software configuration management united states
Software configuration management is the process of identifying and defining the software configuration items in a system, controlling the release and change of these items throughout the system lifecycle, recording and reporting the status of configuration items and change requests, and verifying the completeness
Software configuration management (SCM) is the discipline of controlling the evolution of complex software systems . This chapter surveys tools that support or automate aspects of SCM.
Software Configuration Management Overview CiteSeerX
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What are the 4 main functions of software configuration management What is the process of software configuration management What is configuration management example
Software configuration management
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automated change control. Software configuration management . (SCM) provides a discipline for planning and implementing change.
Software Configuration Management
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Software Configuration Management (SCM) is the process of identifying and defining the SCIs in the system and coordinating the changes made to these items.
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SOFTWARE QUALITY SYSTEMS ENGINEERING PROGRAM. Software Configuration Management Checklist. The following checklist is intended to provide system owners,
Software Configuration Management Plan Introduction
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The primary focus of the Software Configuration Management (SCM) is to identify and control major software changes, ensure that change is being properly.
Software Configuration Management Plan I. Table of Contents
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Software Configuration Management Plan is developed so that we can identify the change, control the change, make sure the plan is implemented correctly and to
Guide to software configuration management
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DOCUMENT TITLE: ESA PSS-05-09 Guide to Software Configuration Management . 2. ISSUE. 3. REVISION 4. DATE. 5. REASON FOR CHANGE.
Software Configuration Management Semantic Scholar
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by A zu Kapitel 1 Configuration Item, Baseline, SCM Directory, Version, Revision Release. ▫ Software Configuration Management Activities. ▫. Promotion Management, Release
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by JA Scott 31 software configuration management (SCM) for the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge. (SWEBOK) project. A breakdown of topics is presented
Version Models for Software Configuration Management
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by R CONRADI 1998 989 After more than 20 years of research and practice in software configuration management (SCM), constructing consistent configurations of versioned software .
Practical development of software configuration management
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by J Taramaa 1998 9 software engineering, software configuration management , embedded software, embedded systems, process improvement, computer programs. Abstract
Software configuration management in agile methods VTT
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Software configuration management (SCM) is known as a method of bringing control to the software development process, and thus, proper application of SCM is a
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Lean Configuration Management for Agile Teams CM Process Increments Overview Software configuration management (SCM) is the task of tracking and
Software and Hardware Configuration Management NASA
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by A DATE 2 NASA Software Engineering Requirements. T2401. Configuration Management Plan (CMP) Template. If any process in this document conflicts with
Configuration Management Fundamentals Department of
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10 CROSSTALK The Journal of Defense Software Engineering. July 2005. Configuration Management Fundamentals. Software Technology Support Center.
Software Configuration Management Resources Steve Berczuk
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He co-authored (with Brad Appleton) the book Software Config – uration Management Patterns: Effective Teamwork, Practical Integration. Software configuration
Software Engineering
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Software configuration management procedures. ▫ Organizational roles and responsibilities. IEEE Standard 730-199 Standard for Software Quality Assurance
Software Configuration Management: A Roadmap ACM
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by J Estublier 339 Software Configuration Management : A Roadmap. Jack>, Estublier. Key Research Pointers. Functionality efficiency. The basic core functions of SCM systems,Software Configuration Management (SCM) is a formal engineering discipline which provides software developers and users with the methods and tools to identify
Software Configuration Management
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2 SCM History. CMMI and SCM. SCM Tools. SCM/Dynamic Systems. SCM/Software Architecture. Resources. Software Configuration Management .
A Configuration Management System for Software Product Lines
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by C Thao 14 there are no software configuration management (SCM) tools that support software product line evolution. Conventional SCM tools are designed to support
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Software Configuration Management is the management and control of all releases and configurations, from design to development to testing, for a COTS DM9 system
Improving change management in software development
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by K Mohan 64 Software configuration management (SCM) and traceability are two prominent practices that support change management in software development.
