ddos distributed denial of service IEEE PAPER, IEEE PROJECT
Distributed denial-of-service attacks target websites and online services. The aim is to overwhelm them with more traffic than the server or network can accommodate. The goal is to render the website or service inoperable.
On the Feasibility of Rerouting-based DDoS Defenses
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Large botnet-based flooding attacks have recently demonstrated unprecedented damage. However, the best-known end-to-end availability guarantees against flooding attacks require costly global-scale coordination among autonomous systems (ASes). A recent proposal
Impact of Successful DDoS Attacks on a Major Crypto-currency Exchange
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Distributed Denial of Service ( DDoS ) attacks provide an easy option for these criminals to disrupt the business of these online platforms. We analyse the economic impact of DDoS attacks on a crypto-currency exchange using event analysis. Our contributions are fourfold
Critical Analysis of various techniques of DDOS attack and formation to efficient techniques
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Cloud computing data centers have become one of the most important infrastructures in the big-data era. When considering the security of data centers, distributed denial of service ( DDoS ) attacks are one of the most serious problems. This paper focused on five different
An Experiment with DDoS Attack on NodeMCU12e Devices for IoT with T50 Kali Linux
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This paper presents the results of an experiment with the Kali Linux operating system and T50 tool to simulate Distributed Denial of Service ( DDoS ) attacks on the NodeMCU12e controller device used in Internet of Things (IoT) projects. The motivation for the
DDoS Detection Using Deep Neural Networks on Packet Flows
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Abstract Machine Learning algorithms have proven to be highly useful in industry by solving detection problems. Medical diseases and fraud credit card transactions are two examples of use cases for this technology. One of the hardest problems to solve, in cybersecurity, is
Dynamically Selecting Defenses to DDoS for DNS (extended)
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Distributed Denial-of-Service ( DDoS ) attacks exhaust resources, leaving a server unavailable to legitimate clients. The Domain Name System (DNS) is frequently the target of DDoS attacks, and its connectionless communication makes it an easy target for spoofing
Poseidon: Mitigating Volumetric DDoS Attacks with Programmable Switches
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Distributed Denial-of-Service ( DDoS ) attacks have become a critical threat to the Internet. Due to the increasing number of vulnerable Internet of Things (IoT) devices, attackers can easily compromise a large set of nodes and launch highvolume DDoS attacks from the
DOTS Y. Hayashi Internet-Draft NTT Intended status: Informational K. Nishizuka Expires: January 2020 NTT Communications
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This document describes a DDoS mitigation offload use case and DOTS deployment consideration of the use case. This use case assumes that a DMS ( DDoS Mitigation System) whose utilization rate is high sends its blocked traffic information to an orchestrator using
Poster: Collecting Contextual Information About a DDoS Attack Event Using Google Alerts
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Distributed Denial of Service ( DDoS ) attacks lead to massive economic damages to victims. In most cases, the damage caused is dictated by the circumstances surrounding the attack (ie context). One of the ways of collecting information on the context of an attack can
Systematic literature review and taxonomy for DDoS attack detection and prediction
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Distributed denial of service ( DDoS ) attack has been significantly discussed in the computer security domain, particularly due to the damaging effects it causes to organisations assets. However, it confronts the challenge under massive growth of internet user traffic and
A Survey on Mitigation Techniques against DDoS Attacks on Cloud Computing Architecture
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Abstract Service availability is one of the most important aspects of cloud environments. The threat to availability of Distributed Denial of Service ( DDoS ) attacks plays an important role when designing the security architecture. A successful DDoS attack might result in service
A New Distributed Denial-of-Service ( DDoS ) Attacks Detection System Combining Multistage Auto-Encoders with Radial Basis Function (RBF)
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Distributed denials of service ( DDOS ) attack have strong impact on the cyber world. As far as cyber-attack is concerned that it halts the normal functioning of the organization by Internet protocol (IP) spoofing, bandwidth overflow, consuming memory resources and causes a
A Deep Learning Approach Combining Auto-encoder with One-class SVM for DDoS Attack Detection in SDNs
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Software Defined Networking (SDN) provides us with the capability of collecting network traffic information and managing networks proactively. Therefore, SDN facilitates the promotion of more robust and secure networks. Recently, several Machine Learning
Scheduling DDoS Cloud Scrubbing in ISP Networks via Randomized Online Auctions
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While both Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and third-party Security Service Providers (SSPs) offer Distributed Denial-of-Service ( DDoS ) mitigation services through cloud-based scrubbing centers, it is often beneficial for ISPs to outsource part of the traffic scrubbing to
Combination of KNN and Time Series to Detect DDoS Attacks in Software-Defined Networks
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ABSTRACT For Distributed Denial of Service ( DDoS ) attacks, they can easily make networking system out of resources due to responses to malicious hosts and then the system cannot provide normal service any more. Even the new architecture of Software Defined
Detection and mitigation of DDoS attack in cloud computing using machine learning algorithm
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Cloud computing, with its staggering and on-demand services had revamped the technology so far. Cloud consumers are freely to use the applications and software on the premises of Pay-as-you go concept. This concept decreased the cost and make the services less
Impact analysis of SYN flood DDoS attack on HAProxy and NLB cluster-based web servers
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In recent, the high available internet service is the main demand of most people. However, online services occasionally become inaccessible due to various threats and attacks. Synchronization (SYN) flood distributed denial of service ( DDoS ) is the most used and has a
An Intelligent and Time-Efficient DDoS Identification Framework for Real-Time Enterprise Networks
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Enterprise networks face a magnitude of threats that are managed and mitigated with a combination of proprietary and third-party security tools and services. However, the techniques and principles employed by the said tools, techniques and services are quite
A Novel Method For DDoS Attack Prevention In Wireless Network Using QoS Oriented Distributed Routing Protocol (QOD)
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A Distributed Denial-of-Service ( DDoS ) is an attack in which attackers generate a huge amount of message to victims by compromised computers (zombies) with the aim of attacker denying normal service or mortifying of the quality of services. The flood of incoming
Detection of Multi-Vector DDoS Attack
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In this current technology driven society, internet has become a basic commodity for every individuals as well as organization. Due to the rapid increase of internet dependency of government offices, private company, or corporate sectors, security has become the main
Deep Learning Method for Prediction of DDoS Attacks on Social Media
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Recently, data collected from social media enable to analyze social events and make predictions about real events, based on the analysis of sentiments and opinions of users. Most cyber-attacks are carried out by hackers on the basis of discussions on social media
Corrigendum to Flow Correlation Degree Optimization Driven Random Forest for Detecting DDoS Attacks in Cloud Computing
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Jieren Cheng 3 Mengyang Li 2 Xiangyan Tang 2 Victor S. Sheng4 Yifu Liu 2 and Wei Guo 2 1 Key Laboratory of Internet Information Retrieval of Hainan Province, Hainan University, Haikou 57022 China 2College of Information Science and Technology, Hainan
A new framework to alleviate DDoS vulnerabilities in cloud computing.
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In the communication age, the Internet has growing very fast and most industries rely on it. An essential part of Internet, Web applications like online booking, e-banking, online shopping, and e-learning plays a vital role in everyday life. Enhancements have been made Software-defined networking (SDN) is an approach in the network that provides many advantages with the help of separating the intelligence of the network (controller) with the underlying network infrastructure (data plane). But this isolation also gives birth to many CSE PROJECTS