dc motor IEEE PAPER 2017
Simulation for Position Control ofDC Motorusing Fuzzy Logic
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Abstract-The purpose of this project is to control the position ofDC Motorby using Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) with MATLAB application. The scope includes the simulation and modeling ofDC motor , fuzzy controller and conventional PID controller as benchmark to the
Comparison between Speed ControlDC MotorUsing Genetic Algorithm and PSO-PID Algorithm
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ABSTRACTDC motorspeed control in this paper genetic algorithm fed with PID controller and particle swarm optimization technique has been compared. The application of particle swarm optimization for adjusting the gains of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller
BrushlessDC MotorControlled by using Internet of Things
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Abstract This paper presents the study and control of the BrushlessDC(BLDC)motorby using IoT. The BLDC drive systems are often used in many industrial applications such as robotics, actuation and manipulators. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the ever growing
Implementation of Chopper Fed Speed Control of Separately ExcitedDC MotorUsing PI Controller
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Abstract: This paper presents a speed control of a separately excitedDC motorby using PI (Proportional Integral). The speed of the separately excitedDC motorcan be varied below and above the rated speed by various speed control techniques. It can be varied above the
Modeling and Simulation of Open Loop Model of Brush LessDC Motorby Using MATLAB Based Software
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ABSTRACT In this paper, an open loop model of a Brushless Direct Current (BLDC)Motor Drive supplied from a two-level voltage source inverter (VSI) under 120-degree conduction mode has been simulated in MATLAB command platform. BLDC motors are currently
Design and Simulation of Luo Converter forDC MotorControl for an Electric Vehicle Applications
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Abstract:DCvoltage provided by battery contains high voltage ripples and it is not constant enough, thus it is not applicable for most devices like electric-vehicle controller.DC - DC converters are employed to attenuate the ripples regardless of change in the load voltage. In
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Abstract: The theoretical knowledge about themotordeigning is not enough to construct the motorin practical world. This paper consists the full process to design the 1 KWdc motor . In this paper the design of a 1KWdc motorwith its all specific parts are done. What consists
Power Factor Correction FedDC Motorwith Bridgeless SEPIC Converter
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In this project, the Single Ended Primary Inductor converter (sepic) is used to achieve high power factor with reduce input ripple current. The power factor correction is suffered from high conduction loss due to input bridge diode. The bridgeless sepic converter is used to
PID Controller Tuning Using Bacteria Foraging based Particle Swarm Optimization (BF-PSO) Technique forDC MotorSystem
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ABSTRACT The Paper Present to design a PID controller by selection of a PID parameters using Bacteria Foraging based Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. The model of aDC motoris used as a plant. The conventional gain tuning of PID controller usually produces a
Detection of short-circuits ofdc motorusing thermographic images, binarization and K-NN classifier
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Original scientific paper Many fault diagnostic methods have been developed in recent years. One of them is thermography. It is a safe and non-invasive method of diagnostic. Fault diagnostic method of incipient states of Direct Currentmotorwas described in the article.
Design and Simulation of Speed Control ofDC Motorusing Chopper
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Abstract: This projects deals with the speed control of separately excitedDC motorwith a high performance manner. There are four different quadrants operation ofDC motor implement. In this project using chopper as a converter, the speed of aDC motoris to be
Sensorless Luenberger Observer Based Sliding Mode Control ofDC Motor
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Abstract-Velocity control ofdc motoris an important issue and a shorter settling time is desired. A sensorless velocity control system fordc motoris developed. The system allows fast and precise speed tracking over a wide range of torque. An adaptive sliding mode
BrushlessDC MotorDrive Using an Isolated-Luo Converter for Power factor correction
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Abstract-A brushlessDC(BLDC)motorhas several application in medical, industrial, aeronautical field. A configuration of Luo converter with high frequency isolation for feeding brushlessDC(BLDC)motordrive with power quality improvements at AC mains is
Fuzzy based Speed Control of BrushlessDC Motorfed Electric Vehicle
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Abstract: The aim of this paper is to provide a system for the speed control of a BrushlessDC motor(BLDC) fed inverter with the electric vehicle. The fuzzy logic technique is used to estimate the speed of the BLDCmotorunder variable and fixed condition of the back-EMF.
