quantum computing 2021

Why the United States Needs to Support Near-Term Quantum Computing Applications
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Quantum computing leverages principles from quantum mechanics, a branch of physics concerned primarily with the unique behaviors of subatomic particles such as electrons and photons, to enable new, extremely powerful computing architectures. Quantum computers

An Analysis of Ontological Entities to represent Knowledge on Quantum Computing Algorithms and Implementations.
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The field of quantum computing is developing rapidly. As a result, a variety of quantum hardware, software development kits, and quantum algorithms have been developed in recent years. However, knowledge about these artifacts is either not available or spread

Quantum Computing for Efficient Learning in Prototype-based Vector Quantization
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Prototype-based Vector Quantization is one of the key methods in data processing like data compression or interpretable classification learning. Prototype vectors serve as references for data and data classes. The data are given as vectors representing objects by numerical

An Analysis of Quantum Computing Courses Worldwide
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Our research study focuses on other universities curriculum and compared Pace Universitys curriculum to determine how Pace can compete with other leaders in quantum computing . Our descriptive-analytic study was conducted by accessing the syllabi and university

Quantum Computing and Energy Storage Research
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Energy is the most important resource in the modern world. People in developed countries use large amounts of energy for many different purposes, including (but not limited to) lighting, cooking, climate control, transportation, and communication. This energy can be

Lecture 6: Basic applications of quantum computing
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Armed with the knowledge of postulates of quantum mechanics and circuits, we can already understand some applications of quantum computing . In this lecture, we will talk about two of them: first one is called quantum teletportation and other is an algorithm to show quantum

15. Robot cognitive architectures based on quantum computing
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31 15. Robot cognitive architectures based on quantum computing Tutors: Davide Lanza Fulvio Mastrogiovanni Paolo Solinas Department: Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering, University of Genoa Web: www. dibris. unige. it Description: Formalisms

New Classical Simulation Scheme For Quantum Computing Using Analog Circuits
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In this paper, we develop a new classical simulation of a quantum system by use of analog components in order to be able to simulate the quantum properties such as the superposition of states. We introduce the quantum representation of a classical state of an

Phantasy and Reality-Teleportation versus quantum computing
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Application of quantum theory in informatics and creation of quantum information devices have revolutionary changed our idea about the information systems. It seems to us that the only question is that quantum computers will be introduced in the next decade or in somePage 6. Preface Taking a quick look at this book, a reader might think: Oh, here comes another book on quantum computing quantum information theory, and quantum communica- tions! This be partially true. Quantum mechanics

Analysis of Security Solutions for a Post- Quantum World
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With the constant development and breakthroughs in Quantum Computing the security of our current digital ecosystem is in greater and greater danger We then look into the field of Quantum Computing and investigate how this area could greatly affect classical security

A Review on Reversible Computing and its applications on combinational circuits
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Thus, it poses a severe design challenge. Reversible computing plays a vital role in applications like low power CMOS, nanotechnology, quantum computing optical computing digital signal processing, cryptography, computer graphics and many more

Quantum information technologies by implementing hybrid variable resources
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For Photonic quantum computing role of Schr dingers cat state is quite crucial. It works as a qubit for hybrid variable quantum computing applications. Essentially it is a mesoscopic, non-classical and non- Gaussian state which The quantuminspired genetic algorithms are located in the intersection of two sub- fields of computer science: quantum computing and evolutionary computing Thus, states of quantum genes are updated according to the following principle of quantum computing : │ ⌋ ⌉ │with Reduced Ancilla and Garbage Outputs R. Sai Roshan, Shaik Nawaz, Akshitha Vuppala, and JVR Ravindra Abstract Reversible Logic is an emerging field of research which finds its applica- tions in low power computing Nanotechnology and Quantum Computing

Conceptual Framework for Quantum Affective Computing and Its Use in Fusion of Multi-Robot Emotions. Electronics 202 100
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This study presents a modest attempt to interpret, formulate, and manipulate the emotion of robots within the precepts of quantum mechanics. Our proposed framework encodes emotion information as a superposition state, whilst unitary operators are used to manipulate

the Next Generation of Computing
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These fields stand to benefit most from the simulation, optimization and sampling sampling breakthroughs that QC bring. Quantum Computing and Machine Learning applications Page 6 By the Numbers: Quantum Computing and Machine Learning Global Value Chain

Quantum Programming for Market Risks
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Comunytek Consultores ABSTRACT As Quantum Computing grows in popularity, more research is conducted to find areas which could benefit from this new technology 3 2 The Quantum Computing Paradigm 3

toqito–Theory of quantum information toolkit: A Python package for studying quantum information
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Killoran, N., Izaac, J., Quesada, N., Bergholm, V., Amy, M., Weedbrook, C. (2019). Strawberry fields: A software platform for photonic quantum computing . Quantum 129 ProjectQ: An open source software framework for quantum computing . Quantum 49

Number Theoretic Study in Quantum Interactions
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appearing ubiquitously in various quantum systems including cavity and circuit quantum electrodynamics, quantum dots and artificial atoms, with potential applications in quantum information technologies including quantum cryptography and quantum computing (Haroche

