face recognition 2020

A facial recognition system uses biometrics to map facial features from a photograph or video. It compares the information with a database of known faces to find a match. That’s because facial recognition has all kinds of commercial applications. It can be used for everything from surveillance to marketing.

Face detection Stanford University
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This project presents a face detection technique mainly based on the color segmentation, image segmentation and template matching methods. Color

Face Detection
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Figure 1 shows the face detection algorithm that we developed. The Color Based Mask Generation will be discussed in Section Region Finding and Separation

Face Detection
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Face detection is concerned with finding whether or not there are any faces in a given image (usually in gray scale) and, if present, return the image location and

Face Detection: A Survey CIn UFPE
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Face detection is one of the visual tasks which humans can do effortlessly. However, in computer vision terms, this task is not easy. A general statement of the

Image-based Face Detection and Recognition arXiv.org
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Abstract. Face recognition from image or video is a popular topic in biometrics research. Many public places usually have surveillance cameras for video capture

A Fast and Accurate System for Face Detection arXiv.org
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20-Sep-2018 Face detection is the first step in any face recognition /verification pipeline. A face detection algorithm outputs the locations of all faces in a given

Neural Network-Based Face Detection Carnegie Mellon
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Appears in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Abstract We present a neural network-based face detection system. A retinally connected neural

Face Detection Ensemble with Methods Using Depth MDPI
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28-Nov-2019 Face detection is fundamental in that it serves as the basis for many applications that involve the human face, such as face alignment [ 3],

Facial detection using deep learning IOPscience
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This technology is called Face Detection . Face detection is a popular topic in biometrics. We have surveillance cameras in public places for video capture as well Detecting faces is a crucial step in these identification applications. Most face recognition algorithms assume that the face location is known. Similarly, face tracking.

Robust Real-Time Face Detection Face Recognition
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Operating on 384 by 288 pixel images, faces are detected at 15 frames per second on a conventional. 700 MHz Intel Pentium III. In other face detection systems,

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Face recognition is becoming an active research area spanning several disciplines such as image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision, neural

Face Recognition Algorithms
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16-Jun-2010 Figure 1.1: A generic face recognition system. Face detection is defined as the process of extracting faces from scenes. So, the system positively

Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple
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This face detection system is most clearly distinguished from previous approaches in its ability to detect faces extremely rapidly. Operating on 384 by 288 pixel Abstract. We propose a real time system for person detection, recognition and tracking using frontal and profile faces. The system integrates face detection , face

Precise Detailed Detection of Faces and Facial OSU ECE
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Face detection has received considerably attention dur- ing the past several years [16]. By face detection we gen- erally mean that a bounding box (or an ellipsoid)

Face recognition for criminal identification AIP Publishing
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This paper to propose a facial recognition system for a criminal database where the identification of the suspect is done by face matched rather than thumbprint When detecting the human face with Adaboost algo- rithm, many false faces will be found in the detection results. An improved horizontal differential projection.

Detecting Faces in Images: A Survey Cornell Vision Pages
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We now give a definition of face detection : Given an arbitrary image, the goal of face detection is to determine whether or not there are any faces in the image and,

Deep Feature-based Face Detection on Mobile Devices
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Face detection is a very important step in face-based au- thentication systems. There has been substantial progress in detecting faces in images, which have

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Face recognition is the process of identifying or verifying a person from any image, which is obtained from either image capturing device or from an individual

An Introduction to Face Recognition Technology CORE
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Several famous face recognition algorithms, such as eigenfaces and neural networks, will also be explained. Keywords: Face Recognition ; Biometric Identification;

Frontal View Human Face Detection and Recognition
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Before actual face recognition is possible, one must be able to reliably find a face and its landmarks in an image. This process, which is called face detection , is.

Cascade classifier for face detection SAGE Journals
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Abstract. Detecting faces in images is a key step in numerous computer vision applications, such as face recognition or facial expression analysis. Automatic

Human Face Detection in Visual Scenes
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Unlike in face recognition , where the classes to be discriminated are different faces, in face detection , the two classes to be discriminated are images containing

Review: Face Detection and Recognition Techniques
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Keywords . Face detection , Face recognition , Neural. Networks, SVM, RBF, PCA, LDA, MPCALDA, Back. Propagation. I.

