computer security

CSI computer crime and security survey
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For several years, this survey perhaps the most widely quoted set of statistics in the industry showed a steady drop in average estimated losses due to cybercrime. It seemed counterintuitive to some experts, accustomed to seeing the worst of the crime that’s out

Introduction to computer security
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Page 1. Introduction to ComputerSecurity Matt Bishop AAddison-Wesley TT Contents Preface xxv Goals xxvi Philosophy xxvii Organization xxix Differences Between this Book and Computer Security: Art and Science xxx Special Acknowledgment xxxi Acknowledgments xxxi

A common language for computer security incidents
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Abstract Much of the computer security information regularly gathered and disseminated by individuals and organizations cannot currently be combined or compared because a common language has yet to emerge in the field of computer security. A common

Computer security
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Towards operational measures of computer security
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Abstract Ideally, a measure of the security of a system should capture quantitatively the intuitive notion of ‘the ability of the system to resist attack’. That is, it should be operational, reflecting the degree to which the system can be expected to remain free of security

Sequence matching and learning in anomaly detection for computer security
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Abstract Two problems of importance in computer security are to 1) detect the presence of an intruder masquerading as the valid user and 2) detect the perpetration of abusive actions on the part of an otherwise innocuous user. We have developed an approach to these

How much is enough A risk management approach to computer security
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The research for this working paper was sponsored in part by the Consortium for Research on Information Security and Policy (CRISP). CRISP was created at Stanford University to develop a better analytical and policy understanding of national and international security

Robust Support Vector Machines for Anomaly Detection in Computer Security.
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MIT’s Lincoln Labs to study intrusion detection systems, the performance of robust support vector machines (RVSMs) was compared with that of conventional support vector machines and nearest neighbor classifiers in separating normal usage profiles from intrusive profiles

Approaches to Online Learning and Concept Drift for User Identification in Computer Security.
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Abstract The task in the computer security domain of anomaly detection is to characterize the behaviors of a computer user (the” valid’, or” normal’user) so that unusual occurrences can be detected by comparison of the current input stream to the valid user’s profile. This task

Computer security strength risk: A quantitative approach
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Abstract When attacking a software system is only as difficult as it is to obtain a vulnerability to exploit, the security strength of that system is equivalent to the market price of such a vulnerability. In this dissertation I show how security strength can be measured using

Best available technologies for computer security.
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For more than a decade, government, industry, and academic centers have investigated techniques for developing computer systems that can be trusted to enforce military security rules. A good deal has been learned about the problem, and a number of approaches

Guide to computer security log management
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Executive Summary A log is a record of the events occurring within an organization’s systems and networks. Logs are composed of log entries; each entry contains information related to a specific event that has occurred within a system or network. Many logs within

Computer security: art and science
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The importance of computer security has increased dramatically during the past few years. Bishop provides a monumental reference for the theory and practice of computer security. This is a textbook intended for use at the advanced undergraduate and introductory

Concepts and terminology for computer security
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The essay begins by defining what is meant by computer security and describing why it is important to constrain the definition to protection that can be meaningfully provided with a significant degree of assurance within computer systems. The theory of computer security

The CISSP prep Guide: Mastering the ten domains of Computer Security
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You hold in your hand a key, a key to unlocking the secrets of the world of information systems security. This world will present you with many new challenges and rewards, because information systems security is the latest frontier in man’s continuing search for

Computer security incident handling guide
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The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) developed this document in furtherance of its statutory responsibilities under the Federal Information Security Abstract: This paper examines, from an employer’s perspective, the kind of education and training that today’s computer security practitioners need. It suggests answers to three important questions:(1) What are we educating people to do(2) What should be included

Security across the curriculum: using computer security to teach computer science principles
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ABSTRACT Insuring that individuals who obtain computer science degrees have a sound foundation in security principles is becoming increasingly important as the worldwide connectivity of our networks grows and the number of security incidences increases.

