restoration of digitised paintings

Digital restoration is an option often pursued for delicate and damaged sentimental photographs and documents so that they may be handled and put on display. The Center digitally reproduces pieces on archival paper with archival ink, and can provide a wide range of digital storage options.

Restoration of images is achieved by using various brushes and tools, including the Spot Healing Brush , Clone Stamp Tool , and Healing Brush

Image processing methods for the restoration of digitized paintings
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Several methods have been proposed for detection and removal of cracks in digitized paintings !-51. Cfacks not only deteriorate the quality of painting but also question its authenticity. In this paper, a morphological methodology (MAO) is proposed which is a

Virtual restoration of cracks in digitized image of paintings
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across a painting with age . It is apparent in all older pictures and influences 15(6) 635 646 Haralick R 1983 Ridges and Valleys on Digital Images Computer Vision for the detection and removal of cracks in digitized paintings IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15 (1

Digital image processing techniques for the detection and removal of cracks in digitized paintings
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The methodology has been applied for the virtual restoration of images and was found very effective by restora- tion experts. However, there are certain aspects of the proposed methodology that can be further improved Conf. Digital Signal Processing vol Image Process ., vol

Digital color restoration of old paintings
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7th Int. Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP97), Kiel, Germany, Sept. 1997. S. Haykin, Neural Networks pp. 246 25 1991. A. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing . Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1989.

Crack detection and inpainting for virtual restoration of paintings : The case of the Ghent Altarpiece
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In strong contrast to the medical world, where standardization made common image processing tools possible, it is top-hat) transform, which is defined as the difference between the input image I and 8. The noisy nature of the images as well as the multitude of structures having

Digital image processing of the Ghent Altarpiece: Supporting the paintings study and conservation treatment
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ChAllenGes in The Book of virGin AnnunCiATe Since cracks typically appear in images as very thin and elongated regions, crack inpainting methods are often based on rather [fIg8] (a) parts of the original image (b) the IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE [119] juLy

Virtual restoration of the Ghent Altarpiece using crack detection and inpainting
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load due to the high res- olution of the scans, making it impractical for processing of larger 3]. Note also that our label constrained matching is appli- cable on more complex images containing more 7. Inpainting results of the part of the book: (a) original image (b) result of patch

Restoration of X-ray fluorescence images of hidden paintings
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(d) Close-up of the same section of the corrected image painting recovery application, each of these methods represents a novel contribution to signal processing methodology as well while the problem of separating surface and hidden painting features in the images could be

Digital imaging for cultural heritage preservation: Analysis restoration and reconstruction of ancient artworks
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of information coming from archival sources, 3D scanning, aerial photography, and other imagebased techniques To be accepted by the general public, images and animations must satisfy high of its fragments requires a sound orchestration of geometric data processing and ofSeveral works rely on the damage analysis and restoration of digitized pictures : cracks and craquelures [ 2 pre- processing we apply the Hough transform to the 12 output binary images in order Hough transform is used to represent an image in a parameter space, in this case

Digital image processing and the recording of rock art
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will discuss a particular set of techniques provided by DIP that can overcome the problems inhibiting the use of photography for rock art recording and analysis An approach to the space variant restoration and enhancement of images Digital Image Processing of Rock Art 843

Multispectral imaging for digital painting analysis : a Gauguin case study
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More importantly, this also means that these pictures cannot be compared on a scientific basis Based on these images we can draw the conclusion that the person to which the Gupta, A., Khandelwal, V., Gupta, A., and Srivastava, M., Image processing methods for the

Hyperspectral document image processing : Applications, challenges and future prospects
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and discuss the challenges involved in the acquisition and processing of hyperspectral pattern recognition and machine learning methods to convert document images to symbolic form have been successfully applied to solving different document image analysis problems [12

An integrated system for digital restoration of prehistoric Theran wall paintings
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[25] use interactive hardware to trace fragment boundaries and geometric analysis algorithms to Simultaneous structure and texture image inpainting , IEEE Transactions on Image Processing pp for optimal boundary region segmentation of objects in ND images , ICCV, vol

Image processing and analysis : variational, PDE, wavelet, and stochastic methods
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Noncommutative monoids of occlusive images . J. Math Introduction to Numerical Analysis . Springer-Verlag, New York [294] GD Sullivan, AD Worrall, RW Hockney, and KD Baker. Active contours in medical image processing using a networked SIMD array processor

The value of critical destruction: Evaluating multispectral image processing methods for the analysis of primary historical texts
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It also led to the creation of a large dataset consisting of a series of multispectral images showing both the initial and degraded state of samples from a real manuscript, providing a valuable tool for the However, improvements in image processing and analysis have led to a

Color image processing and applications
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42 1.13 Color Images 345 A. Companion Image Processing Software . . 349 A.1 Image Filtering 350 A.3 Image Transforms

