software system 2021
Component Based Software System (CBSS) have become most generalized and popular approach for developing reusable software applications. A software component has different important factors, but reusability is the most citing factor of any software component
Towards a software system for spatio-temporal authorization
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The increasing dependency on digital technology has made the concept of data security an important concern. Not only how information is accessed, but also where and when have become important considerations in cyber-security. Certain situations exist where it is
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Estimation model is key factor to calculate the size of project and in turn estimate the efforts. Based on these efforts project commitment can be provided. However, there is no accurate model which can predict exact size and efforts in new generation projects which are based
Software System and Product Integration Algorithm «Government Project»
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Reasonability of the development of new automated system for semantic data integration basing on analysis of advanced IT resource integration tools and methods is described in this article. Software system and product integration algorithm, called as Government
ERP software system comparison between Odoo and Microsoft Dynamics NAV
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The purpose of the thesis was to compare the two ERP software systems Odoo and Microsoft Dynamics NAV. The thesis sought to find out if Odoo can replace the existing Microsoft Dynamics core functionalities. The commissioner is Lasse Seppänen, a principal
Software and Performance Testing Tools
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Abstract Software Testing be a method, that involves, death penalty of a software system program/application and finding all errors or bugs therein program/application in or- der that the result is going to be a defect-free software system
Data Management Benefits by Increasing Confidence in Datasets Supporting AI and Analytical Tools using Supply Chain Examples (blockchain for software system
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G S OI S I N F OR M A t i ON Sc i E N c ES PI: Tony Kendall (Information Sciences) Arijit Das (Computer Sciences) Bruce Nagy (NAWC, Weapons Division) Avantika Ghosh (Intern, UC Berkley) 5/28/2021 Classification: 1 BC Data Management Benefits by Increasing Confidence in Datasets
bwHealthApp: A Software System to Support Personalized Medicine by Individual Monitoring of Vital Parameters of Outpatients.
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Continuous monitoring of individual vital parameters can provide information for the assessment of ones health and indications of medical problems in the context of personalized medicine. Correlations between parameters and health issues are to be
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org/0000-0001-9707-3481 A software system based on modern computing technologies, computer systems and software has been developed for the implementation of algorithms and models for modeling the security of cloud services with the use of a fuzzy Petri network.(PN)[1
Software Forest: A Visualization of Semantic Similarities in Source Code using a Tree Metaphor.
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of similar semantic. To assist this task we present Software Forest, a novel 2.5D software visualization that enables interactive exploration of semantic similarities within a software system illustrated as a forest. The underlying
Blueprinting of a Normalized Supply Chain Processes: Results in Implementing Normalized Software Systems
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that if an organization wants to develop a software from scratch or implement an existing ERP software for their business needs and if their business processes are normalized and modular then most probably this will yield to a normalized and modular software system that can
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normal development. Although, considering the reusability of software components required extra cost to the normal development, it could efficiently save the cost of the development of new software system . Moreover, using
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Department of Computer Science Northwest Teachers College Lanzhou, Gansu, China ABSTRACT DECISION MAKER is a software system based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process MP/ suggested by TLSeaty. It is designed for IBM PC with a wide range of applications
Software Engineering Testing
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frame. Therefore, in software testing the focus is on identifying tests which allow to assess with the highest probability whether the software system works correct or not. 13 / 44 Page 14. Introduction Real-World Software Testing
Original Paper A Review of Software in Flexible Pavement Design
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KENPAVE software, PaveXpress software Win PAS 12 software, Street Pave, MXROAD Suite, and Infra works software. Using a software system in design will solves the problems of design and analyzing on-road and also eliminate road failure. Keywords
An Enhancement of Software Development Process using Reuse and Visualization Techniques
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In this type of reuse, the components that are retrieved to be reused in new software development were developed normally and the requirements of the new software system were not considered (Al-Badareen, Selamat, Jabar, Din, Turaev)
Using Reverse Engineering in Software Engineering Learning
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skills are grouped as life cycle skill areas (software requirements skills, software design skills, software construction skills, software testing skills and software sustainment skills), and crosscutting skill areas (Software process and life cycle skills, software system engineering skills
Software Testing System Development Based on ISO 29119
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II. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK A. Background of Work 1) Software development Software development is a process or step for developing a software system Reliability is a software system failure rate. Efficiency to perform all functions in the system
A Scaleable Online Programming Platform for Software Engineering Education.