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operations of EPA Enterprise hardware, software and applicable documentation. 4. BACKGROUND. Configuration Management is an Information Technology
A short introduction to Software Configuration Management
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by L Bendix Software Configuration Management (SCM). Other Software Engineering disciplines like requirements engineering, analysis and design, programming,
Configuration Management Encyclopedia of Life Support
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by PS Brouse 11 configuration audit, software control . Contents. 1. Introduction. 1.1 Definition of Configuration Management . 1.2 History of Configuration Management .
An Investigation on Australian Agile Software Development
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by UK Durrani 6 coexistence of Agile and Software Configuration Management . (SCM) practices, and a very little reporting exists about how practitioners can benefit from
Software Engineering Practice Software Configuration
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T 76.3601 Introduction to Software Engineering Software Configuration Management surface of the software process the things that youll.
Software Architecture, Configuration Management, and
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by A van der Hoek 40 Software architecture, configuration management , and configurable distributed systems are three areas of research that until now have evolved separately.
993754-1-909(NP), Revision 0, Software Configuration
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1 Operations Management i n ve.n s. s. Triconex i. Document: 1993754-1-909 I Title: I Software Configuration Management Plan. Revision:.
Key Requirements for Component Configuration Management
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by IA Qureshi Abstract Component Configuration Management became very important and significant in Software Configuration . Management discipline. By the passage of time
Software Configuration Management: A Discipline with Added
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by T Butler 10 Software Configuration Management : A Discipline with Added Value. Tresa Butler, Verla Standley, Elaine Sullivan. Ogden Air Logistics Center, Technology and
Software Configuration Management
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Software configuration management (SCM), in general, is the monitoring and management of configurations in network devices such as routers, switches,.
Configuration Management
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Software Configuration Management Plan Standard. VA Directive 600 Configuration, Change, and Release Management Programs
Configuration management
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Software Configuration Management (SCM) is a process of tracking and controlling of project changes. Those changes concern source code, documentation,
Tejinder Kaur,Sanjay Bhatnagar, Deepali
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by TKSB Deepali In Software Development. Life Cycle, Configuration Management is generally known as Software Configuration Management . (SCM). In this paper we will discussby A Bartusevics 20 Keywords: Software Configuration Management ; Model-Driven Approach. 1. Introduction. During last few years iterative methodologies for software development
Seven Steps for Choosing Perforce Software
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Selecting a software configuration management (SCM) system isnt easy, especially with the changing face of todays product development arena.
How Cisco IT Uses Software Configuration Management to
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Application change management process improves software quality and developer productivity. Cisco IT Case Study / Business Management / Software Configuration
Configuration Management Control Department of
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IEEE 1042: Guide to Software Configuration Management . Source: The SEI Software Capability Maturity Model. (version 1.1). Professor Truex.
Independent Verification and Validation of SAPHIRE 8
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by K Norris 3.2 Software Configuration Management Plan Document Findings . Software Configuration Management Plan is intended to ensure the content and status of
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Software configuration items are identified, baselined and controlled. 2. A baseline labeling system is established and implemented.
Software Configuration Management Patterns
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by S Berczuk 249 Software Configuration Management Patterns: Effective Teamwork, Practical Integration. By Steve Berczuk with Brad Appleton
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by TTM Liu Software development also reflects this globalization, as do all the processes involved in software development. It is important to understand.
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1 This study investigates the practice of Software Configuration Management (SCM) in Malaysia. A survey was carried out involving three types
The Past, Present, and Future of Configuration Management
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by SA Dart Automated support for configuration management ( CM ) is one aspect of software engineer- ing environments that has progressed over the last 20 years.
Implementation of Software Configuration Management
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by A Bartusevics 1 Abstract Nowadays software configuration management process is not only dilemma which system should be used for version control or how to merge changes
Optimization of Configuration Management Processes DiVA
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by J Kristensson It is common for large corporations to have some sort of software configuration process, use CM software , such as version control tools, and for software .
Proposed Model For Software Configuration Management
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by YS Al-Shaikhly Software Configuration Management . Theoretical Tool. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.
