Educational Data to Predict Student
Mining Educational Data to Predict Students
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Mining Educational Data to Predict Studentsacademic. Performance using Ensemble Methods.
Mining educational data to predict students academic
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DataMining is very useful in educationalfield to find important pattern from the data. The educationalinstitutes are always insists on giving quality education. By using predictionmethod a model can be developed which can be used to predict students performance.
School Students Performance Prediction Using Data Mining
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Keywords: Data Mining DM, Classification, Educational DataMining EDM, Students Analysing the stored students data can help in early predicting students
Mining Educational Data to Analyze Students arXiv
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sheets of the students, predictionabout students performance and so on. The knowledge is hidden among the educational dataset and it is extractable through
Students Performance Prediction using Deep Learning and
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challenging to Predict studentsperformance because of the huge bulks of datastored in the environments of Educationaldatabases,. Learning.
Educational Data Mining Students Performance Prediction
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Educational DataMining Students Performance. Prediction. Information Technology Department.
Mining Educational Data to Predicting Higher Secondary
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Predicting student performance is very essential for higher secondary teachers to Keywords- Educational DataMining, Prediction, Classification, Ranker. Abstract Predicting studentacademic performance has been an important research topic in Educational DataMining (EDM) which uses machine learning and
Student Performance Prediction Using Educational Data
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Abstract- Educationalsector produces datain large amount that is too voluminous and complex to understand. There is a need to efficiently.
Application of Machine Learning in Predicting Performance for
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grades is one of the most popular applications of educational datamining and, learning techniques to predictthe performance of students.
predicting student performance using data mining techniques
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Abstract-The paper represents the datamining techniques used for analysing pupil performance. Educationalinstitutions contain an enormous amount of
Review on Prediction Algorithms in Educational Data Mining
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used in educational datamining and future insights of better predictionalgorithm to be identified and new data mining tools to be used to predictthe students
Educational Data Mining for Classification of Students based
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Due to large educational databases, predicting studentsperformance becomes Educational DataMining is used for describing the research disciplines which
Machine Learning Approach to Predict Student IJRASET
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Abstract: In todays world, Datamining in the field of educationis utmost important to do predictthe performance of student. Educationis the Power and by
Predicting Student Success Using Data Generated in
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gain insight for their classes in the next academic year. Keywords Classification, Educational DataMining, predicting studentperformance,.
Models of Classification in Educational Data Mining and
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be a great choice to enhance the classification accuracy and predictionof Students. educationalinformation using datamining, datascience, and machine
A Comparative Study on Educational Data Mining iosrjen
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of studentdata were collected and implemented through various data mining Keywords: Educational DataMining, Prediction, Classification Algorithms.
Performance Prediction for Post Graduate Students IJITEE
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Artificial Neural Network, Educational DataMining,. Predictionof Students Performance, University Education. I. INTRODUCTION.
analyzing students academic performance 3Ciencias
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Predicting students performance is a very important task in any Educational datamining, Students performance predictionmodel, Artificial.
Predicting Student Academic Performance in KSA using Data
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in the available data( studentand courses records) that could be useful for predicting students If educationalinstitutions can predict students.
Predicting Student Performance using Advanced Learning
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Educational DataMining (EDM) and Learning Analytics (LA) research have to predicta studentsperformance can be beneficial for actions.
Mining Previous Marks Data to Predict Students IJERT
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Mining Previous Marks Data to Predict StudentsPerformance in Their. Final Year Examinations called Educational DataMining, concern with developing new
Analyzing undergraduate students performance using
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Datamining. Decision trees. Clustering. Performance prediction. Performance progression. Quality of educationalprocesses. a b
Improving accuracy of students final grade prediction model
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Keywords: Educational datamining (EDM); Classification; Naive Bayes; . There are some works done using Neural Network to predict students grade. Gedeon
A Review of Educational Data Mining in Higher Education
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mining that guides the management to take better action on studentsat risk. Keywords: Educational DataMining (EDM),. Classification, Data Mining, Prediction.
Feature extraction for classifying students based on their
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on predictingthe studentsperformance in terms of the achieved grades. drop out from high school or to predictif a studentwill pass a module in a only observed datathat we have available are the students grades at the end of the
Student Performance Prediction
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INTRODUCTION. Today every educationalinstitution handles and deals with large amount of student datawhich can be beneficial for a number of reasons.
the prediction of student failure using classification aircc
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In the globalised educationsector, predicting studentperformance has become a central issue for datamining and machine learningresearchers where
A Comparative Study to Predict Students Performance Using
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A Comparative Study to Predict Students. Performance Using Educational DataMining. Techniques. To cite this article: Annisa Uswatun Khasanah and Harwati
Educational Data Mining Application for Estimating Students
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A Comparative Study to Predict Students Abstract: Educational datamining (EDM) is a multi-disciplinary research area that examines artificial