data encryption IEEE PAPER, IEEE PROJECT
encryption is the process of encoding a message or information in such a way that only authorized parties can access it and those who are not authorized cannot. Encryption does not itself prevent interference, but denies the intelligible content to a would-be interceptor.
Protection of Data Stored in Transparent Database System using Encryption
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In transparent database data are stored at different severs which is easily visible and accessible to every user. End users usually access information through applications that intermediate between the user and the database. These applications provide interface to
A data encryption application: Development Proposal
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This paper follows the development of a particular software which uses a cryptographic algorithm to encrypt and decrypt data . Here, we will us e RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman). The first part of the paper will discuss the mathematics involved in the creation of the keys and in
Hardware Data Encryption Complex Based on Programmable Microcontrollers
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The growing danger of computer crime puts forward a new set of urgent tasks. At the same time, the development of hardware encryption systems can be effective in the solving some of them. To study the hardware possibilities of reducing the probability of unauthorized
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Distributed security is an evolving sub-domain of information and network security. Security applications play a serious role when data exchanging, different volumes of data should be transferred from one site to another safely and at high speed. In this paper, the parallel
A Novel Approach To Secure Big Data Using Attribute Based Honey Encryption .
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on cryptographic techniques to securing big data given by various researchers and practitioners. The available security techniques and approaches have some limitations like high storage and computation cost as well as complexity whereas some encryption techniques are suffering from
Secure Cloud Computing: Data Sharing using Revocable-Storage Identity-based Encryption
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Cloud computing provides a simplest way of data sharing; it provides various benefits to the users. But directly outsourcing the shared data to the cloud server will bring security issues as the data may contain valuable information. Hence, it is necessary to place
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Privacy is one of the most important properties of an information system must satisfy, in which systems the need to share information among different, not trusted entities, the protection of sensible information has a relevant role. Thus privacy is becoming an
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Cloud computing technologies getting importance with a high level in security concern. In a domain of private, public or government organization. It shows new aspect for transparency. The main issue that Cloud computing provides transparency, but sharing of resources at
Performance Analysis of Data Encryption Standard (DES)
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Information security is becoming much more important in data storage and transmission with the fast progression of digital data exchange in electronic way. Cryptography has come up as a solution which plays a vital role in information security system against malicious attacks
Data Encryption using SCT and access control using TRBAC in Cloud Computing for Big Data
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-ABSTRACT- --Cloud Computing is the emerging trend to process different types of data and provide different services, and Big data is the huge source of such data . In this paper we
Data Encryption and Decryption using RF Module
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In this paper, we proposed Data Encryption and Decryption Using RF module. Radio Frequency (RF) is any of the electromagnetic wave frequencies that lie in the range extending from around 3KHz to 300KHz, which includes those frequencies used for
An Enhanced Approach for Data Encryption in Cloud Computing
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The advanced technology specifies cloud computing as a digital facility which is accessed by device over the internet. It renders setup and comfortable way of dealing a huge data essential to run an organization positively. Cloud storage technology acquires additional
Data Encryption and Fragmentation in Autonomous Vehicles using Raspberry Pi 3
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Autonomous vehicles have huge potential in improving road safety and congestion. Towards the road map of full autonomy, each vehicle will be able to communicate with other vehicles within the network of vehicles to improve congestion and notify emergencies. Many
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Cryptography techniques need some algorithms for encryption of data . Many of available encryption techniques are used for textual data , a few of encryption methods are used for multimedia data ; however, this algorithms that are used for textual data be inefficient for
Data Encryption Key Sharing Using Image Pixel Color Value
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Security is required to transmit confidential information over the network. Security is also demanding in wide range of applications. Cryptographic algorithms play a vital role in providing the data security against malicious attacks. Massage communication over internet
A Modified Advanced Encryption Standard for Data Security
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With the continuous development of society and economic progress, when a large amount of data enters the cloud computing system, people will pay more attention to data security. In order to make the stored data in the cloud more secure, according to the characteristics of
Intelligent Data Encryption Scheme for Light Weighted AIoT Enabled Devices.
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Hill cipher scheme for the light-weighted Artificial intelligence-based Internet of Things (AIoT) enabled encrypted device in wireless sensor networks. Hill cipher breaks down easily because the Hill cipher scheme is implemented on the matrix. In this cipher scheme, the
Discussion on Application of Data Encryption Technology in Computer Network Communication Security
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With the rapid development of Chinas economy, no matter the intelligence of science and technology, the degree of information intelligence is constantly deepening. This is the only way for scientific development, but the development of society has gradually proposed
A novel simple and highly secure method for data encryption -decryption
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Data with deferent types are now transferring over the internet and the demands for clouding systems are now increasing Data generated, captured, and replicated are increasing in size and expanding applications. So the need for data encryption -decryption methods became a
Robust Secure Image Reverse Watermarking using Data Encryption Standard RNS
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In the modern field of Internet with the advance development of digital communication, image security is the important concern to store data for communication in various organizations. By the use of cryptography techniques, it provides best strength and reliability
Efficient Data Embedding and Data Encryption in video Stream
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Now days Digital video needs to be stored and processed in an encrypted format to maintain security and privacy. Data hiding in encrypted data without decryption preserves the confidentiality of the data . In addition, it is more efficient without decryption followed by
Research on Application of Data Encryption Technology in Computer Network Security Based on Multivariate Large Data Platform
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Computer network application has become one of the main platforms for enterprises and individuals to process information and data . In the Internet database, users can establish private and exclusive network storage space to save personal files and information The cloud computing (CC) model is diverse as well as has broad phenomena because of which it is being preferred widely. Due to security challenges, the user cannot utilize CC to its full potentials. Storing their sensitive data in an insecure place is not even an option for
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Information/ data hiding is a mechanism which ensures that the presence of the secret data remains undetected. Two types of data hiding techniques are most popular, they are cryptography and steganography. Where cryptography is science of writing secret code and In this paper, single and multiple S-box encryption issues are discussed and a new algorithm is then proposed to solve those issues. As the single S-box encryption completely fails to encrypt the plain image because a single S-box replaces the pixels of the same
HEliOS: Huffman Coding Based Lightweight Encryption Scheme for Data Transmission
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Recent proliferation in data connectivity along with low pricing of hardware devices have enabled smart devices with many applications. These applications tend to stay coherently synced to a cloud server, and enable sharing a diverse range of multimedia and textual data
Hardware Efficient Analog Encryption Methodology for Digital Data Transmission
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Development of numerous low cost micro-controllers with on-chip flash memory and ADC has enabled researchers with limited resources, to implement complex mathematical functions. Cryptography has become an integral part of Digital Communication Systems
Cloud Security Intensification by Client-side Data segregated and Encryption
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Accepted: 20/May/201 Published: 31/May/2019 Abstract-Cloud Computing is a technology that has seen a spurious growth recently and is being deployed for personal as well as business purposes. Cloud computing and analytics across the Internet provide greater pace