FDICs Information Technology Configuration Management
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The FDIC had established and implemented a number of configuration management controls over its operating system software that were consistent
Configuration Build Management
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Some Terminology. Software Configuration Management . Activities. Outline of a Software Configuration. Management Plan. Build and Release Management.
10 Tips for Simulator Software Configuration Management
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Configuration Management . David LaPointe Always know what software you have management configuration control software build software release
What Is Software Configuration Management
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Slightly more formally, software configuration management (SCM) is a software-engineer- ing discipline comprising the tools and techniques (processes or
Conducting Software Configuration Management Audits ASQ
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1 Software Configuration Management Audits. October 12 1 2017. 26th Annual ASQ Audit Division Conference: The Intercontinental Addison.
Software Configuration Management: State of the Art, State of
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by K Frühauf 20 Software Configuration Management (SCM) is one of the few success stories in Software Engineering. All software organizations admit the importance of SCM as a
Software Configuration Management
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Software Configuration . Management . Source Code Build. Dar Nielsen. 4:30-5:15 Mesquite GH Managing and Maintaining Information.
Configuration Management for Transportation Management
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CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Configuration Management and Transportation large program, all hardware, software , documentation, and the CM plan itself.
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by I Milka Software configuration management is a set of tracking and control activities that are initiated when a software engine- ering project begins and terminates
Software Configuration Management (SCM) Course It worked
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By Dr. Leah Goldin. Introduction: Software configuration management (SCM) procedures define how to record and process proposed software system changes,
Role of Software Configuration Management in Technoarete
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Role of Software Configuration Management in. Software Engineering. Aruna Malik. Department Of Computer Science and Engineering, Galgotias University,
Introduction to Software Configuration Management Iowa
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Software Configuration Management . ▫ SCM is the discipline of organizing and managing the evolution of large and complex software systems [Conradi and
Enterprise Software Configuration Management Solutions for
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Enterprise Software Configuration Management Solutions for Distributed and System z. Trademarks. IBM, the IBM logo, and are trademarks or registered
Little book of Configuration Management.pdf AcqNotes
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THE AIRLIE SOFTWARE COUNCIL. This guidebook is one in a series of guidebooks published by the Software Program Managers Network. (SPMN).
Document: Configuration Management Plan National
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2 This Configuration Management Plan. (CMP) applies to all software , hardware, Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) products, documentation, physical
IEEE Standard for Software Configuration Management Plans
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SCM is a formal engineering discipline that, as part of overall system configuration management , provides the methods and tools to identify and control the
Process-Centred Functionality View of Software Configuration
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The Cabled Array has established processes and procedures for the hardware and software requirements, versions, documents, and drawings. This process includes a
PPS Group Software Configuration Mgmt Procedures
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Purpose. This document describes the file handling process in order to maintain version control over PPS software . There are two aspects to this process:
Chapter 17 on configuration management Mathematics and
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A large software project needs configuration management simply to keep track of the many objects that make up the system, and how to put them together.
Software Configuration Management SCM Patterns
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Software Configuration Management Patterns. Reference Card □ Pattern. Description. Description. Completes. Completes. Complete with.
Templates For Software Configuration Management Documents
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effective, standards-compliant software configuration management (CM). The templates found in this document conform to the software CM requirements
Impact Analysis: An Essential Part of Software Configuration
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by S Church 1 With solutions for software configuration management (SCM), process and workflow management, source code comprehension and analysis, and UNIX/NT
Status Report on Software Configuration Management Impact
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by AL Wolf Software Configuration Management . Impact Study. Alexander L. Wolf. Department of Computer Science. University of Colorado at Boulder
Safety Critical Software Configuration Management Practices
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Software configuration management is necessary to enable large teams to work together in a stable environment, yet still have the.
Datasheet Fujitsu
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walker Software Configuration Manager , es only the configuration management irtual environments. Configuration Manager Express ts configuration information d
The Vesta Approach to Software Configuration Management
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by A Heydon Software Configuration Management . Allan Heydon. Roy Levin. Timothy Mann. Yuan Yu. Systems Research Center. 130 Lytton Avenue.