Study On Speed Control ofDC MOTORUsing Thyristor
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Abstract-TheDC motoris an main part of equipment in many industrial applications requiring variable speed and load characteristics due to its easy controllability. There are two different types of control loops, current controller and speed controller. ThisDCmotors
Effect of Sliding Variable on Robust Position Control ofDC Motor
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Abstract: The conventional sliding mode control (SMC) is designed for position control of the DC motor , which makes the system highly robust against system parameter such as Coulomb friction torque and unknown payload variations. The main purpose of this work is
Design a Fuzzy Logic Controller for Controlling Position ofDC Motor
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Abstract:-Fuzzy logic provides an accurate controller for controlling the systems when compared to the classical controllers such as a PID controller. In this work, a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) designed to control the position of aDC motor . Themotormodel is
Comparison of Speed Control ofDC Motorusing PID Controller and Various Optimization Techniques a Review
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Abstract: This paper presents a comparative study ondc motorusing different types of controllers, optimization techniques and literature review on speed control ofdc motor .DC motors are widely used in industry applications, robotics and domestic appliances because
Effects of the Feed Forward and Feedback Signals Time Delays on Speed Control ofDC Motor
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Abstract: This paper provides a description of the methodology for achieving the objectives of the effects of feedback and feed forward induced delays on closed loop control systems. The analyses of the effects were carried out using a continuous-time system with PID
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Abstract-This paper presents an overview MATLAB simulation of chopper based speed control ofDC motor . The speed control ofDC motorfor different applications is very important. The speed control strategies ofDC motorplays an important role in the drive
Microcontroller Based Speed Control ofDC Motor
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ABSTRACT Direct current ( DC )motorhas already become an important drive configuration for many applications across a wide range of powers and speeds. The ease of control and excellent performance of theDCmotors will ensure that the number of applications using
Speed Control of Separately ExcitedDC MotorUsing Chopper
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Abstract-The Aim of the paper is to control the separately exciteddc motorby using the IGBT based chopper. The speed of separately exciteddc motorcan be control by changing the armature voltage and changing field flux. Due to this the speed can be controlled for below
DC MotorDrive with P, PI, and Particle Swarm Optimization Speed Controllers
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ABSTRACT This paper implements a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) speed controller for controlling the speed ofDC motor . Also traditional Proportional (P), Proportional-Integral (PI) controller have been developed and simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The
Review on Speed and Direction Control ofDC MotorBy Using Single MOSFET and Two SPDT Relay
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Abstract TheDC motoris backbone of industrial application. in industryDC motoris widely used for speed control and load characteristics theDC motorare used because it provide a reliability, simplicity and low cost. Nowadays a 1phase or 3 phase motors are used but it is
Automated Rationing System by UsingDC Motorthrough an RFID
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ABSTRACT Now a day ration card is very important for every home and used for various field such as family members details, to get gas connection, it act as address proof for various purposes etc. All the people having a ration card to buy the various materials (sugar,
Design of the BrushlessDC MotorDriving System Based on STM32
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Abstract As a mechanical and electrical integration product, brushlessDC motorhas better controllability and wide speed range. According to its characteristics, a brushlessDC motor control system based on STM32F103ZET6 MCU is designed and realized, and then the
Speed Control ofDC Motorusing Fuzzy Logic with Pic Microcontroller
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Abstract: This paper displays knowledge into the speed control ofDCengine utilizing a fuzzy logic controller to meet the fancied speed. Fuzzy logic is a standout amongst the best uses of fuzzy rules in which the factors are semantici. e. linguistic instead of numeric. A fuzzy logic
Control of Speed and Torque of Two QuadrantDC MotorDrive Using Active Buck Boost Invertor
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ABSTRACT In This Paper Wind Systems, A/S which is one of the leading manufacturers of wind turbine systems in the world. The proposal deals withDC - DCconnected offshore wind system. This is a promising technical solution regarding the increasing demand of electrical
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Abstract: The aim of this work is to implement an embedded system for the speed control of a DC motor , using a microcontroller-based development board. The control system is developed around an Arduino Mega board and involves a fuzzy logic system as controller.
