data security 2021
International Law Thinking on Data Security In TikTok Incident
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National data security is playing an increasingly important role in the development of a country. Nowadays, its universally acknowledged that cooperation should be strengthened in the international arena to safeguard international data sovereignty security. Transnational
Enhancement in data security and integrity using minhash
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Data encryption process and key generation techniques protect sensitive data against any various attacks. This paper focuses on generating secured cipher keys to raise the level of security and the speed of the data integrity checking by using the MinHash function. The
Data Security : Threats, Challenges and Protection
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This paper discusses the dangers and problems associated with data and how users of a computer can analyse their exposure to data security and threats. It also analyses the different methods and technologies that can be used to protect data on our personal
The Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Data Security
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An analysis of possible ways to use artificial intelligence in the field of information security was conducted. Conclusions have been drawn about the possibilities of using this high technology to prevent unauthorized access to data, as well as to reduce the consequences
Cryptographic Algorithm For Enhancing Data Security : A Theoretical Approach
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The quick progress of this technology becomes vital in upcoming years. Any type of data present in cloud is confidential for individual and this can be hacked by attackers while sharing it with the intended recipient. The demand for veracity, privacy, fortification, solitude
Erratum to Text Data Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things: Threats, Challenges, and Future Directions
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Erratum to Text Data Security and Privacy in the Internet of Umair Khadam, 1 Muhammad Munwar Iqbal 1 Meshrif Alruily, 2 Mohammed A. Al Ghamdi, 3 Muhammad Ramzan, 4 and Sultan H. Almotiri 3 1Department of Computer Science, University of Engineering and
Analyzing Data Security Issues and Solutions in Cloud Computing
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Cloud computing is one among the fastest emerging technologies in computing. There are many advantages also few security issues in cloud computing. This paper explores the various data security issues in cloud computing during a multi-tenant environment and
An Efficient Data Security Mechanism Based on Data Groups in Cloud Computing Environment
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In this paper k-means algorithm has been applied for finding the related group based on the content. In this phase the text and image data will be clustered based on the weight matrix. Then information part (IP) and content part (CP) has been calculated and evaluated. Then
Big Data Security Challenges and Prevention Mechanisms in Business
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Sensitive data analytics have reached gradually a smart area in the business world over the past few years. Various research has emphasized the importance of this field in augmenting the business performance in the industry. Excessive collection of data is making harmful
Graham Waters Department of Graduate Studies, Brandeis University RSAN 177: Data Security Privacy, and Ethics Dr. Annie Shebanow February 1 2021
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What would have been on the front page of every Texas News Site and paper was momentarily quieted by the roar of collective COVID fear and election hype that gripped our nation in the last year. Now thathas begun and some of the hum has gone down, it is
Impact of Globalisation on Data Security Authentication Issues
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Page 1. Impact of Globalisation on Data Security Authentication Issues University of Pardubice Faculty of Economics and Administration Authors: doc. Ing. Miloslav Hub, Ph.D. Ing. Kateřina Příhodová Pardubice Page 2. Contents Introduction Information security Biometric
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The steganography is prone to number of attacks such as geomatical, salt pepper, gaussian, median filtering, attacks. To overcome these problems, the cryptography and error correction codes are comes in the pictures and hybrid with steganography algorithms. The
Cloud Cryptography-A Security Aspect
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Abstract- If all of the top levels of security fail, the final and most critical tier, data security must not fail . By breaching this layer of defence, the CIAs triad principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability are undermined
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In this review, it discussed the concept of security actions and it summarized their applications in medical data security Table 2: Survey of various security Techniques and their Advantages Author Study Descriptions Techniques Applications
From cloud computing security towards homomorphic encryption: A comprehensive review
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Data security /privacy in the cloud environment is also discussed and homomorphic encryption (HE) was highlighted as a popular technique used to preserve the privacy of sensitive data in many applications of cloud computing
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ABSTRACT In Modern Communication wireless communication uses MIMO technique to transmit and receive data. The data security is important in communication Key Words: Communication, MIMO, cryptography, data security I.INTRODUCTION
Protecting Data in Cloud using Encryption
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Ongole Abstract: Data security has reliably been a significant issue in data innovation. In globe. Data security and security assurance are the two fundamental variables of clients interests about the cloud innovation. Despite
Ensuring Security And Privacy Preservation For Cloud-Based Library Management System
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The cloud-based library management system will be the recent trend in library management with ensuring data security and privacy protection. Keywords- Internet, Cloud, Cloud-based library management system, LMS, privacy preservation I. INTRODUCTION
Cloudbc-To Ensure Data Integrity in Cloud Computing Environments
