mobile computing 2021
Programming Agent-based Mobile Apps: The JaCa-Android Framework
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Agent-based technologies applied in the context of mobile computing started with mobile agent (MA) technologies [ 1 1 28]. First con- crete examples in agent literature include 3APL-M [17] 2001. Mobile agent middleware for mobile computing
A Machine Learning based Context-aware Prediction Framework for Edge Computing Environments.
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A survey on engineering approaches for self-adaptive systems. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 1 184 206. Kumar, J., and Singh, AK (2018) Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2018. Liu, B., Guo, J., Li, C., and Luo, Y. (2020) P. Zheng and L. Li, smart phone next generation mobile computing 1st ed. Oxford: Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 6- His research interests include web and mobile computing 4IR, wireless communication, software development, system simulations and signal processing
The Review of Mobile Applications and Wireless Technologies in Sustaining K-12 Schools during COVID-19.
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Standardization Advances for Cellular and Wi-Fi Coexistence in the Unlicensed 5 and 6 GHz Bands. GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications, vol. 2 no. Aug. 20 pp. 5 15. March 20 doi:10.1145/3417084.3417086. 5. Akpakwu, GA, et al
A Hybrid Graphical User Authentication Scheme in Mobile Cloud Computing Environments.
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User authentication is a critical security requirement for accessing resources in cloud computing systems. A text-based password is a standard user authentication way and it is still extensively used so far. However, textual passwords are difficult to remember, which
A Survey Based Study on Fog Computing Awareness
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vol. no. pp. 22-2 2018. P. Bellavista, J. Berrocal, A. Corradi, SK Das, L. Foschini and A. Zanni, A Survey on fog computing for the Internet of Things, Pervasive and Mobile Computing vol. 5 pp. 71-9 2018. AV
Cross-Platform Mobile App Development in Industry: A Multiple Case-Study
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Cross-platform frameworks for mobile application development are pervasive and allow developers to build applications that can operate on a spectrum of mobile platforms. With the high availability of such frameworks, it is imperative to give better understanding about the
A novel fog computing approach for minimization of latency in healthcare using machine learning
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Kao et al. [23] introduced the time-critical data analysis in mobile computing for latency minimization the author presented a novel technique with the name of Hermes. The optimization technique based on NP-hard is used for the task data. Li et alAbstract With the development of mobile edge computing (MEC), some late-model application technologies, such as self-driving, augmented reality (AR) and traffic perception, emerge as the times require. Nevertheless, the
Graph model of Fog Computing system
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The graph model of calculations will allow bringing effectively computing power Fog to the mobile user N. Abbas, Y. Zhang, A. Taherkordi, T. Skeie, Mobile edge computing : A survey, IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (2017) 450 465. doi:10.1109/JIOT.2017.2750180
Structure-aware reinforcement learning for node-overload protection in mobile edge computing
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Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) refers to the concept of placing computational capability at the edge of the network to reduce the latency in handling the client requests. The performance of an edge server is adversely affected when it is overloaded, especially if it
Robust machine learning-enabled routing for highly mobile vehicular networks with PARRoT in ns-3
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In Proceedings of the 6th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking. New York, NY, USA, 243 254. [17] Muhammad Khan and Kok-Lim Yau Second IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications. New Orleans, LA, USA, 90 100
Design of Environmental Perception System Based on Edge Computing
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M. Satyanarayanan, P. Bahl, N. Davies, The case for VM-based cloudlets in mobile computing IEEE Pervasive Computing 8(4)(2009) 14-23 320-323. Y. Mao, J. Zhang, K.-B. Letaief, Dynamic computation offloading for mobileedge computing with energy harvesting
Mobile and Intelligent Sensing for Video Watermarking Using Spectral Centroid and Haar Wavelet Transformation on High Performace Computing
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Some technologies are technologically advanced to provide security from illegal copying. Two complementary methods are encryption and watermarking. Encryption safeguards the information throughout the communication from the sender to the receiver. The data might
Cuckoo-Neural Approach for Secure Execution and Energy Management in Mobile Cloud Computing
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Along with an explosive growth in mobile applications and the emergence of the concept of cloud computing in mobile cloud computing (MCC) has been familiarized as a potential technology for mobile users. Employing MCC to enable mobile users to realize the benefits
Are There Mobile Applications Related to Nail Disorders
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REFERENCES 1. Wallace S, Clark M, White J. Its on my iPhone: attitudes to the use of mobile computing devices in medical education, a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open. 2012;2:e001099. 2. ODea S. Number of smartphoneKeywords: Edge Computing ; Fog Computing ; Internet of Things; Mobile edge computing ; [26] HT Dinh, C. Lee, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, A survey of mobile cloud computing : architecture applications and approaches, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Wearable IoT based Distributed Framework for Ubiquitous Computing
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Cloudlet, Fog computing mobile edge computing and transparent computing IoT based paradigms are compared with the proposed model to verify its reliability using mobile and wearable sensors. In International Conference on Computing of e-learning education development paradigm, providing numerous benefits such as strengthening learning and knowledge transmission, enabling better access to curriculum of education and training, cost reduction and ubiquitous utilization of mobile computing platform
