mobile search engine

The page you need is indexed by a software known as web crawler. A web crawler gathers pages from the web and then, indexes them in a methodical and automated manner to support search engine queries. Crawlers would also help in validating HTML codes and checking links.

Development and evaluation of the WithAir mobile search engine
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This paper describes a novel search engine , WithAir that provides contents retrieval for i- mode, the most popular cell-phone service in Japan. WithAir allows users to complete typical search tasks with 4.4 keystrokes on average through keyword/purpose-predictive

Efficiency improvement of e-learning document search engine for mobile browser
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E-Learning document is one of the contents usually searched by people in the education area especially in the university. Searching specific content is not easy for common user of search engine . Sometimes user frustrates on searching something if they cannot find it in the

User-centered solution to detect near-duplicate pages on mobile search engine
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We revisit how to detect near-duplicate pages, but discuss it on emerging mobile search engine . Compared with search engine available to PC users, duplicate pages are more annoying to the users of mobile search engine considering the slower access speed, more

A Survey on a Personalized Mobile Search Engine
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In todays world internet technology growing rapidly and people used internet on their mobile phones, desktops or laptops etc. for various purposes using various search engines which are not personalized. Personalized search engines catches user location and gives

An ontology based personalised mobile search engine
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As the amount of Web information grows rapidly, Search engines must be able to retrieve information according to the users preference. In this paper, we propose Ontology Based Personalised Mobile Search Engine (OBPMSE) that captures user‟ s interest and

Phonebook Search Engine for Mobile P2P Social Networks.
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Search engines generally lack the trust and personalization dimension needed for recommender systems to answer questions like: I need a reliable plumber close to my house . In order to obtain personalization, social relevance, and a decent amount of privacy

Implementation Of Android Based Mobile Phone Search Engine And Live Image Sender
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In present available Mobile phone platforms is Android, Motion research, Apple iPhone OS and Symbian. Android mobile phones are the second huge OS threw 2015. Linux s/w used in android which work on admittance the essential regulations requested by the user. The

Personalized Mobile search engine with GPCA Algorithm
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We proposed a search engine that captures clickthrough data with time preferences which improves personalization more effective. User behavior is collected with content (user query), location (using GPS) and time of query. Timing information is collected so that user

Personalized Mobile Search Engine
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In today s world we need everything in our hands and fast. In this paper we propose as system which helps the user to search the data he wants on the World Wide Web using his smart phone and based on the user s current location the search results would vary as the

Efficient robust interactive person-alized mobile search engine
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ABSTRACT Technology and its Service Based cluster mechanism plays the most important role in the building the Technology in better and smarter way to implement the best of technological advancement. In the Context of recent era where Mobile plays like a pc or we

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Mobile based search engine the major problem is that the interaction between mobile users and search results are managed by small numeral of factors in the mobile phones In order to manage these problem collect user query and their relevant result to satisfy the user profile

PMSE: Private Mobile Search Engine
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Users priority in the form of concept by mining their clickthrough data is confined by Private mobile search engine (PMSE). Information about area in mobile search is very important, PMSE categorize these abstraction into content concepts and location concepts. Users

Advanced Content Based Mobile Search Engine
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A personalized search engine that captures the users preferences in the form of concepts by mining their click through data. Due to the value of location information in search , in this technique the user preferences are organized in an ontology-based, versatile user profile

A Search Engine for Personal Mobile
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A personalized mobile search engine (PMSE) that captures the users preferences in the form of concepts by mining their clickthrough data. Due to the importance of location information in mobile search , PMSE classifies these concepts into content concepts and

Personalized Mobile Search Engine Using Hashing Concept
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The main goal of the our system is to search results according to location and content concept with multiple preferences. In our system effort of nearest neighbor algorithm is applied for efficient and effective search result. Personalize Mobile Search Engine System is

Personalized Mobile Search Engine Using Ontologies
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Web search is a frequent activity on Internet connected devices, yet web search is still a nuisance when user is using a mobile device, due to their default keypad and small screen, and that search results could be mostly irrelevant for the user needs given its mobile context

Personalized Mobile Search Engine by GPS
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As the amount of Web information grows rapidly, Search engines must be able to retrieve information according to the users preference. In this paper, we propose Ontology Based Personalized Mobile Search Engine (OBPMSE) that captures user‟ s interest and

Analysis of Personalized Queries in a Mobile Search Engine
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Mobile search engine is a metasearch engine that captures the users preference in the form of concepts by mining their clickthrough data. It extracts the importance of location information in mobile search and classifies these concepts into content concepts and

Retrieving Information by Using Personalized Mobile Search Engine (PMSE)
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In this paper, we give an overview of a personalized mobile search engine (PMSE), which provides area of searching different information from current position. In this technology, Information is access on mobile devices from the current context ie location of the user and

Review On: Advanced and Robust Personalized Mobile Search Engine
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Internet is a fastest growing technology. On every second large amount of information is searched by different people. Thats why the internet becomes the great source of information. But this information consists of many redundant and ambiguous data which is