
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Abstract The injection bumpsystemof the synchrotron of the Wuwei Heavy-ion Medical Machine (WHMM) consists of four horizontal bump magnets to merge the injection beam with the circulating beam. In order tocontrolthe injection beam with sufficient accuracy, the
A Survey on Real-Time Automated GridlockControl System
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ABSTRACT The increase in number of vehicles has led to the need for a smartsystemwhich can efficiently handle the traffic congestion. In this paper we address traffic lightcontrol problem and also aboutImage subtraction ,Gabor wavelet filterandNeural network
High-speed Model PredictiveControlfor Next-Generation TurbochargingSystem
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As the use of turbocharged engines has expanded in recent years, turbocharging systems, such as two-stage turbochargers, have become more complex, and as a result, the issue of controlling such systems has become more challenging. This paper presents a high-speed
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Abstract In the last few decades, Automobile Industry has been at its peak for developing revolutionary technologies to create a safe environment for both the driver and the Vehicle while driving on the road and to make them less prone to accidents. Two major causes of
ResonanceControl Systemfor the CEBAF Separator Upgrade
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Abstract The Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) energy upgrade from 6 GeV to 12 GeV includes the installation of four new 748.5 MHz normal conducting deflecting cavities in the 5th pass extraction region. The RFsystememploys two digital LLRF
Single Degree MotionControlUsing Magnetic LevitationSystem
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Abstract Magnetic levitation or maglev is a method by which an object is suspended in the air with no support other than magnetic field. The fields are used to reverse or counteract the effect of gravitational pull and other counter accelerations. In this age of advanced materials
InternalControl Systemand Hazard Identification of Operational Risk in Malaysian Conventional Banking
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Abstract The variety of bank services and products with money involve in the activities alongside the effort and endeavor to maintain competitiveness in the market, has assumed the necessity of risk management as the main pillar of modern banking in the institutes of
Design of Multi-Sensors CooperationControl Systemfor Intelligent Building
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Abstract This paper presents a design of intelligent buildingcontrol systembased on multi sensors. In order to achieve comfort, low carbon and energy conservation for buildings. The design uses STC89C52 chip, combined with monitoring data of Pyroelectric infrared
Development and Flight Readiness of the SLS Adaptive AugmentingControl System
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Ei:Eocitooli GN C issues are rarely the cause for launch vehicle failures. However, a review of historical launch vehicle data from 1990 to 2002 by J. Hanson (NASA MSFC) revealed that 41% of FLV failures might have been mitigated by advanced GN C technologies. o 1995: Conestoga
Modeling andControlof Inherently Unstable SIMOSystem
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Abstract SIMOsystemis more efficientcontrol systemthan SISOsystem . SIMOsystemcan also be regarded as several SISO systems. In SIMOsystemonly one input or manipulated variable available tocontroltwo or more than two controlled or output variables. The most
Review Paper on Auto PilotControl System
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Abstract: Railways have been a dominating transportationsystemin almost every country. Indian railway is one of the largest networks that carry almost 22 million passengers every day. This transportationsystemcarries a large number of passengers from one place to
Tuning of PID Controller for Realistic Load FrequencyControl Systemusing Chaotic Exponential PSO Algorithm
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Abstract For a realistic multi-area interconnected powersystemmodel with different generating units (reheat, non-reheat and hydro generating units) and real time different systemparameters, design and analysis of load frequencycontrol(LFC) are executed using
Modulating traffic signal phases to realize real-time trafficcontrol system
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Abstract This paper proposes innovations to address challenges emanating from road traffic congestion. Improving economies create more car owners resulting in increased automobile manufacturing, increased vehicle population giving rise to higher emission of CO2 resulting
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BM HUNG, SS YOU, HS KIM - Journal of Engineering , 2017 - Abstract The controller design for the Ball and Beamsystemis particularly crucial in the aviation fields due to its likeness to the aircraftcontrolduring the flight and landing under turbulent. Since the actual tests on the aircrafts are not possible, the Ball and Beamsystem
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ABSTRACT The fuzzy weighted input estimation (FWIE) is proposed in this paper to solve the problem of noise disturbance and combined with the three-dimensional motion equation of target trajectory to construct the tracking rule of firecontrol system . FWIE can estimate
Development of a Digital LLRFControl Systemat LNL