V-NetLab: a cost-effective platform to support course projects in computer security
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Abstract:Network and computer courses need dedicated laboratories for students to carry out hands-on assignments and course projects. Typically, these projects require each student to be given administrative access to an entire, isolated network of computers. The ABSTRACT As little as five years ago, there was little information available about computer security besides a few print or Web resources. Indeed, last year there were only a handful of computer-security books could be found at most bookstores; those that were there

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ABSTRACT For several decades computer security has been gaining in im-portance to organizations. In today’s corporate computing envi-ronment with widespread information sharing over the Web, computer security has become an even more vital concern as

Teaching Computer Security.
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Interest in computer security has grown in the past few years [14], and nowhere is this more evident than in colleges and universities. Perhaps a rising awareness of potential threats encour- ages students to explore this area; perhaps the desire of businesses and industry in general to

Coping with the threat of computer security incidents: A primer from prevention through recovery
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Abstract As computer security becomes a more important issue in modern society, it begins to warrant a systematic approach. The vast majority of the computer security problems and the costs associated with them can be prevented with simple inexpensive measures. The

Social aspects of computer security
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The problem of computer misuse (intentional and accidental) has been a growing concern as the number of computers and users increases, and as computers become an integral element in areas such as medicine, finance, and defense. This concern has led to

Verifiable computer security and hardware: Issues
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Abstract This report explores the influences of hardware on verifiable secure system design and envisions a mutually beneficial collaboration between the hardware verification and security communities. Hardware verification techniques offer the possibility of significantly

Technical and human issues in computer-based systems security
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Abstract Computer systems and internet are becoming pervasive in our everyday life. Being online brings the consequence that such systems are prone to malicious attack. This vulnerability, along with our reliance on these systems, implies that it is important for us to

The six dumbest ideas in computer security
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There’s lots of innovation going on in security-we’re inundated with a steady stream of new stuff and it all sounds like it works just great. Every couple of months I’m invited to a new computer security conference, or I’m asked to write a foreword for a new computer security

A cross-cultural comparison of us and chinese computer security awareness
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ABSTRACT Despite the recent increased attention afforded malware by the popular press, there appears to be a dearth in user awareness and understanding of certain aspects of the security paradigm. This article presents a comparison of user awareness levels of rootkits,

Establishing a Computer Security Incident Response Capability (CSIRC)
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Abstract Government agencies and other organizations have begun to augment their computer security efforts because of increased threats to computer security. Incidents involving these threats, including computer viruses, malicious user activity, and

An outline of a taxonomy of computer security research and development
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Resea. rch in computer security in t, he la. st. deca. cle has in general been concent. rated in a. few a. rea. s: highly trustworthy systems that protect data at different security levels. As people are starting to rea. lize how the computer security problem ca, n affect their lives in

Essays about computer security
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The purpose of these essays is to present some of the material that is the basis of security in computer systems. An attempt has been made to include examples in order to make the difficulty of many of the concepts apparent. It is all too easy to state glibly that a system is

Towards community standards for ethical behavior in computer security research
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ABSTRACT Since the first distributed attack networks were seen in 1999, computer misuse enabled by botnets, worms, and other vectors has steadily grown. This rapid growth has given rise to a variety of ethical challenges for researchers seeking to combat these

Biological models of security for virus propagation in computer networks
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Dr. Bush is a researcher at GE Global Research. He continues to explore novel concepts in complexity and algorithmic information theory with a spectrum of applications ranging from network security and lowenergy wireless ad hoc sensor networking to DNA sequence

Network eye: end-to-end computer security visualization
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Abstract Visibility is crucial to managing and securing today’s computers and networks. Visualization tools are a means to provide visibility into the invisible world of network computing. Many good tools exist that give administrators a view into parts of the total

Computer security in introductory programming classes
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The scope of computer security is as broad as the field of computer science; however, its most immediate impact to the average user is in the faulty, non-secure software, hardware, and systems that are deployed. The majority of these are designed, implemented and built

Improving host-based computer security using secure active monitoring and memory analysis
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Most of life’s meaningful accomplishments are only possible through the assistance of many other people. This dissertation and all of the related research are no exception. While it’s impossible to enumerate everyone who contributed to this work, I would like to

The myths of security: what the computer security industry doesn’t want you to know
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I like the book, but hate the subtitle. Most of the security industry desperately wants you to know the truth. I don’t think the author really believes the subtitle either surely the security industry, even in its most evil fear-spreading moments, does not actually want everybody

The Evaluation Process of a Computer Security Incident Ontology.
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Abstract. Ontologies have been developed and used by several researchers in different knowledge domains aiming to ease the structuring and management of knowledge, and to create a unique standard to represent concepts of such a knowledge domain. Considering

Evolution of the ASSERT computer security lab
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Abstract–These times of declining academic budgets coupled with increased demand for information assurance professionals presents unique challenges for academic departments wishing to build capacity in information assurance. This paper discusses the evolution of