dc power
Topology investigation for front end DC / DC power conversion for distributed power system
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With the fast advance in VLSI technology, smaller, more powerful digital system is available. It requires power supply with higher power density, lower profile and higher efficiency. PWM topologies have been widely used for this application. Unfortunately, hold up time
Nonlinear PI controller design for switchmode DC -to- DC power converters
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In this article, extended linearization techniques are proposed for the design of nonlinear proportional-integral (Pl) controllers stabilizing, to a constant value, the average output voltage of pulse-width modulation (PWM) switch-regulated dc -to- dc converters. The Ziegler
DC distributed power systems
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Renewable energy systems are likely to become wide spread in the future due to environmental demands. As a consequence of the dispersed nature of renewable energy systems, this implies that there will be a distributed generation of electric power . Since most
DC power for improved data center efficiency
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The mission of data centers in use today calls for them to be much more energy intensive than other office buildings. Recent reports prepared by this project team for the California Energy Commission estimated that the US annual energy consumption by the equipment in ABSTRACT Predictive Gate Drive? is a novel digital control-driven technique that optimizes MOSFET turn-on and turn-off delays in synchronous rectifiers. It uses a closed loop feedback system to detect body-diode conduction, and continuously adjusts dead-time delays to
DC power flow in unit commitment models
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Unit commitment models determine the optimal scheduling of a given set of power plants in order to meet the electricity demand. Unit commitment models are purely operational models, minimizing the total system costs (eg, fuel costs, CO2 emission costs, start-up costs)
Application aspects of multiterminal DC power transmission
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Multiterminal dc systerns have been studied and discussed for many years. However, only recently have such systems been actually implementedi. Four systems are presented in this paper: 1) Nelson River, a double-bipole four-terminal system; 2) Pacific HVdc Intertie, a
Stability analysis methodologies for DC power distribution systems
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Power electronics based zonal dc power distribution systems are being considered for future Navy ships. The stability of dc power electronics based power distribution systems, and in particular dc systems, is a significant design consideration because of the potential for
Synthesis of PWM and quasi-resonant DC -to- DC power converters
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Synthesis of DC -to- DC converter topologies in the two largest families-PWM and Quasi- Resonant (QR)-is completed in this thesis In a PWM converter, two linear time-invariant networks, consisting of only capacitors and inductors, source and load, are switched at
On passivity-based sliding mode control of switched DC -to- DC power converters
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In this paper we propose to incorporate, into the sliding mode controller design for the regulation of dc -todc power converters of the Boost type, the energy dissipation and passivity properties of the switchregulated system. It is announced that for the traditional
High-frequency soft-switching dc - dc converters for voltage and current dc power sources
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The paper presents soft switching PWM DC - DC converters using power MOSFETs and IGBTs. The attention is focused mainly on the full-bridge converters suitable for high power applications. The properties of the PWM converters are described in comparison to other
A quantitative comparison of high efficiency ac vs. dc power distribution for data centers
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This paper presents a detailed quantitative efficiency comparison between the most efficient DC and AC power distribution methods, including an analysis of the effects of power distribution efficiency on the cooling power requirement and on total electrical consumption
AC vs. DC power distribution for data centers
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DC power distribution has been proposed as an alternative to AC power distribution in data centers, but misinformation and conflicting claims have confused the discussion. A detailed analysis and model show that many of the benefits commonly stated for DC distribution are
Evaluating the opportunity for DC power in the data center
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With data center managers struggling to increase efficiency while maintaining or improving availability, every system in the data center is being evaluated in terms of its impact on these two critical requirements. The power system has proven to be one of the more difficult
Use of synchronized phasor measurement system for enhancing AC- DC power system transmission reliability and capability
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This paper is discussing the use of Synchronized Phasor Measurement Technology, which is now being used for monitoring power system status and dynamic transient event recording at Southern California Edison (SCE). This system is expected to enhance AC- DC
Autonomous local control in distributed DC power systems
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This dissertation investigates local control techniques that are applied to individual components in a dc power system. These local controls operate autonomously using locally obtained information, sensed at their respective components. Yet, they contribute to overall
DC power distribution for server farms
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Data centers, also known as server farms, are already storing most of the worlds digital information. The availability of this data is of crucial importance to data center customers as an unreliable data service will not survive the fierce competition. A reliable power supply
Bipolar pulsed- DC power supply for magnetron sputtering and thin films synthesis
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A pulsed- dc power supply has been designed and constructed for use in a magnetron sputtering system and for thin film synthesis. The power supply consists of three major parts:(1) two high voltage direct current ( dc ) power supplies utilizing a phase control circuit
Functional decomposition of a medium voltage DC integrated power system
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Page 1. Functional Decomposition of a Medium Voltage DC Integrated Power System ASNE SYMPOSIUM 2008 SHIPBUILDING IN SUPPORT OF THE GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM April 14-1 2008 Mississippi Coast Coliseum Convention Center CAPT Norbert Doerry Technical
DC - DC power conversions and system design considerations for battery operated system
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The demand for portable devices such as cellular phones, PDAs, MP3 players and portable DVD players has grown significantly during the last few years. The portable devices usually include a variety of loads including LCD display, memories, mini microprocessor, Universal