Fake currency detection
Fake currency is impersonation currency created without the lawful authorize of the state or government. Delivering or utilizing fake currency is a type of misrepresentation or fraud. In the course of recent years, because of the immense innovative advances in shading printing, copying and examining, falsifying issues have turned out to be increasingly genuine. Hence the issue of proficiently recognizing fake banknotes from honest to goodness ones by means of programmed Fake currency detection system has turned out to be increasingly vital. Fake currency detection system can be utilized as a part of spots, for example, shops, banks counter and computerized teller machine, auto merchant machines and so on. We have looked into changed fake currency detection systems. The systems are created utilizing diverse techniques and algorithms. The advantages of this examination for the peruser are that this investigation will give data about the distinctive strategies and algorithms utilized for fake currency detection system. They can look at the detection systems. Detection capacity relies upon the currency note characteristics of specific nation and extraction of highlights.
Fake currency detection using image processing and other standard methods
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Counterfeit money is imitation currency produced without the legal sanction of the state or government. Producing or using this fa e money is a form of fraud or forgery. Counterfeiting is as old as money itself, and is sufficiently prevalent throughout history that it has been
Various fake currency detection techniques
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This paper presents the various fake currency detection techniques. Fake currency is imitation currency produced without the legal sanction of the state or government. Producing or using fake currency is a form of fraud or forgery. Over the past few years, as a result of the
Indian currency detection and denomination using SIFT
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In this paper, we are designing a system that helps in identification of Indian currency notes and to check whether it is a valid or invalid. This is to differentiate between the counterfeit notes and genuine notes. Currency features such as See Througth register, See Through
Software detection of currency
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Background New image processing software incorporates code to prevent images of currency being processed Includes Adobe Photoshop, JASC Paintshop Pro, HP printer Drivers, Canon scanner software Details of the detection algorithm not publicly known
Detection method for counterfeit currency based on bit-plane slicing technique
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Counterfeiting and forging currencies is a serious threat to any economy. Even though currency exists as a variation of coins, banknotes, and electronic data, many economies remain threatened by counterfeiting which is made possible by the ongoing technological
Automatic Recognition and Counterfeit Detection of Ethiopian Paper Currency .
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Currency recognition is a technology used to identify currencies of various countries. The use of automatic methods of currency recognition has been increasing due its importance in many sectors such as vending machine, railway ticket counter, banking system, shopping
Camera based Text to Speech Conversion Obstacle and Currency Detection for Blind Persons
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Abstract Background/Objectives: The main object of this paper is to present an innovated system that can help the blind for handling currency . Methods/Statistical Analysis: Many image processing techniques have been used to scan the currency , remove the noise, mark
Fake Currency Detection Using Image Processing
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Fake currency is the money produced without the approval of the government, it is considered as a great offence. Most of them are doing it as a profession. Fake currency causes major issues in our economic growth and also it will decrease the value of original
A survey on counterfeit paper currency recognition and detection
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This surveys paper reports various articles dealing with counterfeit paper currency recognition and detection systems. This paper attempts to represent the survey on fake money detection because almost every country in the world is facing the problem of forged
Fake Egyptian Currency Detection System Using Texture and Shape Characteristics
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Recently, due to the development in computer software, laser printers and scanners, counterfeiting has become an urgent issue. As a result, distinguishing fake currency from genuine one using new technologies has become more important. This research paper
Automatic Indian New Fake Currency Detection
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In India, currency is the means of Transaction so there is more value for currency in our social and economic development. Here, currency exists in the form of coins, banknotes and electronic data. Fake money or counterfeit notes is the dangerous or acute problem in front
Detection of Fake Indian Currency
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Fake currency detection is a serious issue worldwide, affecting the economy of almost every country including India. The use of counterfeit currency is one of the major issues faced throughout the world nowadays. The counterfeiters are becoming harder to track down
Counterfeit Currency Detection Techniques
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Counterfeiting, of whatever kind, has been occurring ever since humans grasped the concept of valuable items, and there has been an ongoing race between certifier (banks, for example) and counterfeiter ever since. This article summarises some of the current methods
Counterfeit Currency Detection System
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The elevation of color printing technology has increased the rate of fake currency note printing on a very large scale. Years before, the printing could be done in a print house, but now anyone can print a currency note with maximum accuracy using a simple laser printer
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Counterfeit currency notes is a major problem occurring in money transactions. It is observed that fake notes are increasing day by day, due to advancements in printing machines. The proposed algorithm is based on detecting and recognizing whether the
Fake Indian Currency Detection : A
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This paper displays the different fake currency detection procedures. Fake currency is impersonation currency created without the lawful authorize of the state or government. Delivering or utilizing fake currency is a type of misrepresentation or fraud. In the course of
Fake Currency Detection Using Image Processing
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Fake Currency has always been an issue which has created a lot of problems in the market. The increasing technological advancements have made the possibility for creating more counterfeit currency which are circulated in the market which reduces the overall economy of
Fake Currency Detection using Image Processing
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In recent years, a lot of illegal counterfeiting rings manufacture and sell fake coins and at the same time fake note currency is printed as well, which have caused great loss and damage to the society. Thus it is imperative to be able to detect fake currency . We propose a new
A Review on Fake currency detection using feature extraction
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Fake currency identification is a significant issue around the world, influencing the economy of pretty much every nation including India. The potential arrangements are to utilize either synthetic properties of the currency or to utilize its physical appearance. The methodology
Design and Implementation of Fake Currency Detection System
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In recent years, a lot of illegal counterfeiting rings manufacture and sell fake coins and at the same time fake note currency is printed as well, which have caused great loss and damage to the society. Thus it is imperative to be able to detect fake currency . We propose a new