cryptography research papers-13
The uneasy relationship between mathematics and cryptography
Notices of the AMS, 2007 ,
During the first six thousand years—until the invention of public key in the 1970s—the
mathematics used in cryptography was generally not very interesting. Well into the twentieth
century cryptographers had little use for any of the concepts that were at the cutting edge
Constructing tower extensions of finite fields for implementation of pairing-based cryptography
N Benger ,Arithmetic of Finite Fields, 2010 ,Springer
A cryptographic pairing evaluates as an element of a finite extension field, and the
evaluation itself involves a considerable amount of extension field arithmetic. It is recognised
that organising the extension field as a “tower” of subfield extensions has many
Efficient public-key cryptography in the presence of key leakage
Advances in Cryptology- , 2010 ,Springer
We study the design of cryptographic primitives resistant to a large class of side-channel
attacks, called “memory attacks”, where an attacker can repeatedly and adaptively learn
information about the secret key, subject only to the constraint that the overall amount of
Code-based cryptography
R Overbeck ,Post-quantum cryptography, 2009 ,Springer
In this chapter, we consider the theory and the practice of code-based cryptographic
systems. By this term, we mean the cryptosystems in which the algorithmic primitive (the
underlying one-way function) uses an error correcting code C. This primitive may consist
RFID privacy based on public-key cryptography
Information Security and Cryptology–ICISC 2006, 2006 ,Springer
RFID systems makes it possible for a server to identify known tags in wireless settings. As
they become more and more pervasive, people privacy is more and more threatened. In this
talk, we list a few models for privacy in RFID and compare them. We review a few
Public key cryptography empowered smart dust is affordable
P Langendorfer ,International Journal of , 2008 ,Inderscience
Public Key Cryptography (PKC), although very beneficial for key distribution, authentication
and other related issues, was for a long time considered as too expensive for small, battery-
powered and resource-constrained devices. In the recent years, first research groups
On linguistic dynamical systems, families of graphs of large girth, and cryptography
VA Ustimenko ,Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2007 ,Springer
Abstract The paper is devoted to the study of a linguistic dynamical system of dimension n=
2 over an arbitrary commutative ring K, ie, a family F of nonlinear polynomial maps f a: K n?
K n depending on “time” a?{K- 0} such that f a- 1= f- aM, the relation f a1 (x)= f a2 (x) for
Security bounds for quantum cryptography with finite resources
V Scarani , Computation, Communication, and Cryptography, 2008 ,Springer
A practical quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol necessarily runs in finite time and,
hence, only a finite amount of communication is exchanged. This is in contrast to most of the
standard results on the security of QKD, which only hold in the limit where the number of
Logical concepts in cryptography
S Kramer ,2007 ,
Abstract Subject This thesis is about a breadth-first exploration of logical concepts in
cryptography and their linguistic abstraction and model-theoretic combination in a
comprehensive logical system, called CPL (for Cryptographic Protocol Logic). We focus
Cryptography and game theory
,Algorithmic Game Theory, 2007 ,
Abstract The Cryptographic and Game Theory worlds seem to have an intersection in that
they both deal with an interaction between mutually distrustful parties which has some end
result. In the cryptographic setting the multiparty interaction takes the shape of a set of
Using abelian varieties to improve pairing-based cryptography
K Rubin ,Journal of Cryptology, 2009 ,Springer
Abstract We show that supersingular Abelian varieties can be used to obtain higher MOV
security per bit, in all characteristics, than supersingular elliptic curves. We give a point
compression/decompression algorithm for primitive subgroups associated with elliptic
On the impossibility of cryptography alone for privacy-preserving cloud computing
Proceedings of the 5th USENIX conference , 2010 ,
Abstract Cloud computing denotes an architectural shift toward thin clients and conveniently
centralized provision of computing resources. Clients’ lack of direct resource control in the
cloud prompts concern about the potential for data privacy violations, particularly abuse or
Elliptic curve cryptography based wireless authentication protocol
L Yongliang, W Gao, H Yao ,International Journal of , 2007 ,
Abstract Recently, Aydos et al. proposed an ECC-based wireless authentication protocol.