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data. Data security and Storage Management becomes the most promising task in it, to manage it we use cloud computing. This leads to the unanswered questions related to the data security over the cloud data centres. The
Multilevel Security Using Honeypot
free download, Abstract- Security is becoming a major issue today. A Security is not limited to laptops and other devices. Data security is becoming more and more important today. Data is not safe in any
Big Data Privacy and Security Risk and Solutions
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Keywords: Big Data security risks, information security, information security technology, DP Figure 2.1: Important characteristics of Big Data III. BIG DATA SECURITY THREATS Security issues and the value brought by big data become very challenging task for reseachers
Review Of Various Security Issues In Data Mining
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Normally, such a cycle open up new suspicion dimensions, recognize new attack patterns, and raises new data security problems. I. INTRODUCTION The term Security from the setting of PCs is the capacity, a framework should have to ensure data or
A Image Security with Image Steganography Using Dct Coefficient and Encryption
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PROF. AS MALI Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Warananagar ABSTRACT Image data security is the essential portion in communication and multi media world Cryptography is the best technique of image data security
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In this paper analysis about the recent security threats of cloud in regards to data security network security, environmental issues and virtualization issues KEYWORDS: Cloud computing, Data security Virtualization threats. 1. INTRODUCTION
Addressing Security Issues and Threats of Data Warehouse-A Big Data Perspective
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such as role management,query rewrite, inference Page 3. attack and separation of duty [19]. Data security focuses on issues such as integrity, privacy and availability of the data. The privacy mainly focuses on securing the
Privacy and security in connected hearing healthcare
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network. The issue The importance of patient privacy and data security in clinician/patient interactions cannot be overstated. Legislation access. What does third party usage mean At first glance, the issue of data security seems simple. DataIt confides remote services with a users data and software. It enables a user to do large amount of storage and large amount of computations. Due to which data security in cloud becomes an important issue. Data access control provides the security of data in the cloudKeywords Cloud computing Data security Access control models Encryption Clustering algorithm Limited-shuffle KK Chennam CSE Department, Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology, Telangana State, Hyderabad, India R. Aluvalu S. Shitharth (B) CSE Abstract With the rapid development of satellite Internet and space cloud, space cloud data security will become an important problem to be solved Keywords: Satellite internet Cloud data security User privacy data 1 Introduction
A Review on Information Security in Cloud Based System during Covid-19 Pandemic
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In paper we can see the authentication security related to SSO, multi factors, username password, public key infrastructure etc. In paper shows data security by digital signature with RSA algorithm Data Security Data Location Web Service Attack
Elliptic Curve Layered: A Secure Polyalphabetic Vignere Cryptographic Algorithm for Textual Data
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222 DOI: 10.37398/JSR.2021.650128 Abstract: Digital content is unsecured during public data transmission. Cryptography is a technique to provide data security to transfer users information securely in a cloud computing environment without the intervention of a third party
Analysis of security issues in cloud computing
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Private Cloud Public Cloud Community Cloud Hybrid Cloud Software as a Service Platform as a Service Infrastructure as a Service Data Security as a Service On Demand Self Service Location Independent Resource Pooling Rapid Elasticity Broad Network
Enhanced Algorithm Implementation for Low Powered IoT Devices using Authenticator to Improve Data Integrity
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services delivery. Due to easy access to network, availability of devices, penetration of IoT services exponentially Growing. Meanwhile, Ensuring the Data Security and Integrity of devices connected to network is paramount. In this
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Big data security and privacy: A review AUTHORS: B. Matturdi, X. Zhou, S. Li, and F. Lin Reviewed the enormous benefits and challenges of security and privacy in Big Data present some possible methods and techniques to ensure Big Data security and privacy
Global Cybersecurity Measure in International Security
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of Russias partners; 2) be the escape mechanism in case the global internet is in chaos and unreliable; 3) complete its legal framework on cybersecurity measure; 4) address the international security ie protecting the national security, achieving privacy and data security as the
Performance Testing on Transparent Data Encryption for SQL Servers Reliability and Efficiency
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Page 2. Page 2/16 Abstract Data security is being one of the most crucial aspects to be focused on system development. However This study aims to observe how substantial Transparent Data Encryption as a solution for data security on
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aspect of network security and economic revenue INDEX TERMS Data security data systems, artificial intelligence, cyberspace I.INTRODUCTION With the exchange. In this way, SecNet guarantees the data security and encourages data sharing throughout the CPS
Quantifying Rowhammer Vulnerability for DRAM Security
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flow hijacking. Moreover, the Rowhammer vulnerability has also been identified and validated in both cloud computing and data center environments, threatening data security and privacy at a large scale. Various solutions
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Therefore, security issues for many of these systems and technologies are applicable to cloud computing. Data security involves encrypting the data as well as ensuring that appropriate policies are enforced for data sharing