Fast digital image inpainting
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Appeared in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing (VIIP The resulting image was saved and imported into our system The masks used with Figures 9 and 10 were JPEG images containing the corresponding text

Digital heritage
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5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 Introduction Stakeholders and User Requirements Process Flow Digital as 3D Objects 17.4 Progressive Compression of Zoomable Panoramic Images 17.5 Conclusions of-the- art in digital photography, robotic engineering, image processing databases, and

Is there a digital art history
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J Drucker Visual Resources Taylor Francis images are radical remediations, usually several times over scans of pictures of original The materiality of digital images be radically mediated, but digital materiality Digital techniques for image processing and computational analysis are currently modeled according to

Methodology for sustainable digital restoration
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of the object are good enough to be digitised it could be easier to restore its scanned The analysis of the remains, their reconstruction and their digital restoration leaded to a new discussion Then they have been digitally restored in order to show to the public how they should

Decision making, materiality and digitisation : Esteban Villanuevas Basi Revolt Paintings of Ilocos
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In all, the 14 digitised paintings occupy a total of 9GB of file space Areas were selected to represent either an original, intermediate or restoration phase of the painting and Decision making, materiality and digitisation : Esteban Villanuevas Basi Revolt Paintings of Ilocos

Digital image analysis in conservation using historical photographic documentation and standard remote sensing software
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Mots cl s anglais-sujet: Mural painting ; Monitoring; Deterioration; Restoration ; Documentation; Digitisation ; Photography; Painting ; By digitising and running comparative analyses of conventional photographs taken 12 years apart, the aim was to achieve an objective

An optimisation study of colour measurements on digitised slides of painted works of art
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In addition: The digitising procedure was simplified using a high resolution scanner Attention was to the unit value and Rcor, Gcor, Bcor values taken on the digitised colour slide set, XYZ values calculated from the RGB values derived through scanner digitisation using the

The Restoration History of Holbeins Ambassadors
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description than that given below of the technique of The Ambassadors and of other panel paintings by Holbein The removal laid bare the original beautifully painted light green curtain, with its fine XVIth Century pattern 9 Detail of the medallion after cleaning and restoration

Digital heritage
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Images 17.5 Conclusions 17.6 Acknowledgements 17.7 Bibliography 3D VIRTUAL RESTORATION OF POLYCHROME The public desire to cherish and restore historic buildings, and the activities be protected against decay and damage and, wherever possible, restored to

3D Digitisation of Cultural Heritage Copyright Implications of the Methods, Purposes and Collaboration
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P Oruc J. Intell. Prop. Info. Tech. Elec. Com. L. HeinOnline increasing digitisation already4 and it is also the most relevant one for the type of objects that are 3D digitised Part C will discuss the three most common purposes for such projects (making identical copies, restoration and creative uses) and 3D Digitisation of Cultural Heritage

A system for the investigation of cracks
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have produced results of considerable applicative importance in the following cases: restoring the degradations is with an outlook of being able to investigate, study, and restore the digital De Polo, A. (2002) Digital Picture Restoration and Enhancement for Quality Archiving

Unveiling the Invisible Mathematical Approaches for Virtual Image Restoration in the Arts
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With the rapid emergence of digitisation in the arts, however, the arts domain is P. Ricciardi, C.-B. Sch nlieb, Unveiling the invisible: mathematical methods for restoring and interpreting M. De Mey, I. Daubechies, Crack detection and inpainting for virtual restoration of paintings

The national project Digital Library and Digital Archives: Mass digitisation of printed cultural heritage materials in Slovakia
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The article introduces the national project Digital Library and Digital Archives (DIKDA) implemented between and by the Slovak National Library and its partner the Slovak National Archive

Three‐dimensional virtual restoration applied to polychrome sculpture
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A Geary The conservator Taylor Francis colour reinstatement of the transparent green copper resinate over gold leaf, without attempting to restore the deteriorated slider control, allowing the user to gradually cross-fade between the original appearance and a virtually restored A methodology for 3D virtual restoration

Virtual restitution of the parietal decoration in the Sala del Mosaico de los Amores, Cástulo Archaelogical site (Linares, Spain)
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produce a structure to support them and, finally, to virtually study and restore the polychrome However, they were left at an intermediate stage of restoration until the intervention of the out the photographic documentation of the West wall to which the restored fragments belong

Review of geometric and radiometric analyses of paintings
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However, all these listed techniques examine paintings as two‐dimensional objects, basically neglecting any The planar nature of a painting justifies this approach but, in some cases, the are particularly relevant for the correct planning and evaluation of the restoration process

Digital Heritage: Applying Digital Imaging to Cultural Heritage
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The respective chapters are on digitising documents for public access, digitising rare books and Victoria and Albert Museum, digital access to a photographic collection, digitisation in the visualisation of panoramic images over the internet, 3‐D virtual restoration of polychrome

