Face Recognition 2021
Searching for Alignment in Face Recognition
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A standard pipeline of current face recognition frameworks consists of four individual steps: locating a face with a rough bounding box and several fiducial landmarks, aligning the face image using a pre-defined template, extracting representations and comparing. Among
Extended evaluation of the effect of real and simulated masks on face recognition performance
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Face recognition is an essential technology in our daily lives as a contactless and convenient method of accurate identity verification. Processes such as secure login to electronic devices or identity verification at automatic border control gates are increasingly
Teacher Guided Neural Architecture Search for Face Recognition
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Abstract Knowledge distillation is an effective tool to compress large pre-trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or their ensembles into models applicable to mobile and embedded devices. However, with expected flops or latency, existing methods are hand Recognizing peoples faces is an important machine learning field. In this chapter you will learn step-by-step how automatic face recognition works. We will focus on the howand the whywithout going into too much detail about the mathematical formulation (except where it
Real Time Face Recognition based Smart Lab for Energy Conservation
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Home automation offers a good solution to help conserve our natural resources in a time when we are all becoming more environmentally conscious. Home automation systems can reduce power consumption and when they are not in use automatically turn off lights and
A comparative analysis using different machine learning: An efficient approach for measuring accuracy of face recognition
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Feature extracting and training module can be done by using face recognition neural learning techniques. Moreover, these techniques are widely employed to extract features from human images. Some detection systems are capable to scan the full body, iris
Face Recognition Based on Gabor Feature Extraction Followed by FastICA and LDA
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Over the past few decades, face recognition has become the most effective biometric technique in recognizing peoples identity, as it is widely used in many areas of our daily lives. However, it is a challenging technique since facial images vary in rotations
Multi‐view intrinsic low‐rank representation for robust face recognition and clustering
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In the last years, subspace-based multi-view face recognition has attracted increasing attention and many related methods have been proposed. However, the most existing methods ignore the specific local structure of different views. This drawback can cause these
Security System by Face Recognition
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Background: Authentication is one of the major challenges of the information systems era. From Among other things, recognizing the human face is one of the known techniques that can be user authentication. Aim: The main purpose of this paper is to study the application of This article presents an application for face recognition which takes its video input streamed from smart glasses through an internet connection. The application resides in the cloud and uses serverless technologies. The system has been tested on a database of 1119
Masked Face Recognition
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The World is facing a huge health crisis due to the rapid transmission of coronavirus (COVID- 19). In order to effectively prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus, almost everyone have to wear a mask as its one of the most important element to prevent from this virus as per WorldFace recognition is one of the most successful applications of image analysis and understanding and has gained much attention in recent years. Face Recognition is a computer based application which detects the faces of different persons for authentication
Face Recognition Model based on the Laplacian Pyramid Fusion Technique
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In this paper, a Fusion Feature-Level Face Recognition Model (FFLFRM) based on the Laplacian Pyramid (LP) fusion technique is proposed. The proposed FFLFRM model consists of four main processes: face detection, feature extraction, feature fusion, and face
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Facial understanding includes a sizable amount of methods, including protection, individual confirmation, individual verifications, internet interaction, and computer activity. Systems are created for expression tracking as well as recognition, however trustworthy facial
A Review of Face Recognition Using SIFT Feature Extraction
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Face detection be defined as the process of determining whether face is present or not in a given image, if present, then the location of the face is notified. Face can be detected in colour or single intensity, single image or video sequence (single image/frame taken at aNowadays, one of the most important challenges of any face recognition system is partial occlusion. The paper addresses face recognition in the presence of sunglasses and scarf occlusion. The method that proposed is a robust approach which consists of detecting the
Attendance System Using Face Recognition Technique
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The management of the attendance which is manual in fashion will create a huge burden on staff. This primitive fashion of attendance system where staff calls a student by his name or roll no. or the sheet is passed around the whole class for taking signatures on it, which can
Student Attendance System using Face Recognition
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In the contemporary world, education system is advancing day-by-day thanks to the introduction of thought of sensible room. However, the group action system still remains primitive, wherever the teacher/lecturer calls the name of scholars to mark their group action
Research on Face Recognition Algorithm Based on Improved Residual Neural Network
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The residual neural network is prone to two problems when it is used in the process of face recognition : the first is overfitting, and the other is the slow or non-convergence problem of the loss function of the network in the later stage of training. In this paper, in order to solve
Project Design and Implementation of Face Recognition Fever Detection, and Attendance Record Based on Sensing Technology
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We applied sensing principles using sensing technology, redeveloped efficient software using its standardized methods, and expanded the use of networks. The sensing principle and sensing technology can be applied to research and analysis in business processes
