backtracking algorithm
Backtracking is a general algorithm for finding all solutions to some computational problems, notably constraint satisfaction problems, that incrementally builds candidates to the solutions, and abandons a candidate as soon as it determines that the candidate cannot possibly be completed to a valid solution.
Backtracking is an important tool for solving constraint satisfaction problems, such as crosswords, verbal arithmetic, Sudoku, and many other puzzles. It is often the most convenient (if not the most efficient) technique for parsing, for the knapsack problem and other combinatorial optimization problems
A Novel Anti-collision Backtracking Algorithm Based on Binary-tree Search in UHF
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RFID in ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) system, a novel BBS (Backtracking Binary-tree Search) anti-collision algorithm is proposed in working in UHF (5.8 G) based on the DBS (Dynamic Binary-tree Search) and RSBS (Random Split Binary-tree Search) to solve the
An average running time analysis of a backtracking algorithm to calculate the measure of the union of hyperrectangles in d dimensions.
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Problem MEASURE is the problem to calculate the measure of the union of n hyperrectangles Ri=[biι, eiι] x x [bid, eid], i= , n, in d> 2 dimensions,| Uni= ι Ri|, where bib and eib are numbers such that bib eib . An O (nd-ι lnn) worst-case time algorithm to
A Multipurpose Backtracking Algorithm
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Backtracking has long been used as a strategy for solving combinatorial problems and has been extensively studied ( Gerhart Yelowitz (1976), Roever (1978), Walker (1960), Wells (1971)). In worst case situations it be highly inefficient, and a systematic analysis of efficiency
A Generalisation of the Backtracking Algorithm
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This paper presents a generalisation of the well known chronological backtracking algorithm . The algorithm is a generalisation in the sense that it can use any kind of constraint (as opposed to just unary constraints the domains of the variables) to decompose a
A memetic backtracking search optimization algorithm for economic dispatch problem
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In the proposed algorithm, we try to balance between a global exploration and a deep exploitation by combining the standard backtracking algorithm with its ability to perform the exploration process and the random walk with direction exploitation with its capability to perform
An implementation of the backtracking algorithm for multicore systems
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The emergence of inexpensive parallel computers powered by multicore chips combined with high clock rates raises new challenges for software engineering. Since the performance improvements will not come from increased clock rates, high performance applications will
Backtracking Algorithm for Single-Axis Solar Trackers installed in a sloping field
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In this paper we present a backtracking algorithm that improves the energy production of a single-axis solar tracker by reducing the shadow caused by neighboring panels. Moreover, the proposed algorithm can operate in any field slope avoiding the necessity of correcting
Backtracking Algorithm Applied to Generate the RLL Dictionary for Magnetic Channels
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This original paper proposes a construction method for data translation codes using a look- up table (LUT) dictionary. These codes are used for binary RLL constraint channels. It is studied the general case of constraints for both symbols of the binary channel. Based on the
Feasibility Study of Backtracking Algorithm for Virtual Cluster Migration in Cloud Computing
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Cloud Computing (CC) is an emerging field in which research scholars from academia and industry professional contribute their knowledge to understand and propagate the dimensions of its applications. One of the popular services in CC is Infrastructures as a
Calculating a backtracking algorithm : an exercise in monadic program derivation
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Equational reasoning is among the most important tools that functional programming provides us. Curiously, relatively less attention has been paid to reasoning about monadic programs. In this report we derive a backtracking algorithm for problem specifications that
Design and Implementation of Random Word Generator using Backtracking Algorithm for Gameplay in Ambrosia Game
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Playing games is one way to spend our free time. Game was created to entertain users who play it. One favorite genre for some gamers is a Role Playing Game (RPG). RPG is favored because players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Game development
The backtracking uncertainty bounding algorithm for chlorine sensor fault detection
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An Intelligent Backtracking Algorithm
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In this paper we present a simple but eļ¬icient backtracking scheme which works when AND- parallelism is exploited in a logic program. The scheme is well suited for implementation on a parallel hardware. We show that the backtracking scheme presented by Conery Kibler in
Optimization of Electric Resistance Furnace Using Backtracking Algorithm
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The optimization algorithm backtracking belongs to the group of the dynamic optimization algorithms. In the paper the application of the backtracking for optimization of electric resistance furnace is presented for different objective functions. The results of the
Maintaining Arc Consistency within an intelligent backtracking based informed algorithm
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Maintaining Arc Consistency within an intelligent backtracking based informed algorithm Boutheina Jlifi, Khaled Gh dira LI3-ENSI, Tunisia Abstract: This paper introduces maintaining-arc-consistency to the min- conflicts based informed- backtracking algorithm , and
A Non-asymptotic Space Complexity of a Backtracking Algorithm for the N-queens Problem
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The paper explores a space complexity function for a backtracking algorithm solving the N- queens problem in embedded applications where application memory is limited. In such a case it is necessary to plan the needed memory space and to observe the space complexity
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The application solves efficiently from calculus time and solution correctitude point of view the optimum of the linear thermopane structures cutting. The implemented algorithm is backtracking . This algorithm avoids the generation of every possible combinations for
Improving of the Backtracking Algorithm using different strategy for solving the 2-d problems
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Nowadays, many algorithms in the field of artificial intelligence are based on the backtracking principles. These algorithms require highly efficient systems due to the high cost of execution time of solving backtracking, significant adjustments are needed to
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The method then uses the backtracking algorithm to determine all possible routing possibilities for trains within the station. Keywords: route setting, graph, backtracking, ARS The paper presents a solution for determining routes in real time using a backtracking algorithm
An Implementation of a Backtracking Algorithm for the Turnpike Problem in Membranes
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The goal of the Turnpike Problem is to reconstruct those point sets that arise from a given distance multiset. Although the Turnpike Problem itself is of unknown complexity, variants of it have been proven to be NP-complete, and there are no existing polynomial algorithms for