Because their protocol is based on ECC, the protocol has significant advantage including
lower computational burden, lower communication bandwidth and storage requirements.
Gröbner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography: a Guide to the State-of-Art
M Sala ,Gröbner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography, 2009 ,Springer
Last century saw a number of landmark scientific contributions, solving long-standing
problems and opening the path to entirely new subjects. We are interested in three (here
listed in chronological order) of these: 1. Claude Shannon’s (Bell System Tech. J. 27: 379–
Elliptic curve cryptography
V Kapoor, VS Abraham ,Ubiquity, 2008 ,
Information security is essential for today’s world since, for profitable and legal trading,
confidential- ity, integrity and non-repudiability of the associated information are necessary. This
can be done using cryptographic systems. Intgerated cryptographic sys- tems satisfy all
Software implementations of elliptic curve cryptography
ZJ Shi ,International Journal of Network Security, 2008 ,
Abstract Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is a promising alternative for public-key
algorithms in resource-constrained systems because it provides a similar level of security
with much shorter keys than conventional integer-based publickey algorithms. ECC over
Explicit bounds for generic decoding algorithms for code-based cryptography
C Peters, DJ Bernstein, T Lange , Coding and Cryptography , 2009 ,
5. Select a uniform random size-l subset Z?{1, 2,, n}\ I. 6. For each size-p subset A? X:
Compute ? (A)? Fl 2, the Z-indexed entries of y-? a? A Ga. 7. For each size-p subset B?
Y: Compute ? (B)? Fl 2, the Z-indexed entries of? b? B Gb. 8. For each pair (A, B) such
Light-weight instruction set extensions for bit-sliced cryptography
Cryptographic Hardware and , 2008 ,Springer
Bit-slicing is a non-conventional implementation technique for cryptographic software where
an n-bit processor is considered as a collection of n 1-bit execution units operating in SIMD
mode. Particularly when implementing symmetric ciphers, the bit-slicing approach has
Fast elliptic-curve cryptography on the Cell Broadband Engine
N Costigan ,Progress in Cryptology–AFRICACRYPT 2009, 2009 ,Springer
This paper is the first to investigate the power of the Cell Broadband Engine for state-of-the-
art public-key cryptography. We present a high-speed implementation of elliptic-curve Diffie-
Hellman (ECDH) key exchange for this processor, which needs 697080 cycles on one
Affine precomputation with sole inversion in elliptic curve cryptography
E Dahmen, K Okeya ,Information Security and Privacy, 2007 ,Springer
This paper presents a new approach to precompute all odd points 3 P, 5 P,, 2k- 1 P, k= 2
on an elliptic curve over\ mathbbF p F _p. Those points are required for the efficient
evaluation of a scalar multiplication, the most important operation in elliptic curve
On the application of identity-based cryptography in grid security
HW Lim ,Information Security Group, 2006 ,
The work presented in this thesis is the result of original research carried out by myself, in collaboration
with others, whilst enrolled in the Department of Mathe- matics as a candidate for the degree
of Doctor of Philosophy. This work has not been submitted for any other degree or award
Public key cryptography sans certificates in ad hoc networks
Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 2006 ,Springer
Several researchers have proposed the use of threshold cryptographic model to enable
secure communication in ad hoc networks without the need of a trusted center. In this model,
the system remains secure even in the presence of a certain threshold t of corrupted/
Efficient techniques for high-speed elliptic curve cryptography
Hardware and Embedded Systems, CHES 2010, 2010 ,Springer
In this paper, a thorough bottom-up optimization process (field, point and scalar arithmetic) is
used to speed up the computation of elliptic curve point multiplication and report new speed
records on modern x86-64 based processors. Our different implementations include
Cryptography protection of Digital Signals using some recurrence relations
KR Sudha, AC Sekhar ,International Journal of , 2007 ,
Summary Communications security is gaining importance as a result of the use of electronic
communications in more and more business activities. Cryptography is the only practical
means to provide security services and it is becoming a powerful tool in many applications