Serverless computing

Serverless computing is a cloud-computing execution model in which the cloud provider runs the server, and dynamically manages the allocation of machine resources. Pricing is based on the actual amount of resources consumed by an application, rather than on pre-purchased units of capacity

An Evaluation of Open Source Serverless Computing Frameworks.
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Recent advancements in virtualization and software architecture have led to the new paradigm of serverless computing , which allows developers to deploy applications as stateless functions without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Accordingly, a

Addressing Performance Challenges in Serverless Computing
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As a key part of the emerging serverless computing paradigm, Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) platforms allow users to run arbitrary functions without being concerned about operational issues. However, there are several (performance-related) challenges surrounding the state

Evaluation of Serverless Computing Frameworks Based on Kubernetes
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Recent advancements in virtualization and software architectures have led to the birth of the new paradigm of serverless computing . Serverless computing , also known as function-as-a- service, allows developers to deploy functions as comput-ing units without worrying about

Limitations of Serverless Computing
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Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (eg, networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with

HyperFaaS: A Truly Elastic Serverless Computing Framework
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More recently, a new paradigm called serverless computing (Function-as-a-Service or FaaS) has become prevalent, thanks to container-based virtualization. Serverless computing enables a brand new way of building and scaling applications and services by breaking the

Serverless Computing with AWS Lambda
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Serverless models speak to another way to deal with planning applications in the cloud without having to unequivocally arrangement or oversee servers.. e designer specifies capacities with well defined passage and leave focuses, and the cloud supplier handles

Exploring Serverless Computing for Stream Analyticâ‘ 
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This work proposes the ARS (FaaS) serverless framework scheduling and provisioning resources for streaming applications autonomously. It ensures real-time response on unpredictable and fluctuating streaming data. We use a HPC cloud platform as the de facto

The Serverless Data Center: Hardware Disaggregation Meets Serverless Computing
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Serverless computing and hardware disaggregation are recent movements that have progressed largely independently, even though they share a common goal: to shape the future of cloud computing . Serverless computing is a software layer that simplifies cloud

Security Enhancement in Multi Clouds Using Serverless Computing Approach
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Nowadays, in any application specific domain security plays a vital role in the service access environment. Because customers needs to make use of distinct services and resources in an attacks free surface. In cloud computing environment, the security services and portal

Straggler Resilient Serverless Computing Based on Polar Codes
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We propose a serverless computing mechanism for distributed computation based on polar codes. Serverless computing is an emerging cloud based computation model that lets users run their functions on the cloud without provisioning or managing servers. Our proposed

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Cloud computing is moving fast and continually progressing. Beyond the microservices architecture, a new paradigm appears to be evolving and complementing it. By using a serverless computing architecture, faster and more reliable developments are possible in

Companion Guide to Practical Tools for Serverless Computing Tutorial@ UCC 2017
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Note: This transcript contains ready-to-repeat commands for the first successful steps with functions in cloud environments. It is based on a previous one used for PyParis 17. The transcript has been extended in order to capture a larger set of tools. It is by no means

Improving Application Migration to Serverless Computing Platforms: Latency Mitigation with Keep-Alive Workloads
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Serverless computing platforms provide Function (s)-as-a-Service (FaaS) to end users while promising reduced hosting costs, high availability, fault tolerance, and dynamic elasticity for hosting individual functions known as microservices. Serverless Computing environments

Serverless Architecture: the Future of Cloud Computing
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The strategy of software developer to develop software architecture lies in the range of its blueprint or plan via conceptual model to achieving desired target. It is assuredly true that the lack of architecture can make software failure. Good architecture may help to progress a

Serverless computing allows organizations to create a NoOps IT environment that is automated and abstracted from underlying infrastructure, reducing operational costs and allowing businesses to invest in developing new capabilities that add more value, the report found.