Comparative Analysis of various Software Configuration
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programming arrangement administration which help for better process in IT association. Software Configuration Management (SCM). 1. Introduction.
Software Configuration Management Software Quality
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Software Configuration Management . Software Quality Assurance. Lawrence Chung conformance to explicitly stated functional performance reqs.
Configuration Management Policy and Procedures (CM-1)
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1 OIT Client Technology Services. 4.3.1. Uses a configuration manager to enforce software standards for end points. 4.3.2. Provides customer
Software Configuration Management in the Context of BPM
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by J Hohwiller Software Configuration Management in the Context of. BPM and SOA. J rg Hohwiller. Capgemini, Offenbach Diethelm Schlegel.
Configuration Management for SAS Software Projects
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In summary, the configuration management architecture of the SAS system must account for text files, data, and metadata. 4. SOURCE CODE CONTROL SYSTEMS. 4.1.
Read Free Software Configuration Guide
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Software Configuration Management an overview Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series Switches Configuration. GuidesPCSX2 The Playstation 2 emulator GuideSCCM
Software Configuration Management and Automated Secure
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Software Configuration Management and Automated. Secure Data Storage for Metrology Processes by Robert Flynn and Schuyler Horky, Electroimpact. INTRODUCTION.
Software Configuration Management Related to Management
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by V Tosic 16 projects, conducted at the Network Management and Arti- ficial Intelligence Lab at Carleton University, related to software configuration management (SCM).
Configuration Management Guidelines
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Hardware and software CM at all stages of the product life-cycle. ▫ Configuration identification and change control. ▫ Configuration tracking, product
Software Configuration Management
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The Role of Software Configuration Management and
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This paper discusses how Software Configuration Management . (SCM) and Capability Maturity Model (CMM) contribute.
Configuration Management and ISO 9001 Software Systems
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by R Bamford 1995 7 The software engineering practices associated with software configura- tion management (SCM or CM ) offer a number of opportunities to address.
SAPHIRE 8 Software Configuration Management Plan INL
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by C Smith SAPHIRE 8 SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION . MANAGEMENT PLAN. January 2010. Idaho National Laboratory. Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415
Implementing And Integrating Product Data Management And
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Software Configuration Management Artech House Computing Library. Implementing And Integrating Product Data Management And.
IOC Software Configuration Management EPICS
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by M Kraimer 2 EPICS IOC Software Configuration Management . Releases 3.13.1 and 3.13.2. Marty Kraimer, Andrew Johnson, Janet Anderson, Ralph Lange. April
Software Configuration Management
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Overview. The Software Configuration Management test measures a candidates knowledge of how to practice the principles of configuration management during
The Evolution of Software Configuration Management World
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Software Configuration Management (SCM) is a discipline in software engineering for managing changes to software products using standard processes and tools
Chapter 22 Emory Biology Department
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Chapter 22. ▫ Software Configuration Management . Slide Set to accompany. Software Engineering: A Practitionerʼs Approach, 7/e by Roger S. Pressman.
Software Configuration Management
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by S derived from Dr Configuration management is the management of features and assurances through control of changes made to hardware, software , firmware, documentation, test
AC 20-01 v1.0 Software Configuration Management Civil
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3.9 Software used for instructions for continued airworthiness. 12. 3.10 Aircraft production test software. 12. 4. Software configuration management .
Model-Driven Software Configuration Management WSEAS
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by A BARTUSEVICS 1 Model-Driven Software Configuration Management and Semantic Web in Applied Software Development. ARTURS BARTUSEVICS, ANDREJS LESOVSKIS, LEONIDS NOVICKIS.
LCA-39-B LSST Camera Configuration Management Plan
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2 Configuration Management Roles and Responsibilities . software configurations match the intended design by verifying the implementation
EAC Decision on Request for Interpretation 2012-03
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marketplace while still meeting the configuration management requirements of time during which a COTS hardware or software product remains attainable to
Software Configuration Management
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1 Software Configuration Management . = keeping order in all components of software product: ⠋ Documents. ⠋ Code. ⠋ Data. ⠋ Environment.