it information technology security

information technology security is the protection of computer systems and networks from the theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.

IT security review: Privacy, protection, access control, assurance and system security
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Computer security is a branch of technology known as information security as applied to computers and networks. The objective of computer security includes protection of information and property from theft, corruption, or natural disaster, while allowing the

IT Security Strategies for SMEs
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Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is leaning more on their information technology ( IT ) infrastructure but they lack the means to secure it appropriately due to financial restrictions, limited resources, and adequate know-how. Many SME managers believe that IT security in

Tele-Lab IT – Security : an Architecture for an online virtual IT Security Lab.
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Abstract Recently, Awareness Creation in terms of IT security has become a big thing not only for enterprises. Campaigns for pupils try to highlight the importance of IT security even in the users early years. Common practices in security education as seen in computer Increased interconnectivity among computers enabled by networking technologies has boosted the scale and scope of information technology ( IT ) related crimes (Denning 2000). Open access nature of the networked world that facilitates easy exchange of information

The adoption of IT security standards in a healthcare environment
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Security is a vital part of daily life to Hospitals that need to ensure that the information is adequately secured. In Portugal, more CIOs are seeking that their hospital IS departments are properly protecting information assets from security threats. It is imperative to take

IT Security Investment and Gordon-Loebs 1/e Rule.
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Proliferation of modern information technology over the past decades was one of the leading causes of productivity growth in the US and worldwide. Appreciation of this fact lead to a surge of interest to economic aspects of this phenomenon. In particular, the economic

Foundations of IT Security
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The word security has by its nature a negative feel to it . Security is, after all, only applied when there is reason to: when there is a risk that things will not go as they should. In this book various topics about IT security are mentioned, as simply as possible because IT

Human, Organizational and Technological Challenges of Implementing IT Security in Organizations.
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Our qualitative research provides a comprehensive list of challenges to the practice of IT security within organizations, including the interplay between human, organizational, and technical factors. We validate and extend prior work through an integration of these

IT security research and education in synergy
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This paper presents experience from laboratory projects performed by students in Applied Computer Security , a course given at Chalmers University of Technology. From this, we conclude that the combination of security research and education results in a synergy that The protection of safety-critical and infrastructure systems (such as automation systems for utilities, but also for manufacturing plants) against electronic and communication network based attacks becomes more and more important. This paper examines how such

IT security for industrial control systems: Requirements specification and performance testing
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ABSTRACT The United States Government as well as the industrial controls sector has come to realize that securing computer systems that control industrial production and distribution is vital to the protection of key components of its critical infrastructure and the

An Offensive Approach to Teaching Information Security : Aachen Summer School Applied IT Security
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There is a general consensus that courses on data security at university degree level should be research-oriented and teach fundamentals of the field, ie, items of long-term knowledge in contrast to technology-oriented system knowledge. Unfortunately, this consensus often

Assessing IT security culture: system administrator and end-user perspectives
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Appropriate understanding and acceptance of IT security should now be regarded as an essential requirement within any modern business. Although a number of previous studies have been published that assess organizational attitudes, the respondents have typically

IT security and e-banking in Nigeria
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This study looks into Information technology security and e-banking in the Nigeria banking industry. A total of forty customers were sampled from nine different banks in Nigeria using accidental sampling method and questionnaire was used as data collection instrument

Organizational adoption of cyber insurance instruments in IT security risk management: a modeling approach
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Cyber insurance can be an effective instrument to transfer cyber risk and complement the benefits from technological controls that guard the IS (information and network) assets in organizations. This research attempts to identify the factors that could explain the proclivity of

IT security as risk management: A research perspective
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Computer Science IBM Research Report IT Security as Risk Management: A Research Perspective Pau-Chen Cheng, Pankaj Rohatgi IBM Research Division Thomas J. Watson Research Center PO Box 704 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Research

Use of Persuasive technology to change end users IT security aware behavior: a pilot study
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Persuasive technology has been applied in marketing, health, environmental conservation, safety and other domains and is found to be quite effective in changing peoples attitude and behaviours. This research extends the application domains of persuasive technology to

Russian IT Security Certification Scheme: Steps Toward Common Criteria Approach
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This paper is dedicated to the Russian IT Security Certification Scheme; it shortly describes history, structure and features of the Scheme, provides statistics of certification tests administered and information about certification scheme evolution in view of the Common

IT security strategy: Is your health care organization doing everything it can to protect patient information
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With the integration of electronic health records (EHRs) into the health care industry, the security of patient information is vital to the success of all health care organizations. EHRs allow health care systems to store and retrieve patient information electronically versus

IT Security Risk Analysis based on Business Process Models enhanced with Security Requirements.
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Traditional risk analysis approaches are based on events, probabilities and impacts. They are complex, time-consuming, and costly, and have limitations regarding the data and assessment quality: First, security events have to be identified often without much