C-element Design in Quantum Dot Cellular Automata
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Processing, vol. 3 no. 1 pp. 5236 525 Nov. 2019. HMH Babu, Quantum Computing : A pathway to quantum logic design, IOP Publishing, [Online], Available:

Quantumlike computing
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We propose a scheme for performing quantumlike computational tasks by constructing spinors from constrained vectors. It has been known for a quite long time that quantum computers can perform some tasks better than any classical computer. As an example

Photonic scheme for implementing quantum square root controlled Z gate using phase and intensity encoding of light
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data. The SRCZ gate is very much advantageous in quantum computing . Different Optical quantum computing is enriched with the implementation of various quantum logic gates in different encoding mechanism [21 28]. To attain

Building a quantum kNN classifier with Qiskit: theoretical gains put to practice
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From February to FebruaryI was working on this thesis by investigating quantum computing programming, and documenting my findings 1.3 Quantum computing Before the QkNN can be explained entirely, the subject of quantum computing needs to be introduced

Hamiltonian Simulation using Quantum Autoencoders
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Exploiting the benefits of quantum computing might be used to perform a routine that solves an existing classical problem, with the motivation of achieving a considerable speedup, or a better accuracy in the learning task compared to classical methods

Traditional and Quantum Approaches Against Shors Algorithm: A
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Keywords: Quantum Computing Internet of Things, Blockchain, Avalanche Effect, Cryptography. 1. Introduction However, realizing the full promise of quantum computing like Shors algorithm for factoring, still requires technical leaps to engineer fault-tolerant logical qubits

How I will learn to love organic chemistry through quantum computers
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However, much like Moores law in classical computation, we have seen a yearly doubling of quantum computing power, as measured by how many qubits we can build combined with In terms of subjects, I was responsible for fundamental physics including quantum computing

Post- quantum Security of OAEP Transform.
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1 Introduction The rapid progress on quantum computing and the existence of quantum al- gorithms like Shors algorithm has sparked the necessity of replacing old cryptography with post- quantum cryptography 2.1 Quantum Computing

Evaluating Kyber post- quantum KEM in a mobile application
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1 INTRODUCTION The advancement of quantum computing as evi- denced by the in progress standardization process pro- posed by NIST (PQC-NIST), evolves asymmet- ric key cryptography into the post- quantum cryptog- raphy phase

Flexible entanglement-based secure communication with an AlGaAs chip for quantum networks
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France 4Sorbonne Universit , CNRS, LIP 4 place Jussieu, F-75005 Paris, France (Dated: February 2021) Quantum communication networks enable applications ranging from highly secure communica- tion to clock synchronization and distributed quantum computing

Quantum Rule-Based Systems (QRBS) Models, Architecture and Formal Specification (D6. 2)
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NExt ApplicationS of Quantum Computing In this respect the specific characteristics of quantum computing such as quantum superposition or entaglement, could increase the computational power of our programs and be useful for AI in general, and for RBS in particular

Quantum Computers and Their Applications for Space Exploration and Atmospheric Sciences
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In this paper I briefly go over the history of quantum computing with some important milestones, I explain the reason for exploring quantum computers, followed by basic quantum computation subjects such as qubits, Hadamard gates and quantum tele- portation, and end with novel tools are required to quantify multidimensional issues related to neuronal systems. In quantum computing quantum properties can be used to represent and structure data (stored in terms of qbits), providing an amount of information higher than the clas- sical computers

Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems on a D-Wave Quantum Annealer and Development of Higher Level Hardware Abstraction Layers
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Page 3. Acknowledgments II Abstract The area of quantum computing is a relatively new and promising branch of computation that hopes to provide help especially in the field of non-deterministic polynomial hard problems 1 1.1 The Importance of Quantum Computing

Real-Time Source-Independent Quantum Random Number Generator Based on a Cloud Superconducting Quantum Computer
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Zhi Ma State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing Research Article Keywords: quantum random number generator, source-independent,

Quantum random numbers generated by a cloud superconducting quantum computer
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jp Y. Shikano Quantum Computing Center, Keio University, 3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku, Yokohama 223-852 Japan e-mail: yutaka The present study aims to introduce the idea of statistical tests for random number generators to the field of cloud quantum computing

Linear Cryptanalysis on Quantum Systems
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Linear Cryptanalysis on Quantum Systems 1 Page 4. 1. Abstract Its safe to say that over recent years Quantum Computing is attracting a lot of interest Quantum Computing brings together ideas from classical information theory, computer science, ad quantum physics

A Resource Estimation Framework For Quantum Attacks Against Cryptographic Functions: Recent Developments
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In quantum computing the HHL [28] Quantum Linear System (QLS) algo- rithm can take access to an exponential size matrix A with certain properties, a quantum state |b〉, and computes a quantum state |x〉 such that µA |x〉 = |b〉 in time CO (κ2s2),3 where κ is the condition

An HHL-Based Algorithm for Computing Hitting Probabilities of Quantum Walks
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We present a novel application of the HHL (Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd) algorithm a quantum algorithm solving systems of linear equations in solving an open problem about quantum walks, namely computing hitting (or absorption) probabilities of a general (not only