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Abstract The new Low-Level Radio Frequency (LLRF)control systemfor linear accelerator at Legnaro National Laboratories (LNL) of INFN is presently being commissioned. A digital Radio Frequency (RF) controller was implemented. Its goal is to stabilize the amplitude, the
O-14: ITERControl systemmodel: a full-scale simulation platform for the CODAC infrastructure
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E-mail of Corresponding Author: Martynas. Prokopas@ iter. org ITERControl SystemModel (ICM) is a currently developed simulation platform for CODAC [1], which is the conventional control systemresponsible for operating all plant systems of ITER. ICM is a full-scale
WaveSAX device: design optimization through scale modelling and a PTO strategicalcontrol system
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WaveSAX is an innovative OWC (Oscillating Water Column) device for the generation of electricity from wave power, conceived to be installed in coastal marine structures, such as ports and harbours. The device-especially designed for the typical wave climate of
Design of AutomaticControl Systemfor Piggery Environment Based on Fuzzy Theory
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Abstract: Piggery environment is to maintain an important prerequisite for the growth of healthy pigs, this paper to northern winter climate characteristics for reference, in view of the shortcomings of existing manualcontrol , on the basis of fuzzy theory design based on fuzzy
Intelligent TemperatureControl Systemat Greenhouse
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Abstract This study is designed for microcontroller-basedsystemto monitor the data greenhouses, especially to ensure that a constant temperature inside the greenhouse to ensure the crop. The desired value in embedded databasesystemset up in an ideal
Modelling andControl SystemDesign for Electro Magnetic SuspensionSystem
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Abstract: when any vehicle runs on the road, it is subjected to bump and potholes which result in vibration that affects the passenger comfort and vehicle handling. The suspension systemis an assembly of tires, springs, shock absorbers and linkages that connect a vehicle
Development of the DetectorControl Systemfor the Muon Forward Tracker at ALICE
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Abstract We have been performing the ALICE experiment to study the nature of the quark gluon plasma, which is a new state of matter expected by Quantum ChromoDynamics, and to understand quark confinement and chiral-symmetry restoration, which is considered as
A Single channel open-window Active NoiseControl system
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Abstract Recently, several window systems with active noise controller have been suggested and proved to reduce the transmitted exterior noise through an open-window. However, most of the previous works have adopted multichannel scheme which possible
An OpticalControl SystemBased on Received Intensities from an Optical Sensor
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Abstract Optical fiber sensors have attained lots of attention due to its light weight, small volume, and high precision. The optical sensors can measure a variety of physical quantities, such as temperature, pressure, strain, etc. However, some optical sensor systems
IP remotecontrol systemfor a lighting layout
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Resumen: Este artículo presenta un prototipo de sistema, monitoreo ycontrolmediante protocolo de Internet (IP), para una salida de iluminación residencial con el objetivo de desarrollar procesos de eficiencia energética que reduzcan el consumo de energía eléctrica
Integrated Flight and Propulsion DistributedControl SystemSimulation Platform Design
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The traditional flightcontrol systemand the propulsioncontrol systemrun separately, but the coupling of the two systems does exist, which makes thecontrol systemto sacrifice some stability [1]. As a result, with the development of both platform, it is of great necessity to
UHF-RFID WirelessControl SystemModeling and Simulation
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ABSTRACT This Paper presents the analysis and simulation of UHF RFIDsystemin Matlab/Simulink environment. The simulation is divided into the transmitter, channel and receiver part. Some Negative effects are concerned in thesystemmodel, such as phase
Traffic Signalcontrol systemin Emergency by Using Solar and Wind Energy
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Abstract: This paper is to use the solar and wind energy in powering density based traffic control system . Since solar energy is one of the major renewable sources and is non polluted an attempt is made to utilize this energy in the trafficcontrol system . During normal
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Abstract-This Paper presents asystemfor Hand Gesture controlled user interface. This proposedsystemused tocontrolthe function of various home appliances. Thissystemis basically designed for the visually challenged people to aid them in operating the home
Experimental Investigation on NOx EmissionControlUsing Pilot PlantControl System
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Abstract This paper is mainly focuses on design and experimental investigation on NOx removal process and to optimize the packed column parameters and the absorbent used to obtain high removal efficiency. The experiment is held with different absorbents such as CSE PROJECTS