Speed Control ofDC MotorUsing Microcontroller
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Abstract This paper presents speed control ofDC motorusing an 8051 series microcontroller. The speed ofDC motoris directly proportional to the voltage applied across its terminals. Hence, if voltage acrossmotorterminal is varied, then speed can also be
Steady State and Transient Analysis of Switched ReluctanceMotorDrive Fed from a Controlled AC- DCRectifier
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Abstract The Theory of operation of switched reluctance motors (SRM) depends on the reluctance torque, where energy is transferred to stator winding only. Although its construction is simple, the electrical design is complex, due to the switching configuration
Advanced Field Weakening Control for Squirrel-Cage InductionMotorin Wide Range ofDC -Link Voltage Conditions
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Abstract This paper proposes a field weakening control method for operating an induction motorwith a variableDCinput voltage condition. In the variableDCvoltage condition such as a battery, the field weakening method are required for the maximum output power. The
Design and Implementation of the Three Phase H-bridgeMotorDrive Controlled by twoDCMotors using PID controller
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The studies about electric wheelchairs have been put forward in 1950. With the considerable development of medical technology and electronic circuitries, many improvements in electric wheelchairs have been offered for disabled or elderly people to
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Abstract-This paper presents a systematic development of the analysis, design, and testing of a insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) controlled separately exciteddc motordrive system. The controlled (IGBT) rectifier provides a low impedance adjustable DC voltage for
Matlab Simulation of Speed Control ofDC Motorby Using Chopper
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Abstract The proposed work express the speed control of separately excitedDC motor using MATLAB Simulation. Basically, chopper is used as converter to control the speed of DC Motor . Chopper firing circuit gets signal from controller and further to achieve desire
Advanced Control Method forDC MotorDrives
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Abstract In this research work, trajectory tracking ofDC motoris established. A hierarchical controller with thedc motorbased on differential flatness and thedc / dcBuck converter is designed. Indc motor , angular velocity tracked from a desired velocity trajectory from the
A Novel Back EMF Zero Crossing Detection of BrushlessDC MotorBased on PWM
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Abstract: In order to solve the problem of the phase delay of the filter capacitor in the traditional back EMF zero crossing detection technology, In this paper, through the PWM pulse regulation of the new back-EMF zero-crossing detection method accurate and reliable
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Abstract Role of electrical drives is a major concern in industrial automation. Industrial applications usedcmotors because the speedtorque relationship can be varied to almost any useful form for bothdc motorand regeneration applications in either direction of rotation.
Design of SEPIC Converter Fed BrushlessDC MotorCUM Solar PV Array
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This paper deals with the design of the SEPIC converter (single ended primary inductance converter) is connected to Brushless Direct Currentmotorthrough VSI (voltage source inverter). The SEPIC converter values have been designed based upon the transfer function
PWM Based Speed Control for aDC Motor
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Abstract This Project is intended to control the speed of aDC motorutilizing PWM control with the 8051 arrangement microcontroller. The speed of theDC motoris specifically corresponding to the voltage connected over its terminals. Subsequently, if the voltage over
Two Input Buck-Buck PWMDC - DCConverter fed Separately ExcitedDC motor : Design, Switch Realization and Simulation
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Abstract: The energy storage unit is one of the most important aspects in structure of hybrid electric vehicle and photo voltaic systems. Two inputDC - DCconverters used in such energy storage unit to improve efficiency, performance and also to reduce cost, component count. In
Design and Implementation of BrushlessDC Motorbased Solar Water Pumping System for Agriculture using Arduino UNO
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Abstract This technical paper focuses about the design and implementation of brushless dc(BLDC)motorbased solar water pumping system for agriculture. The abundant solar energy has been effectively tracked and utilized for powering the water in urban area
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TheDCmotors are in general much more adaptable speed drives than AC motors which are associated with a constant speed rotating field. It is observed that most of the industry is operating under stress condition further load parameter and control variable exhibit
Dynamic Model Analysis of aDC Motorin MATLAB