Combining face detection and people tracking in video
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In this paper, attention is focused in detecting and tracking faces in videos. Rather than to try to get better performances than state of the art face detection

A Component-based Framework for Face Detection and
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Their outputs are passed the combination classifier which performs the final detection / identification of the face . We describe an algorithm which automatically

Face detection by structural models Junjie Yan
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Our structural face model follows a different framework with V J detector , and is motivat- ed by recent object detection and pose estimation systems, including. [10Face detection is defined as to isolate human faces from their background and exactly locate their position in an image. Generally, a facial recognition system is a

Robust Multi-Pose Face Detection in Images Microsoft
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Most non-frontal face detector in the literature are based on the view-based method , in which several face models are built, each describes faces in a given

Face Detection in Still Gray Images
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Since there are no color and motion cue available, face detection boils down to a pure pattern recognition task. One of the first systems for detecting faces in gray

Face Detection and Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
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The work presented in this paper describes a Hidden. Markov Model (HMM)-based framework for face recog- nition and face detection . The observation vectors

Human Face Detection under Complex Lighting Conditions
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This work presents genetic searching for detecting human faces in a complex background. Face detection is achieved by employing template matching between a

Summer Research Final Report Project Title: Face Detection
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When she first told me face detection and face tracking I thought this cant be that bad. But then when she told us that it had to be programmed in C++ I quickly

Performance Analysis of Face Detection by using Viola-Jones
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Face detection is one of many applications in digital image. Page 2. 708. Jaspreet Kaur and Anand Sharma processing. It is concerned with the automatic

A Survey On Various Problems Challenges In Face IJERT
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The aim of face detection is detect faces in any images or videos. The face is our primary focus of attention in a face recognition system as well as in social

An Experimental Performance Comparison of Widely Used
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face detection ; face localization; computer vision. Face detection is the task of detecting faces on photos, videos as well as the streaming data such as a webcam

Training Support Vector Machines: an Application to Face
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our application to the face detection problem, and in section 4 we summarize our results. 1.1 Support Vector Machines. In this section we brie y sketch the SVM

Face Recognition
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Ahuja, Detecting Faces in Images: A Survey , IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. M. H. Yang, Recent Advances in Face Detection :

Face Detection and Recognition Techniques: A IJARCCE
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A system with ability to recognize human face accurately. One application of facial recognition is in the field of attendance management system. The manual

Measuring Student Attention with Face Detection: DiVA
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Face detection in real time applications became possible in when Viola and Jones presented a new method several times faster than any previous attempt.

Adaptive skin segmentation via feature-based face detection
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We have achieved adaptation through the adoption of a feature-based face detector , as our segmentation process begins with the detection of faces within the

Advances in Face Detection and Recognition Technologies
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Face detection has two important tasks; one is to determine facial regions in an image against various backgrounds, and the other is to determine alignment of

Multiple Face Detection and Recognition System Design
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The Tiny Face Detector has a really good performance of detection, making it much faster, smaller and less resource consuming compared to the SSD MobileNet

Multi-view Face Detection and Recognition using Haar-like
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Some systems can explicitly address non-upright face detection . This paper describes progress toward a system which can detect and recognize faces

Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition Digital
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by P Hill ‎2012 In order to work towards a robust facial recognition system, this work contains a foundation for using the face as a recognition metric. First, faces are detected from

Face Detection from Images Using Support Vector Machine
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In this project, I have developed an algorithm which will detect face from the input image with less false detection rate using combined effects of computer vision

Robust Face Detection via Learning Small Faces on Hard
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Our face detector achieves state-of-the-art level per- formance on all popular face detection benchmarks, including WIDER FACE, FDDB, Pascal Faces, and. AFW.