Efficient Face Recognition System for Identifying Lost People
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Lost Humans in our country and in different nations that they are known by everybody to be a significant social issue. These days distinguishing proof of a specific individual in the packed territory is a perplexing assignment. The human face assumes a significant part in
MagFace: A Universal Representation for Face Recognition and Quality Assessment (Supplementary Material)
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Method Hyperparameters Margin CFP-FP IJB-C (TAR@ FAR) lm um λg la ua mean max min 1e-6 1e-5 1e-4 1e-3 ArcFace — 0.50– 97.32 83.88 91.59 95.00 96.86 MagFace 0.45 0.65 35 10 110 0.50 0.49 0.52 97.23 81.12 91.44 94.95 96.96 0.40 0.80 35 10 110 0.50 0.46 0.53 In this work, deep CNN based model have been suggested for face recognition . CNN is employed to extract unique facial features and softmax classifier is applied to classify facial images in a fully connected layer of CNN. The experiments conducted in Extended YALE B
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Educational institutes these days are worried mostly on the consistency of students performance. One explanation for this decrease in scholar overall performance is the insufficiency in attendance. There are numerous approaches to mark a students attendance
When Age-Invariant Face Recognition Meets Face Age Synthesis: A Multi-Task Learning Framework Supplmentary Material
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1 Shanghai Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing, School of Computer Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 20043 China 2 Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired Intelligence and MOE Frontiers Center for Brain Science, Fudan University, Shanghai
Face Recognition Model Based on Covariance Intersection Fusion for Interactive devices.
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Face recognition has become more important recently than before. The objective of this study was to develop a face recognition model that can achieve high recognition accuracy. The better the extraction of features, the better results achieved. The already existing face
Automatic Attendance System Based On Face Recognition and Face Detection
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In the traditional system, it is hard to be handle the attendance of huge students in a classroom. As it is timeconsuming and has a high probability of error during the process of inputting data into the computer. Real-Time Face Recognition is a real-world solution which
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Face recognition using PCA, ICA and DWT as hybrid features with combination of global features are explored. There are few limitations of global features (discussed in the literature) to overcome those issues this chapter discuss about local feature to claim higher
Face Recognition Comparative Analysis Using Different Machine Learning Approaches
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The problem of a facial biometrics system was discussed in this research, in which different classifiers were used within the framework of face recognition . Different similarity measures exist to solve the performance of facial recognition problems. Here, four machine learning
Demonstrating the vulnerability of RGB-D based face recognition to GAN-generated depth-map injection.
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RGB-D cameras are devices able to collect additional information, compared to classical RGB devices, about the observed scene: its depth (D). This has made RGB-D very suitable for many image processing tasks, including presentation attack detection (PAD) in face
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Face recognition has always piqued the interest of researchers and developers alike, with the problem of tagging unknown peoplebeing at its forefront. This paper explores the area of face recognition concerned specifically with the unknown person tagging. There have
Is Face Recognition Biased by Unintentional Recognition of Distracting Information
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Research highlights that we are not as skilful in controlling our memory as we believe. Instead, our everyday intentional recognition judgments are often biased by what we unintentionally recognise in the same context. So far, it has been demonstrated that the
Research of Face Recognition Technologies
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Біометричні системи розпізнавання обличь відіграють важливу роль у забезпеченні безпеки сучасних систем управління доступом. Вони засновані на співставленні еталонних біометричних зображень обличчя людини із отриманими в реальному часі Face recognition has been largely used in biometric field as a security measure at air ports, passport verification, criminals list verification, visa processing, and so on. Various literature studies suggested different approaches for face recognition systems and most of these
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There is associate degree imperative want for rising security in banking region. This project we have a tendency to discusses concerning banking transactions exploitation facial identification. The target of this project is to develop a strong automatic formula for
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Now a days, the use of automated teller are making money transaction easier for the customer. But on the other side, the rapid growth of intelligent criminals activity increases day after day, so there is crucial necessity to enhance security in banking sector. ThoughThis work proposes an equipment oriented to measuring the alcoholic level and simultaneously applying face recognition for people who enter risk places where their physical integrity can be affected due to their drunkenness state. In the state of the art, it is
Feature extraction and face recognition using auto associative memories
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Face recognition is an important tool for verification and identification of an individual. It can be of significant value in safety and commerce applications. Currently there are a numerous method to recognize and identify a person in an image. These methods can be divided into
Deep Learning-Based 3D Face Recognition Using Derived Features from Point Cloud
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With developing technology and urbanization, smart city applications have increased. Accordingly, this development brought some difficulties such as public security risk. Identifying peoples identities is a requirement in both smart city challenges and smart
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Personal identification systems are widely used in the information system security system (IS) to access its information resources. Many methods are already available for highlighting the faces of the user of information resources (IR) in the source image. The most promising