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Abstract In this paper, modeling of aDC motoris performed by using generalized equation in MATLAB and also analysis of its performance through a speed control using Proportional Integral Derivative controller. BasicallyDCmotors have some important application like
Implementation of Solar Based BidirectionalDc - DcConverter with ZVS using PMDCmotor
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Abstract In this project presents a new non conventional energy source based bidirectional dc / dcconverter for transfer the power in both directions. The nonconventional source of solar energy with Maximum Power Point Tracking is used to avoid the demand of electric
Speed Controlling Of PMBLDCMotorUsingDCDCSepic Converter-A Review
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Abstract-This paper presentsDCDCConverter feeding PMBLDCMotordrive is proposed here with adjustable speed operation for low power application.DCDCConverter provide controlledDCvoltage to the PMBLDCMotordrive for an uncontrolledDCoutput of a single
Design and Development of Embedded System forDC MotorSpeed Characterization using Fast Fourier Transform
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Abstract This paper describes an automated vibration basedDC motorspeed characterization system using Frequency Domain Technique (FFT). These sensitive applications require high precision and high speed of response. The system has been
A Novel of Tuned GA and Tuned PSO Neuro Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Speed Control of BrushlessDC Motor
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Abstract: This paper presents a comparative study of Generic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique for determining the optimal parameters of (PID) Neuro Fuzzy controller for speed control of a brushlessDC motor(BLDC) where the (BLDC)motor
Analytical Description ofDc Motorwith Determination of Rotor Damping Constant (Β) Of 12vDc Motor
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--------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT----------------------------------------------------- ----- DC motoras an electric machine have been applied in numerous control systems. However, a critical parameter of interest that must be evaluated in designing aDC motor
Modelling and Simulation of Speed Control ofDCShuntMotorusing PID Controller
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Abstract: This paper represent simulation of constant speeddc motorusing MOSFET. A review study of importance of proportional integral derivative (PID) controller for speed control ofdc motoris done. Many industrial applications require high performance rotating
A Review ofDC MotorSpeed Control Using Various Conventional Controllers
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Abstract:DCmotors are used extensively in adjustable-speed drives and position control applications. Their speeds below the base speed can be controlled by armature-voltage control. Speeds above the base speed are obtained by field-flux control.DC motorhas been
Designing An Efficient Three Phase BrushlessDc MotorFuzzy Control Systems (BLDCM)
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Abstract In this paper presented a model of three phase BLDCmotor . Also presented the construction and operation also derived the state space model of brushlessDc motor . Matlab/simulink models are derived to observed and analyzed the dynamic characteristics of
Intelligent Monitoring forDC MotorPerformance Based on FPGA
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a fault monitoring ofDCmotors. A neural network is prepared to processes the inputs parametersmotorspeed and currentcollected from sensors and delivers condition states of theDCmotorsgood, fair or bad . FPGA Spartan 3
Direct Torque Control of BrushlessDC Motorwith Non-sinusoidal Back-EMF
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Abstract In this paper, a direct torque control (DTC) technique for brushlessdc(BLDC) motors with non-sinusoidal back-EMF operating in the constant torque region is presented. This approach introduces a two-phase conduction mode as opposed to the conventional
Intelligent Control for LaboratoryDC Motor
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Abstract-This paper presents the design of a fuzzy PD controller for laboratoryDC motor(MS 150 Kit) to minimize the tracking error in applications. The Fuzzy PD controller was simulated and the responses obtained when compared with a conventional PD controller
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ABSTRACT This paper presents is to design the prototype model for controlling the devices at home, in industries, medical and robotics using mobile phone based on the android platform. The project objective is to control the speed ofDC motorusing available android
H BridgeDC MotorDriver Design and Implementation with Using dsPIC30f4011
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ABSTRACT: TodayDCmotors are used commonly at lots of electrical application.DCdrive systems are often used in many industrial applications such as robotics, actuation and manipulators. These motors are easy to drive, fully controllable and readily available in all
A performance comparison of nonlinear and linear control for aDCseriesmotor
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Abstract The aim of this article is to compare the performance of linear and non-linear control in the case of a series woundDC motor . The research was focused on determining when the differences in the performance between these controllers are significant. The comparison