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It is deployed in a scalable state-of-the-art cloud-infrastructure based on a microservice architecture to ensure a stable and extensible software system . Keywords: Software Engineering Education; Online Programming Education Platform; Automatic Assignment Evaluation
Cost Estimation of Software by ANFIS based Artificial Intelligence Approach
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Artificial Intelligence Approach Abstract Estimating the work-effort and the schedule required to develop and/or maintain a software system is one of the most critical activities in managing software projects. Software cost estimation is a challenging task
Ideal Software Computing System and their Realization Opportunity
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A general software system is given in the figure 7.1. While developing any kind of software product, the first and foremost objective is that it must Fig. 7.1: Block diagram of a general software system 7.3. MODEL AND CHARACTERISTICS OF IDEAL SOFTWARE
Improving the Modelling of Human-centric Aspects of Software Systems: A Case Study of Modelling End User Age in Wirefame Designs.
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as well as seniors. Modelling frameworks are methods to represent the way a software system should be defined, and to date, little research has been done on age-related issues within modelling frameworks. In this paper, we
Historical Perspective of Software Refactoring Tools towards Future Solution
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Abstract The present study will explore that for the adaptation of software system we need crucial changes and essential enhancements both at structural and behavioural level 1994. Using Metrics to Evaluate Software System Maintainability. Computer 2 no. 8: 44 49
Adaptive neuro-fuzzy model for assessing the reliability of component software systems Ori Nodirbek Toxirjonovich
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probabilistically as RSYS = (1 probability of failure) In particular, software reliability is defined as the probability that a software system will not fail over a specified period of time in a specified environment. As the complexity
Scalable Software Architectures in Cloud Era
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This work comes with a contribution in this regard, proposing several techniques, concepts and software architecture approaches that can be applied to the design and implementation of a software system involving the management of increased volumes of data, aiming at the
Integration Verification Across Software and Hardware for a Simple Embedded System
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acceptable behaviors of the system. In general, this property should ignore all internal imple- mentation details and only describe what transpired on the hardware- software systems inputs and outputs. As we are only dealing
An Approach to Development of Interactive Adaptive Software Tool to Support Data Analysis Activity.
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The interactive adaptive software system for data analysis is supposed to be utilized by two types of users: administrator and analyst For each of NFR outlined in Table 3 should be given specific formal or even numerical measures to verify future software system
Large-scale Software Critical Success Factors: Watch Them Live!
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1 Introduction This work developes a tool to enable live tracking and monitoring the performance of critical success factors (CSF) during large-scale software system implementation factors during the large-scale software system implementation. CSF Live is developed to collect
A Block-chain Oriented Model Driven Framework for handling Inconsistent Requirements in Global Software Development
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CONCEPTS Software and its engineering; Software organization and properties; Software system structures; Software system models; Model-driven software engineering;
Restructuring Distributed Object-Oriented Software using NeuralNetworks
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Consequently, development teams are created to concentrate on their testing attempt on software system . With the evolution of the software on its swiftness, the system design experienced limitless changes, features get removed integrating current situation, and
A Dynamic and End-to-End Methodology for Software Defect Prediction using Neural Network
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environment. Every one of these movements are called a progression of the software system II. RELATIVE WORKS Software advancement is a necessary movement in the cycle of life in the contemporary software system . During
Software Fault Diagnostic System
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somewhere else. 9. Conclusions Two significant benefits occur if the design knowledge for a software system is available in machine-readable form. First, large software systems are, by their nature, extremely complex. As systems
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4 that can be used to identify vulnerabilities, threats, attacks and countermeasures which could influence a software system . This allows for the anticipation of attacks by understanding how a malicious attacker chooses targets, locates entry points and conducts attacks [9
Introduction to Special Issue on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation.
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We are delighted to present this special issue dedicated to source code analysis and manipulation. Source code is the core of any software system : manually written or generated, textual or visual, it is a fully executable description of a software system
Optimization of Computer-Assisted English Teaching System Under VC Visualization Software
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Figure 5: Optimized design of the client under the VC visualization language. 2.5 Optimized Design of Software Architecture This system adopts three-tier-architecture, a widely used software system development architecture technology based on VC visualization One of the main objectives of the exercise was the test of four different decision support systems. Afterwards, based on that experience, software system called TEVAC (Trans Border Evacuation) has been developed in house by the experts of this institution
DesPat: A Modeling Toolset for Designing and Implementing Software Systems using Design Patterns.
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Page 4. Figure 1: DesPats notation set Figure 2: The modeling editor for DesPat which is depicted in Figure 2. So, for any software system to be modeled, the system be decom- posed into components using simple boxes
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2.2. Impact of accounting software for Business Performance . An accounting software system is essential for producing quality accounting information in a timely manner and communicating that information to decision makers
Software Reliability Prediction Using Various Ensemble Methods
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Reliability is treated as the key factor for the quality of a software system . A number of researches has been per software systems, it becomes easier to find system reliability. Basic Assumptions of NHPP models:- A software system is subject to failure at random
Techniques on Prioritization of Software Testing: A
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6. CONCLUSION There are different methods and techniques used to detect faults in software system but each technique has some disadvantages There are different kind of regression testing each type has unique functionality in software system