data base 2016 IEEE PAPER
GIS data base design, development and flood analysis: A case study of Olpad Taluka of Surat
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ABSTRACT Flood is a natural disaster and almost occurs in every part of the world. India has longest rivers passing from high population density area and during monsoon season, river floods are common in India. Most probable conditions causing floods are outdated or
Shear Strengthening Reinforced Concrete Beams with Externally bonded Fiber-Reinforced Polymer: Updated Data Base
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Abstract:-This paper deals with the shear strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) beams with externally bonded fiber reinforced polymer (EBFRP) composite. Its objectives are to update the existing data base related to the shear strengthening of RC beams with EBFRP
Managing the Knowledge Data Base in Banks
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Abstract: Knowledge is something which has only intrinsic value and its extrinsic value only lies in properly managing and utilizing it. Human being was first living in a agricultural economy and after the breakthrough of technology, human first enter into industrial
Food and Agricultural Data Base
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One of the main features of the GTAP data base is a detailed sectoral classification of agricultural and food products. Twelve sectors within agriculture and eight sectors within the area of food, beverages, and tobacco are identified. This however creates a problem in
Spatial Data Base Creation For Effective Irrigation Management: A Model Study
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Abstract The land use/land cover has been dramatically changing in Asian countries in the last few decades due to the population pressure. Generally, the forested lands have been converted into agricultural lands, as well as the productivity has been improved because
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SUMMARY The GBYP has been effective in stimulating research on Bluefin tuna age determination and stock identification. The data resulting from this research is vital to the assessment of the species but is currently distributed across multiple laboratories.
Thompson's new data-base results
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Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain You may freely distribute the URL
An X-Or Base Image Encryption and Data Security through Higher LSB DataHiding Approach: Result Oriented
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Abstract: This project proposes double layer encryption and double layer hiding which is supposed to give security to the secret images and the secret data. The project speaks of usage of X-or base visual cryptography and higher LSB data hiding method. Visual
DAO: Overcoming Overall Storage Overflow in Base Station-less Sensor Networks Via Energy-Efficient Data Aggregation
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Abstract:Many emerging sensor network applications operate in challenging environments, wherein it is not feasible to install a long-term base station with power plug to collect data. Data generated from such base station-less sensor networks therefore must
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INTRODUCTION Finite element (FE) models are used to reconstruct electrical impedance tomog- raphy (EIT) images from boundary voltage mea- surements. Usually, these models are created by segmenting computer tomography (CT) scans of individual subjects and by
Functional Specifications of the Pavement Integrated Data Base System for Pavement Management
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The functional specifications of the Pavement Integrated Data Base System (PIDBS) of the New York State Thruway Authority are described. The PIDBS serves as the primary mechanism of linking all applications in the domain of pavement management. Its
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ABSTRACT Objectives of this study are to develop a Traffic Accident Analysis System (TAAS) to aid in identification of accident black spots and develop a statistical model to predict traffic accident severity. TAAS was developed as a set of python tools and
Named entity recognition applied on a data base of Medieval Latin charters
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Abstract The work on the named entity recognition (NER) in databases of historical texts has been placed among the most promising new ways to implement best recovery and managements tools for exploring mass data. In this paper, we describe the application
2016 Report on the Regional Input-Output Tables in the GTAP 9.1 Data Base
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The geographical coverage of the GTAP Data Base depends on the Input-Output Table (IOT) statistics contributed by members of the GTAP network. The accuracy of the GTAP Data Base is contingent on the quality of the contributed IOTs. 2 There are three ways in which
Construction of GDyn v. 9 data base
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Construction of GDyn v.9 data baseThe construction of the GDyn data base is described in detail in McDougall et al. (2012). This note describes changes in the data sources used and some other minor modifications
RBINS-OD Nature demonstration of the new Marine Mammal data base
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Marinemammals. be: A resource for marine mammal observations Did you know that the southern North Sea is home to a number of marine mammals, such as harbour porpoises, white-beaked dolphins, and common and grey seals Did you know that species
The Definition of the reliability of identification of complex organic compounds using HPLC and base chromatographic and spectral data
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Abstract In this work a method for determining the reliability of the identification of complex organic compounds using HPLC is proposed. This method is based on the use of Student's statistical criterion. The advantage of this method is reliable identification with values of
On Backup Battery Data in Base Stations of Mobile Networks: Measurement, Analysis, and Optimization
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ABSTRACT Base stations have been massively deployed nowadays to afford the explosive demand to infrastructure-based mobile networking services, including both cellular networks and commercial WiFi access points. To maintain high service availability, backup battery
Big-Data: ACID versus BASE for Database Transactions
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It says that database transactions should be: Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, and Durable. These qualities seem indispensable, and yet they are incompatible with availability and performance in very large systems. For example, suppose you run an online book store
Managing an Index to Data/Knowledge Base
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ABSTRACT In this paper we present an optical approach for managing an index to a very large data/knowledge base. Specifically, our research is focused on optical content addressable memories (OCAM) based on holographic principles. OCAMs offer
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We mainly studied order allocation of logistics service supply chain under the background of big data. According to the characteristic of prediction of big data, designed the two-phase solution of prediction of big data stage and model optimization stage in logistics service
Trustworthy URI Enhancing The Reliability Of Data On The Web Adopting Base64 Encryption
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Abstract To make digital artifacts such as datasets, code, texts, and images verifiable and permanent. Furthermore there is no commonly accepted method to enforce this immutability of digital artifacts. To solve this problem, we propose trusty URIs containing base 64
AgroLD API suite: an API-centric approach towards knowledge extraction in the Agronomic Linked Data knowledge base
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Résumé: Agronomy is an overarching field constituting various research areas such as genetics, plant molecular biology, ecology and earth science. The last several decades has seen the successful development of high-throughput technologies that have
A Method to Detect Large Deletions at Base Pair Level using Next-Generation Sequencing Data
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Abstract. Genomic structural variants (SV) play a significant role in the onset and progression of cancer. Genomic deletions can create oncogenic fusion genes or cause the loss of tumor suppressing gene function which can lead to tumorigenesis by
A Data/Knowledge Base Management Testbed
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Honeywell's Corporate Systems Development Division has been contracted by RADC under the Very Large Parallel Data Flow (VLPDF) program to investigate techniques for the design of data/knowledge base management systems (D/KBMSs). VLPDF is a two year program
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ABSTRACT This project proposes double layer encryption and double layer hiding which is supposed to give security to the secret images and the secret data. The project speaks of usage of X-or base visual cryptography and higher LSB data hiding method. Visual
When a Knowledge Base Is Not Enough: Question Answering over Knowledge Bases with External Text Data
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ABSTRACT One of the major challenges for automated question answering over Knowledge Bases (KBQA) is translating a natural language question to the Knowledge Base (KB) entities and predicates. Previous systems have used a limited amount of training data to
Data Preservation in Base Station-less Sensor Networks: A Game Theoretic Approach
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Abstract. We aim to preserve the large amount of data generated inside base station-less sensor networks with minimum energy cost, while considering that sensor nodes are selfish. Previous research assumed that all the sensor nodes are cooperative and designed a