cuda IEEE PAPER 2017
CUDA -Accelerated Visual SLAM For UAVs
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Abstract: This thesis explores ORB-SLAM, a popular Visual SLAM method appropriate for UAVs. Visual SLAM is computationally expensive and normally offloaded to computers in research environments. However, large UAVs with greater payload capacity may carry the
A multithreaded algorithm of UAV visual localization based on a 3D model of environment: implementation withCUDAtechnology and CNN filtering of minor
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Abstract Visual based navigation plays an important role in localization and path planning, especially in GPS-denied environments. This paper presents a visual based localization algorithm for a UAV within an indoor environment. The algorithm uses multithreaded
CuSNP: Spiking Neural P Systems Simulators inCUDA
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Abstract. Spiking neural P systems (in short, SN P systems) are models of computation inspired by biological neurons. CuSNP is a project involving sequential (CPU) and parallel (GPU) simulators for SN P systems. In this work, we report the following results: a P-Lingua
Symplectic Multi-Particle Tracking UsingCuda
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Abstract The symplectic tracking model can preserve phase space structure and reduce non physical effects in long term simulation. Though this model is computationally expensive, it is very suitable for parallelization and can be accelerated significantly by using Graphic
Study of Parallel Image Processing with the Implementation of vHGW Algorithm usingCUDAon NVIDIAS GPU Framework
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Abstract-This paper provides an effective study of the implementation of parallel image processing techniques usingCUDAon NVIDIA GPU framework. It also discusses about the major requirements of parallelism in medical image processing techniques. Additional
CUDAAccelerated Visual Egomotion Estimation for Robotic Navigation.
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Abstract: Egomotion estimation is a fundamental issue in structure from motion and autonomous navigation for mobile robots. Several camera motion estimation methods from a set of variable number of image correspondances have been proposed. Five-point methods
Inferring Scheduling Policies of an EmbeddedCUDAGPU
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Abstract Embedded systems augmented with graphics processing units (GPUs) are seeing increased use in safety-critical real-time systems such as autonomous vehicles. Due to monetary cost requirements along with size, weight, and power (SWaP) constraints,
CUDAOptimized dynamic programming search for automatic speech recognition on a GPU platform
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Abstract-In a typical recognition process, there are substantial parallelization challenges in concurrently assessing thousands of alternative interpretations of a speech utterance to find the most probable interpretation. During this process, input signals are converted into
CUDAcompatible GPU as an efficient hardware accelerator for Automatic Subtitle Generation
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Abstract: As avid audiences, we always face the need to find the right subtitle file for a particular video or audio file and these subtitles can be very helpful for deaf and hearing impaired persons as it allows them to perceive acoustic information in an alternative way.
A MMDBM Classifier with CPU andCUDAGPU computing in various sorting procedures
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Abstract: A decision tree classifier called Mixed Mode Database Miner (MMDBM) which is used to classify large number of datasets with large number of attributes is implemented with different types of sorting techniques (quick sort and radix sort) in both Central Processing
Teaching Parallel Programming UsingCUDA : A Case Study
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Abstract-A recent prevailing trend in microprocessor architecture is the constant increase in chip-level parallelism. However, practical parallel processing instruction is made difficult by short-comings in existing platforms. The programming of graphics processing units (GPUs)
OpenACC andCUDAparallelization for the Elasticity Problem in CARP Techreport
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If one compares these two different methods to parallelize the loops, one find in literature [3, page 5] and online information [7], that the use of kernels is to be preferred (gives more freedom for the compiler). But if one tries to execute the program, one find that the
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Summary. In the framework of current study, three implementations of parallel MD algorithms were compared. The first approach was based on design of parallel program for a computer cluster with distributed memory using Message Passing Interface (MPI). The second type of
Improving Efficiency forCUDA -based Volume Rendering by Combining Segmentation and Modified Sampling Strategies
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Abstract The objective of this paper is to present a speed-up method to improve the rendering speed of ray casting at the same time obtaining high-quality images. Ray casting is the most commonly used volume rendering algorithm, and suitable for parallel processing. CSE PROJECTS