Some experiences in 3D laser scanning for assisting restoration and evaluating damage in Cultural Heritage
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high number of control points for gener- ation of a 3D model of the piece to be restored or surveyed Digitisation of 2D Cultural Heritage is a mature field. The application of 3D laser scanners for assessment and tracking restoration of paintings on differ- ent supports is a subjectThe recorded images are digitised and assembled using Adobe Photoshop or PTGui, resulting in a re-used canvas depicting another scene, ruling out the possibility of a hyper- restoration With point analyses these restored areas would have been avoided, as they would have

Image restoration using multiresolution texture synthesis and image inpainting
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J. De Bonet. Multiresolution Sampling Procedure for Analy- sis and Synthesis of Texture Images . In Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH 97 Conf DJ Heeger and JR Bergen. Pyramid-Based Texture Analysis /Synthesis IEEE Trans. Image Processing 4(11):1496 150[17] DH Johnson, L. Sun, J. Guo, CR Johnson Jr., and E. Hen- driks, Matching canvas weave patterns from processing X- ray images of master paintings in Proc. 35th Int. Conf pp. 97 9 2009. [25] I. Giakoumis, N. Nikolaidis, and I. Pitas, Digital image pro- cessing

Digital image processing algorithms and applications
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the creation of object models from object pictures whereas computer graphics concern cre- ating digital pictures from symbolic Typical digital image sizes are 256 X 256 and 512 X 512 pixels. In the case of color images sampling is per- formed on each channel (red, green, blue

Panselinos Byzantine wall paintings in the Protaton Church, Mount Athos, Greece: a technical examination
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Unlike naked-eye visibility, when the painted images were examined after UV-fluorescence photography, it became possible to Scholar. Chryssoulakis Y., Chassery JM, The Application of Physicochemical Methods of Analysis and Image Processing Techniques to the

Fluorescence lifetime imaging and spectroscopy as tools for nondestructive analysis of works of art
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Therefore such algorithms would be also suitable for real-time data processing The gate of the image detector is set to 100 ns, wide enough to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio of the A set of 12 images is recorded that corresponds to delays of 0, 1 1 40

Statistical models for images : Compression, restoration and synthesis
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Fourier and related represen- tations are widely used in image processing applications A method for the digital en- hancement of unsharp, grainy photographic images Image compression via joint statistical characterization in the wavelet domain

A study on the importance of image processing and its applications
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is the alone experimental technology for: Classification of images Feature extraction Multi-scale signal analysis Pattern recognition Further distinctively, the application of image processing methods for the vehicle detection, from the series of video images as well This set of projects and some of its results are presented here, covering document capture as well as storage management, database consulting or pic ture processing for [23] F. Schmitt: High Quality Digital Color Images , 5th Int Conf on Image Processing Kobe, Japan,This article provides an overview of the literature concerning the automatic analysis of images of printed and handwritten musical scores Fig. 1 figure1. Typical architecture of an OMR processing system. Full size image 4.4a]. Full size image . Image preprocessing Figure 2 shows a good correspondence between the thresholded and the original pictures It can be concluded that computer image processing applied to pitting corrosion evaluation enables better understanding of the process as well as better estimation of its distribution of the liquid crystal layer around a square section column, image of the computer display after segmentation processing (Hue: 45 55) and false colour image processing (ICT), respectively Download : Download full-size image . Fig (a) True-colour images from liquid

Bayesian methods in signal and image processing
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reduction, motion estimation, missing data reconstruction, and model parameter estimation for degraded motion pictures whether and to what extent one can reasonably expect to restore images without taking into account any information about what the image is known has been done for the detection of the inpainting forgery in the presence of other image processing manipulations a compressed inpainted image was recognized by computing and segmenting the averaged sum of absolute difference images between the target image and apieces of information received from a painting are selectively redistributed to more specialized centers for processing from the recent literature; all tests are performed on the current 3410 image database tually oriented and thus it be used for other kind of images (eg natural

Opening Access to collections: the making and using of open digitised cultural content
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Writers Inspire project gathers together and links to openly available eBooks, pictures lectures and rights license, allowing anyone to have access to and reuse the image files, although It is However, making the high-resolution images available under an open license with full

On the detection of cracks in photographic prints
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2.1. Use of color Black-and-white pictures are usually brownish, sepia as an extreme Multiple Paths Extraction in Images Using a Constrained Expanded Trellis, IEEE Trans. Pat Enhancement of Low-Contrast Curvilinear Features in Imagery, IEEE Trans. on Image Proc., Vol

Design for embedded image processing on FPGAs
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the earliest applications of digital image processing was for transmitting digitised newspaper pictures across the Computer vision tends to use a model-based approach to image processing a three-dimensional representation based on one or more two-dimensional images of a

Aesthetics and digital image processing : Representational craft in contemporary astronomy
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After initial interviews we asked to observe how our informants used the image processing equipment in the day-to-day research, and not just the production of popularized images but the in aesthetics we would only be interested in work with false colours and pretty pictures