Detection and Estimation of Slip Effect on the Parameters ofDC MotorMounted on Commuter Rail using Kalman Filter: A Feasibility
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Abstract: The paper proposes the technique of detection and estimation of slip by using parameters ofmotorsuch as torque and current for a locomotive system. Themotoris used for controlling wheel-set motion mounted on each axle of the rail. As the track condition
A Data-Driven Sigmoid-based PI Controller for Buck-Converter PoweredDC Motor
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Abstract This paper presents a novel data-driven sigmoidbased PI for tracking of angular velocity ofdc motorpowered by adc / dcbuck converter. A global simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (GSPSA) is employed to find the optimum sigmoid-based PI
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ABSTRACTDCmotors are extremely used where extensive speed control range is required. This paper presents speed control ofDC motorusing different controlling schemes-PI, PID and IP. Here we have analyzed their transient behavior for controlling speed ofdc motor . PI
Control ofDC Motorby SFS/PID Approach and A Comparative Study
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ABSTRACT The velocity control ofDC motoris an essential case as less settling time and overshoot are desired. This work presents control ofDC motorwith tuning of proportional integral-derivative (PID) controller by Stochastic Fractal Search (SFS) algorithm. Fractal
Comparison of Performance Measures of Speed Control for aDC Motorusing Fuzzy Logic Controller and Optimal LQR Controller
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Abstract This paper contains, performance of fuzzy controllers which evaluated and compared. It also describes the speed control based on Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) technique. The comparison is based on their ability of controlling the speed ofDC motor ,
Efficient Fractional Feedback Speed Controller inDC MotorUsing FOPID Fed with PSO
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Abstract: In this paper, we introduced the much efficientdc motorspeed Controller by using fractional feedback FOPID method. in simple PID we can change only gains of the proportional, derivative and integral controller. In FOPID method there are two more variable
A New Three-Phase Current Modulation Method to Suppress the Commutation Torque Ripple of BrushlessDC Motor
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Abstract The brushlessDC motorscommutation torque ripple is caused by inconsistency in the rate of phase current change. Thus, a method that considers armature resistance is proposed to modulate phase current. The three-phase control strategy, which involves the
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ABSTRACT The Navys future and near-term high-energy sensors and energy weapons will consume a large portion of the resources of the intended ship platform. Many of these new systems will have extreme dynamic power profiles, including both periodic and aperiodic
Sliding mode observer and controller for Performance improvement of BrushlessDC Motor
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Abstract The present paper proposes a control scheme comprising of a new sliding mode controller (SMC) with sliding mode observer (SMO) for improved performance of a Brushless DC(BLDC)motor . The SMO is used to estimate rotor speed and rotor position using terminal
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ABSTRACT: The generalized methodology allows multiphase SDSRs to be designed to replace the multiphase diode rectifiers. Unlike the traditional SR that is designed for high frequency power converters, the SDSR proposed here can be a direct replacement of the
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ABSTRACT Today Fuzzy logic Controllers have become one of the most successful controllers for developing sophisticated control systems. Fuzzy logic resembles human decision making with ability for generating precise solutions from certain or approximate
A Novel Approach for Three-Phase V/f InductionMotorDrives EmployingDC -Link Modulation and AC Chopper
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Abstract This paper proposes a new topology for ac-to-ac power conversion which is a three-stage conversion. It comprises of a diode rectifier (ac-to- dc ), a buck-boost converter ( dc -to- dc ) and an H-bridge inverter ( dc -to-ac) working as an ac chopper. The topology works
By Matthew J. DeGaetano,DCand Steve Baek,DCCertified in Personal Injury A National Action Plan for Child Injury Prevention:Motorvehicle crashes kill
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Children are particularly prone to seat belt injury because neither the car seat nor the seat belt/shoulder harness was designed to fit them optimally. Numerous pediatric injuries have been reported and often the most serious are spinal injuries (148,149,162-171), with the
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Abstract: Afuel-electric hybrid carorhybrid electric vehicleis a vehicle which depends on not only on batteries but also on an internal ignition engine which drives a generator to provide the electricity and may also drive a wheel. It has great benefits over the previously used CSE PROJECTS