An Overview of Advantages and Security Challenges of Cloud Computing
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International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing A Monthly Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology IJCSMC, Vol [20]. Vijay Kumar, Brief Review on Cloud Computing , International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing vol
Novel Dynamic Scaling (NDS) Algorithm to Balance Energy Level in Eiot For Efficient Cloud Computing Process
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The smart devices like mobile phones, Bluetooths, wearable smart devices perform internetworking using emerging IoT devices [ 2]. At present, sensors, RFID embedded with smart devices and connected to network forms mobile computing more popular
Improving Student Learning and Engagement by Integrating Mobile Technology and Rebuttal Writing in Teachers Feedback
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Nonetheless, despite the advantages presented concerning mobile computing technology use in order to elevate diverse teaching methods, academic achievements, feedback provision, and computer accessibility, researchers reported mixed results with respect to the In: 7th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM), pp In: Eighth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), pp. 139 145 Mobile Web infrastructure, remote communication, and networking can cause data and other delays Fuzzy Assisted Fog and Cloud Computing (FAFCC) with MIoT devices become the most favored traditional healthcare surveillance system approachAbstract We present a calculus of Higher-Order Mobile Embedded Resources (Homer), extending Thomsens Plain CHOCS, a higher-order calculus with local names, to allow for strongly mobile computing resources in nested locationsInternational Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing . AZ Alqadi, Mohammed K Abu Zalata, Ghazi M Qaryouti, Comparative analysis of color image steganography, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing vol. issue 1 ppEasy availability of mobile computing devices has facilitated online shopping and mobile payment is gaining popularity (Thakur Srivastava; Dahlberg, Guo, Ondrus; Li bana-Cabanillas, Sánchez- Fernández, Muñoz-Leiva; Perez, Zeadally, Jabeur
Code-Level Dark Patterns: Exploring Ad Networks Misleading Code Samples with Negative Consequences for Users
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2021. MAdLens: Investigating into Android In-App Ad Practice at API Granularity. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 3 (2021), 1138 1155 In Proceedings of the Twelfth Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems Applications (San Diego, California) (HotMobile2.5. Cloud Applications Cloud is being used in almost all areas be it Healthcare, Energy System, Transportation System, Manufacturing Industry, Government Sector, Education and Mobile Communication. Some important areas of cloud computing are discussed below
Factors Affecting the Decision of Adoption Cloud Computing Technology: The Case of Jordanian Business Organizations
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and compliance. As in the cloud computing mechanism, data are divided into various locations of machines like PCs, mobile phones, servers, and storage devices, the problem of data security converts more serious. The study
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The objectives of this research are performance analysis, characterization, design and development of compact wearable Micro Strip Patch Antennas for various wireless applications includes tracking and navigation, mobile computing and public safetyChapter 2 aims to critically present a comprehensive literature to review the mobile computing for enhanced living environments and mobile health applications published from to 2020. The main contribution of this paper
Application of Soft Computing Approach in Seven-segment Display Hardware as Applied to Business Strategies
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situated displays and home appliances. Mobile phones usage interface for ubiquitous computing applications signage. Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing 8(1), pp.1-128. 4. Ahn, S., Song, S., Yang, J., Oh, H. and Choi, JK, 201 October
Cloud and Edge Computing Security Challenges, Demands, Known Threats, and Vulnerabilities
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computing : Fog Computing , Cloudlets , and Mobile Edge Computing . Cloud and edge computing have carried as many gains as much other technology on the advanced computing area such as Mobile Edge computing that concentrates on special app areas
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Max. Marks Credit points CA CE Total Fifth Semester PART III 14ITU25 Web Technology 3 25 75 100 3 14ITU26 Operating System 3 25 75 100 3 14ITU27 Mobile Computing 3 25 75 100 4 14ITU28 TCP/IP Protocol suite- 100- 100 3 14ITU29A 14ITU29B
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A framework for knowledge discovery from wireless sensor networks in rural environments: a crop irrigation systems case study. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2018. 6. Bader, S. (2011) Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2018. 15
A Survey on Secure Fog- Computing Infrastructure for Internet of Vehicles
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of Vehicle Environment, IEEE Access,vol no- pp 19239 1924 201 DOI:10.1109/ACCESS. 2017.2752420 Shanhe Yi, Cheng Li, Qun Li, A Survey of Fog Computing : Concepts, Applications and Issues, Mobidata 15: proceedings of the Workshop on Mobile Big Data
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References S. Singh, M. Woo, and CS Raghavendra 199 Power- aware routing in mobile ad hoc networks. In Proceedings of the 4th Annual ACM/IEEE international Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Dallas, Texas, United States, October 25 1998)
free download JMESSP13420758 3866 communications. Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 32(11): 54-58. 10 Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 11(15): 54-57. 13. Gandotra, P. and Jha, R. (2016)
Chaotic Searchable Mobile Cloud Storage Encryption
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Journal of Xian University of Architecture Technology Volume XIII, Issue I ISSN No : 1006-7930 Page No: 140 Page 3. distantly put away encoded information in mobile distributed computing applications. Numerous methodologies are proposed to empower fuzzy hunt