Face Recognition On Android Massey University
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Face recognition system is a program that is used to identify faces automatically and verify the identity of a person from a digital image or a video. In general, the

Cow face detection and recognition based on automatic
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Computing methodologies Object detection; Object recognition;. Deep neural networks. KEYWORDS. Cow face detection , Cow face recognition , Deep neural

A Neural Architecture for Fast and Robust Face Detection
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detecting and precisely localizing semi-frontal human faces in complex images Human face detection is becoming a very important research topic, due to its

Factor Analysis in Unconstrained Viola-Jones Face Detection
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Abstract. Computer-based facial recognition algorithms exploit the unique characteristics of faces in images. However, in non-cooperative situations these

Face Recognition by Computers and Humans NIST
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Illustration of three face recognition tasks: verification, identification, and watch list. 2. WHY FACE RECOGNITION IS HARD. Images of human faces undergo many

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In face recognition the algorithm used is PCA. (principal component analysis), MPCA(Multilinear Principal Component. Analysis) and LDA(Linear Discriminant

Face Detection using Adaboost CSE, IIT Bombay
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What is face detection Task of identifying (marking out) faces in an image. http://iomniscient.com/newsletters

Handbook of Face Recognition Google Research
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Systems have been developed for face detection and tracking, but reliable face recognition still offers a great challenge to computer vision and pattern

Face Detection and Recognition DTIC
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A near real-time face detection system has been developed that uses a skin-tone color model and facial features. For face recognition , we have developed four

Introduction to Computer Vision from Automatic Face Analysis
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from an image using a pattern recognition algorithm and after the faces have been an image. It can be used in face detection to find skin colored regions.

Live Face Detection Based on the Analysis of Fourier Spectra
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Face recognition is one of the most active research topics due to its potential applications in access control, automated crowd surveillance, law enforcement,

Face Detection and Recognition using Open CV IJRTE
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15-Jan-2020 Face detection is a phase where identifying the faces from the images or video sources. It very well be utilized for remote distinguishing proof.

Improved Viola-Jones face detection algorithm based on
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The current face detection in Microsoft HoloLens can only be achieved by remote call of face detection interface algorithm which is, however, restricted by

A Texture-based Approach to Face Detection MSU CSE
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Detection of faces in static or video images is an important but challenging problem in computer vision as faces could occur at different scales, orientations,

A summary of deep models for face recognition
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A Convolutional Neural Network Cascade for Face Detection . Proceedings of the. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2015. Farfade,

Face Detection on Embedded Systems UQ eSpace
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The identification and localization of a face or faces from either an image or video stream is a branch of computer vision known as face detection [ 2]. Face

Face Detection with Deep Learning Noiselab@UCSD
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And for now, face detection has been implemented and widely used in different industries and products. Face detection could be used in the access control system

A Survey of Feature Base Methods for Human Face Detection
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Face detection is a computer technology that determines the location and size of human faces in arbitrary (digital) image. The human face is one of the most

Human Face Detection and Segmentation of Facial Feature
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This paper is about a study of detecting human faces within images and segmenting the face into numbered regions which are the face -, mouth-, eyes- and nose

Performance Analysis of Face Recognition Algorithms on
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The goal of face recognition is to determine the identity of an individual based on a still image or video sequence of his or her face. There are two different modes

Multi-view Face Detection using Normalized Pixel Difference
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The problem of finding and analyzing faces is an initial task in computer vision. Face detection is broadly utilized in face recognition , human- computer interaction,

Face Detection and Recognition using OpenCV and IRJET
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Face recognition is the technique in which the identity of a human being can be identified using ones individual face. Such kind of systems can be used in photos,

YOLOv3: Face Detection in Complex Environments
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28-Jul-2020 nose, mouth and beard, but face detection accuracy is not high in complex environment. The above work points out that the face detector with

DeepFace Department of Computer Science, University of
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in unconstrained face recognition , and is now at the brink of human level accuracy. It is trained on a large dataset of faces acquired from a population vastly

Face detection using deep learning InK@SMU.edu.sg
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Face detection using deep learning: An improved faster RCNN approach. (2018). Neurocomputing. 29 42-50. Research Collection School Of Information.

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From section 2 to section 4 we would describe our algorithm on face detection and facial feature tracking. In section we would run experiments on FGNET face.

