java Servlets

Java developers guide to servlets and JSP
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Java Servlets versus CGI
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The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) was the first attempt to enable the creation of dynamic HTML pages which represent a very suitable concept to meet the requirements of web- based applications for remote data analysis (RDA). CGI scripts are still popular, but by now

JSP and Servlets in Java
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The paper presents an approach for statically reasoning about the behavior of Web applications that are developed using Java Servlets and JSP. it basically depicts the use of java server pages as well as servlets in building a web application in j2ee. We will be

Static Analysis for Java Servlets and JSP
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Page 1. Static Analysis for Java Servlets and JSP Christian Kirkegaard Anders Møller BRICS, University of Aarhus Page 2. 2 / 12 Java Servlets and JSP A powerful framework for Web application development Communication using HTTP: JSP pages are compiled into servlets

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The Internet has brought about the invention of many new technologies and this enormous development has inuenced or will definitely inuence every walk of life including education. This has increased both opportunities and challenges to everyone in higher education

Server-Side Scripting With Databases using ASP, PHP, Cold Fusion and Java Servlets
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The development of Dynamic Web Applications constitutes a mandatory study topic for professionals and students involved with the software development, keeping in mind that organizations request its presence in the Web with the purpose of developing electronic

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If we take a brief look at the history of the World Wide Web (WWW) we could spot a strong tendency of moving from static Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) pages to a more dynamic and interactive environment which allows system-user interactions, database

ORAC: An RDF/OWL metadata store using MySQL for persistence, Java servlets for interface, and Jena for modeling
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While much of the promise of the Semantic Web lies in creators describing their own content, much of it surely also lies in the ability to describe other peoples content. Since these descriptions cannot be attached to the content, a centralized server for metadata is needed

Java servlet specification version 2.3
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Page 15. 15 Preface This document is the Java Servlet Specification, version 2.4. The standard for the Java Servlet API is described herein. SRV.P.1 Additional Sources Where the specification leaves im- plementation of a particular feature open to interpretation, implementors may use the

Java Servlet API Specification
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This document, the JavaTM Servlet API Specification, describes Version 2.1 of the Java Servlet API. In addition to this specification, the Java Servlet API has Javadoc documentation and a reference implementation available for public download at the following location

Service composition in IMS using Java EE SIP servlet containers
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In consumer-driven markets, stiff competition forces operators to complement standard mass- market services with personalized consumer offerings. And because consumer interest is always shifting to new areas, operators should consider increasing their capability to offer a

Java Servlet Specification
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Building a high performance Java servlet e-business application using Jserver and Oracle workflow
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It is estimated that business to business E commerce will reach US $2.8 trillion by 2003. Attracted by dramatic returns on investment, E commerce is a key component of nine out of ten companies, business plans. At CERN, in the heart of Europe, we believe that the first

Integrating JabberBeans with Java Servlet Technology
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Open Source technologies are interesting in that they allow free experimentation and integration by anyone, anywhere. The Jabber system and the Jakarta Tomcat server are two such examples. In this technical report, the integration of JabberBeans code with servlet

Java SIP Servlet API Specification
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This document is based upon the Java Servlet Specification, v2. 2 from Sun Microsystems and this document makes many references to it. James Duncan Davidson and Danny Coward wrote the Servlet Specification document. We would like to them for providing an

Pace Web Server: A Pure Java Web Server with a Servlet Container
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The Internet has had a profound impact on almost all facets of life both for the individual as well as for businesses. It has transformed how business is conducted all over the world. For individuals from employees to students it has provided a rich treasure trove of information

Solutions for a Secure Java Servlet Development
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A web application contains resources that can be accessed by many users. These resources often traverse unprotected, open networks such as the Internet. In such an environment, a substantial number of web applications will have security requirements. Although the quality