Hadoop Based Storage and Analysis of Events
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All collected datawas storedat HDFS, i.e., HadoopDistributed File System, and then the datawas processed and analyzed by using MapReduceprogramming. As a result, useful information about eventplanning was discovered, such as locations (city), time and statistical data.
Event Log Analysis: A Systematic Review ijsret
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EventLog Analysis: A Systematic Review processing, the storageof these big amount of dataare Keywords†Hadoop, MapReduce, Log File, Click.
Data Analysis of Driving Events on Processing Sensor Data
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Aug 31 Big Datais used for collections of extremely large eventslike speed, location, mileage. The data storedinto a SD card is in large amount
Evaluation of Apache Hadoop for parallel data analysis with
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distributing analysis datawere discussed: either the datawas storedin HDFS of MapReduce, realistic ROOT analyseshave been used and eventrates have
Running a typical ROOT HEP analysis on Hadoop MapReduce
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which performs the analysisto keep a share of the dataon its local storage(Figure . (i) Using standard Hadooprecords to represent single events(i.e. using a
Evaluation of Apache Hadoop for parallel data analysis with
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In Hadoop, every machine in a cluster is both a datanode and a tasktracker. This means, that the datais storedand the analysisruns on the same physical machine, which reduces network traffic. The MapReducescheme is intended for datathat can be splitted arbitrarily and processed separately.
Running a typical ROOT HEP analysis on Hadoop MapReduce
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which performs the analysisto keep a share of the dataon its local storage(Figure process a chunk of the dataset analysing it eventby event, and the Reduce
Use of the Hadoop structured storage tools for the ATLAS
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Oct 2been outstanding, and is fundamental to ATLAS physics analysis. ‣ experiments like eventsfrom data storagesystems. ‣ in ATLAS an
Towards An Energy-Conserving, Storage-Efficient Usenix
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hybrid, logical multi-zoned variant of HDFSfor managing data- processing intensive interest predictions, mail anti-spam, data analyticsand de- riving search .. dataaccess, datamigration or disk scrubbing events. All the components in the as a pilot study on data analyticson big dataof smart grids. Keywords: . eventof disruption of power, storageservers containing terabytes of dataare scanned.
SAS® and Hadoop Technology: Overview SAS Help Center
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19SAS functionality such as SAS EventStream Processing, SAS Federation Server, . Hadoopaccomplishes two tasks: massive data storageand distributed processing. analysiswithout having to write MapReduceprograms.
Hadoop for the Enterprise: Making Data Management SAS
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companys research-oriented publications, services, and events. . Hadoopis not just a storageplatform for big data; its also a computational platform for This makes Hadoopideal for firms that wish to compete on analytics, as well as retain.
Weather Prediction Based on Big Data Using IJARCCE
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weather analysisby Hadoopmap reduce framework the output of result consists of, minimum temperature, maximum which is storedin the National Climatic DataCentre. (NCDC). To be able to provide schedule the events basedon this.
hsla: heterogeneous storage-tier log analyzer over hadoop
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May 31Keywords: Hadoop, HDFS, Log analysis, Storage-tier, heterogeneous node. 1. and dataflow eventtraces and analyzedevice-to-.
Trend Analysis of E-Commerce Data using Hadoop Ecosystem
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Trend analysisis often used to estimate future events, it could be used to Keywords. Trend Analysis, E-Commerce data, Apache Hadoop, Hive. 1. . Dealing with big datarequires two things Inexpensive, reliable storageand new tools for
Running a typical ROOT HEP analysis on Hadoop/MapReduce
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on the nodes where datais stored. Map: processes a chunk of the dataset, analysing it eventby event Datacan be storedon the Hadoopcluster without.
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Hadoop,the power quality big data storage and analysis The low density of datasvalue. In the case of sag event analysis. Sag eventsnot happen very regular
Using MapReduce for High Energy Physics Data Analysis
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ment and compared to data analysiswith the Parallel ROOT. Facility (PROOF). the nodes where event datais stored, Hadoopneeds to know where particular
Big Data Techniques for Efficient Storage and IJRASET
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tremendously, Weather Forecasting seems to be built on Big Data Analytics. The accuracy of Weather of the weather channels and this raw datais storedin the cluster. A meteorologist is . eventof dataloss or the failure of a cluster node.
MySQL and Hadoop: Big Data Integration
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their approach to Big Data analytics Runs on commodity servers, handle storageand processing . Fetch the row insert eventsoccurring on the master.
Hadoop-based Framework for Information SciTePress
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Social data analysisbecomes a real business requirement regarding the However, their volume, velocity and variety are challenging their storageand processing. In coupled Hadoopclusters for entity recognition and eventsextraction.
Hadoop Oracle
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There are many ways to process and analyzelarge volumes of datain a . Hadoop data storedin HDFScan be accessed from inside the Oracle Database by using In the eventthat you need to process some datafrom Hadoopbefore it can Nov 1for big data analysisof synchronised harmonics in distribution networks. The proposed . HDFS- based data storagearchitecture and MapReduce- based for fast eventdetection on massive PMU data, IEEE Trans.
Healthcare Big Data Analysis using Hadoop MapReduce
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Mar 9 storage, management, analysisand visualization. Hadoopis an Apache The aim of the study is to analysisof healthcare big datadomain including . why certain eventsare occurred and to identify the factors of triggering of
Big Data Framework for Synchrophasor Data Analysis North
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May 8Develop a framework for PMU big data analysis ( HDFS). PySpark. Eventdetection. REST API. Spark. Parquet PMU Data storedin PDAT.
Securing Hadoop: Security Recommendations for Securosis
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Mar 21enterprises can build and deploy Hadoop- basedapplications. Hortonworks Big datahas transformed data analytics providing scale, performance, and flexibility .. You need an activity record, usually from an eventlog. .. It should address a security threat to the Hadoopcluster or data storedwithin it.
Getting Real Value from Real-time Streaming Analytics
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the activity of existing sources, storage, and enterprise systems. Real-time analyticsis processing that Big Data analysishas witnessed so far. In traditional
De-Identified Personal Health Care System Using Hadoop
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The use of medical Big Datais increasingly popular in health care Hadoopis open-source distributed data storage and analysisframe work . regulatory compliance necessities and provide risk less harbor within the eventof a databreach.
IBM Cloud Object Storage for Hadoop
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dataexplosion is accelerating, and enterprises are challenged to analyzeand store a growing File System ( HDFS), the default storageplatform for Hadoop datasets, can be inherently . You can access these files in the eventof a disaster
Big Data Analysis and Storage IEOM
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analysis, Storage, Transport and processing the datausing the existing traditional techniques. Moreover, we discuss Data Storageand Big DataManagement and Storage. Then . networks, GPS dataor sensors events).