MCU-Based Solution for Face Recognition
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The solution is based on the i.MX RT106F, an. EdgeReady member of the i.MX RT crossover MCU family. It includes the NXP face and emotion recognition run-

Multi-view Face Detection Using Deep Convolutional Yimg
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In this paper we propose Deep Dense Face Detector (DDFD), a method that does not require pose/landmark annotation and is able to de- tect faces in a wide

Faster face detection using Convolutional Neural Networks
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Face detection is defined as computer technology that is used to detect human faces in digital images. There are various computer algorithms that are employed in

Multimodal Approach to Human-Face Detection and Tracking
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effective for face detection and tracking. Index Terms Continuously adaptive mean shift (CAMSHIFT) tracking mechanism, face tracking, facial skin-color model,.

Challenges in Face Detection and Recognition techniques
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Abstract: Face Recognition System is popular topic in the biometric world .This system provide Features to detect the persons face and identify on basis of

Local Binary Patterns applied to Face Detection and
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It is in that stage where this research will focus, first evaluating more simple classification methods and then trying to improve face detection and recognition ratios

Human Face Detection and Recognition using Web-Cam
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This has been a problem for facial recognition system for decades. Approach: For this reason, our study represents a novel technique for facial recognition through

Web-Scale Training for Face Identification Facebook Research
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Face identification is a recognition task of great practi- cal interest for which (i) much larger labeled datasets ex- ist, containing billions of images; (ii) the number of

Robust Face Detection Using the Hausdorff Distance BioID
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Face recognition is a major area of research within biometric signal processing. Since most techniques (e.g. Eigenfaces) assume the face images normalized in.

Robust Face Detection from Still Images Defence Research
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Abstract Facial recognition is one of the most studied topics in the field of biometrics because of its varied applications. Detection of dark colored faces and

Face Recognition Detection by Probabilistic Decision Based
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high performance automatic locluiques on biometric recognition are now becoming eco nonically feasible Among all the biometric identification methods, face

Automatic Face Recognition for Film Character Retrieval in
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We proceed from the face detection stage, assuming lo- calized faces. Face detection technology is fairly mature and a number of reliable face detectors have

face recognition University of Cambridge
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In this paper, we propose a feature-based algorithm for detecting faces that is Keywords: Human face detection ; Perceptual grouping; Feature integration;

Face Tracking and Recognition Using MATLAB and Arduino
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The algorithm used for detection and tracking of face is Viola Jones algorithm and for face recognition it is PCA and Eigen face approach. The platforms that we

Facial Feature Detection Library for Teaching Algorithm
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Testing the Face Recognition Library Students use the library tool to detect faces and facial landmarks on each face. Python source code is given to students.

Occlusion invariant face recognition using mean based weight
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Face recognition ; occlusion detection; MBWM; SVM; LBP; SLBM. 1. Introduction. The most important goal of computer vision is to achieve visual recognition

Face detection and recognition
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The space of all face images. We want to construct a low-dimensional linear subspace that best explains the variation in the set of face images

Face Detection for Human Identification in IJARCST
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3. Face Detection . Faces are detected by means of viola-jones algorithm. Viola-Joness Detector: This framework, designed for rapid object detection, is based on.

A Regularized Framework for Feature Selection in Face
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To show the versatility of the proposed strategy we apply it to both face detection and authentication, im- plementing two modules of a monitoring system working.

Face Recognition using Principle Component Analysis
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The main idea of using PCA for face recognition is to express the large 1-D vector of pixels constructed from 2-D facial image into the compact principal

A Review of Face Recognition System Using EasyChair
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Index Terms- Face Identification , Raspberry PI, Computer Vision, Internet of things, wire. 1 Introduction. Nowadays, humans live in the information period. There

Face Recognition Using SAS Viya
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Facial recognition and classification algorithms like deep learning and neural networks can extract information from photos or videos and classify them almost

A SNoW-Based Face Detector
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In this paper, we present a face detection method that uses the SNoW learning architecture [1 3] to detect faces with different features and expressions, in

Face Recognition Technologies RAND Corporation
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Face recognition technologies (FRTs) offer opportunities to signifi- cantly improve identification efforts, but they also introduce concerns about privacy and bias.